Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Mgr. Jakub Cigán, 5th of December 1982, Bratislava, married
- Department
- Department for the Study of Religions
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Arne Nováka 1
602 00
- Department for the Study of Religions
- Employment - Position
- Assistant professor
- Research Fellow LEVYNA (Laboratory for Experimental Research of Religion)
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2009 - 2014: Ph.D.'s degree study, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- Study of religions
- 2006 - 2009: Master´s degree study, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- Study of religions
- MA thesis: Thinking of Conversion. Religious Conversion and Its Study in Perspective of Cognitive Science
- 2005 - 2006: Bachelor´s degree study, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- Study of Religions
- BA thesis: Conversion, its typology and structure
- 2002 - 2005: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava
- Study of Religions
- 1998 - 2002: Gymnasium, Hubeného 23, Bratislava
- Teaching Activities
- RLA13 Introduction to Research Methodology in the Study of Religions
- RLA66 Current Theories in the Study of Religions I
- RLA25 Religion in Cognitive/Psychological Perspectives
- RLB31 Sociology of Religion
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Fields of interest
- Cognitive Science of Religion
- New religious movements
- Theory and Methodology of Study of religions
- Anthropology of relgion
- Research Grants
- Dean´s Grant Foundation, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- 2010 - Theoretical and methodological issues in the conversion studies and cognitive science of religion MUNI/21/CIG/2010
- Conferences
- 2009 - „Meaning in Religion, Cognition and Culture“, Aarhus, Denmark, 28th – 29th of May, paper: „Religious Conversion – some critical remarks“.
- 2009 - „Loose Ends in the Cognitive Study of Religion and Culture“, Brno, Czech Republic, 6th – 7th of September, paper: „Convert´s Memories – what can they tell us about religious conversion“
- 2010 - "Kognice 2010: Reprezentace významu", Prague, Czech Republic, 16th - 17th of September), paper: "Religious ideas and religious conversion: potentialities and pitfalls"
- 2011 - "New Movements in Religions. Theories and Trends" (The 10th Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), Budapest, Hungary, 18th - 22nd of September, paper: "Chasing a religious conversion"
- 2012 - "Ends and beginnings" (The 11. conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions & Special conference of the International Association for the History of Religions), 23th - 26th of August, paper: "You have to be born again : converting through narrative"
- 2012 - "Homo Experimentalis: Experimental approaches in the study of religion", Brno, Czech Republic, 25th - 27th of October, poster: "Religious conversion as a tool for group affiliation and commitment: ethnographic research report"
- 2012 - "Explaining Religion: Method, Theory & Experiment", Thessaloniki, Greece, 22nd - 24th of November, paper: "Religious conversion as a commitment signal and strategy"
- 2012 - "Past, Present, and Future in the Scientific Study of Religion", Brno, Czech Republic, 1st - 3rd of March, poster: "Religious conversion and group dynamics"
- 2012 - "Biological and Cultural Evolution and Their Interactions", Aarhus, Denmark, 26th - 30th of June, poster: "Connecting through emotional stories"
- 2012 - "Methological Issues in Ethnographic Research of Social Representations", Bratislava, Slovensko, 8th - 9th of November, paper: "...that if you confess with your mouth...": religious conversion as a signal of commitment to group"
- 2013 - "Social Cognition and Religion" (IACSR Workshop), Berlin, Germany, 31st of July, poster: "Abase yourself to convince others: Public Conversion Testimony of In-group and Out-group Converts"
- 2014 - "Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after Twenty-Five Years", Brno, Czech Republic, 20th - 22nd of June, poster: "Other people's gods are watching too: Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour"
- 2014 - "Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after Twenty-Five Years", Brno, Czech Republic, 20th - 22nd of June, poster: "Meditation makes me sick: Meditation and sensitivity to parasympathetic nervous system stimulation"
- 2014 - "The Third International Krakow Study of Religions Symposium: Fields of Research, Method and Perspectives", Krakow, Poland, 27th - 29th of October, paper: "Be(a)ware of their gods: Effects of cross-religious contextual primes on prosocial behavior among Mauritian Catholics"
- 2015 - "Dynamics of Religion: Past & Present" (The 21st World Congress of International Association for the History of Religions), Erfurt, Germany, 23rd - 29th of August, paper: "Experimental study of prosocial behavior in cross-religious settings on Mauritius"
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2011/08/01 – 2011/08/26: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Summer School, DNK
- Kurz Experimental Methods in the Study of Cognition and Culture
- 2011/08/01 – 2011/08/26: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Summer School, DNK
- Activities Outside University
- 2008 - : Co-founder of "Czech society for cognitive study of culture"
- Public lectures
- 2009 - „Religious conversionas evolutionary adaptation?“ (Czech society for cognitive study of culture), Faculty of Arts Masaryk University, Brno
- Major Publications
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Jan KRÁTKÝ, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Martin LANG and Peter MAŇO. Ritual Explained? Some Issues and Challenges for the Cognitive and Evolutionary Study of Rituals. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing Ltd, 2024. ISSN 2049-7555. Available from: URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Conflict and resilience in the experimental research. In 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions : "Nature, Ecology, and Religious Responses to Climate Change", University of Gothenburg, Sweden, August 19-23, 2024. 2024. URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Conversion experience unbounded and standardized: How the autobiographical remembering enables the affiliation process. 2022. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Explaining religious conversion in cognitive and evolutionary sciences of religion (CESR). 2022. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Public conversion testimonies and group commitment. 2022. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Patterns of schism : Phylogenetic modeling of religions. In 14th ISORECEA conference: Religion on the Periphery. 2021. URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Hearing Voices, Epilepsy, and Religious Experience. McCauley and Graham’s New Solutions to Old Problems. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion. Sheffield (UK): Equinox Publishing Ltd, 2021, vol. 7, No 1, p. 85-93. ISSN 2049-7555. Available from: URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Remembering and displaying conversion. In Material and Visual Aspects of Rituals: An Interdisciplinary Workshop. 2020. info
- EJOVA, Anastasia, Oliver SHEEHAN, Simon J GREENHILL, Jakub CIGÁN, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Jan KRÁTKÝ, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Joseph WATTS, Remco BOUCKAERT, Quentin D. ATKINSON, Joseph BULBULIA and Russell D. GRAY. The evolution of global religions. In 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), 25.-29. 06. 2019 , Tartu, Estonia. 2019. URL info
- EJOVA, Anastasia, Jan KRÁTKÝ, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Radek KUNDT, Jakub CIGÁN, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Joseph BULBULIA and Russell D. GRAY. Awe’s effects on prosociality require analysis over time. In 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR); Tartu, 25-29 June 2019. 2019. URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub and Peter MAŇO. "Prečo veríme?" Vystoupení v pořadu Experiment ("Why do we believe?" Appearance in the show "Experiment"). Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (RTVS), 2019. URL info
- XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Radek KUNDT, Jakub CIGÁN, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ and Martin LANG. Big Gods in small places : the Random Allocation Game in Mauritius. Religion, Brain & Behavior. Routledge, 2018, vol. 8, No 2, p. 243-261. ISSN 2153-599X. Available from: URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Martin KANOVSKÝ, Jan HORSKÝ, Justin Emory LANE and Michaela PORUBANOVÁ. Five moral foundations as nonmoral residuals. An alternative model for MFQ. In Future Directions on the Evolution of Rituals, Beliefs, and Religious Minds. 2018. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Martin KANOVSKÝ, Jan HORSKÝ, Justin Emory LANE and Michaela PORUBANOVÁ. Five moral foundations in trouble: an alternative model for MFQ. In 7th biennial meeting of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion. 2018. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Anastasia EJOVA, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Jan KRÁTKÝ, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ and Joseph BULBULIA. Úžas, náboženství a prosociální chování (Awe, religion, and prosocial behaviour). In 17. konference psychosomatické medicíny. 2018. info
- KOTHEROVÁ, Silvie, Jakub CIGÁN, Paul REDDISH and Michaela PORUBANOVÁ. Meditace a narušení vnímaní těla (Meditation and disruption in body perception). In 17. konference psychosomatické medicíny. 2018. info
- XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Jakub CIGÁN, Radek KUNDT, Peter MAŇO, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT and Martin KANOVSKÝ. Location, location, location : Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. Hillsdale: Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, vol. 26, No 4, p. 304-319. ISSN 1050-8619. Available from: URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Milan SEPŠI, Lenka KRAJČÍKOVÁ and Mária HOLICKÁ. Meditation makes me sick: Meditation and sensitivity to parasympathetic nervous system. In MUR: MÓZG – UMYSŁ – RELIGIA, Krakow, 28.2-1.3.2015. 2015. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT, Martin KANOVSKÝ and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Experimental study of prosocial behavior in cross-religious settings on Mauritius. In XXI Quinquennial World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Erfurt, 23-29 August 2015. 2015. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT and Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Be(a)ware of their gods: Effects of cross-religious contextual primes on prosocial behavior among Mauritian Catholics. In The Third International Krakow Study of Religions Symposium Religions: fields of research, method and perspectives, Krakow, 27-29 October 2014. 2014. info
- KOTHEROVÁ, Silvie, Jakub CIGÁN, Milan SEPŠI, Lenka KRAJČÍKOVÁ, Mária HOLICKÁ and Jiří JARKOVSKÝ. Meditation makes me sick: Meditation and sensitivity to parasympathetic nervous system stimulation. In Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after 25 Years, Brno, 20. - 22. červen 2014. 2014. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub and Tomáš HAMPEJS. Náboženské představy a jejich přenos: od mysli a obsahu k tělu a kontextu (Religious ideas and their transmission: from mind and content to body and context). Pantheon: religionistický časopis. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2014, vol. 9, No 1, p. 113-138. ISSN 1803-2443. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Conversion. In Anne L. C. Runehov & Lluis Oviedo. Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, p. 502-506. ISBN 978-1-4020-8264-1. URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Náboženská konverzia ako kolektívne rozpomínanie (Religious Conversion as Collective Remembering). Sociální studia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, roč. 10, č. 2, p. 63-83. ISSN 1214-813X. URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Abase yourself to convince others : Public Conversion Testimony of In-group and Out-group Converts. In IACSR Workshop: "Social Cognition and Religion", Berlin, 31.7.2013. 2013. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. You have to be born again : converting through narrative. In Ends and beginnings. The 11th Annual Conference of the EASR. The Special Conference of the IAHR, Stockholm, 23-26 August 2012. 2012. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Religious conversion as a tool for group affiliation and commitment : ethnographic research report. In Homo Experimentalis : Experimental approaches in the study of religion, Brno, 25-27 October 2012. 2012. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Connecting through emotional stories. In Biological and Cultural Evolution and Their Interactions. 2012. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Religious conversion and group dynamics. In Past, present, and future in the scientific study of religion, Brno, 1-3 March 2012. 2012. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Religious conversion as a commitment signal and strategy. In Explaining Religion: Method, Theory & Experiment. 2012. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. „...ak svojimi ústami vyznáš...“: náboženská konverzia ako signál oddanosti skupine ("...that if you confess with your mouth...": religious conversion as a signal of commitment to group). In Metodologické problémy v etnografickom výskume sociálnych reprezentácií, Ústav etnológie Slovenskej akadémie vied. 2012. info
- BRÁZDA, Radim, Jakub CIGÁN, Zdeňka JASTRZEMBSKÁ, Lukáš HODER, Eva KLOCOVÁ, M KOZLOVÁ, J OSIČKA and J VOTAVA. Společenské vědy pro střední školy - 4. díl (pracovní sešit). Brno: Didaktis, 2011, 104 pp. ISBN 978-80-7358-176-3. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Pamäť a náboženská afiliácia: o čom nám hovoria spomienky konvertitu? (Memory and religious affiliation: What convert´s memories can tell us about religious conversion?). Sacra. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011, roč. 8, č. 1, p. 34-53. ISSN 1214-5351. On-line archiv časopisu info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Chasing a religious conversion. In Conference of European Association for the Study of Religions: "New Movements in Religions. Theories and Trends". 2011. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Islám. In BRÁZDA, Radim, Jakub CIGÁN, Zdeňka JASTRZEMBSKÁ, Lukáš HODER, Eva KLOCOVÁ, M KOZLOVÁ, J OSIČKA a J VOTAVA. Společenské vědy pro střední školy - 4. díl (pracovní sešit). Brno: DIDAKTIS, 2011, p. 56. ISBN 978-80-7358-176-3. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Hinduismus. In BRÁZDA, Radim, Jakub CIGÁN, Zdeňka JASTRZEMBSKÁ, Lukáš HODER, Eva KLOCOVÁ, M KOZLOVÁ, J OSIČKA a J VOTAVA. Společenské vědy pro střední školy - 4. díl (pracovní sešit). Brno: DIDAKTIS, 2011, p. 57. ISBN 978-80-7358-176-3. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Buddhismus. In BRÁZDA, Radim, Jakub CIGÁN, Zdeňka JASTRZEMBSKÁ, Lukáš HODER, Eva KLOCOVÁ, M KOZLOVÁ, J OSIČKA a J VOTAVA. Společenské vědy pro střední školy - 4. díl (pracovní sešit). Brno: DIDAKTIS, 2011, p. 58. ISBN 978-80-7358-176-3. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Nová náboženská hnutí a sekty. In BRÁZDA, Radim, Jakub CIGÁN, Zdeňka JASTRZEMBSKÁ, Lukáš HODER, Eva KLOCOVÁ, M KOZLOVÁ, J OSIČKA a J VOTAVA. Společenské vědy pro střední školy - 4. díl (pracovní sešit). Brno: DIDAKTIS, 2011, p. 59. ISBN 978-80-7358-176-3. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub. Metafora racionality náboženskej konverzie (Metaphor of religious conversion rationality). In Dušan Lužný, David Václavík a kol. Individualizace náboženství a identita. Poznámky k současné sociologii náboženství. 1st ed. Praha: Malvern, 2010, p. 176-202. ISBN 978-80-86702-69-8. info
Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Jakub Cigán, Ph.D. (učo 165684), version: English(1), last update: 2016/02/10 00:04, J. Cigán
Another Variant: Czech(1)