Curriculum vitae
- Name, first names, scientific degrees
- Mgr. Terezie Dvořáčková
born on June 28, 1995, in the Czech Republic
- Mgr. Terezie Dvořáčková
- Department/Faculty/University
- Department for the Study of Religions
Faculty of Arts
Masaryk University
Gorkého 7
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Department for the Study of Religions
- Function, current position
- PhD student
Doctoral researcher at LEVYNA (Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion)
- PhD student
- Education and academic qualifications
- 2020: Mgr. (Master's degree) in the Study of Religions; M.A. thesis: "Religion and Sexual Selection: Fuction of Religion in Alloparenting and Paternity" (in Czech); Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- 2018: Bc. (Bachelor's degree) in the Study of Religions / Czech Language and Literature; B.A. thesis: "Comparison of Ritual Social Function in Selected Classical and Modern Evolutionist" (in Czech); Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- Teaching activities
- 2021: Individual lecture "Evoluce náboženské prosociality" (The Evolution of Religious Prosociality) in the course "Religion in Cognitive/Psychological Perspectives" (RLKA25 a RLBcKA025)
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2024/07/10 – 2024/07/31: University of Connecticut, Anthropology Department, Flic en Flac, Other programs, MUS
- Výzkumný pobyt na Mauriciu v rámci projektu „Religious alloparenting: Variation in paternal side allocare across religious groups in Mauritius“, který je součástí mé dizertace a pracuji na něm se svou školitelkou Mgr. et Mgr. Evou Kundtovou Klocovou, Ph.D., a vedoucím Ústavu religionistiky Mgr. et Mgr. Radkem Kundtem, Ph.D. Zároveň se jedná také o pobyt v rámci etnografického tréninku, který během svého terénního výzkumu se svými studenty vede Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas (University of Connecticut, Anthropology Department).
- MUNI/A/1339/2023
- 2024/02/28 – 2024/03/28: Comenius University, Bratislava, Erasmus+, SVK
- Jedná se o krátkodobou praktickou stáž na Ústavu sociálnej antropológie na Fakultě sociálnych a ekonomických ved Komenského univerzity.
- 2022/06/27 – 2022/07/01: University College Cork, Ireland, Cork, Other programs, IRL
- Jedná se o 5denní konferenci "19th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions" (EASR 2022) v prezenční formě v Corku. Příspěvek "Mater semper certa est, pater incertus: Religious mate-guarding as a tool for paternal investment" je součástí tematického panelu "Cross-cultural research of religious practices and beliefs". Oficiální stránka konference je zde:
- MUNI/A/1435/2021
- 2024/07/10 – 2024/07/31: University of Connecticut, Anthropology Department, Flic en Flac, Other programs, MUS
- Other academic activities, research projects, grants
- 2021: Organization of the international doctoral conference Wellbeing, Harm, and Religion in Brno
- Major publications
- DVOŘÁČKOVÁ, Terezie. Mater semper certa est, pater incertus : Religious mate-guarding as a tool for paternal investment. In 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, 27. 6. – 1. 7. 2022, Cork, Ireland. 2022. URL info
- DVOŘÁČKOVÁ, Terezie. Bůh jako zdroj stvoření v japonských protikřesťanských textech 17. století : srovnání kritiky v Ha Daiusu Fabiana Fukana a anonymním sešitu Kirišitan monogatari (God as the Source of Creation in Japanese Anti-Christian texts of the 17th Century : Comparison of Criticism in Ha Daiusu from Fabian Fucan and the Anonymous Chapbook Kirishitan Monogatari). Sacra. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, vol. 14, No 1, p. 41-52. ISSN 1214-5351. Digitální knihovna FF MU info
Curriculum vitae: Mgr. et Mgr. Terezie Dvořáčková (učo 438541), version: English(1), last update: 2021/11/21 17:33, T. Dvořáčková