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Curriculum vitae

Name, first names, scientific degrees
  • BELKA, Lubos, doc., PhDr., CSc.
  • Department for the Study of Religions
    Faculty of Arts
    Masaryk University
    A. Nováka 1, CZ-602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Function, current position
  • Associate Professor
Education and academic qualifications
  • 1979-1984: Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Sciences of Masaryk University in Brno, major in Philosophy and Biology
    1984: Graduation (B.A.), Philosophy
    1984-1985: Predoctoral study at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno where in 1985 achieved PhDr. degree [philosophiae doctor: corresponds approximately to M.A.]
    October 1985: Postgraduate study at the Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (LEB CSAS) in Prague, in order to achieve the CSc. degree [candidatus scientiarum: corresponds approximately to Ph.D.]. Ph.D. thesis in religious studies deals with theoretical and methodological comparison of evolutionary and antievolutionary doctrines: The case of scientific creationism
    October 1990: Defense of the Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
    June 1999: Habilitation (Associate Professor of History, Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (Habilitation thesis about History of Buryat Buddhism)
Professional experience
  • November 1988 - April 1993: Researcher at LEB CSAS Prague
    December 1994 - December 1998: Researcher at IP ASCR Prague
    May 1993 - May 1999: Assistant Professor at Department for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Brno
    June 1999 - present: Associate Professor in the Academic Study of Religions
Teaching activities
  • Buddhism
    Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhism
    Buddhist Iconography
    Buddhism in Russia
    Religion and Evolution
    "Hollywood" Buddhism
Research activities
  • Field research
    1993 May - August: Expedition Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia 1993 study of the restoration in situ.
    1994 June - August: Expedition Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia 1994 study of the restoration in situ.
    1997 July - August: Hovd ajmag, Mongolia, study of the process of restoration of Buddhism and Islam in Mongolia.
    2000 July - August: Buryatia, Mongolia and Amdo (China), study of the religious revival in situ. (supported by Research Support Scheme Grant No. 82/2000)
    2001 July - August: Mongolia and Amdo (China), study of the religious revival in situ. (supported by Research Support Scheme Grant No. 82/2000)
    2006 September – October: Buryatia, study of the religious revival in situ.
    2013 July - August, Mongolia, study of the religious revival in situ.
    Grants awarded (selection):
    1. From Czech Government Organizations:
    1.1. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: Leader of the one-year research grant (2002) Western Imagination and Tibetan Buddhism, co-grantee Jana Rozehnalová, Grant No. 675/2002.
    1.2. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2002) Buddhist Iconography: Innovation of the Course, Grant No. 703/2002.
    1.3. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 1st January 2003 31st December 2005: co-grantee Orientalism and its Impact on Conversion to Asian Religions: The Acculturation to Buddhism and Hinduism in the Czech Republic, Grant No. 401/03/1553, Leader of the Project: Dušan Lužný
    1.4. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 1st January 2005 31st December 2007: Leader of the team grant Image and Text in Buddhism: Tibetan and Mongolian Iconography, Grant No. 401/05/2744.
    1.5. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2005) Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia: Innovation of the Course
    1.6. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: Leader of the one-year PhD Student research grant (2005) Sikh Religious Diaspora in Great Britain, co-grantee Monika Urbanová.
    1.7. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2006) Tibetan Buddhism: Innovation of the Course
    1.8. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2007) Religion and Evolution: Innovation of the Course
    1.9. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 1st January 2008 31st December 2010: co-grantee of the team grant Deities of Tibetan Religions: Approach of the Academic Studies of Religions
    1.10. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2008) Buddhism I.: Innovation of the Course
    1.11. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2009) Eschatology: Innovation of the Course
    1.12. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2010) Tibetan Book of the Dead: Innovation of the Course
    1.13. Fund for the Development of University Education, the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: one-year individual educational grant (2012) History of Tibetan Buddhism in the Inner Asia: Innovation of the Course

    2. From Czech Non-Government Organizations:
    2.1. Czech Literature Foundation, Prague, July - August 1993: Expedition Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia, Grant No. 170/93-010/Má.
    2.2. Hlávkas Foundation, Prague, July - August 1993: Expedition Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia, Grant No. 185/93.
    2.3. Charter 77 Foundation, Prague, July - August 1993: Expedition Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia, Grant No. 782/93.
    2.4. Czech Literature Foundation, Prague, July - August 1993: Expedition Restoration of Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia, Grant No. 206/94-010/Há.
    2.5. Jan Hus Educational Foundation, Brno, January - June 1995: Educational individual grant for the promotion of a new course Buddhism in Post-Soviet Asia, realized at Masaryk University Brno.
    2.6. Jan Hus Educational Foundation, Brno, Czech Republic, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 1998 - April 1999: Leader of the educational team grant for the promotion of a new course Normative and Lived Religion in Masaryk University, Brno and Comenius University, Bratislava, Grant No. CIf 82.
    2.7. Jan Hus Educational Foundation, Brno, 1st December 2003 30th November 2004: Leader of the grant for Promotion of Ph.D. Level in the Academic Study of Religions in Masaryk University.
    2.8. Shambhala Iconography, Grant Foundation, Faculty of Art, Masaryk University, Brno, 1st January - 31st December 2011

    3. From Foreign Organizations:
    3.1. Research Support Scheme, Central European University, Prague, July 1995 - June 1997: Two-year individual research grant Buryat Buddhism in Eastern Europe (Russia): History and Present State, Grant No. HESP/RSS 73/1995.
    3.2. T. G. Masaryk Scholarship Programme: Department of the Study of Religions, School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London, United Kingdom, September November 1995: Study stay at the University of London.
    3.3. Open Society Fund, Higher Education Support Program (HESP) Prague: Promotion of M. A. Level in the Academic Study of Religions in Masaryk University in Brno Participation in the group educational project No. HC 11/96, Leader of the Project: Dalibor Papoušek, Brno, 1st September 1996 30th June 1999.
    3.4. Research Support Scheme/ Higher Education Support Program, 1st July 2000 30th June 2002: Leader of the two-years group research grant Religion, Nationality and Identity: A Comparative Study of Transforming Societes (Buryatia, Mongolia and Amdo), members of the team are from Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Russian Federation (Buryatia) and Mongolia, Grant No. 82/2000.
    3.5. Curriculum Development Competition, Curriculum Resource Center, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 1st September 2002 30th June 2003: Leader of the educational team grant for the promotion of a new course History of Tibetan Buddhism in Inner Asia in 20th Century for students of Charles University Prague, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic and Comenius University Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
    3.6. Chiang Ching-kuo International Sinological Center (CCK-ISC), Taiwan, 1st July 2003 30th June 2005: co-grantee: Religious Policy towards Tibetan Buddhism in the People's Republic of China: A Comparative Analysis, Leader of the Project: Martin Slobodník.
    3.7. Czech partner of the CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) Network H-0164 Academic Study of Religions, University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Bratislava (Slovakia), University of Brno, 2003-2004.
    3.8. Member of the Brnos Team for CPDP (Continuing Professional Development Program) of CEPCE (Civic Education Project Central Europe), Budapest, Hungary, 1st October 2003 10th May 2004.
    3.9. Leader of a PACO team (Projects for Academic and Community Outreach), CEPCE (Civic Education Project Central Europe), Budapest, Hungary, 1st March 30th June 2004. Multiculturalism and Religious Toleration.
    3.10. Fulbright Scholar Program: Academic Study of Religions with Emphasis on Comparative Buddhology, Department of Religion, The University of Vermont, VT., USA, September 2004 June 2005.
    3.11. Co-ordinator of the REVACERN (Religions and Values: Central and Eastern European Research Network), FP6-2004-CITIZENS-5 COORDINATION ACTIONS, 1st January 2007 - 21st December 2009.
    Multiculturalism and Religious Toleration.
Professional stays abroad
  • Invited Lectures:
    1996: Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
    1997: Tartu University, Estonia
    1999: Warsaw University, Poland
    2002: Katholic University, Lublin, Poland
    2002: University of Szeged, Hungary
    2004: University of Cambridge, Great Britain
    2005: University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
    2005: Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA
    2006: Universität Wien Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde, Vienna, Austria
    2011: University of Bern, Institute for the Science of Religion, Central Asian Studies, Bern, Switzerland
    2012: University of Alaska, Department of Anthropology, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
    2013: Universität Wien Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde, Vienna, Austria
Non-university activities
  • Participation in international scientific meetings:
    "Evolution and Morphogenesis", International Conference, 24-29 August 1984 Plzeň, Czech Republic
    "Biological Evolution", International Colloquium, 18-22 April 1985, Kielce, Poland
    "Biological Evolution", International Conference, 9-14 April 1985, Bari, Italy
    VIIIth International Congress of the Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, 17-22 August 1987, Moscow, Russia
    "Towards a New Synthesis in Evolutionary Biology", International Conference, 5-11 July 1987, Praha, Czech Republic
    "Evolutionary Biology: Theory and Practice", International Conference, 22-26 August 1988, Plzeň, Czech Republic
    "Czlowiek", International Conference, 10-13 October 1989, Warszawa, Poland
    "Osaka Group in Moscow", International Conference, 12-19 April 1990, Moscow, Russia
    "The State and the Perspectives of Religious Studies in Czechoslovakia", 19-21 September 1990, Liblice, Czech Republic
    "Baer and Modern Biology", 27 February-2 March 1992, Tartu, Estonia
    "Religions in Contact", 23-26 August 1994, Brno, Czech Republic
    "Religious Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe", 26-29 May 1999, Leipzig University, Germany
    "The Academic Study of Religion during the Cold War: Ideological and Theological Constraints, East and West", Special IAHR Confrence, 9-13 August 1999, Brno, Czech Republic
    "Revival of Buddhism in Mongolia after 1900", International Seminar, 24-28 November 1999, Warszawa, Poland
    "Filling the Moral Vacuum", Interfaith and Academic Conference, 23-26 May 2002, East Grinstead, United Kingdom
    "Mir buddijskoj kultury", International Conference of the Academy of Sciences of Russian Federation, 9-12 September 2001, Ulan-Ude and Aginskoye, Russian Federation
    "Practicing Religion in the 21st Century", Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1-3 November 2002, Salt Lake City, USA
    "Buddhism and Buddhology in Poland", National Scientific Conference, 25-26 April 2003, Cracow, Poland
    "Roads to the Otherworld", 1st Conference CERES (Central European Religious Studies) 3-4 November 2003, Bratislava, Slovakia
    "Religion and Food", 2nd Conference CERES (Central European Religious Studies) Religious Change, October 2004, Pardubice, Czech Republic
    Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, The Mongolia Society Panel, 31 March 3 April, 2005, Chicago, USA
    "The Role of Civic Engagement in the United States", 7-9 April, 2005, Fulbright Visiting Scholar Conference, Washington, D.C., USA
    "The Local, the Regional and the Global", 9th Conference ESCAS (The European Society for Central Asian Studies) 12-14 September, 2005, Cracow, Poland
    "Religion and the Body" 3rd Conference CERES (Central European Religious Studies) Brno, 11-12 October 2005, Brno, Czech Republic
    "Religion and Science", 4th Conference, 15-16 November 2005, Pardubice, Czech Republic
    "Religious History of Europe and Asia", 6th EASR Conference (European Association for Religious Studies) 19-23 September 2006, Bucharest, Romania
    "The Ecological Problems and Spiritual Traditions of the Peoples of the Baikal Region", 26-30 September 2006, Ulan-Ude, Russia
    "Religious Change", 4th Conference CERES (Central European Religious Studies) 23-25 October 2006, Bratislava, Slovakia
    "Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Asian Countries", 4th Torchinov Conference, 7-10 February 2007, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
    "Religions and Values: Central and Eastern European Research Network", 1st Conference REVACERN, 25-29 April 2007, Szeged, Hungary
    "Plurality and Representation: Religion in Education, Culture and Society", 7th EASR Conference (European Association for Religious Studies) 23-27 September 2007, Bremen, Germany
    "Various Interpretations of Religions: Methods and History", 5th Conference CERES (Central European Religious Studies) Religious Change, 9-11 October 2007, Pardubice, Czech Republic
    "7th International Conference Religion and Education, 20-21 October 2008, Pardubice, Czech Republic
    "Time of Decline, Time of Hope", 8th EASR (European Association for Religious Studies) Conference, 7-11 September 2008, Brno, Czech Republic
    "15th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies", 23-28 June 2008, Atlanta, USA
    "Religions and Values: Central and Eastern European Research Network", 2nd Conference REVACERN, 25-29 April 2008, Szeged, Hungary
    "Philosophy, Religion and Culture of Asian Countries", 5th Torchinov Conference, 6-9 February 2008, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
    "Religion: A Human Phenomenon", XXth World Congress of the International Assoiation for the History of Religions, 15-21 August 2010, Toronto, Canada
    "New Movements in Religion", 10th EASR Conference (European Association for Religious Studies) 18-22 September 2011, Budapest, Hungary
    "Between East and West: Cultural and Religious Dialogue before, during and after the Totalitarian Rule, 6-7 October 2011, Riga, Latvia
    "Ends and Beninnigs", 11th EASR (European Association for Religious Studies) Conference, 23-28 August 2012, Stockholm, Sweeden
    13th Seminar of the IATS (International Association for Tibetan Studies)", 21-27 August 2013, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
    "Faces of Buddhism in the East and in the West", 23-25 October 2014, Cracow, Poland
    "Mongolian Buddhism: Past, Present and Future", 16-17 April 2015, Budapest, Hungary
    "Mongolia and the Mongols: Past and Present", 23-25 November 2015, Warsaw, Poland
    "Traveling to the Heart of Asia: A History of Western Encounters with Mongolia", 17 May 2016, Brno, Czech Republic
    "Minorities and Majorities in the Middle East and Asia", 14-15 September 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia
    "Dynamics of Power: Political, Sociocultural, Religious, and Economic Structures in Past and Present Amdo", 29-31 January 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
    "Representations of Indigenous Peoples of the Asian Peripheries of the Russian Empire (Northern and Inner Asia) in the Legacies of Travelers from Austro-Hungary", 22-24 February 2017, Wien, Austria
    "Mongolian Buddhism in Practice. Second international workshop on Mongolian Buddhism", 24-25 April 2017, Budapest, Hungary
    "Mobility and Immobility in Mongolian Societes. International Conference", 11-13 September 2018, Bern, Switzerland
    "The Mongolian Buddhism: Tradition and Innovation", 25-26 April 2019, Budapest, Hungary
    "The Takeover of Tibet in 1950s Propaganda Films", film-screening and discussion, 18 November 2019, China Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
    "Fifteenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies", 7-13 July, Paris, France
    "Journée culturelle du Tibet 2019", 10 May 2019, Paris, France
    "International Online Conference Sacred Geography: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches in Space and Time", 25-26 September 2020, Nursultan, Kazakhstan
    "Mongolian Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Current State and Development Prospects", 6-9 October 2020, Elista, Kalmykia, Russian Federation
    "The 3rd International Conference Mongolian and the Mongols: Past and Present", 18-19 November 2020, Warsaw, Poland
    "14th Annual Conference on Asian Studies Voiced and Voiceless in Asia", 20–21 November 2020, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Most significant professional accomplishments
  • Editorial Board Membership
    2001-: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Hieron (Bratislava, Slovakia)
    2004-: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Novy Orient (Prague, Czech Republic)
    2006-: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Pantheon (Pardubice, Czech Republic)
    2006-: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Religio (Brno, Czech Republic)
    2006-: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Anthropologia Brunensis (Brno, Czech Republic)
Major publications
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Lumír Jisl – buddholog a archeolog / Buddhist Scholar and Archaeologist (Lumír Jisl – Buddhist Scholar and Archaeologist). In Helena Heroldová a Adéla Tůmová, eds., Čingischán: Tisíc pět set let historie/ Chinggis Khan Fifteen Hundred Years of History. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2025, p. 56-78. Národní muzeum. ISBN 978-80-7036-849-7. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Tibet : Why is the mysterious snowy kingdom part of China today? In Kironska, Kristina; Turcsanyi, Richard. Contemporary China : A New Superpower? 1st edition. London: Routledge, 2024, p. 156-165. Routledge Studies on Think Asia 22. ISBN 978-1-032-39509-8. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Jan Vinař, Tibet – a Country Where People Have Leapt a Thousand Years Forward. Olomouc: Palacký University Press, 2024, 336 pp. Vanished Horizons. ISBN 978-80-244-6506-7. Available from: URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Vanišova a Palátova fotografie Baržiho velkého Maitréji a její význam pro vizuální rekonstrukci chrámu Džokhang ve Lhase : Případová studie (Vaniš and Palát's photograph of Barzi's Great Maitreya and its significance for the visual reconstruction of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa : a case study). In Váša, Ondřej. Tichá pošta mezi Bohemií a Buddhou. Praha: Togga, 2023, p. 201-243. ISBN 978-80-7476-228-4. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Obraz tibetského buddhismu z terénního výzkumu : Lumír Jisl, jeho expedice do Mongolska a Náprstkovo muzeum (An image of Tibetan Buddhism from field research : Lumír Jisl, his expedition to Mongolia and the Náprstek Museum). In Heroldová, Helena. Návrat do Mongolska : Sběratelé a sbírky v Náprstkově muzeu. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2023, p. 51-70. Kavka. ISBN 978-80-7036-800-8. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Stalin musel ustoupit prvnímu česky hovořícímu Mongolovi : Bjambyn Rinčen a Československo (Stalin had to give way to the first Czech-speaking Mongol : Byambyn Rinchen and Czechoslovakia). In Heroldová, Helena. Návrat do Mongolska: Sběratelé a sbírky v Náprstkově muzeu. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2023, p. 71-86. Kavka. ISBN 978-80-7036-800-8. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Lumír Jisl a zmizelé Mongolsko v barvě (Lumír Jisl and Mongolia disappeared in color). In Živá historie, 12/4. 2020, p. 72-75. ISSN 1802-2278. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Šambhala v českém prostředí (Shambhala in the Czech Milieu). Dingir : časopis o současné náboženské scéně. Dingir s.r.o., 2020, vol. 23, No 3, p. 88-90. ISSN 1212-1371. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Šest let v Tibetu (Six years in Tibet). In Živá historie 12/11. 2020, p. 18-23. ISSN 1802-2278. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Shambhala : One Buryat Reinterpretation of the Myth in 20th Century. Online. In Tsyrempilov, Nikolay. Proceedings of the International Conference Sacred Geography: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches in Space and Time. Nur Sultan: Nazarbayev University, 2020, p. 16-24. ISBN 978-601-338-648-5. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Shambhala : One Buryat Reinterpretation of the Myth in 20th Century. In International Online Conference: Sacred Geography: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches in Space and Time; 25-26 September 2020, Nazarbayev University, Nursultan, Kazakhstan. 2020. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Teleki Krisztina, Introduction to the Study of Urga’s Heritage, Ulaanbaatar : Admon 2015, 496 pp. Mongolica Pragensia ’16, Ethnolinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Praha: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of South and Central Asia, Seminar of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, 2019, vol. 9, No 2, p. 81-82. ISSN 1803-5647. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Vzácná thangka Bardo thödol na Slovensku (Rare Bardo thödol Thangka in Slovakia). In Dorota Filová, ed., Premeny času. Bratislava: Fidat, 2019, p. 136-139. ISBN 978-80-89709-09-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Shambhala and the Prague Thangka : The Myth’s Visual Representation. Cross-Currents : East Asian History and Culture Review (e-journal). 2019, Neuveden, No 31, p. 257-262. ISSN 2158-9674. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Czechoslovak Academic Study of Buddhism in the 1950s and 1960s : Field Research in Asia. In Birtalan Agnes et al (eds.). Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism 1. Past, Present and Future. Budapest: L´Harmattan, 2018, p. 409-438, 31 pp. ISBN 978-2-343-14326-2. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. The Second Czechoslovak-Mongolian Archaeological Expedition to Mongolia 1963: Lumír Jisl and Namsrain Ser-Odjav’s exploration of Khentii Aimag. Mongolica Pragensia. Triton, 2018, vol. 11, No 2, p. 7-25. ISSN 1803-5647. URL info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. The story of photographs: Zaya Gegeenii Khüree in the 1950s. In Isabelle Charleux (Ed.). Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco. supplément no. 5. Monaco: Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco, 2016, p. 121-133. ISBN 979-1-09-256529-4. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Lumír Jisl: Život a dílo (Life and Work of Lumír Jisl). In Bělka Luboš; Šindelář Pavel. Lumír Jisl, Čínský deník. 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, p. 198-215. ISBN 978-80-210-8142-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Obraz buddhismu v československých cestopisech do Mongolska v padesátých letech dvacátého století (The image of Buddhism in the Czechoslovak travelogues to Mongolia in 1950s). In Pecha, Lukáš. Staré civilizace Asie a Afriky. První vydání. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, 2016, p. 150-169. ISBN 978-80-261-0416-2. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. "Mongolia at last! I’m at the threshold of the great goal of my life": Lumír Jisl and Ulaanbaatar in the summer of 1957. In Ulaanbaatar 1957-1963: Testimony of Lumír Jisl. Ulaanbaatar, 2015, p. 23-29. ISBN 978-99973-0-668-5. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Mongolsko a Čína objektivem Lumíra Jisla: vzácný fotografický archiv z let 1957-1963 (Mongolia and China by Lens of Lumír Jisl: Rare Photography Archive from the years of 1957 to 1963). Historická fotografie. Brno: Technické muzeum, 2015, vol. 14, No 1, p. 4-21. ISSN 1213-399X. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Mandala a dějiny: Bidija D. Dandaron a burjatský buddhismus (Mandala and History: Bidia D. Dandaron and Buryat Buddhism). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, 170 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-6725-7. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buryat Buddhism and Russia: Religion and Politics. In Kollmar-Paulenz Karénina; Reinhardt Seline; Skrynnikova Tatiana. Religion and Ethnicity in Mongolian Societies: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014, p. 81-96. Studies in Oriental Religions 69. ISBN 978-3-447-10180-6. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Mif Šambaly: viděnija, vizualizacii i vozrožděnije mifa v Burjatii (The Shambhala Myth: Visions, Visualisations and Actualisation in Buryatia). In Garri, Irina. Buddizm v istorii i kulture burjat. Ulan-Ude: Rossijskaja akademija nauk, 2014, p. 229-247. Institut mongolovědějija, buddologii i tibetologii. ISBN 978-5-9905883-0-1. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Československé studium buddhismu v padesátých a šedesátých letech 20. století: Bádání v Asii (Czechoslovak Study of Buddhism in 1950s: Fieldwork in Asia). In Kečka Roman – Benická Jana. Medzi východom a západom: Multikultúrne procesy, migrácia a náboženstvo v strednej Európe. Bratislava: Chronos, 2014, p. 90-114, 24 pp. ISBN 978-80-89027-42-2. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Zobrazení posmrtných soudů v tibetském překladu Sútry o deseti králích: popis a komparativní analýza (Depiction of post-mortem judgments in the Tibetan version of the Sutra of the Ten Kings). Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica, Orientalia Pragensia. Praha: Karolinum, 2013, Neuveden, č. 19, p. 73-84. ISSN 0567-8269. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddha a jeho zobrazování (Buddha and His Depicting). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, 132 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-6545-1. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Mandala Dandarona : Vizualnaja reprezentacija istorii neoficialnoj burjatskoj buddijskoj sangchi sovětskogo perioda (Mandala of Dandaron : a visual representation of the history of the unofficial Buryat Buddhist Sangha of Soviet period). Tartaria Magna. 2012, roč. 2, č. 1, p. 148-169. ISSN 2224-9559. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Předbajkalský buddhismus pohledem československých legionářů : interiér Alarského kláštera (Alar monastery in Cis-Baikalia : Buryat Buddhism in sight of Czechoslovak legionaries). Nový Orient. Praha: Orientální ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2012, roč. 67, č. 1, p. 57-61. ISSN 0029-5302. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Tibetan deities with animal heads : Prague fragment of Bardo thödol. In Kečka, Roman. Buddhism in Asia. Bratislava: Department of Comparative Religion, 2012, p. 21-30. ISBN 978-80-89027-36-1. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Comparative description of the paintings. In Berounský, Daniel. The Tibetan version of the scripture on the Ten Kings : and the quest for Chinese influence on the Tibetan preception of the afterlife. Praha: Triton, 2012, p. 269-297. Triton. ISBN 978-80-7387-584-8. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhistický Petrohrad (Buddhism in Saint Petersburg). Praha: Tibetské listy, 2012, 7 pp. 42. ISSN 1212-4354. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhismus jako světové náboženství (Buddhism as a World Religion). In Milan Fujda - Eva Klocová - Radek Kundt. Identity v konfrontaci. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011, p. 159-175. ISBN 978-80-210-5558-2. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Předbajkalský buddhismus pohledem československých legionářů: Exteriér Alarského kláštera (Alar Monastery in Cis-Baikalia: Buryat Buddhism in Sight of Czechoslovak Legionaries). Nový orient. Praha: Orientální ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i., 2011, roč. 66, č. 4, p. 55-60. ISSN 0029-5302. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Tibetská božstva se zvířecími hlavami: pražský fragment postav mandaly Bardo thödol (Animal-head Tibetan Buddhist Deities: Prague Fragment of the Bardo Thedol Mandala). In Olivová Lucie (ed.), Zvířecí mýty a mytická zvířata. Praha: Academia, 2010, p. 96-105. ISBN 978-80-200-1815-1. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Religionistika, náboženství a vzdělávání (Academic Study of Religions, Religions and Education). Pantheon. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2010, vol. 4, No 1, p. 25-32. ISSN 1803-2443. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Sangha in Buryatia at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Triad of National Buddhist Jewels. In Milan Kováč, Tomáš Gál (eds.), Religious Change. Bratislava: Chronos, 2010, p. 81-87. ISBN 80-89027-15-6. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Burjatské buddhistické chrámy první čtvrtiny 20. století a vizuální dějiny (Buryat Buddhist temples of the first quarter of the 20th century and visual history). In Slobodník Martin (ed.), Našinec v Oriente. Cestovatelia zo Slovenska a Čiech v Ázii a Afrike. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2009, p. 199-210. ISBN 978-80-223-2643-8. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Institution of Mongolian (Khalkha) Jibzundamba Khutugtu: Religion and Politics on the Treshold of the 21st Century. In Vasileva E. A. et al. (Eds.), Filosofija, religija i kultura stran Vostoka. Sankt-Petěrburg: Izd-tvo Sankt-Petěrburgskogo Universitěta, 2009, p. 309-316. ISBN 978-5-288-04831-9. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Háríti: Obrazy buddhistické bohyně (Háríti: Buddhist Goddess Images). In Lukáš Pecha (ed.), Orientalia Antiqua Nova VIII. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009, p. 56-68. ISBN 978-80-87094-13-6. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Egitský klášter v Burjatsku a jeho socha Santalového Buddhy (Egita Monastery in Buryatia and the Sandalwood Buddha Statue). Nový Orient. Praha: Orientální ústav AV ČR, 2009, vol. 64, No 3, p. 43-48. ISSN 0029-5302. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhistická pekla: Zobrazení a texty vztahující se k třetímu peklu Sangháta (Buddhist Hells: Depictions and Texts Concerning the Third Great Hell Sangháta). Religio. Revue pro religionistiku. 2009, vol. 17, No 2, p. 231-249. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Smějící se Buddha: Hwašang a jeho zobrazení (Laughing Buddha: Images of Hwashang). In Olivová Lucie (ed.), Postava šibala v asijské slovesnosti. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2009, p. 67-74. ISBN 978-80-244-2404-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Russian Field Study of Tibetan Buddhism in the End of 19th and Beginning of 20th Century: Bazar Baradin and Gonbozhab Tsybikov. Pantheon. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2009, vol. 3, No 1, p. 51-61. ISSN 1803-2443. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Instituce mongolského (chalšského) bogdgegéna: Náboženství a politika ve Vnitřní Asii na prahu 21. století (The institution of Mongolian (Khalkha) Bogdo Gegen: Religion and Politics in Inner Asia at the Beginning of the 21st century). Pantheon. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2008, vol. 3, No 2, p. 195-203. ISSN 1803-2443. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Bidija Dandaronič Dandaron a burjatský buddhismus ve 20. století (Bidia Dandaronich Dandaron and Buryat Buddhism in the 20th Century). In Orientalia Antiqua Nova. Plzeň: Dryada, 2008, p. 9-19. ISBN 978-80-87025-13-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Kalachakra and the Twenty-Five Kulika Kings of Shambhala: A Xylograph from Prague. Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. 2007, vol. 15, No 1, p. 125-138. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Religion and Education: Religious Formation versus Information about Religions. In Klinkhammer G.- Alberts W. (Eds.) Plurality and Representation: Religion in Education, Culture and Society. Bremen: University of Bremen, 2007, p. 100. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Icons Worthwhile to See: Prague Fragment of the Xylograph Five Hundred Gods of Narthang: A First Report. In Pakhomov Sergey et al. (Eds.), Filosofija, religija i kultura stran Vostoka. Sankt-Petěrburg: Izdatělstvo Sankt-Petěrburgskogo Universitěta, 2007, p. 322-331. ISBN 978-5-288-04523-3. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. "Inteligentní plán" (Intelligent Design) a "vědecký" kreacionismus ("Intelligent Design" and "Scientific" Creationism). In Dopita Miroslav - Staněk Antonín, eds., Multikulturalita a výchova k občanství. Olomouc: Epocha, 2007, p. 108-126, 18 pp. ISBN 978-80-87027-37-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Burjatský buddhismus a Rusko: Instituce bandido chambolamy a chubilgánů (Buryat Buddhism and Russia: The Institution of Bandido Khambolama and Khubilgans). In Slobodník Martin - Kovács Attila (eds.) Politická moc verzus náboženská autorita v Ázii. Bratislava: Chronos, 2006, p. 251-267. ISBN 80-89027-18-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Zandan Zhuu and the Buryat Sangha: History and Present State. In The Ecological Problems and Spiritual Traditions of the Peoples of the Baikal Region. Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo GUZ, 2006, p. 143-152. ISBN 5-98582-041-6. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Maitreya in Tibetan Buddhism: Image and Myth. Studia Asiatica: International Journal of Asian Studies. 2006, vol. 7, No 1, p. 65-83. ISSN 1582-9111. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhistická pekla a mnišský stav. Tělesná provinění a odplata (Buddhist Hells and the Monasticism: Bodily Misdeeds and the Retributions). In Doležalová Iva – Hamar Eleonóra – Bělka Luboš, eds., Náboženství a tělo. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, p. 149-158. ISBN 80-210-4115-3. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Tibetská buddhistická thanatologie a její obraz na Západě (Tibetan Buddhist Thanatology and its Western Image). In Lati Rinpočhe – Jeffrey Hopkins, Smrt, mezistav a znovuzrození. Brno: Barrister and Principal, 2006, p. 85-89. Společnost pro odbornou literaturu. ISBN 80-7364-030-9. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Podoby buddhismu na Západě (Forms of Buddhism in the West). In Dopita Miroslav – Staněk Antonín, eds., Výchova k občanství v rámci školního vzdělávacího programu se zaměřením na potírání rasové a národnostní nesnášenlivosti. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2006, p. 70–79. ISBN 80-244-1494-5. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Maitréja: buddhistická vize budoucnosti (Maitreya: Buddhistis Vision of the Future). Studia Orientalia Slovaca. Bratislava, 2006, vol. 5, No 1, p. 97-114. ISSN 1336-3786. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. „Inteligentní plán“ a „vědecký“ kreacionismus: antievolucionismus v praxi („Intelligent Design“ and „Scientific“ Creationism: Antievolutionism in Action). In Bubík Tomáš – Prázný Aleš – Hoffmann (eds.) Náboženství a věda. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2006, p. 33-41. ISBN 80-7194-876-4. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Tibetská náboženská zobrazení a jejich religionistická reflexe: Text - obraz - rituál (Tibetan Religious Images and Its Academic Cogitation: Text - Image - Ritual). In Babyrádová Hana – Havlíček Jiří, eds., Spiritualita. Brno: Vydavatelství Masarykovy univerzity, 2006, p. 31-45, 14 pp. ISBN 80-210-4206-0. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Jídlo a jeho role v buddhismu (The Role of Food in Buddhism). In Tomáš Bubík - Martin Fárek (eds.) Náboženství a jídlo. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005, p. 5-12. ISBN 80-7194-800-4. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Pozvání k přednáškám na zahraničních universitách - 2005: Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA. 2005. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Pozvání k přednáškám na zahraničních universitách - 2005: University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA. 2005. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. člen redakční rady religionistického časopisu HIERON, Bratislava, Slovensko. 2005. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. člen redakční rady časopisu NOVÝ ORIENT, Praha. 2005. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. člen redakční rady ANTHROPOLOGIA BRUNENSIS, Brno. 2005. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Organisation of the panel, 9th Conference The European Society for Central Asian Studies, "The Local, the Regional and the Global". 2005. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Jamův soud: tibetský obraz pekla (Yamas Tribunal: Vision of Hell in Tibet). In Kováč Milan - Kovács Attila - Podolinská Tatiana, eds. Cesty na druhý svet. Bratislava: Chronos, 2005, p. 42-53. ISBN 80-89027-15-6. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Histoire et renoveau du bouddhisme en Sibérie: Lexemple du datsan dAga (The History and Revival of Buddhism in Siberia: An Example of the Aga Monastery). Slavica occitania. Toulouse, 2005, vol. 21, No 1, p. 339-352. ISSN 1245-2491. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddyzm Buriacki: Tradycja i wspolczesnosc (Buddhism in Buryatia: Tradition and the Current State). Roczniki Teologiczne. Lublin, 2004, vol. 51, No 9, p. 169-180. ISSN 0035-7723. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhistická eschatologie: Šambhalský mýtus (Buddhist Eschatology: The Shambhala Myth). 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2004, 172 pp. Proměny náboženství, sv. 4. ISBN 80-210-3491-2. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Náboženská politika ve vztahu k tibetskému buddhismu v Rusku (Religious Policy towards Tibetan Buddhism in Russia). Studia Orientalia Slovaca. Bratislava: FiF UK Bratislava, 2004, vol. 3, No 1, p. 73-89. ISSN 1336-3786. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. The Myth of Shambhala: Visions, Visualisations, and the Myth's Resurrection in the Twentieth Century in Buryatia. Archív orientální : Quarterly journal of African and Asian studies. Praha: Academia, 2003, 71,, No 3, p. 247-263, 16 pp. ISSN 0044-8699. info
  • ROZEHNALOVÁ, Jana and Luboš BĚLKA. Tibetský buddhismus a západní imaginace. Slavnost Kálačakry ve Štýrském Hradci (Tibetan Buddhism and Western Imagination: The Kalachakra Initiation in Graz). Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství, 2003, vol. 11, No 1, p. 53-76. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • LUŽNÝ, Dušan and Luboš BĚLKA. Podoby buddhismu na Západě (Faces of Buddhism in the West). In Lopez, Donald Jr., Příběh buddhismu. Průvodce dějinami buddhismu a jeho učením. 1st ed. Brno: Barrister and Principal, 2003, p. 209-221. Buddhismus. ISBN 80-86598-54-3. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Mýtus o Šambhale a jeho burjatská aktualizace ve 20. století (The Shambhala Myth and Its Buryat Actualization in 20th Century). Religio. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství, 2002, vol. 10, No 1, p. 113-122. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš and Martin SLOBODNÍK. The Revival of Tibetan Buddhism in Inner Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Asian and African Studies. Bratislava: SAP - Slovak Academic Press, Ltd., 2002, vol. 11, No 1, p. 15-36. ISSN 1335-1257. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš and Martin SLOBODNIK. Vplyv turizmu na tibetské kláštory - príklad Labrangu (The Impact of Tourism on Tibetan Monasteries: The Case of Labrang). Hieron. Bratislava: Lufema, 2002, VI.-VII., No 1, p. 24-33. ISSN 80-89058-11-6. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Bidiya D. Dandaron: the case of a Buryat Buddhist and Buddhologist during the Soviet period. In PAPOUŠEK. Doležalová Iva - Martin Luther - Papoušek Dalibor (eds.) The academic study of religion during the Cold War: east and west. New York et al.; Bern et al.: Peter Lang, 2001, p. 171-182. ISBN 0-8204-5151-7. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš and Daniel BEROUNSKÝ. Burjatský buddhistický obřad "Předložení tisíce ofěr" u stúpy Dašigomon (The Buryat Buddhist Ritual "One Thousand Offerings" at the Dashigomon Stúpa). Religio : Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství Brno, 2001, vol. 9, No 1, p. 25-50. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. K voprosu ob institute chubilganov v burjatskom buddizme (On the question of khubilgans in Buryat Buddhism). In Mir buddijskoj kultury. Materialy meždunarodnogo simpoziuma. 1. vyd. Ulan-Ude, Aginskoje: Burjatskij naučnyj center RAN, 2001, p. 120-126. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Tibetský buddhismus v Burjatsku (Tibetan Buddhism in Buryatia). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2001, 348 pp. Religionistika, sv. 10. ISBN 80-210-2727-4. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Burjatský buddhismus: Tradice a současnost / Buryat Buddhism: Tradition and Presence. In BEROUNSKÝ, Dan, Luboš BĚLKA and Jindřich ŠTREIT. Na konci světa / At the End of the World. 1. vyd. Volary: Stehlík, 2000, p. 113-136. ISBN 80-902707-3-5. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Burjatští "převtělenci" (Chubilgani) (Buryat "incarnations" (Khubilgans)). Hieron : religionistická ročenka. Bratislava: Slovenská spoločnosť pre štúdium náboženstiev pri SAV, 2000, 4-5, p. 3-11. ISSN 8096786091. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Karmický a nirvánický buddhismus jako normativní a žité náboženství. In BĚLKA, Luboš and Milan KOVÁČ. Normativní a žité náboženství. 1. vyd. Brno - Bratislava: Masarykova univerzita - Chronos, 1999, p. 115-124. Religionistika; sv. 9. ISBN 80-210-2047-4. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhism in Estonia. Religion, State and Society. Oxford: Carfax Publishing, 1999, vol. 27, No 2, p. 245-248. ISSN 0963-7494. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Acagatský klášter. Kapitola z historie burjatského buddhismu (Atsagat Monastery: A Chapter from History of Buryat Buddhism). Religio : Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství Brno, 1998, vol. 6, No 2, p. 202-212. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Slovníček odborných pojmů (A Dictionary of Specialized Concepts.). In CONZE, Edward. Stručné dějiny buddhismu. Brno: Jota, 1997, p. 175-230. ISBN 80-7217-002-3. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Oriental and Buddhist studies in Estonia (Oriental and Buddhist Studies in Estonia.). Archív orientální : Quarterly journal of African and Asian studies. Praha: Academia, 1996, vol. 64, No 3, p. 451-459. ISSN 0044-8699. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. The restoration of Buddhism in Buryatia: the current state. In DOLEŽALOVÁ, Iva, Břetislav HORYNA and Dalibor PAPOUŠEK. Religions in contact: selected proceedings of the special IAHR conference held in Brno, August 23-26, 1994. 1st ed. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství - Masarykova univerzita, 1996, p. 163-177. ISBN 80-210-1441-5. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Buddhismus v Estonsku. (Buddhism in Estonia.). Religio : Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství Brno, 1996, vol. 4, No 1, p. 89-94. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. Restoration of Buryat Buddhism: Some Notes about Monasteries. Religio : Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství Brno, 1994, vol. 2, No 1, p. 92-106. ISSN 1210-3640. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. The Species Notion: Problems of Its Conceptualisation. In PESCE-DELFINO, Vittorio. Biological Evolution. Bari, Italy: Adriatica Editrice, 1987, p. 245-251. info
  • BĚLKA, Luboš. The Species Notion: Problems of Its Conceptualisation. In PESCE-DELFINO, Vittorio. Abstracts of Communications. International Symposium Biological Evolution. Bari, Italy: Adriatica Editrice, 1985, p. 10-11. info


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