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Curriculum vitae

Name, first names, scientific degrees
  • Mgr. Mikoláš Jurda, Ph.D. 26. 5. 1983, Starý Bohumín
  • Department of Anthropology
Function, current position
  • Assistant professor
Education and academic qualifications
  • 2016: Doctoral degree in Anthropology, Ph.D., Validation of three-dimensional modeling in skeletal anthropology, Masaryk University, Czech republic
  • 2008: Master of Science in Anthropology, Mgr., Taphonomy of the Human Skull from the Geometric Morphometry point of View, Masaryk University, Czech republic
Professional experience
  • 2016–present: Masaryk University, Assistant professor
  • 2012–2016: Masaryk University, Researcher
Teaching activities
  • Digital imaging data acquisition and processing in anthropology, Variability and adaptability of human population, Forensic anthropology practical training, Methods of anthropology, Supervisor to bachelor and master theses
Research activities
  • Areas of research: Forensic anthropology; Human variability and adaptibility; 3D Technology; 3D Graphics; Non-Invasive imaging techniques; Biostatistics
Other academic activities, research projects, grants
  • Academic activities:
  • Committee for bachelor and master state exam in Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
  • Research projects:
  • Mapping the community dynamics of Anabaptist population in Moravia in the 16th and 17th centuries; Ministry of Culture of the CR / NAKI III: Applied research of national and cultural identity (2023-2030) – DH23P03OVV074 – Investigator
  • A.D.A.P.T. – Antropologická DAtabáze Proporcí Těla (“Anthropological database of the body proportions”); Ministry of the Interior of the CR; Security Research Program of the Czech Republic 2015-2022 – VI04000019 – Investigator
  • Optimalizace proporcí respirátoru CIIRC RP95-3D pro nedospělé osoby ve věkové kategorii 4 až 18 let – MUNI/31/02202003/2020 – Investigator
  • Formování mezinárodního týmu pro výzkum evoluční antropologie moravských populací; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness – CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0181 – Investigator
Non-university activities
  • 2022-present: Member of National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (NAB), Anthropology
  • 2018-present: Editor; Anthropologia integra, Journal for general anthropology and related disciplines, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
Major publications
  • ČUTA, Martin, Mikoláš JURDA, Veronika KOVÁČOVÁ, Marie JANDOVÁ, Vendula BEZDĚKOVÁ, Dominik ČERNÝ and Petra URBANOVÁ. Virtual fit and design improvements of a filtering half-mask for sub-adult wearers. ERGONOMICS. ENGLAND: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2024, vol. 67, No 10, p. 1267-1283. ISSN 0014-0139. Available from: URL info
  • JURDA, Mikoláš. Investigating trauma in mummified remains using finite element analysis. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. Hoboken: Wiley, 2024, vol. 34, No 5, p. 1-10. ISSN 1047-482X. Available from: URL info
  • JURDA, Mikoláš, Petra URBANOVÁ, Martin ČUTA, Dominik ČERNÝ, Marie JANDOVÁ, Veronika KOVÁČOVÁ and Vendula BEZDĚKOVÁ. Metodika pro hodnocení populačních morfologických dat v platformě A.D.A.P.T pro potřeby vývoje a výroby předmětů osobní ochrany (Methodology of morphological data evaluation (for the purposes personal protective equipment design and manufacture) of in the A.D.A.P.T. platform). 2023. info
  • KOVÁČOVÁ, Veronika, Martin ČUTA, Mikoláš JURDA, Vendula BEZDĚKOVÁ, Dominik ČERNÝ, Marie JANDOVÁ and Petra URBANOVÁ. WHOLE-BODY MRI-BASED ASSESSMENT OF ADIPOSE TISSUE: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING. Anthropologie. Brno: Moravian Museum - Anthropos Institute, 2023, vol. 61, No 1, p. 109-117. ISSN 0323-1119. Available from: URL info
  • PLISKA, Pavel, Mikoláš JURDA, Adriana STREJČKOVÁ, Marek TRTÍK, Patrik BAŠO, Radoslav BEŇA, Lukáš RAJNOHA, Štěpán DVOŘÁČEK, Martin ČUTA, Dominik ČERNÝ and Petra URBANOVÁ. A.D.A.P.T. Software. 2023. URL info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Martin ČUTA, Mikoláš JURDA, Dominik ČERNÝ, Marie JANDOVÁ, Veronika KOVÁČOVÁ and Vendula BEZDĚKOVÁ. A.D.A.P.T. databáze (A.D.A.P.T. database). 2023. Webová adresa obsahující detailní informace o databázi A.D.A.P.T. v písemné a video formě. Součástí je odkaz na registraci a přístup do databáze. info
  • RYDLO, Štěpán, Mikoláš JURDA, Martin DRAHANSKÝ, Petra URBANOVÁ, Dominik ČERNÝ and Martin SAKIN. 3D fotogrammetrická stanice pro celotělový záznam člověka (3D photogrammetry station for a full-body documentation). 2021. info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Martin ČUTA, Mikoláš JURDA and Dominik ČERNÝ. Metodika výběru vhodné velikosti a tvaru respirátoru pro konkrétní osoby (Methods of selecting optimal respirator size and shape for particular persons). Masarykova univerzita, 2020. info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Mikoláš JURDA, Dominik ČERNÝ and Martin ČUTA. Fantom hlavy reprezentující nedospělé jedince pro testování těsnosti respirátorů (Phantom head representing sub-adult individuals for respirator tightness of fit testing). 2020. info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Petr VACHŮT, Kateřina HLOUCHOVÁ, Mikoláš JURDA, Cyril Josef KOMOSNÝ, Helena LUKÁŠOVÁ and Ctibor OSTRÝ. BARON TRENCK Nová tvář legendy (BARON TRENCK New face of the Legend). první. Praha: Galén, 2020, 189 pp. ISBN 978-80-7492-507-8. info
  • JURDA, Mikoláš, Petra URBANOVÁ and Jiří CHMELÍK. Digital restoration of fragmentary human skeletal remains: Testing the feasibility of virtual reality. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2019, vol. 66, AUG 2019, p. 50-57. ISSN 1752-928X. Available from: URL info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Mikoláš JURDA, Helena LUKÁŠOVÁ, Ctibor OSTRÝ, Petr VACHŮT and Michal PALAŠČAK. Baron Trenck: Nová tvář legendy (Baron Trenck: New face of legend). 2019. URL info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Mikoláš JURDA, Miroslav KRÁLÍK, Ctibor OSTRÝ and Petr VACHŮT. How to Fingerprint a Nearly 300-year-old Mummy. Journal of Forensic Identification. United States of America, 2019, vol. 69, No 4, p. 451-469. ISSN 0895-173X. URL info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Tomáš VOJTÍŠEK, Jan FRIŠHONS, Ondřej ŠANDOR, Mikoláš JURDA and Jan KRAJSA. Applying 3D Prints to Reconstructing Postmortem Craniofacial Features Damaged by Devastating Head Injuries. Legal Medicine. Clare: ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2018, vol. 33, JUL 2018, p. 48-52. ISSN 1344-6223. Available from: info
  • URBANOVÁ, Petra, Zuzana FERKOVÁ, Marie JANDOVÁ, Mikoláš JURDA, Dominik ČERNÝ and Jiří SOCHOR. Introducing the FIDENTIS 3D Face Database. Anthropological Review. 2018, vol. 81, No 2, p. 202-223. ISSN 1898-6773. info


Curriculum vitae: Mgr. Mikoláš Jurda, Ph.D. (učo 85144), version: English(1), last update: 2025/03/04 20:50, M. Jurda