Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Mgr. Vojtěch Pelikán, Ph.D., born 12th September 1983 in Brno, married, three kids
- Department
- Department of Environmental Studies
Faculty of Social Studies
Masaryk university
Joštova 10
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Department of Environmental Studies
- Employment - Position
- assistant professor
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2017: Ph.D. Environmental humanities, FSS MU, thesis "Roma and Nature: Image and Reality"
- 2010: Mgr. Environmental studies, FSS MU, thesis "Roma and Nature"
- 2007: Bc. Political Science/Environmental Studies, FSS MU, thesis "Conception of Landscape and its Protection in Nazi Ideology"
- 2003: Bishop's gymnasium Brno
- Employment
- 01/2018 – now: Assistant professor, Dept. of Environmental Studies FSS MU
- 03/2013 – 12/2017: Assistant, Dept. of Environmental Studies FSS MU
- 02/2010 – now: Journalist in environmental magazine Sedmá generace (7.G) [Seventh Generation]
- 02/2008 – 02/2013: Student assistant, Dept. of Environmental Studies
- Teaching Activities
- Introduction to Environmental Studies
- Lifestyle and Environmental Issues
- Environmental Journalism
- Politics, Ideology and Environment
- Climate Change: Environment, Politics, and Society
- Supervising 25+ bachelor and master theses
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Environmental anthropology and sociology, environmental lifestyles, perceptions of environmental change, environmental movements, environmental media...
Participation in selected scientific projects:
- 2020–2024: Member of the research team of the Czech Science Foundation project "Ageing and Older People in the Time of Climate Change" (GA20-12567S)
- 2019-2022: Co-investigator of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic project "Society and church in the process of restitution of church properties: How to support participation" (TL02000132)
- 2016–2017: Member of the research team of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic project „Development of Methodology for Assessment of Areas of Urban and Garden Production“ (TD03000345)
- 2015–2016: Member of the research team and administrator of the Czech Science Foundation project „Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyle in the March of Time“ (GA15-05552S)
- 2016: Řešitel projektu MU Development Fund „Practical teaching of environmental journalism at FSS MU“ (MUNI/FR/1340/2015)
- 2010–2016: Member of the research team in seven follow-up MU specific university research projects on the topic of environmental aspects of lifestyle (including once as a principal investigator)
- 2011: Principal investigator of the University Development Fund project „Stereotypes about Roma in an environmental perspective“ (FRVS/734/2011/G5)
- 2007–2009: Member of the research team of the Czech Science Foundation project „Individualization of lifestyle in environmental perspective“ (GA403/07/0804)
- Environmental anthropology and sociology, environmental lifestyles, perceptions of environmental change, environmental movements, environmental media...
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2017/02/09 – 2017/07/22: New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Erasmus+, PRT
- 2007/01/15 – 2007/06/01: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Erasmus+, SVN
- University Activities
- 2023-now: FSS MU Academic Senate
- Joint Programme Board (Environmental Studies undergraduate & postgraduate)
- Programme Board (Global Challenges: Society, Politics, Environment)
- Activities Outside University
- Member of European Academic Network on Romani Studies
- Member of Boas, z.s.
- Member of Hnutí DUHA – Sedmá generace, z.s.
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- 2018: 2nd in a competition for Josef Vavroušek Award, Ph.D. thesis "Roma and nature: Image and reality"
- 2018: Czech Sociological Society Award for extraordinary publication, the book "The Faithful and the Reasonable: Chapters on Ecological Foolishness".
- 2010: 1st in a competition for Josef Vavroušek Award, Master thesis "Roma and nature".
- Major Publications
- SCHINDLER, Marie a Vojtěch PELIKÁN. Dilemata zelené matky : proměna environmentálně příznivého spotřebního chování očima prvorodičky. Sociální studia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2024, roč. 21, č. 2, s. 45-64. ISSN 1214-813X. Dostupné z: article - open access info
- SPALOVÁ, Barbora, Vojtěch PELIKÁN a Marek LIŠKA. Religious-secular as non-competitive : Encouraging participative church in a Czech Catholic diocese. Social Compass. London: SAGE Publications, 2024, roč. 71, č. 2, s. 365-386. ISSN 0037-7686. Dostupné z: article - open access info
- PELIKÁN, Vojtěch. Manažeři, nebo sourozenci stvoření? České církve v roli hospodářů v krajině. In Barbora Spalová, Ivana Lukeš Rybanská a kol. Vize zdaru, vize zmaru : Proměny církví v Česku a na Slovensku v kontextu restitucí. Praha: Karolinum, 2023, s. 83-102. ISBN 978-80-246-5623-6. info
- PELIKÁN, Vojtěch, Lucie GALČANOVÁ a Lukáš KALA. Ecological habitus intergenerationally reproduced : The children of Czech ‘voluntary simplifiers’ and their lifestyle. Journal of Consumer Culture. London: SAGE Publication, 2020, roč. 20, č. 4, s. 419-439. ISSN 1469-5405. Dostupné z: URL info
- KALA, Lukáš, Lucie GALČANOVÁ a Vojtěch PELIKÁN. Narratives and Practices of Voluntary Simplicity in the Czech Post-Socialist Context. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review. Praha: Akademie věd ČR, Sociologický ústav, 2017, roč. 53, č. 6, s. 833-855. ISSN 0038-0288. Dostupné z: URL info
- LIBROVÁ, Hana a Vojtěch PELIKÁN. Ethical Motivations and the Phenomenon of Disappointment in Two Types of Environmental Movements: Neo-Environmentalism & the Dark Mountain Project. Environmental Values. Cambridge: White Horse Press, 2016, roč. 25, č. 2, s. 167-193. ISSN 0963-2719. Dostupné z: info
- KALA, Lukáš, Lucie GALČANOVÁ a Vojtěch PELIKÁN. Residential preferences in the context of voluntary simple lifestyles: What motivates contemporary Czech simplifiers to reside in the countryside? Human Affairs: Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly. De Gruyter Open, 2016, roč. 26, č. 4, s. 410-421. ISSN 1210-3055. Dostupné z: info
- LIBROVÁ, Hana, Vojtěch PELIKÁN, Lucie GALČANOVÁ a Lukáš KALA. Věrní a rozumní: kapitoly o ekologické zpozdilosti. 1. vyd. Brno: Munipress, 2016, 328 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8454-4. Dostupné z: info
- PELIKÁN, Vojtěch a Hana LIBROVÁ. Motivation for Environmental Direct Action in the Czech Republic: The Case of the 2011 Blockade at the Šumava National Park. Sociální studia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, XII, č. 3, s. 27-52. ISSN 1214-813X. URL info
Curriculum Vitae: Mgr. Vojtěch Pelikán, Ph.D. (učo 102931), version: English(1), last update: 2024/05/22 10:34, V. Pelikán
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