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Curriculum vitae

  • Mgr.Eva,Chodějovská,Ph.D.
  • Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archival Studies
  • External lecturer
Education and academic qualifications
  • 2014: Ph.D., History, doctoral thesis: Image of Prague in the Early Modern Period. Iconography of a European City (in Czech), University of Pardubice, Faculty of Arts
  • 2006: Mgr., History and Archival Studies, master thesis: The Early Modern Maps of Prague. The Catalogue of Preserved Prague´s Old Maps until 1800 (in Czech), Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts
Professional experience
  • 2017- : Moravian Library in Brno, Rare books and maps department, senior research fellow
  • 2016-2017: Moravian Provicial Archives in Brno – State District Archives in Zlín (Moravský zemský archive v Brně – Státní okresní archive Zlín), map collection keeper, member of the working group dealing with methodology and manuals for making available cartographic heritage preserved in archives in the Czech Republic
  • 2012–2016: Czech Historical Institute in Rome (Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma, Český historický ústav v Římě), editor of Bollettino dellʼIstituto storico ceco di Roma
  • 2006–2016: Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of History (Akademie věd České republiky, Historický ústav), Prague, research fellow, member of the Historical Geography Working Group (Historic Towns Atlas of the Czech Republic editor, “Academic Atlas of the Czech History” coeditor, author of the web map portal:, map collection keeper
  • 2003–2006: Municipal Archives of Prague (Archiv hlavního města Prahy), map collection keeper
Teaching activities
  • How to Study Townscape? Selected Chapters in Urban History (Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Arts, since 2017)
  • Historical Geography (Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2007, 2009–2015)
  • Scientific Editorial Work Training (Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts)
  • Historical Geography (University of Pardubice, Faculty of Arts, 2009– 2014)
  • Image of a city. Vedute of the early modern eurepaen towns and cities (University of Pardubice, Faculty of Arts)
Research activities
  • 2016- : participation on the research project "Industrial Town and its Transformations in the 20th Century: the Culture, Identity and System of Urban Industrial Society as Exemplified by the „Ideal Town“ of Zlín" / Průmyslové město a jeho proměny ve 20. století: Kultura, identita a řád urbánní průmyslové společnosti na příkladu "ideálního města" Zlína; five-year project of Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity Programme (NAKI) provided by Ministry of Culture, Czech Technical Museum in Prague – Masaryk University in Brno
  • 2012–2016: member of the Historical Geography Research Centre / Výzkumné centrum historické geografie: Projekt excelence podpořený Grantovou agenturou ČR: P410/12/G113, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of History – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • 2008–2015: participation on the research projects "Historic Towns Atlas of the Czech Republic" / Historický atlas měst ČR: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: GA13-11425S, GA404/06/1260, GA404/09/0897, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of History
  • 2011–2015: participation on the research project "Cartographic sources as a cultural heritage. Research of the New Methods and Technologies of Digitalisation to Enable Access and Use of the Old Maps, Plans, Atlases and Globes" / Kartografické zdroje jako kulturní dědictví. Výzkum nových metodik a technologií digitalizace, zpřístupnění a využití starých map, plánů, atlasů a glóbů: Ministery of Culture, Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity Programme (NAKI): DF11P01OVV021, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of History – Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby
  • 2009–2013: participation on the research project "Architecture, Urbanism and Landcaping in the Friedland Estate of Albrecht of Wallenstein" / Architektura, urbanismus a krajinotvorba frýdlanského panství Albrechta z Valdštejna (1621–1634): Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: 404/09/2112, Regional Museum and Gallery in Jičín;
  • 2006–2008: "Heřman Jakub Černín´s Travel Diary (1678–1682)": Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: 404/06/1607, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts
Professional stays abroad
  • 2016: Visualizing Venice Digital Visualization Workshop 2016: „The Ghetto of Venice“, Venice International University, Italy, and Duke University of Durham, USA (scholarship provided by The Getty Foundation)
  • 2013: one-month research stay, Institute for Comparative Towns History, Münster, Germany
  • 2013: one-week guest-research stay (Gastwissenschaftler) + lecture, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO), Leipzig, Germany
  • 2006–2015: two-four-week research stays, since 2012 regularly one-month twice a year, Czech Historical Institute in Rome, Italy
  • 2011: three-months research stay, University of Vienna, Faculty of Arts, Austria (Aktion Österreich-Tschechien Scholarship)
  • 2009: six-month study and research stay - history of architecture and urbanism, research programme and training in the Laboratory of Geomatics, University “Roma Tre”, Faculty of Architecture, Rome, Italy (Italian government scholarship)
Non-university activities
  • Volunteering and free time activities related to history
  • antique music and acting theatre group "Lauriger", Prague, Czech Republic,
  • tourist guide and specialist adviser (since 1995) in the Czech Paradise Region (castles Staré Hrady and Humprecht, societies deaing with local history), Czech Republic
  • tourist guide Ars viva travel agency focusing on history, art and architecture history of Italy, Austria and Germany
  • Bibliography - Popularization and Translations (selection)
  • CHODĚJOVSKÁ, Eva, Důstojná oslava narozenin. 300 let od vydání Müllerovy mapy Moravy [Dignified Birthday Celebrations. The 300th Anniversary of the First Edition of Johann Christoph Müller´s Map of Moravia]. Dějiny a současnost 2017, 39 (1), p. 5.
  • CHODĚJOVSKÁ, Eva, Humprecht. Italská inspirace v Českém ráji [The Humprecht Castle. Italian Inspiration in the Bohemian Paradise Region]. Dějiny a současnost 2014, 36 (4), pp. 28–29.
  • CHODĚJOVSKÁ, Eva, „Cesty, vyhlídky a rokle jmény označiti“. Počátky turistiky v Prachovských skalách [„To give names to pathes, lookouts and ravines“. Beginnings of Tourism in the Prachov Rocks Region]. Dějiny a současnost 2012, 34 (3), pp. 36–39.
  • Italian-Czech translations
  • Donatella Calabi, Gli Ebrei in Venezia nella prima età moderna – pubished as: Kupci benátští a Schylockové. Židé v Benátkách raného novověku. Dějiny a současnost 2011, 33 (8), pp. 34–36.
Most significant professional accomplishments
  • Honours and awards
  • 2016: “Premio Guidoni” Prize, awarded by the Associazione Storia della Citta (Italy) for the chaptaer from the PhD-thesis La nascita dell´immagine più tipica di Praga
  • 2015: “Magnesia Litera” Prize 2015 for HOJDA, Zdeněk - CHODĚJOVSKÁ, Eva et al., Přes Alpy a Pyreneje. Kavalírská cesta Heřmana Jakubu Černína z Chudenic do Německých zemí, Itálie, Francie, Španělska a Portugalska [Across the Alps and the Pyrenees: a Grand Tour of Heřman Jakub Černín to the German Lands, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal in 1678–1682], Zdeněk Hojda - Eva Chodějovská (edd.), Praha: NLN, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, e Národní galerie v Praze, 2014, 758 + 874 pp.
  • 2015: “Magnesia Litera” Prize 2015 for SEMOTANOVÁ, Eva – CAJTHAML, Jiří et al., Akademický atlas českých dějin [Academic Atlas of the Czech History]. Praha: Academia, 2014, 559 pp. (editor of chapter 5: Early modern era)
  • 2015: “The Book of the Year” Prize of the “Academia” Publishing house for SEMOTANOVÁ, Eva – CAJTHAML, Jiří et al., Akademický atlas českých dějin [Academic Atlas of the Czech History]. Praha: Academia, 2014, 559 pp. (editor of chapter 5: Early modern era)
  • 2014: Award for Junior Scholars, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for CHODĚJOVSKÁ, Eva et al., Praha-Smíchov. Praha: Nakladatelství Historický ústav, 2013. 88 pp. = Historický atlas měst České republiky / Historic Towns Atlas of the Czech republic, vol. 24.
  • Lectures
  • 2017: Ichnographia et orthographia metropolis pragensis. Iconography of Prague during the Reign of Maria Theresa (University of Vienna, "Geschichte am Mittwoch", 18/10/2017)
  • Membership
  • 2012-2016: Historic Towns Atlas Working Group (a branch of the International Commission for the History of Towns)
  • 2014- : scientific correspondent of the scientific journal Città e storia [Cities and History], Rome, Italy
  • 2014- : editorial-board member of the scientific journal Z Českého ráje a Podkrkonoší, Semily-Jičín, Czech Republic
  • Conferences − (co)organisation (selection)
  • 2015: „Odkud vidět město? Veduty měst od 13. do 20. století“ / I punti di vista e le vedute di città sec. XIII-XX, Praha, Institute of Italian Culture / Italský kulturní institut, 6. – 31. 10. 2015, supporting programme of the conference Od veduty k fotografii. Inscenování města v jeho historii / From Vedute to Photography. Performing a City in its History (6.-7. 10. 2015 organised by the Prague Municipal Archives, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Humanities and J. E. Purkyně Universty, Fabulty of Arts in Ústí nad Labem in collaboration with Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of History)
  • 2015: International workshop Rome. Old Maps and Topography of a Big City / ŘÍM - Staré mapy a topografie velkoměsta, Prague
  • 2013: IX Congress Virtual City and Territory: City – Memory – People (University “Roma Tre”, Faculty of Architecture, Rome, Italy (coordination of the session Digital Narrations in Urban History/Narrazioni digitali della storia urbana, with Keti Lelo, University “Roma Tre”)
  • 2012: XV International Conference of Historical Geographers, Prague (local organising committee member, chairing of a session, guided tours)
  • 2012: XI European Association Urban History Conference, Prague (local organising committee member, invitation ppt presentation presented in Gent, 2010, guided tours; coordination of the session Portraits of the City: Rethinking Methodological Paradigms of Representations of the City (with Katrien Lichtert, M. P. J. Martens a J. Dumolyn (University in Gent)
  • 2012: Exhibition Historic Towns Atlas. A European Project for Comparative Urban History (idea and execution, Prague, Clam-Gallas Palace = supporting programme of the above-mentioned EAUH-conference and of the annual meeting and conference of the International Commission for the History of Towns held in Prague in the same year)
  • 2005–2015: annual conferences in historical geography, Prague (every year in January, one-day international conference organised by the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Historical Geography Working Group and Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague /regular participation – usually presenting a paper, organising, chairing/)


Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Eva Chodějovská, Ph.D. (učo 241407), version: English(1), last update: 2017/11/14 13:43, E. Chodějovská