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Curriculum vitae

Jolana Navrátilová
  • born in 1973 in Valtice (Břeclav)
  • 1998: Master degree, sociology and English language and literature, Mgr., "Cyberpunk in the work of William Gibson and its contribution to social theories" (in Czech), School of Social Studies at MU Brno
List of Occupations
  • since 1996: translating from/to English (freelance): Nyxia trilogy & Ashlords by S. Reitgen, novels by N. Barelli & J. Bailey, Know my name by C. Miller, Short History of Buddhism by E. Conze, academic texts, etc.
  • since Sept 2021: managing assistant for the DISSINET project, Centre for the Digital Research of Religion, Faculty of Arts MU
  • Feb - Sept 2020: project management assistant for the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs
  • March 2019 - March 2020: gender expert for Technology Agency of CR project
  • March 2018 - Jan 2019: head of strategic partnerships at the Office for External Relations and Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University
  • 2004-2017: assistant for international relations at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
  • August 2002 - April 2003: coordinator of gender activites at NESEHNTUTI Brno (NGO: ecology, human rights)
  • 2001-2002: teaching English at Evangelická akademie (College of Social Work and Law) Brno
  • 1994: teaching English at elementary school
Teaching (as a doctoral student)
  • spring 2000: Youth subcultures and their sociological study
  • autumn 1999, 2001: Introduction into sociology - seminar group
  • spring 1999: Contemporary sociological theory - seminar group
Professional Stays & Training
  • November 2018: Staffordshire University, Erasmus staff training - on employability
  • June 2017: University of Cyprus, Erasmus staff training
  • October 2015: presentation of "Cooperation in Joint Degree Programs", University of Haifa, Israel
  • November 2015, May-June 2016: University of Sarajevo, Erasmus Mundus staff training
  • June 2014: Jÿvaskÿla Yliopisto, Erasmus staff training
  • January 2014: JOI Week - International Partnership Forum at Universität Leipzig
  • June 2013: Eötvos Loránd Tudományegyetem, Erasmus staff training
  • June 2012: Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Erasmus staff training
  • February 2011: Inholland Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Erasmus staff training
  • April 2010: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland, Erasmus staff training
  • March 2008: Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia, Erasmus staff training
  • September-December 2000: University of Toronto, Centre for Russian and East European Studies
  • April 2000: Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Inclusion and Exclusion in Contemporary European Societies (April, 10-17)
Other University Activities
  • since 2017: committee member of MUNI Alumni Association
  • 2014: member of vice-rector's committee for internationalization
  • 2011 - 2013: assistance in the preparations of the International Joint Master's Degree in Cultural Sociology, double degree in European Governance, and the International Relations. Europe from the Visegrad Perspective joint degree program
  • between 2001 and 2008: work for the Gender centre and Child Care project at FSS MU
Freetime Activities and Interests
  • cooperation with QueerGeography think tank (, and in the past with other NGOs: Queer parade Brno, LGBT association Holky v Brně, Gender information centre NORA, STUD and NESEHNUTÍ
  • walking, reading about Medieval history, DIY, gardening
Selected Publications
  • NAVRÁTILOVÁ, Jolana. International Teaching - An Important Task for the IRO. In Jos Beelen, Anne Boddington, Birgit Bruns, Martin Glogar, Carlos Machado. Guide of Good Practices TEMPUS CORINTHIAM. Project No. 195186-2009-1-BE-SMGR. 2013, p. 315-322. ISBN 978-84-695-6409-7. info
  • MOŽNÝ, Ivo, Zbyněk VYBÍRAL, Jolana NAVRÁTILOVÁ and Eva POLÁŠKOVÁ. How to Teach Social Sciences? Challenge for 21st Century (international conference). 2005. URL info
  • HUŇKOVÁ, Markéta, Kristýna RYTÍŘOVÁ and Jolana NAVRÁTILOVÁ. Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů v zaměstnání (Equal Opportunities of Women and Men in Employment). 1. vyd. Brno: NESEHNUTÍ Brno, 2003, 22 pp. ISBN 80-903228-1-6. URL info
  • NAVRÁTILOVÁ, Jolana. Donna Haraway a útok na jednotu bez různosti (Donna Haraway and the Attack on Unity without Differences). (Barša, Pavel, ed.). In Sborník prací Fakulty sociálních studií brněnské univerzity. Politika rodu a sexuální identity. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2002, p. 59-66. ISBN 80-210-2834-3. info
  • JARKOVSKÁ, Lucie and Jolana NAVRÁTILOVÁ. Mýtus krásy (The Beauty Myth). (Kateřina Lišková, Jana Tesařová, ed.). In Ženská práva jsou lidská práva. Sborník přednášek ze semináře. 1st ed. Brno: NESEHNUTÍ Brno, 2002, p. 154-161. ISBN 80-903228-0-8. info
  • Zpráva z výzkumu : Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů : ve vybraných českých podnicích 2000-2001. Edited by Kateřina Lišková - Jolana Navrátilová. Brno: Gender centrum, 2002, 85 s. info
  • LUŽNÝ, Dušan and Jolana NAVRÁTILOVÁ. Náboženství a sekularizace v České republice (Religion and Secularization in the Czech Republic). Sociální studia. Brno: FSS MU, 2001, vol. 2001, No 6, p. 111-125, 25 pp. ISSN 1212-365X. info
  • LUŽNÝ, Dušan and Jolana NAVRÁTILOVÁ. Religion and Secularisation in the Czech Republic. Czech Sociological Review. Praha: Academy of Science - IS, 2001, IX., No 1, p. 85-98. ISSN 1210-3861. info
  • NAVRÁTILOVÁ, Jolana, Vít KLEPÁRNÍK and Jan DRAHOKOUPIL. Rovné příležitosti v českých a moravských podnicích. Souhrn doporučení zaměstnavatelům a zaměstnancům. (Equal Opportunities of Women and Men in Selected Czech Companies 2000 - 2001). (ed. Kateřina Lišková a kol.). In Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů ve vybraných českých podnicích 2000-2001. 1st ed. Brno: Gender centrum Fakulty sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity, 2001, 49 pp. info
  • NAVRÁTILOVÁ, Jolana. Strauss, Anselm L.: Mirrors and Masks.The Search for Identity. (Recenze). Sociální studia. Fakulta sociálních studií MU Brno, 2000, vol. 5, No 5, p. 229-232. ISSN 1212-365X. info


Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Jolana Navrátilová (učo 22838), version: English(1), last update: 2025/03/04 11:38, J. Navrátilová

Another Variant: Czech(1)