- Identifikace osoby
- prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc. (nar. 1942), vdovec, 2 dcery
- Pracoviště
- Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR Brno, Klášterní 2, 691 42 Valtice
- Oddělení mikrobiologie Ústavu experimentální biologie PřF MU, Tvrdého 14, 602 00 Brno.
- Funkce na pracovišti
- vedoucí katedry mikrobiologie 2000-2004
- vedoucí oddělení medicínské zoologie ÚBO AVČR
- Vzdělání a akademická kvalifikace
- 2007: profesor veterinární mikrobiologie, parazitologie a imunologie, VFU Brno
- 1999: docent mikrobiologie, "Ekologie původců zoonóz a sapronóz", PřF MU Brno
- 1987: DrSc., "Přírodní ohniskovost nákaz virem Bhanja", Ústav systematické a ekologické biologie ČSAV Brno
- 1972: CSc., "Šíření mikromycet volně žijícími ptáky", Parazitologický ústav ČSAV Praha
- 1970: RNDr., "Numerická taxonomie mikrokoků a sarcin", PřF MU Brno
- 1964: prom. biolog, "Problém Sarcina", PřF MU Brno.
- Přehled zaměstnání
- 1999-dosud: Přírodovědecká fakulta MU Brno, Ústav experimentální biologie
- 1998-dosud: Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR Brno, pracoviště Valtice
- 1993-1998: Ústav ekologie krajiny AV ČR Brno, pracoviště Valtice
- 1987-1993: Ústav systematické a ekologické biologie ČSAV Brno, pracoviště Valtice
- 1966-1983: Parazitologický ústav ČSAV Praha, pracoviště Pardubice (do 1969) a Valtice
- 1964-1966: Výzkumný ústav krmivářský Pohořelice
- Pedagogická činnost
- Mikrobiální zoonózy a sapronózy - přednáška 1994-
- Základy mikrobiologie (bakalářské studium) - přednáška 2000-
- Základy práce s odbornými informacemi - přednáška a seminář 2007-
- Vědeckovýzkumná činnost
- Hlavní oblasti vědeckého zaměření:
- ekologie virů a bakterií patogenních pro obratlovce, přenosných krevsajícími členovci; přírodní ohniskovost mikrobiálních nákaz; kryoprezervace mikroorganismů; ekologie obratlovců (zvláště ornitologie).
- Odpovědný řešitel projektů:
- 6. rámcový program EU, EDEN, 2004-09
- GA AVČR A600930611, 2006-08
- GA ČR 206/03/0726, 2003-05
- GA ČR 310/03/Z023, 2003
- GA ČR 206/00/1204, 2000-02
- KONTAKT ME 229 (s Univerzitou v Grazu), 1998-99
- GA AVČR A6087601, 1996-98
- GA ČR 206/96/1060, 1996-97
- GA ČSAV 66901, 1991-93.
- Seznam všech recenzovaných publikací: http://publicationslist.org/zdenek.hubalek
- Akademické stáže
- 1998 (4 týdny): Ústav virologie a environmentální mikrobiologie (NERC Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology), Oxford
- 1994 (4 týdny): Výzkumný veterinární ústav v Edinburghu (Moredun Research Institute)
- 1982 (3 týdny): Ústřední zdravotní ústav (Istituto Superiore di Sanita), Řím
- 1980 (2 týdny): Virologický ústav Univerzity, Helsinki
- 1977-78 (4 měsíce): London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- 1974 (5 týdnů): Ivanovského Institut virologie a Institut poliomyelitidy a virových encefalitid, Moskva
- 1972 (5 týdnů): Gamalejův Institut epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Moskva.
- Universitní aktivity
- Člen Vědecké rady PřF MU, 1999-2003
- Vedoucí katedry mikrobiologie PřF MU, 2000-2004
- Člen komisí PřF pro státní závěrečnou zkoušku biologie obecná - mikrobiologie bakalářského studia
- Předseda či alternující předseda komise pro státní záverečnou zkoušku magisterského a doktorského studia biologie obecná - mikrobiologie, a komise pro státní rigorózní zkoušku biologie obecná - mikrobiologie.
- Mimouniversitní aktivity
- 2007-: předseda Rady Ústavu biologie obratlovců AVČR
- 2001-2004: člen Vědecké rady AVČR
- 1992-1999: člen podoborové komise 206 GA ČR.
- Ocenění vědeckou komunitou
- Cena AVČR 2004 ("Biologie viru West Nile, původce západonilské horečky")
- Bronzová plaketa J.E.Purkyně (zásluhy v biologických vědách), 1988
- 3 odměny kolegia biologie ČSAV za soubory prací: "Botulismus volně žijících ptáků" (1988); "Původci mykóz a další mikroskopické houby u volně žijících ptáků" (1980); "Vrabci rodu Passer a jejich význam ve zdravotnické a zemědělské praxi" (1978).
- Vybrané publikace
- HÁJKOVÁ, Lenka, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, V. KOŽNAROVÁ, L. BARTOŠOVÁ and M. MOŽNÝ. Flowering of allergenically important plant species in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation system and thermal time in the Czech Republic. Aerobiologia. Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, vol. 34, No 2, p. 157-169. ISSN 0393-5965. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10453-017-9504-4. URL info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Oldřich ŠEBESTA, Jan MENDEL, Juraj PEŠKO, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Petra STRAKOVÁ, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. West Nile virus (lineage 2) in mosquitoes in southern Moravia - awaiting the first autochthonous human cases. Čs. epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. Praha: ČSL JEP, 2018, vol. 67, No 1, p. 44-46. ISSN 1210-7913. info
- JOÓ, K, T BAKONYI, O SZENCI, S SÁRDI, E FERENCZI, M BARNA, P MALIK, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, O FEHÉR and O KUTASI. Comparison of assays for the detection of West Nile virus antibodies in equine serum after natural infection or vaccination. Veterinar Immunology and Immunopathology. 2017, vol. 183, p. 1-6. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetimm.2016.10.015. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Ivo RUDOLF. Francisella tularensis prevalence and load in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks in an endemic area in Central Europe. MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ENTOMOLOGY. HOBOKEN: WILEY, 2017, vol. 31, No 2, p. 234-239. ISSN 0269-283X. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mve.12229. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Petra STRAKOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ and Ivo RUDOLF. Serological survey for West Nile virus in wild artiodactyls, southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Vector borne and zoonotic diseases. NEW ROCHELLE: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2017, vol. 17, No 9, p. 654-657. ISSN 1530-3667. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2017.2109. URL info
- KUNO, Goro, John S. MACKENZIE, Sandra JUNGLEN, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Alexander PLYUSNIN and Duane J. GUBLER. Vertebrate reservoirs of arboviruses: Myth, synonym of amplifier, or reality? VIRUSES-BASEL. BASEL: MDPI AG, 2017, vol. 9, No 7, p. 1-28. ISSN 1999-4915. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/v9070185. URL info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ, Petra STRAKOVÁ, Oldřich SEBESTA, Jan MENDEL, Tamas BAKONYI, Francis SCHAFFNER, Norbert NOWOTNY and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. West Nile virus in overwintering mosquitoes, central Europe. PARASITES and VECTORS. LONDON: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2017, vol. 10, No 1, p. 1-4. ISSN 1756-3305. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13071-017-2399-7. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. How sunrise and weather affect timing of rooks (Corvus frugilegus) morning departure from the winter communal roost. Folia Zoologica. Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2017, vol. 66, No 4, p. 227-230. ISSN 0139-7893. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.25225/fozo.v66.i4.a3.2017. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. The North Atlantic Oscillation system and plant phenology. International Journal of Biometeorology. Springer, 2016, vol. 60, No 5, p. 749-756. ISSN 0020-7128. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00484-015-1070-2. info
- VENCLÍKOVÁ, Kristýna, Jan MENDEL, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Petra JEDLIČKOVÁ, Petra STRAKOVÁ, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Ivo RUDOLF. Neglected tick-borne pathogens in the Czech Republic, 2011-2014. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. JENA: ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, 2016, vol. 7, No 1, p. 107-112. ISSN 1877-959X. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2015.09.004. info
- BAKONYI, Tamás, G.K. GAJDON, R. SCHWING, W. VOGL, A.C. HABICH, D. THALLER, H. WEISSENBOCK, Ivo RUDOLF, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and NOWOTNY NORBERT. Chronic West Nile virus infection in kea (Nestor nobilis). Veterinary Microbiology. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 183, p. 135-139. ISSN 0378-1135. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.12.012. URL info
- DUSCHER, GG, A HODŽIĆ, M WEILER, AG VAUX, Ivo RUDOLF, W SIXL, JM MEDLOCK, V VERSTEIRT and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. First report of Rickettsia raoultii in field collected Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from Austria. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases. 2016, vol. 7, No 5, p. 20-22. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2016.02.022. URL info
- HAMŠÍKOVÁ, Z, C SILAGHI, Ivo RUDOLF, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ, L MAHRÍKOVÁ, M SLOVÁK, Jan MENDEL, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, L BERTHOVÁ, E KOCIANOVÁ, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, L SCHNITTGER and M KAZIMÍROVÁ. Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Hepatozoon spp. in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks and rodents from Slovakia and Czech Republic. Parasitology Research. Německo, 2016, vol. 115, No 10, p. 3897-3904. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-016-5156-5. URL info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Vlastimil BISCHOF, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Jan MENDEL, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Michael KOSOY. Molecular survey of arthropod-borne pathogens in sheep keds (Melophagus ovinus), Central Europe. Parasitology Research. New York: Springer, 2016, vol. 115, No 10, p. 3679-3682. ISSN 0932-0113. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-016-5175-2. URL info
- MERTENS, M, I SCHUSTER, MA SAS, Z VATANSEVER, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, E GÜVEN, A DENIZ, G GEORGIEV, R PESHEV and MH GROSCHUP. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in Bulgaria and Turkey. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2016, vol. 16, No 9, p. 619-623. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2016.1944. URL info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Jan MENDEL, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and P. PAROLA. First report of Rickettsia raoultii and Rickettsia helvetica in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from the Czech Republic. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. Jena: Elsevier GmbH, 2016, vol. 7, No 6, p. 1222-1224. ISSN 1877-959X. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2016.07.011. info
- KOLODZIEJEK, Jolanta, Bernhard SEIDEL, Katharina DIMMEL, Michael KOLODZIEJEK, Ivo RUDOLF, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Franz ALLERBERGER, Norbert NOWOTNY and Christof JUNGBAUER. West Nile virus positive blood donation and subsequent entomological investigation, Austria. PLOS ONE. Public Library of Science, 2015, vol. 10, No 5, p. e0126381. ISSN 1932-6203. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0126381. URL info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Tamás BAKONYI, Oldřich SEBESTA, Jan MENDEL, Juraj PESKO, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ, Petra STRAKOVÁ, Norbert NOWOTNY and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Co-circulation of Usutu virus and West Nile virus in a reed bed ecosystem. PARASITES & VECTORS. LONDON: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2015, vol. 8, October, p. "nestránkováno", 5 pp. ISSN 1756-3305. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13071-015-1139-0. info
- STRAKOVÁ, Petra, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Petra JEDLICKOVA, Jiljí SITKO, Ivo RUDOLF and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. The common coot as sentinel species for the presence of West Nile and Usutu flaviviruses in Central Europe. RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. OXFORD: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, 2015, vol. 102, October, p. 159-161. ISSN 0034-5288. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2015.08.002. info
- VRBOVSKÁ, Veronika, P. CHALUPA, Petra STRAKOVÁ, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Ivo RUDOLF. Onemocnění člověka způsobená hantaviry - stále opomíjené zoonózy? (Human hantavirus diseases - still neglected zoonoses?). Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. 2015, vol. 64, No 4, p. 188-196. ISSN 1210-7913. URL info
- VAYSSIER-TAUSSAT, M., Markéta KAZIMÍROVÁ, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Sandor HORNOK, R. FARKAS, J.F. COSSON, S. BONNET, G. VOURCH, P. GASQUI, A.D. MIHALCA, O. PLANTARD, C. SILAGHI, S. CUTLER and A. RIZZOLI. Emerging horizons for tick-borne pathogens: from the "one pathogen-one disease' vision to the pathobiome paradigm. FUTURE MICROBIOLOGY. LONDON: FUTURE MEDICINE LTD, 2015, vol. 10, No 12, p. 2033-2043. ISSN 1746-0913. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.2217/fmb.15.114. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Ivo RUDOLF and Norbert NOWOTNY. Arboviruses pathogenic for domestic and wild animals. (Arboviruses pathogenic for domestic and wild animals). Advances in Virus Research. San Diego, CA, U.S.A.: Academic Press Inc. Elseviser Science, 2014, vol. 89, April, p. 201-275. ISSN 0065-3527. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-800172-1.00005-7. info
- ESTRADA-PEŇA, Agostín, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Ivo RUDOLF. Tick-transmitted viruses and climate change. In S.K. Singh. Viral Infections and Global Change. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2014, p. 573-602. n/a. ISBN 978-1-118-29787-2. info
- VENCLÍKOVÁ, Kristýna, Ivo RUDOLF, Jan MENDEL, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Rickettsiae in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Czech Republic. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases. 2014, vol. 5, No 2, p. 135-138. ISSN 1877-959X. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2013.09.008. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Ivo RUDOLF, Miroslav ČAPEK, Tamás BAKONYI, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ and Norbert NOWOTNY. Usutu virus in blackbirds (Turdus merula), Czech Republic, 2011-2012. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: Wiley - Blackwell, 2014, vol. 61, No 3, p. 273-276. ISSN 1865-1674. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tbed.12025. URL info
- PACHLER, Karin, Karin LEBL, Dominik BERER, Ivo RUDOLF, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Norbert NOWOTNY. Putative New West Nile Virus Lineage in Uranotaenia unguiculata Mosquitoes, Austria, 2013. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014, vol. 20, No 12, p. 2119-2122. ISSN 1080-6040. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid2012.140921. Full Text info
- BRAKS, M., J.M. MEDLOCK, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, M. HJERTQVIST, Y. PERRIN, R. LANCELOT, E. DUCHEYNE, G. HENDRICKX, A. STROO, P. HEYMAN and H. SPRONG. Vector-borne disease intelligence: strategies to deal with disease burden and threats. Frontiers in Public Health. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2014, vol. 2, No 280, p. 1-10. ISSN 2296-2565. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2014.00280. info
- RIZZOLI, A., C. SILAGHI, A. OBIEGALA, Ivo RUDOLF, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, G. FOLDVARI, O. PLANTARD, M. VAYSSIER-TAUSSAT, S. BONNET, E. SPITALSKÁ and M. KAZIMÍROVÁ. Ixodes ricinus and its transmitted pathogens in urban and peri-urban areas in Europe: new hazards and relevance for public health. Frontiers in Public Health. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers in, 2014, vol. 2, No 251, p. 1-15. ISSN 2296-2565. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2014.00251. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Oldřich SEBESTA, Juraj PESKO, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Hana BLAŽEJOVÁ, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ and Ivo RUDOLF. Isolation of Tahyna Virus (California Encephalitis Group) From Anopheles hyrcanus (Diptera, Culicidae), a Mosquito Species New to, and Expanding in, Central Europe. Journal of Medical Entomology. Cary, NC: Oxford Univ Press Inc, 2014, vol. 51, No 6, p. 1264-1267. ISSN 0022-2585. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1603/ME14046. URL info
- SEDLÁČEK, Ivo, Pavla HOLOCHOVÁ, Ivana MAŠLAŇOVÁ, Marcel KOSINA, Cathrin SPRÖER, Hana BRYNDOVÁ, Peter VANDAMME, Ivo RUDOLF, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Pavel ŠVEC. Enterococcus ureilyticus sp. nov. and Enterococcus rotai sp. nov., two urease-producing enterococci from the environment. International Journal of systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2013, vol. 63, No 2, p. 502-510. ISSN 1466-5026. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1099/ijs.0.041152-0. info
- BOCKOVÁ, Eva, Ivo RUDOLF, Alica KOČIŠOVÁ, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Kristýna VENCLÍKOVÁ, Jan MENDEL and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Dirofilaria repens microfilariae in Aedes vexans mosquitoes in Slovakia. Parasitology Research. 2013, vol. 112, No 10, p. 3465-3470. ISSN 0932-0113. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-013-3526-9. info
- RUSHTON, J.O., S. LECOLLINET, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Petra SVOBODOVÁ, H. LUSSY and Norbert NOWOTNY. Tick-borne encephalitis virus in horses. Emerging Infectious Diseases. National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2013, vol. 19, No 4, p. 635-637. ISSN 1080-6040. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Eva LUDVÍKOVÁ, Petr JAHN, František TREML, Ivo RUDOLF, Petra SVOBODOVÁ, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Jozef BÍREŠ, M. MOJŽÍŠ, M. TINÁK, M. BOLDIŽÁR, Gabriela CITSOŇOVÁ and Zuzana STAŠŠÍKOVÁ. West Nile virus equine serosurvey in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2013, vol. 13, No 10, p. 733-738. info
- BÁKONYI, Tamás, Jolanta KOLODZIEJEK, Ivo RUDOLF, R. BERČIČ, Norbert NOWOTNY and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Partial genetic characterization of Sedlec virus (Orthobunyavirus, Bunyaviridae). Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2013, vol. 19, Oct., p. 244-249. info
- RICHTER, Dania, A. DEBSKI, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and F.-R. MATUSCHKA. Absence of Lyme disease spirochetes in larval Ixodes ricinus ticks. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2012, vol. 12, No 1, p. 21-27. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Ivo RUDOLF. Tick-borne viruses in Europe. Parasitology Research. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2012, vol. 111, No 1, p. 9-36. ISSN 0932-0113. info
- ALIOTA, M.T., S.A. JONES, A.P. DUPUIS, A.T. CIOTA, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and L.D. KRAMER. Characterization of Rabensburg virus, a flavivirus closely related to West Nile virus of the Japanese encephalitis antigenic group. PloS ONE. San Francisco: Public Library of Science, 2012, vol. 7, No 6, p. e39387. ISSN 1932-6203. info
- ŠEBESTA, Oldřich, Ivo RUDOLF, Lenka BETÁŠOVÁ, Juraj PEŠKO and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. An invasive mosquito species Aedes albopictus found in the Czech Republic, 2012. Eurosurveillance. Public Library of Science, 2012, vol. 17, No 43, p. 20301. ISSN 0578-5391. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Ivo RUDOLF. Microbial Zoonoses and Sapronoses. 1st ed. Dordrecht-Heidelberg-London-New York: Springer, 2011, 457 pp. ISBN 978-90-481-9656-2. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-9657-9. URL info
- JOURDAIN, E, B OLSEN, A LUNDKVIST, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, J WALDENSTRÖM, M KARLSSON, M WAHLSTRÖM, M JOZAN and KJ FALK. Surveillance for West Nile virus in wild birds from Northern Europe. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. New Rochelle: Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers, 2011, vol. 11, No 1, p. 77-79. ISSN 1530-3667. Available from: https://dx.doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2009.0028. info
- NOVÁKOVÁ, Dana, Roman PANTŮČEK, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Enevold FALSEN, Hans-Juergen BUSSE, Peter SCHUMANN and Ivo SEDLÁČEK. Staphylococcus microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole (Microtus arvalis). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Reading, United Kingdom: Society for General Microbiology, 2010, vol. 60, No 3, p. 566-573. ISSN 1466-5026. URL info
- WEISSENBOCK, Herbert, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Tamás BAKONYI and Norbert NOWOTNY. Zoonotic mosquito-borne flaviviruses: worldwide presence of agents with proven pathogenicity and potential candidates of future emerging diseases. Veterinary Microbiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010, vol. 140, No 3, p. 271-280. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Ivo RUDOLF, Tamás BAKONYI, Klára KAZDOVÁ, Jiří HALOUZKA, Oldřich ŠEBESTA, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Zina JUŘICOVÁ and Norbert NOWOTNY. Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) surveillance for arboviruses in an area endemic for West Nile (lineage Rabensburg) and Ťahyňa viruses in Central Europe. Journal of Medical Entomology. Lanham (MD), USA: Entomological Society of America, 2010, vol. 47, No 3, p. 466-472. ISSN 0022-2585. info
- CALISTRI, Paolo, A. GIOVANNINI, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, A. IONESCU, F. MONACO, Giovani SAVINI and Rosela LELLI. Epidemiology of West Nile in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin. The Open Virology Journal. Bentham Science Publishers, 2010, vol. 4, April 22, p. 29-37. ISSN 1874-3579. info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Jan KOPECKÝ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Salivary gland extract from engorged Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) stimulates in vitro growth of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Journal of Basic Microbiology. Německo, 2010, vol. 50, p. 294-298. ISSN 0233-111X. info
- ŠEBESTA, Oldřich, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Ivo RUDOLF, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Petra SVOBODOVÁ and Paul REITER. Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) fauna in an area endemic for West Nile virus. Journal of Vector Ecology. Corona, CA (U.S.A.): Society for Vector Ecology, 2010, vol. 35, p. 156-162. ISSN 1081-1710. info
- MARTÍNKOVÁ, Natália, Peter BAČKOR, Tomáš BARTONIČKA, Pavla BLAŽKOVÁ, Jaroslav ČERVENÝ, Lukáš FALTEISEK, Jiří GAISLER, Vladimír HANZAL, Daniel HORÁČEK, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Helena JAHELKOVÁ, Miroslav KOLAŘÍK, Ľuboš KORYTÁR, Alena KUBÁTOVÁ, Blanka LEHOTSKÁ, Roman LEHOTSKÝ, Radek LUČAN, Ondřej MÁJEK, Jan MATĚJŮ, Zdeněk ŘEHÁK, Jiří ŠAFÁŘ, Přemysl TÁJEK, Emil TKADLEC, Marcel UHRIN, Josef WAGNER, Dita WEINFURTOVÁ, Jan ZIMA, Jan ZUKAL and Ivan HORÁČEK. Increasing Incidence of Geomyces destructans Fungus in Bats from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. PLoS ONE. Sydney, Australia: Dee A. Carter, University of Sydney, Aus, 2010, vol. 5, No 11, p. e13853, 7 pp. ISSN 1932-6203. info
- RANDOLPH, S. E., P. ANDA, T. AVSIC-ZUPANC, A. BORMANE, L. EGYED, E. FERENCZI, A.L. GARCÍA-PEREZ, L. GERN, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, M. KAZIMIROVA, M. KONDRUSIK, K. PFISTER, A. RIZZOLI, V. VASILENKO, V. VLADIMIRESCU and M. ŽYGUTIENE. Human activities predominate in determining changing incidence of tick-borne encephalitis in Europe. Eurosurveillance. Stockholm: ECDC, 2010, vol. 15, No 27, p. 24-31. ISSN 1544-9173. info
- ŠIKUTOVÁ, Silvie, Sándor HORNOK, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Iva DOLEŽÁLKOVÁ, Zina JUŘICOVÁ and Ivo RUDOLF. Serological survey of domestic animals for tick-borne encephalitis and Bhanja viruses in northeastern Hungary. Veterinary Microbiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, vol. 135, 3-4, p. 267-271. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis. In Lyme Borreliosis - Biological and Clinical Aspects. 1st ed. Basel: Karger, 2009, p. 31-50. Current Problems in Dermatology vol. 37. ISBN 978-3-8055-9114-0. URL info
- JAROŠOVÁ, Veronika, Ivo RUDOLF, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. v klíšťatech na ostravských haldách. (Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in ixodid ticks from Ostrava slag heaps.). Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2009, vol. 58, No 2, p. 90-97. ISSN 1210-7913. info
- JUŘICOVÁ, Zina, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA and Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ. Serological examination of songbirds (Passeriformes) for mosquito-borne viruses Sindbis, Tahyna, and Batai in a south Moravian wetland (Czech Republic). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. New York, USA: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2009, vol. 9, No 3, p. 295-299. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- ŠEBESTA, Oldřich, František RETTICH, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Ivo RUDOLF, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Ivan GELBIČ and Paul REITER. Presence of the mosquito Anopheles hyrcanus in South Moravia, Czech Republic. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. London: The Royal Entomological Society, 2009, vol. 23, No 3, p. 284-286., 3 pp. info
- JUŘICOVÁ, Zina and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Serologic survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. New York, USA: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2009, vol. 9, No 5, p. 479-482. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Biogeography of tick-borne Bhanja virus (Bunyaviridae) in Europe. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases. New York, USA: article ID 372691, 2009, vol. 2009, 11 pp. ISSN 1687-708X. URL info
- SCHOLZ, Holger, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Ivo SEDLÁČEK, Gilles VERGNAUD, Herbert TOMASO, Sascha AL DAHOUK, Falk MELZER, Peter KÄMPFER, Heinrich NEUBAUER, Axel CLOECKAERT, Marianne MAQUART, Michel S. ZYGMUNT, Adrian M. WHATMORE, Enevold FALSEN, Peter BAHN, Cornelia GÖLLNER, Martin PFEFFER, Birgit HUBERT, Hans-Jürgen BUSSE and Karsten NÖCKLER. Brucella microti sp. nov., isolated from the common vole Microtus arvalis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Great Britain: Society for General Microbiology, 2008, vol. 58, No 2, p. 375-382. ISSN 1466-5026. info
- MEISTER, Tanja, H. LUSSY, Tamás BAKONYI, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Ivo RUDOLF, W. VOGL, H. WINKLER, H. FREY, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Norbert NOWOTNY and Herbert WEISSENBOCK. Serological evidence of continuing high Usutu virus (Flaviviridae) activity and establishment of herd immunity in wild birds in Austria. Veterinary Microbiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008, vol. 127, No 3, p. 237-248. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- ŠUMILO, Dana, Antra BORMANE, Loreta ASOKLIENE, Veera VASILENKO, Irina GOLOVLJOVA, Tatjana AVSIC-ZUPANC, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Sarah E. RANDOLPH. Socio-economic factors in the differential upsurge of tick-borne encephalitis in Central and Eastern Europe. Reviews in Medical Virology. John Wiley and Sons, 2008, vol. 18, No 2, p. 81-95. ISSN 1052-9276. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Birds. In Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. 1st ed. Copenhagen: World Health Organisation (Regional Office for Europe)., 2008, p. 239-287. ISBN 978-92-890-7188-8. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Elzbieta WEGNER, Jiří HALOUZKA, Piotr TRYJANOWSKI, Leszek JERZAK, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Ivo RUDOLF, Andrzej G. KRUSZEWICZ, Z. JAWORSKI and R. WLODARCZYK. Serologic survey of potential vertebrate hosts for West Nile virus in Poland. Viral Immunology. USA: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers, 2008, vol. 21, No 2, p. 247-254. ISSN 0882-8245. info
- HALOUZKA, Jiří, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Jitka JANKOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Serologic survey of wild boars for mosquito-borne viruses in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Veterinární medicína. Praha: Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských inf, 2008, vol. 53, No 5, p. 266-271. ISSN 0375-8427. info
- SCHOLZ, Holger G., Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiřina NESVADBOVÁ, Herbert TOMASO, Gilles VERGNAUD, Philippe LE FLECHE, Adrian M. WHATMORE, Sascha AL DAHOUK, Monika KRUGER, Csilla LODRI and Martin PFEFFER. Isolation of Brucella microti from soil. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 2008, vol. 14, No 8, p. 1316-1317. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Ivo RUDOLF, Marcel HONZA, Jitka JANKOVÁ, Josef CHYTIL, František MAREC and Jiljí SITKO. Serologic survey of birds for West Nile Flavivirus in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. New Rochelle, NY, U.S.A.: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2008, vol. 8, No 5, p. 859-866. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Mosquito-borne viruses in Europe. Parasitology Research. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, vol. 103, Suppl. 1, p. 29-43. ISSN 0932-0113. info
- RANDOLPH, Sarah E., Loreta ASOKLIENE, Tatjana AVSIC-ZUPANC, Antra BORMANE, Caroline BURRI, Lise GERN, Irina GOLOVLJOVA, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Natasa KNAP, Maceij KONDRUSIK, Anne KUPCA, Milan PEJČOCH, Veera VASILENKO and Milda ŽYGUTIENE. Variable spikes in tick-borne encephalitis incidence in 2006 independent of variable tiock abundance but related to weather. Parasites Vectors. BioMed Central, 2008, vol. 1, No 44, p. 1-18. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Holger SCHOLZ, Ivo SEDLÁČEK, Falk MELZER, Yibairii SANOGO and Jiřina NESVADBOVÁ. Brucellosis of the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. USA: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2007, vol. 7, No 4, p. 679-688. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- VAŠÍČKOVÁ, Petra, I. PŠIKAL, P. KRÁLÍK, F. WIDEN, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Ivo PAVLÍK. Hepatitis E virus: a review. Veterinarni Medicina. Praha, 2007, vol. 52, No 9, p. 365-384. ISSN 0375-8427. info
- HARTEMINK, Nijnke A., S. A. DAVIS, Paul REITER, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and J. A. HEESTERBEEK. Importance of bird-to-bird transmission for the establishment of West Nile virus. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases. New Rochelle, NY, USA: Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers, 2007, vol. 7, No 6, p. 575-584. ISSN 1530-3667. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Ivo RUDOLF. Mikrobiální zoonózy a sapronózy (Microbial zoonoses and sapronoses). 2., přepracované a doplněné. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2007, 176 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-4460-9. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Bohumír KŘÍŽ and Bettina MENNE. West Nile virus: ecology, epidemiology and prevention. In Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies for Human Health (eds. Menne B., Ebi K.L.). 1st ed. Darmstadt: Steinkopff Verlag, 2006, p. 217-242. ISBN 3-7985-1591-3. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ and Ivo RUDOLF. Effect of forest clearing on the abundance of Ixodes ricinus ticks and the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. London: The Royal Entomological Society, 2006, vol. 20, No 2, p. 166-172. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Lubomíra LUKÁČOVÁ, Jiří HALOUZKA, Petr ŠIRŮČEK, Jiří JANUŠKA, Jarmila PŘECECHTĚLOVÁ and Petr PROCHÁZKA. Import of West Nile virus infection in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Epidemiology. Dordrecht Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006, vol. 21, No 5, p. 323-324. ISSN 0393-2990. info
- RAPPOLE, John H. and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Birds and influenza H5N1 virus movement to and within North America. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 2006, vol. 12, No 10, p. 1486-1492. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- STUNZNER, Doris, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, Ilse WENDELIN, Wolf SIXL and Egon MARTH. Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in the tick Ixodes ricinus in the Styrian mountains of Austria. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - The Middle European Journal of Medicine. Wien, Österreich: SpringerWienNewYork Heft, 2006, vol. 118, 21-22, p. 682-685. ISSN 0043-5325. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Ptačí chřipka a tažní ptáci (Avian influenza and migratory birds). Crex (Zpravodaj Jihomoravské pobočky České společnosti ornitologické). Brno: Jihomoravská pobočka ČSO, 2006, vol. 26, No 1, p. 131-137. ISSN 1213-211X. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Petr ZEMAN, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, E. ŠŤOVÍČKOVÁ, H. BÁLKOVÁ, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ and Ivo RUDOLF. Mosquitoborne viruses, Czech Republic, 2002. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 2005, vol. 11, No 1, p. 116-118. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- BAKONYI, Tamás, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Ivo RUDOLF and Norbert NOWOTNY. Novel flavivirus or new lineage of West Nile virus, Central Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 2005, vol. 11, No 2, p. 225-231. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Mohou komáři přenášet lymskou borreliózu? (Could mosquitoes transmit Lyme borreliosis?). Vesmír. Praha: Vesmír, spol. s r. o., 2005, vol. 84, No 3, p. 134-136. ISSN 0042-4544. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. North Atlantic weather oscillation and human infectious diseases in the Czech Republic, 1951-2003. European Journal of Epidemiology. Dordrecht Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005, vol. 20, No 3, p. 263-270. ISSN 0393-2990. info
- RUDOLF, Ivo, Maryna GOLOVCHENKO, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ, Natalie RUDENKO, Libor GRUBHOFFER and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Babesia microti (Piroplasmida: Babesiidae) in nymphal Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) in the Czech Republic. Folia Parasitologica. Česká republika: Institute of Parasitology, Acad. Sci., 2005, vol. 52, No 4, p. 274-276. ISSN 0015-5683. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Věra ŠKORPÍKOVÁ and David HORAL. Avian botulism at a sugar beet processing plant in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Veterinary Medicine - Czech. Brno: Veterinary Research Institute Brno, 2005, vol. 50, No 4, p. 443-445. ISSN 0375-8427. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Hynek BURDA, Andreas SCHARFF, Giora HETH, Eviat NEVO, Radim ŠUMBERA, Juraj PEŠKO and Jan ZIMA. Emmonsiosis of subterranean rodents (Bathyergidae, Spalacidae) in Africa and Israel. Medical Mycology. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Science, 2005, vol. 43, No 6, p. 691-697. ISSN 1369-3786. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Petr ZEMAN, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, E. ŠŤOVÍČKOVÁ, H. BÁLKOVÁ, Silvie ŠIKUTOVÁ and Ivo RUDOLF. Protilátky k virům přenosným komáry u středočeské populace z oblasti zasažené povodní v roce 2002 (Antibodies against mosquito-borne viruses in human population of an area of Central Bohemia affected by the flood, 2002). Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. Praha: ČLS JEP, 2004, vol. 53, No 3, p. 112-120. ISSN 1210-7913. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. Borreliae in Ixodes ricinus ticks feeding on humans. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. London: The Royal Entomological Society, 2004, vol. 18, No 3, p. 228-231. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Global weather variability affects avian phenology: a long-term analysis, 1881-2001. Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR., 2004, vol. 53, No 4, p. 227-236. ISSN 0139-7893. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Ivo RUDOLF. Klíšťata lužního ekosystému (Ixodid ticks in the floodplain ecosystem). In Lužní les v Dyjsko-moravské nivě. 1st ed. Břeclav: Moraviapress, 2004, p. 327-333. ISBN 80-86181-68-5. info
- ŠEBESTA, Oldřich and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Komáři - fenomén lužního lesa (Mosquitoes - a phenomenon of the floodplain forest). In Lužní les v Dyjsko-moravské nivě. 1st ed. Břeclav: Moraviapress, 2004, p. 335-343. ISBN 80-86181-68-5. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. An annotated checklist of pathogenic microorganisms associated with migratory birds. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.: Wildlife Disease Association, 2004, vol. 40, No 4, p. 639-659. ISSN 0090-3558. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. Borrelie v klíšťatech parazitujících na člověku a profylaxe lymské borreliózy (Borreliae in ixodid ticks biting humans and prophylaxis of Lyme borreliosis). Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2003, vol. 52, No 1, p. 13-17. ISSN 1210-7913. info
- NOHÝNKOVÁ, Eva, Jiří KUBEK, Olga MĚŠŤÁNKOVÁ, Pavel CHALUPA and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Případ infekce Babesia microti importované do České republiky z USA (A Case of Babesia microti Infection Imported to the Czech Republic from the USA). Časopis lékařů českých. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2003, vol. 142, No 6, p. 377-381. ISSN 0008-7335. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Doris STUNZNER, Jiří HALOUZKA, Wolfdieter SIXL, Ilse WENDELIN, Zina JUŘICOVÁ and Yibairi Osée SANOGO. Prevalence of borreliae in ixodid ticks from a floodplain forest ecosystem. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. Wien: Springer, 2003, vol. 115, 3-4, p. 121-124. ISSN 0043-5325. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Emerging human infectious diseases: anthroponoses, zoonoses, and sapronoses. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 2003, vol. 9, No 3, p. 403-404. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- RAPPOLE, J. H. and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Migratory birds and West Nile virus. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd, 2003, vol. 94, Supplement, p. 47-58. ISSN 1365-2672. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. Longitudinal surveillance of the tick Ixodes ricinus for borreliae. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. London: The Royal Entomological Society, 2003, vol. 17, No 1, p. 46-51. info
- WEINGARTL, Hana M., Michael A. DREBOT, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, Maya ANDONOVA, Antonia DIBERNARDO, Colleen COTTAM-BIRT, June LARENCE and Peter MARSZAL. Comparison of assays for the detection of West Nile virus antibodies in chicken serum. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. 2003, vol. 67, No 2, p. 128-132. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Bohumír KŘÍŽ. Západonilská horečka (West Nile fever). Klinická mikrobiologie a infekční lékařství. Praha: TRIOS, spol. s r.o., 2003, vol. 9, No 2, p. 59-68. ISSN 1211-264X. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Protectants used in the cryopreservation of microorganisms. Cryobiology. San Diego, Ca.: Academic Press, 2003, vol. 46, No 3, p. 205-229. ISSN 0011-2240. info
- RUDOLF, Ivo and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Effect of the salivary gland and midgut extracts from Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus (Acari: Ixodidae) on the growth of Borrelia garinii in vitro. Folia Parasitologica. České Budějovice: Institute of Parasitology, ASCR, 2003, vol. 50, No 4, p. 159-160. ISSN 0015-5683. info
- WEISSENBOCK, Herbert, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, A. PICHLMAIR, A. MADERNER, K. FRAGNER, J. KOLODZIEJEK, G. LOUPAL, S. KOLBL and Norbert NOWOTNY. Screening for West Nile virus infections in susceptible animal species in Austria. Epidemiology and Infection. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, vol. 131, No 10, p. 1023-1027. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Spring migration of birds in relation to North Atlantic Oscillation. Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, 2003, vol. 52, No 4, p. 287-298. ISSN 0139-7893. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. Host-seeking activity of ixodid ticks in relation to weather variables. Journal of Vector Ecology. Corona, CA (U.S.A.): Society for Vector Ecology, 2003, vol. 28, No 2, p. 159-165. ISSN 1081-1710. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. Výzkum přírodně-ohniskových nákaz v biosférické rezervaci Pálava (Investigations of natural foci in the "Pálava" Biosphere Reserve). In Pálava na prahu třetího tisíciletí. 1st ed. Mikulov: Správa CHKO Pálava, 2003, p. 91-103. ISBN 80-239-1975-X. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, František TREML, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Milan HUŇADY, Jiří HALOUZKA, V. JANÍK and Dušan BILL. Serological survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for tularaemia and brucellosis in South Moravia, Czech Republic (Serological survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for tularaemia and brucellosis in South Moravia, Czech RepublicVeterinárn). Veterinary Medicine - Czech. Brno: Veterinary Research Institute Brno, 2002, vol. 47, 2-3, p. 60-66. ISSN 0375-8427. info
- JUŘICOVÁ, Zina, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Serologic survey for antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in rodents and detection of spirochaetes in ticks and fleas in South Moravia (Czech Republic). Biologia. Bratislava, 2002, vol. 57, No 3, p. 383-387. ISSN 0006-3088. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Infekční onemocnění člověka podle zdroje nákazy: antroponózy, zoonózy a sapronózy. (Infectious diseases of man according to the source of infection - anthroponoses, zoonoses and sapronoses.). Klinická mikrobiologie a infekční lékařství. Praha: TRIOS spol. s r.o., 2002, vol. 8, No 4, p. 160-163. ISSN 1211-264X. info
- ZEJDA, Jan, Milan ZAPLETAL, Jiří PIKULA, Dagmar OBDRŽÁLKOVÁ, Marta HEROLDOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Hlodavci v zemědělské a lesnické praxi (Rodents in agricultural and forestry practice). Praha: Agrospoj s.r.o., 2002, 360 pp. ISBN 80-7084-235-0. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Z historie a výsledků laboratoře medicínské zoologie Ústavu biologie obratlovců AV ČR Brno ve Valticích (History and achievments of the Medical Zoology Laboratory of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Brno at Valtice). In Kapitoly z histórie československej mikrobiológie II. 1st ed. Bratislava - Praha: Československá společnost mikrobiologická, 2002, p. 82-88. ISBN 80-968712-8-5. info
- TREML, František, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Milan HUŇADY and Vladimír JANÍK. Analýza výskytu tularémie na okrese Břeclav v letech 1994-1999 (Incidence of tularemia in the district of Břeclav, 1994-1999). Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2001, vol. 50, No 1, p. 4-9. ISSN 1210-7913. info
- HEROLDOVÁ, Monika, Miroslav NĚMEC, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Jiří HALOUZKA. Enzyme activities of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Folia Microbiologica. Praha: Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, 2001, vol. 46, No 3, p. 179-182. ISSN 0015-5632. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Comparative symptomatology of West Nile fever. Lancet. London, 2001, vol. 358, July 28, p. 254-255. ISSN 0140-6736. info
- HEROLDOVÁ, Monika, Miroslav NĚMEC, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Jiří HALOUZKA. A study of selected physiological characteristics of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. In Ticks and Tick-borne Pathogens: Into the 21st century. Bratislava: Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2000, p. 71-74. info
- HIGGINS, J.A., Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, K.L. ELKINS, A. SJOSTEDT, M. SHIPLEY and M.S. IBRAHIM. Detection of Francisella tularensis in infected mammals and vectors using probe-based polymerase chain reaction. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. USA, 2000, vol. 62, No 3, p. 310-318. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Measures of species diversity in ecology: an evaluation. Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, 2000, vol. 49, No 4, p. 241-260. ISSN 0139-7893. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Keratinophilic fungi associated with free-living mammals and birds. In Biology of Dermatophytes and Other Keratinophilic Fungi. Bilbao: Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia, 2000, p. 93-113. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. European experience with the West Nile virus ecology and epidemiology: could it be relevant for the New World? Viral Immunology. USA, 2000, vol. 13, No 4, p. 415-424. ISSN 0882-8245. info
- RAPPOLE, J.H., S.R. DERRICKSON and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Migratory birds and spread of West Nile virus in the Western Hemisphere. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 2000, vol. 6, No 3, p. 319-328. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- SANOGO, Yibayiri Osée, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Miroslav NĚMEC. Detection of spirochetes in, and isolation from, culicine mosquitoes. Folia Parasitologica. Česká republika: Institute of Parasitology, Acad. Sci., 2000, vol. 47, No 2, p. 79-80. ISSN 0015-5683. info
- SANOGO, Yibayiri Osée, S. REIPERT, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK and Miroslav NĚMEC. Isolation and morphological characterization of mosquito spirochetes from a Lyme disease endemic area. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. New York, 2000, vol. 916, No 1, p. 672-675. ISSN 0077-8923. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, H.M. SAVAGE, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Yibayiri Osée SANOGO and Stanislav LUSK. West Nile virus investigations in South Moravia, Czechland. Viral Immunology. USA: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers, 2000, vol. 13, No 4, p. 427-433. ISSN 0882-8245. info
- JUŘICOVÁ, Zina, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Prevalence of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in game animals in South Moravia, Czech Republic. Veterinární medicína. Praha: Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských inf, 2000, vol. 45, No 3, p. 145-148. ISSN 0375-8427. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Mikrobiální zoonózy a sapronózy (Microbial zoonoses and sapronoses). 1.vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2000, 153 pp. ISBN 80-210-2446-1. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Emmonsiosis of wild rodents and insectivores in Czechland. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 1999, vol. 35, No 3, p. 243-249. ISSN 0090-3558. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. West Nile fever in Czechland. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 1999, vol. 1999, No 1, p. 594-595. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Jiří HALOUZKA. West Nile fever - a reemerging mosquito-borne viral disease in Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta: CDC, 1999, vol. 5, No 4, p. 643-650. ISSN 1080-6040. URL info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Zdeněk PŘÍKAZSKÝ, Jarmila ŽÁKOVÁ and Oldřich ŠEBESTA. Surveillance virů přenosných komáry na Břeclavsku v povodňovém roce 1997. (Surveillance of mosquito-borne viruses in Břeclav district during the 1997 flood.). Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 1999, vol. 48, No 3, p. 91-96. ISSN 1210-7913. info
- JUŘICOVÁ, Zina and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Serological surveys for arboviruses in the game animals of southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, 1999, vol. 48, No 3, p. 185-189. ISSN 0139-7893. info
- STUNZNER, Doris, Karen PIERER, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, R. ABERER, M. M. MILLNER and E. MARTH. Species identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from tick and human isolates in Styria (Austria) by PCR-RFLP analysis. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. Vídeň, 1999, vol. 111, No 45, p. 994-996. ISSN 0043-5325. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Viry přenášené komáry. (Ohlédnutí za povodní roku 1997 na jižní Moravě). (Mosquito-borne viruses. A lesson from the 1997 flood in southern Moravia.). Vesmír. Praha: Vesmír, 1999, vol. 78, No 12, p. 432-434. ISSN 0042-4544. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří GAISLER and Jiřina NESVADBOVÁ. Emmonsiosis of small mammals (Rodentia, Insectivora) in the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of the UNESCO. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae. Praha: Czech Zoological Society, 1998, vol. 62, No 2, p. 101-104. ISSN 0862-5247. info
- HEROLDOVÁ, Monika, Miroslav NĚMEC and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Growth parameters of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto at various temperatures. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. Stuttgart, 1998, vol. 288, No 3, p. 451-455. ISSN 0934-8840. info
- STUNZNER, Doris, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, Danielle POSTIC, Karen PIERER and E. MARTH. Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in Ixodes ricinus ticks from Styria (Austria) and species identification by PCR-RFLP analysis. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1998, vol. 288, No 6, p. 471-478. ISSN 0934-8840. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Wolf SIXL and Jiří HALOUZKA. Francisella tularensis in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks from the Czech Republic and Austria. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. Vídeň, 1998, vol. 110, No 50, p. 909-910. ISSN 0043-5325. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Zdenka PÁČOVÁ, Jiří HALOUZKA, Ivo SEDLÁČEK, Michal DLOUHÝ and Marcel HONZA. Selective isolation of Pseudomonas stutzeri from vertebrate faeces on Rambach agar. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1998, vol. 288, No 5, p. 343-349. ISSN 0934-8840. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiřina NESVADBOVÁ and Jiří HALOUZKA. Emmonsiosis of rodents in an agroecosystem. Medical Mycology. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Science, 1998, vol. 36, No 6, p. 387-390. ISSN 1369-3786. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Monika HEROLDOVÁ. Growth temperature ranges of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 1998, vol. 47, No 10, p. 929-932. ISSN 0022-2615. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. Investigation of haematophagous arthropods for borreliae - summarized data, 1988-1996. Folia Parasitologica. Česká republika: Institute of Parasitology, Acad. Sci., 1998, vol. 45, No 2, p. 67-72. ISSN 0015-5683. info
- HALOUZKA, Jiří, Daniele POSTIC and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Isolation of the spirochaete Borrelia afzelii from the mosquito Aedes vexans in the Czech Republic. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 1998, vol. 12, No 2, p. 103-105. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Jiří HALOUZKA. Prevalence rates of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in host-seeking Ixodes ricinus ticks in Europe. Parasitology Research. 1998, vol. 84, No 3, p. 167-172. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ and Oldřich ŠEBESTA. First isolation of mosquito-borne West Nile virus in the Czech Republic. Acta virologica. Bratislava: AV SR, 1998, vol. 42, No 3, p. 119-120. ISSN 0001-723X. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Arnošt KRŠKA, Jiří GAISLER, Jan ZEJDA, Marta HEROLDOVÁ and Boris RYCHNOVSKÝ. Emmonsiosis of small mammals (Rodentia, Insectivora) in southwest Moravia, Czech Republic. Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Zoology AS CR, 1997, vol. 46, No 3, p. 223-227. ISSN 0139-7893. info
- TREML, František, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, M. HUŇADY, V. JANÍK and Dušan BILL. Aktivace klidového ohniska tularémie (Activation of a silent natural focus of tularemia). Veterinářství. 1997, No 2, p. 49-51. ISSN 0506-8231. info
- SIXL, Wolf, Renata KARPÍŠKOVÁ, Zdeněk HUBÁLEK, Jiří HALOUZKA, M. MIKULÁŠKOVÁ and J. SALAVA. Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. in black-headed gulls (Larus ridibundus). Central European Journal of Public Health. Prague: National Institute of Public Health, 1997, vol. 5, No 1, p. 24-26. ISSN 1210-7778. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Wolf SIXL, Jiří HALOUZKA and Marta MIKULÁŠKOVÁ. Prevalence of Francisella tularensis in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks collected in adjacent areas of the Czech and Austrian Republics. Central European Journal of Public Health. Prague: National Institute of Public Health, 1997, vol. 5, No 4, p. 199-201. ISSN 1210-7778. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Jiří HALOUZKA. Distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato genomic groups in Europe, a review. European Journal of Epidemiology. 1997, vol. 13, No 10, p. 951-957. ISSN 0393-2990. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Jiří HALOUZKA. Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), in contrast to ticks (Acari: Ixodidae), do not carry Franciseall tularensis in a natural focus of tularemia in the Czech Republic. Journal of Medical Entomology. 1997, vol. 34, No 6, p. 660-663. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Immunoadjuvant effect of inactivated Cryptococcus neoformans. Mycopathologia. 1997, vol. 139, No 1, p. 19-21. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk. Cryopreservation of microorganisms at ultra-low temperatures. 1st. Praha: Academia, 1996, 287 pp. ISBN 80-200-0557-9. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk and Jiří HALOUZKA. Arthropod-borne viruses of vertebrates in Europe. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Academiae Scientiarum Bohemicae. Brno: Institute of Landscape Ecology, 1996, vol. 30, 4-5, p. 1-95. ISSN 0032-8758. info
- MÁTLOVÁ, Ludmila, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Comparative experimental infection of Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus (Acari: Ixodidae) with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Folia Parasitologica. České Budějovice: Institute of Parasitology, ASCR, 1996, vol. 43, No 3, p. 159-160. ISSN 0015-5683. info
- JUŘICOVÁ, Zina, Jiří HALOUZKA, Pavel FOREJTEK and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Detection of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in hares, wild boars and pheasants in the Czech Republic. Biologia. Bratislava (Slovensko): Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1996, vol. 51, No 4, p. 331-333. ISSN 0006-3088. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, John F. ANDERSON, Jiří HALOUZKA and Vladislav HÁJEK. Borreliae in immature Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks parasitizing birds in the Czech Republic. Journal of Medical Entomology. 1996, vol. 33, No 8, p. 766-771. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiří HALOUZKA and Zina JUŘICOVÁ. A simple method of transmission risk assessment in enzootic foci of Lyme borreliosis. European Journal of Epidemiology. Dordrecht Netherland: Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, 1996, vol. 12, No 4, p. 331-333. ISSN 0393-2990. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, František TREML, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Milan HUŇADY and V. JANÍK. Frequent isolation of Francisella tularensis from Dermacentor reticulatus ticks in an enzootic focus of tularaemia. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. London: The Royal Entomological Society, 1996, vol. 10, No 3, p. 241-246. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Jiřina NESVADBOVÁ and Boris RYCHNOVSKÝ. A heterogenous distribution of Emmonsia parva var. crescens in an agro-ecosystem (A heterogenous distribution of Emmonsia parva var.crescens in an agro-ecosystem). Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology. 1995, vol. 33, No 3, p. 197-200. ISSN 0268-1218. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Boris RYCHNOVSKÝ and Juraj PEŠKO. Adiasporomykóza drobných savců v CHKO Žďárské vrchy (Adiasporomycosis of small mammals in the Protected area Žďárské vrchy-Hills). Vlastivědný sborník Vysočiny, oddíl věd přírod. Jihlava: Muzeum Vysočiny, 1995, vol. 12, No 1, p. 185-189. ISSN 6505-8228. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Zina JUŘICOVÁ and Jiří HALOUZKA. A survey of free-living birds as hosts and "lessors" of microbial pathogens. Folia Zoologica. Brno: Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR., 1995, vol. 44, No 1, p. 1-11. ISSN 0139-7893. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Wolfdieter SIXL, Marta MIKULÁŠKOVÁ, Birgitt SIXL-VOIGT, W. THIEL, Jiří HALOUZKA, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Bohumír ROSICKÝ, Ludmila MÁTLOVÁ, Marcel HONZA, Vladimír HÁJEK and Jiljí SITKO. Salmonellae in gulls and other free-living birds in the Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Public Health. Prague: National Institute of Public Health, 1995, vol. 3, No 1, p. 21-24. ISSN 1210-7778. info
- HALOUZKA, Jiří, Zina JUŘICOVÁ, Ludmila MÁTLOVÁ and Zdeněk HUBÁLEK. Borreliae in larval Ixodes ricinus ticks. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. London: The Royal Entomological Society, 1995, vol. 9, No 3, p. 205-206. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Boris RYCHNOVSKÝ and Juraj PEŠKO. Adiasporomycosis of rodents inhabiting the shores of fishponds. Czech Mycology. Praha: Česká vědecká společnost pro mykologii, 1995, vol. 48, No 3, p. 139-144. ISSN 0009-0476. info
- HUBÁLEK, Zdeněk, Irene POW, H. W. REID and M. H. HUSSAIN. Antigenic similarity of Central European encephalitis and louping-ill viruses. Acta virologica. Bratislava: AV SR, 1995, vol. 39, No 4, p. 251-256. ISSN 0001-723X. info
Životopis: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc. (učo 34847), verze: čeština(2), změněno: 22. 10. 2009 20:53, Z. Hubálek