Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Ing., Mgr. et Mgr., Andrej Kapcar
Age: 34
Address: Smolenicka 3, 85105 Bratislava, Slovakia
Phone: +421 949 337 803
- Ing., Mgr. et Mgr., Andrej Kapcar
- Department
- Masaryk University in Brno
Faculty of Arts
Department for the Study of Religions
- Masaryk University in Brno
- Employment - Position
- PhD Student
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 9/2012 – 8/2015
Master of Arts (Religious Studies)
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts
Study emphasis: Islam
Master’s Thesis: “Vývoj funerálnych praktík, rituálov a kultov smrti od doby kamennej“ („Evolution of the funeral practices, rituals and death cults from the Stone Age“)
Final Grade: A
9/2010 – 8/2012
Master of Arts (Archaeology)
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts
Study emphasis: Prehistoric archaeology
Master’s Thesis: “Šamanizmus v dobe kamennej. Príspevok k interpretácii kultových nálezov v archeologickom kontexte” (“Shamanism in the Stone Age. Contribution on the interpretation of cult finds in archaeological context “
Final Grade: A
9/2007 – 8/2010
Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology)
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts
Study emphasis: archaeology in general
Bachelor’s Thesis: “Zoomorfná plastika doby kamennej” (“Zoomorphic sculptures of the Stone Age“)
9/2001 – 8/2006
Master of Economics
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce
Study emphasis: International Business
Master’s Thesis: “Psychologický efekt farieb ako marketingového nástroja webdizajnu“ (“Psychological effect of colors as a marketing tool in web design”)
- 9/2012 – 8/2015
- Teaching Activities
- 2016 – Necrofobia, the fear of the dead – guest lecturer at the Department of Archaeology, Masaryk University in Brno 2015 – The perception of death and funeral rites – guest lecturer at the Department of Archaeology, Comenius University in Bratislava
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Archaeological Excavations
2014 – Guatemala, locality: Uaxactun, organized by Slovak Archaeological and Historical institute ad Comenius University in Bratislava
2011 –Abkhazia, locality: Akarmara, organized by Russian Academy of Sciences
2010 – Slovakia, locality: Lisková, organized by Archaeology Department of the Comenius University, Bratislava
2010 – Slovakia, locality: Bratislava Castle – Courtyard, organized by The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
2010 – Slovakia, locality: Likavka Castle, organized by Via Magna Ltd.
2009 – Slovakia, locality: Bratislava Castle – Northern Terrace, organized by The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic
2009 – Slovakia, locality: Hubová - Ivachnová, organized by Archaeology Department of the Comenius University, Bratislava
2009 – Slovakia, locality: Stupava, organized by Archaeological Museum Bratislava
2008 - Slovakia, locality: Likavka Castle, organized by Via Magna Ltd.
2008 – Crimea, locality Tschaika, organized by Lomonosov Moscow State University
2007 – Slovakia, locality: Zeleneč, organized by Archaeology Department of the Comenius University, Bratislava
Field Research and Expeditions
2014 – London – the Assyrian sculptures and reliefs in the British Museum
2013 – Israel and Palestine – Jericho and its artifacts in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem
2013 – Sardinia – Nuraghi and the necropolis Anghelu Ruju
2013 – North Africa/Morocco - Volubilis
2013 – Malta – Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum and the Neolithic Temples of Malta
2012 – East Turkey and Turkish Kurdistan– Antiochian Syriac Orthodox Church monasteries, the Neolithic site Gobekli Tepe
2012 – Asparn an der Zeya, Austria – Worskhop on Experimental Archaeology
2009 – Western Turkey – ethnographic expedition
2016 - International Maya Conference in Bratislava
2013- Archaeological Chronometry in Slovakia – C14 Database
- Archaeological Excavations
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2023/09/04 – 2023/09/08: University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Other programs, LTU
- Active participation at the conference organized by the European Association for the Study of Religions 2023.
- 2023/06/25 – 2023/06/28: Malmö University, Malmö, Other programs, SWE
- Active participation at the conference organized by the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism 2023.
- 2022/08/25 – 2022/08/28: Sarawak Museum Department, Kuching, Other programs, MYS
- Active participation at the conference organized by the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism 2022.
- 2022/07/05 – 2022/07/07: University College Cork, Ireland, Cork, Other programs, IRL
- Active participation at the conference organized by the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism 2022.
- 2022/06/26 – 2022/07/01: University College Cork, Ireland, Cork, Other programs, IRL
- Active participation at the conference organized by the European Association for the Study or Religions 2022.
- 2019/04/01 – 2019/09/30: University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Erasmus+, DEU
- 2017/09/01 – 2018/02/22: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, MU Partner Institutions Exchange Programme, GEO
- Studijni pobyt v ramci bilateralni studentske vymeny (Bilateral Student Exchange)
- 2023/09/04 – 2023/09/08: University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Other programs, LTU
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- Student Research and Professional Conference 2013 – 2. place – Thesis: The Origin of Religions in the Younger and Later Stone Age
Student Research and Professional Conference 2015 - 2. place – Thesis: The Evolution of the Perception of Death, Funeral Rites and Practices
TOEFL English Certificate – TOEFL iBT Test – Final Score: 108
- Student Research and Professional Conference 2013 – 2. place – Thesis: The Origin of Religions in the Younger and Later Stone Age
- Major Publications
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. Spatial Occultism : Placement and Spaces of Occult Ritual Practice Within Pop Culture. In French, Aaron; Waldner, Katharina. Modernity and the Construction of Sacred Space. University of Erfurt: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024, s. 103-126. ISBN 978-3-11-106138-2. Dostupné z: Domovská stránka info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. Pop Spirituality : The Application of Popular Culture in Contemporary Esoteric Practices. Worlds: Journal for Ethnology, Anthropology and Folkloristics. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 2024, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 30-45. ISSN 2820-6088. Dostupné z: Domovská stránka info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. Pop Spirituality : The Application of Popular Culture in Contemporary Esoteric Practices. In Contemporary Spirituality, 6 - 7 October 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2023. URL info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. Behind the borders of reality : esoteric practices in contemporary society. In Ethnology without borders XI, Borders and Boundaries, 28 - 30 September 2023, Budapest, Hungary. 2023. URL info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. Excavaciones de la Estructura D IV (Op. 30A). In Milan Kováč, Silvia Alvarado Najarro. Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Sahi-Uaxactun Iinforme No. 6: Temporada De Campo 2014. 2015. vyd. Bratislava (Slovensko): SAHI: Slovenský archeologický a historický inštitút, 2015, s. 235-252. Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Sahi-Uaxactun Iinforme No. 6: Temporada De Campo 2014. ISBN 978-80-89027-43-9. info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej a Andrej VAŠKO. Excavaciones de la Estructura D II (Op. 30B). In Milan Kováč, Silvia Alvarado Najarro. Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Sahi-Uaxactun Iinforme No. 6: Temporada De Campo 2014. 2015. vyd. Bratislava (Slovensko): SAHI: Slovenský archeologický a historický inštitút, 2015, s. 253-258. Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Sahi-Uaxactun Iinforme No. 6: Temporada De Campo 2014. ISBN 978-80-89027-43-9. info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. Hudba a hudobné nástroje ako pomôcka šamana v dobe kamennej. Axis Mundi. Bratislava: Slovenská spoločnosť pre štúdium náboženstviev pri SAV, 2015, Neuveden, č. 2, s. 31-40. ISSN 1337-0626. info
- KAPCÁR, Andrej. The Origins of Necromancy or How We Learned to Talked to the Dead. Sacra. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 30-58. ISSN 1214-5351. URL info
Curriculum Vitae: Ing. Mgr. et Mgr. Andrej Kapcár, Ph.D. (učo 418362), version: English(1), last update: 2018/09/29 00:38, A. Kapcár