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Curriculum Vitae

Research Activities
  • Static analysis of programs, focused especially (though not only) on programs with pointers and dynamic data structures, concurrency, performance analysis, or applications in compilers.
  • Formal analysis and verification, especially for parametric and infinite-state systems, or high-level specifications and models of embedded systems.
  • Dynamic analysis and testing, particularly for concurrent programs and performance analysis.
  • Automata, logics and their decision procedures, logic programming – for verification and beyond.
    Publications – records extended with additional information and links
    Publications at DBLP
    Record at Google Scholar
    ha-index: 83
Education and Academic Qualification
Working Experience
Awards and Recognition by the Community
Programme Committees of Conferences and Other Similar Committees
  • Memberships in PCs of conferences/workshops.
  • Editorial board of the STTT journal, Springer, area Competitions and Challenges, since 12/2021.
  • Co-chairing (with Lijun Zhang) of the PC of TACAS'19 – 25th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Prague, Czechia, 2019.
  • Co-chairing the 13th Alpine Verification Meeting – AVM'19, Brno, Czechia, 2019.
  • Chair of the SV-COMP 2018: 7th International Competition on Software Verification.
  • Workshop Chair at CAV'10 – 22nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification, FLoC 2010, Edinburgh, UK.
  • PC co-chair (with Peter Habermehl) of INFINITY'08 – 10th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, Toronto, Canada.
  • Editorial board of the CAI journal, since 2/2005.
  • Steering Committee Chair of MEMICS – Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science, Czechia, till 2016.
Free Time
  • Back-country skiing, mountains, trying to learn how to dance :).


Curriculum Vitae: prof. Ing. Tomáš Vojnar, Ph.D. (učo 134390), version: English(1), last update: 2024/09/17 21:33, T. Vojnar

Another Variant: Czech(1)