Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Iveta Zelenková
- Phone: +420549498549
- Mobile: +420731171810
- e-mail:
- Department
- Masaryk University
Faculty of Social Studies
Department of Social Policy and Social work
Joštova 10, Brno 602 00
- Masaryk University
- Employment - Position
- Assistant Professor
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- Period (from - to): 2006 - 2013
Name and type of organization providing education or courses: Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno
Field: Social Policy and Social Work
Dissertation: Multilevel governance: Conditions of cooperation and its coordination in the implementation of public programs in local level
Degree: Ph.D. -
Period (from - to): 2004 - 2006
Name and type of organization providing education or courses: Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno
Field: Social Policy and Social Work
Diploma thesis: Application of community approach in designing DPC services
Degree: Mgr. -
Period (from - to): 2001-2004
Name and type of organization providing education or courses: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Faculty of Social and Economics, Ústí nad Labem
Field: Social Policy and Social Work
Bachelor Thesis: Historical Development of Social Work in Ústí nad Labem
Degree: Bc. -
Period (from - to): 1993-2001
Name and type of organization providing education or courses: Secondary grammar school Mariánské Lázně
Field: General
Graduation subjects: Czech language, English language, Basics of social sciences, Geography
Degree: Graduation
- Period (from - to): 2006 - 2013
- Employment
- Period (from - to): 9/2013 - present
Employer: Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University Brno
Position: assistant professor -
Period (from - to): 7/2019 - 5/2020
Employer: Ekoinkubátor
Position: evaluator in the project "Symbios" -
Period (from - to): 7/2018 - 12/2019
Employer: Research Institute of Labor and Social Affairs Brno
Position: researcher -
Period (from - to): 4/2012 - 8/2013
Employer : Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University Brno
Position: assistant -
Period (from - to): 7/2010 - 11/2011
Employer: Research Institute of Labor and Social Affairs Brno
Position: researcher -
Period (from - to): 1/2008 - 6/2011
Employer: Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University Brno
Position: research and development worker -
Period (from - to): 11/2008 - 6/2010
Employer: Elementary school, kindergarten and practical school Karlovy Vary, Vančurova 83, dislocated workplace Special pedagogical center Mariánské Lázně
Position: social worker
- Period (from - to): 9/2013 - present
- Teaching Activities
- FSS: SPR732 Fundamentals of Theory of Organization and Management
- FSS: SPR478 Strategic Planning for Public and Social Goals
- FSS: VPL149 Fundamentals of Theory of Organization and Management
- FSS: VPL160 Internship for Public Administration
- FSS: VPL161 Internship for Human Resources Development and Management
- FSS: VPL436 Human Resources Management and Development
- FSS: VPL818 Human Resources Management and Development
- FSS: VPL462 Analytical Internship for Human Resources Development and Management
- FSS: VPL465 Analytical Internship for Public Administration and Policy
- FSS: VPL435 Theory of Organization and Management
- FSS: VPL801 Theory of Organization and Management
- PrF: LA203Zk Public Policy in the European Space
- FSS: VPL810 Evaluation research
- FSS: VPL463 Organizational conflict and change
- FSS: SPP706 Research methods and techniques for SPSP
- FSS: SPP112 Excursion to social services organizations
- FSS: SPP119 Evaluation research I
- FSS: SPP405 Evaluation research II
- FSS: SPP706 Evaluation research I
- Supervision of diploma theses
- Scientific and Research Activities
- 7/2019-5/2020 - Evaluation of the project "Symbios"
- 7/2018-12/2019 - researcher in the project "Standards of Social Work in Public Administration"
- 9/2018-12/2019: Evaluation of the project "Pilot testing of the concept of social housing in Brno"
- 9/2019 -12/2019: Case study of the project "Pilot testing of the concept of social housing in Brno"
- 2016: researcher in the project "Needs assessment of users of social services in the city of Brno (need for development of social services)" for the purpose of obtaining data for creating the 5th community plan of social services in Brno for the period 2017-2019 and for planning, networking and financing of social services in the city of Brno.
- 12/2012-11/2014: researcher in the project of international cooperation OP HRE Active matching: Strategic support of labor market counseling, CZ.1.04/5.1.01/77.00400 in cooperation with MU Brno and the Swedish partner Arbetsförmedlingen, Stockholm.
- 2012: researcher in the project "Provision of professional studies and analysis for the purposes of compiling the 3rd Community Plan of Social Services of the City of Brno for the period 2013 - 2015", project sponsor: Social Endowment Fund of the City of Brno Domovy potřebných
- 7/2010-11/2011: researcher in the project "Optimization of the work of counselors for employment mediation at the Labor Office in the Czech Republic"
- 1/2008-6/2011: researcher in the project "New social risks of the labor market and the need to reform its political regulation after the Czech Republic's accession to the EU. Monitoring and evaluation of needs."
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2016/12/06 – 2016/12/10: Linnaeus University, Växjö, SWE
- Účast na konferenci RAPSE Conference: Changing Labour Markets: Challenges for Welfare and Labour Market Policy. Příspěvek: Collective Bargaining and its Importance on Skills’ Formation in the Metal Sector Compared to the Service Sector in the Czech Republic
- 2013/02/03 – 2013/02/10: Swedish Public Employment Services, Falun, Other programs, SWE
- studijní návštěva v organizaci zahraničního partnera projektu: Projekt mezinárodní spolupráce OP LZZ Aktivní matching: Strategická podpora poradenství na pracovním trhu, CZ.1.04/5.1.01/77.00400 ve spolupráci MU Brno se švédským partnerem Arbetsförmedlingen, Stockholm.
- 2010/08/30 – 2011/01/10: University of Tilburg, Tilburg, Erasmus+, NLD
- 2009/11/16 – 2009/11/19: University of Kassel, Kassel, Other programs, DEU
- účast na mezinárodním workshopu „User Involvement and Participation in Social Care“
- 2016/12/06 – 2016/12/10: Linnaeus University, Växjö, SWE
- University Activities
- internships guarantor for the field of Public Policy and Human Resources
- Major Publications
- DOHNALOVÁ, Zdeňka and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. UNVEILING THE SYNERGY: VOLUNTEERISM, SERVICE LEARNING, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN ACADEMIC SETTINGS. In EDULEARN24: 16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma (Spain) - 1st, 2nd and 3rd July 2024. 2024. info
- DOHNALOVÁ, Zdeňka and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Unveiling the Synergy : Volunteerism, Service Learning, and Community Engagement in Academic Settings. Online. In Luis Gómez Chova, Chelo González Martínez, Joanna Lees. EDULEARN24 Conference Proceedings : 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Valencia: IATED Academy, 2024, p. 1587-1596. ISBN 978-84-09-62938-1. Available from: proceedings; article; info
- PLASOVÁ, Blanka and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Emerging issues in flexible work arrangements in post-pandemic and beyond in the Czech Republic. In 22nd ESPAnet Annual Conference 2024. Public values of the welfare state to manage sustainable welfare and wellbeing. Tampere, Finland 28th - 30th August. 2024. URL info
- DOHNALOVÁ, Zdeňka and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Volunteerism of University Students in the Czech Republic as a Path to Sustainability. Caritas et Veritas. České Budějovice: Teologická fakulta Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, 2024, vol. 14, No 1, p. 31-43. ISSN 1805-0948. Available from: article - open access info
- HORŇÁČEK, Josef and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Východiska strategického HRM a pracovní vztahy (The Starting Points of Strategic HRM and Labour Relations). Scientia et Societas. Praha: Newton College a.s., 2017, vol. 13, No 4, p. 84-100. ISSN 1801-7118. časopis č.4/2017 info
- ZELENKOVÁ, Iveta, Jiří VYHLÍDAL and Lenka KLIMPLOVÁ. Hodnocení možnosti uplatnění vybraných prvků švédského monitoringu potřeb trhu práce v podmínkách ČR (Assessment of possibilities to use the selected elements of the Swedish monitoring of labour market needs in the Czech conditions). Fórum sociální politiky. Praha: Výzkumný ústav práce a sociálních věcí, v. v, i., 2015, vol. 9, No 4, p. 2-8. ISSN 1802-5854. info
- ZELENKOVÁ, Iveta, Jiří VYHLÍDAL and Josef HORŇÁČEK. Hodnocení terénního šetření u zaměstnavatelů. 2014. URL info
- HORŇÁČEK, Josef, Lenka KLIMPLOVÁ, Jiří VYHLÍDAL, Jiří WINKLER, Iveta ZELENKOVÁ and Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ. Možnosti uplatnění kompetencí při zprostředkování a poradenství na ÚP (Possibilities of Using Competences in Mediation and Counselling Process at EO). 2014. info
- HORŇÁČEK, Josef, Lenka KLIMPLOVÁ, Jiří VYHLÍDAL, Jiří WINKLER, Iveta ZELENKOVÁ and Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ. Požadavky zaměstnavatelů identifikované na regionálním trhu práce (Employers' Requirements Identified in the Regional Labour Market). 2014. info
- KLIMPLOVÁ, Lenka, Jiří WINKLER, Josef HORŇÁČEK, Jiří VYHLÍDAL, Iveta ZELENKOVÁ, Josef PITNER and Magda FRIŠAUFOVÁ. Monitorování a prognózování trhu práce: Švédskou cestou? (Labour Market Monitoring and Forecasting: Swedish Way?). 2014. URL info
- HORŇÁČEK, Josef and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Employers’ Requirements on Labour Force in the South Moravian Region. Journal of Competitiveness. Zlín: Univerzita Tomáše Bati, Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky, 2014, vol. 2014, No 4, p. 63 - 79. ISSN 1804-171X. URL info
- HORŇÁČEK, Josef, Lenka KLIMPLOVÁ, Josef PITNER, Jiří VYHLÍDAL, Jiří WINKLER and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Kvalitativní monitorování a prognózování trhu práce: Švédskou cestou? (Qualitative Labour Market Monitoring and Forecasting: Swedish Way?). Brno: Masarykova universita, 2014, 128 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7501-6. info
- WINKLER, Jiří, Iveta ZELENKOVÁ and Imrich VAŠEČKA. Analýza systému řízení sociálních služeb zabezpečovaných Statutárním městem Brnem (Analysis of the Social Services Management System provided by the Statutory City of Brno). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, 111 pp. Studie a analýzy pro III. komunitní plán. info
- WINKLER, Jiří and Iveta ZELENKOVÁ. Služby zaměstnanosti a formy spolupráce s občanským sektorem na regionálním trhu práce (Employment Services and Forms of Cooperation with the Civic Sector in the Regional Labor Market). In Winkler, J.; Klimplová, L. (eds.): Nová sociální rizika na trhu práce a potřeby reformy české veřejné politiky. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010, p. 123 - 140, 17 pp. Mopo. ISBN 978-80-210-5352-6. info
Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Iveta Zelenková, Ph.D. (učo 143806), version: English(1), last update: 2020/06/16 01:41, I. Zelenková
Another Variant: Czech(1)