Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Adéla Souralová, PhD.
- Department/Faculty/University
- Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
- Employment - Position
- vice-dean for education
associate professor
- vice-dean for education
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2009 – 2013 PhD, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Dissertation title: Vietnamese Immigrant Families and Czech Nannies: Mutual Dependency,
Emotionality, and Kinship Ties in Caregiving.
2007 – 2009 Master, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2007 – 2010 Master, Department of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University
2004 – 2007 Bachelor, Department of Sociology (Social Antrhopology and Gender Studies), Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2004 – 2007 Bachelor Department of French Language
- 2009 – 2013 PhD, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Dissertation title: Vietnamese Immigrant Families and Czech Nannies: Mutual Dependency,
Emotionality, and Kinship Ties in Caregiving.
- Employment
- 2019 – present Vice-dean for education, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2018 – 2019 Vice-dean for internationalization, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2021 - present Associated professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2013 – 2021 Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2013 – Assistant professor, Office for Population Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
2010 – 2013 Assistant, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
- 2019 – present Vice-dean for education, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
- Teaching Activities
- Ehtnography and Fieldwork, Antrhopology of Migration
- Scientific and Research Activities
- 2018 – present principal investigator of the project ‘Care, kinship and intergenerational relations in threegenerational living’, Czech Science Foundation, GA18-08273S
2016 – 2017 team member and researcher, ‘The fourth age: the identity of disability during the period of active aging’, Czech Science Foundation, GA15-03156S
2013 – 2014 team member and researcher, ‘Educational strategies of migrants and ethnic minority youth’, Czech Science Foundation, GAP404/12/1487
2009 – 2010 junior researcher in the international comparative research EDUMIGROM: Ethnic Differences in Education and Diverging Prospects for Urban Youth in an Enlarged Europe, 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, 7E08069.
- 2018 – present principal investigator of the project ‘Care, kinship and intergenerational relations in threegenerational living’, Czech Science Foundation, GA18-08273S
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2011/09/12 – 2011/10/07: SWE
- Graduate kurz "Social Capital, Stratification and Integration: A Critical Approach". REMESO graduate school.
- 2011/05/23 – 2011/05/25: Umea University, Umea, SWE
- Kurz "Transnational Feminism". InterGender.
- 2011/03/28 – 2011/04/29: Linköping University, Linköping, SWE
- Kurz "Introduction to Research Methods in Ethnic and Migration Studies". REMESO Graduate School.
- 2011/01/17 – 2011/02/18: Linköping University, Linköping, SWE
- Kurz "Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism – Historical and Contemporary Debates". REMESO Graduate School.
- 2010/11/01 – 2010/12/03: Linköping University, Linköping, SWE
- Graduate kurz "Citizenship, Ethnic Division and Social Exclusion: National and Post-national Perspectives". REMESO Graduate School.
- 2010/09/27 – 2010/09/30: University of Bergen, Bergen, NOR
- Konference a PhD workshop "First Generation Nationals: Structural Trajectories, Mobilisation and Social Imaginaries".
- 2010/09/27 – 2010/10/29: Linköping University, Linköping, SWE
- Graduate kurz "Theories and Politics of International Migration". REMESO Graduate School.
- 2010/05/24 – 2010/05/28: Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, HRV
- Kurz "Feminism in a Transnational Perspective: Challenges for old/new economic inequalities"
- 2010/01/18 – 2010/02/26: Linköping University, Linköping, SWE
- Graduate kurz "International Migration, Ethnicity and Gender: Intersectional Perspectives on Labour, Power, and Citizenship". REMESO graduate school.
- 2011/09/12 – 2011/10/07: SWE
- Major Publications
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla a Michaela ŽÁKOVÁ. My home, my castle : meanings of home ownership in multigenerational housing. Housing Studies. Abingdon: Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, 2022, roč. 37, č. 8, s. 1446-1464. ISSN 0267-3037. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. “My parents did everything for us but nothing with us” : Parenting and mothering in Vietnamese immigrant families in the Czech Republic. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. London: SAGE Publications, 2021, roč. 30, č. 1, s. 39-59. ISSN 0117-1968. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Grandparents, kinship ties, and belonging after migration : the perspective of second-generation grandchildren. Global networks. Hoboken: Wiley, 2020, roč. 20, č. 2, s. 362-379. ISSN 1470-2266. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla a Michaela ŽÁKOVÁ. Pod jednou střechou : Třígenerační soužití v české společnosti. 1. vyd. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2020, 263 s. Sociologická řada, sv. č. 19. ISBN 978-80-7325-498-8. Dostupné z: info
- SEDLÁKOVÁ, Tatiana a Adéla SOURALOVÁ. Emerging age asymmetries in the research relationship : challenges of exploring transition to the fourth age. Ageing & Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, roč. 39, č. 2, s. 409-433. ISSN 0144-686X. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Transnational grandchildhood : negotiating intergenerational grandchild–grandparent ties across borders. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019, roč. 45, č. 13, s. 2447-2467. ISSN 1369-183X. Dostupné z: URL info
- HORTOVÁ, Simona a Adéla SOURALOVÁ. “I am not alone” : Intergenerational solidarity in three-generation households from the perspective of the older generation. Slovenský národopis. Bratislava: Slovenská akadémia vied, 2019, roč. 67, č. 2, s. 144-164. ISSN 1335-1303. Dostupné z: článek - open access info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla a Michaela ŽÁKOVÁ. “Everybody Takes Care of Everybody” : Care Circulation and Care Relations in Three-Generation Cohabitation. Journal of Family Issues. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publication, 2019, roč. 40, č. 17, s. 2628-2657. ISSN 0192-513X. Dostupné z: URL info
- HRONOVÁ, Tereza a Adéla SOURALOVÁ. Managers, Consumers, Visitors : Roles of Caring Relatives in Emerging Home-based Eldercare in the Czech Republic. Sociální studia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií, 2019, roč. 16, č. 2, s. 7-24. ISSN 1214-813X. Dostupné z: článek - open access info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Mother-grandmother contracts : Local care loops and the intergenerational transfer of childcare in the Czech Republic. Journal of European Social Policy. London: SAGE Publications, 2019, roč. 29, č. 5, s. 666-680. ISSN 0958-9287. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Delegation of childcare in immigrant families and its consequences. Journal of Family Studies. Routledge, 2018, roč. 24, č. 1, s. 5-24. ISSN 1322-9400. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla a Eva ŠLESINGEROVÁ. Post-Socialist eldercare in the Czech Republic : institutions, families, and the market. In Karen Christensen and Doria Pilling. The Routledge Handbook of Social Care Work Around the World. 1. vyd. London: Routledge, 2018, s. 159-170. Routledge International Handbooks. ISBN 978-1-4724-7945-7. info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Postsocialist Caring Biographies : Care Work between Work and Non-Work. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, roč. 25, č. 2, s. 229-253. ISSN 1072-4745. Dostupné z: URL info
- DUBENSKÁ, Tereza a Adéla SOURALOVÁ. Turning to or Away from Religion : The Role of Religion in the Lives of Romanian Migrants in the Czech Republic. Journal of Religion in Europe. Leiden: Brill, 2018, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 73-98. ISSN 1874-8910. Dostupné z: info
- HRONOVÁ, Tereza a Adéla SOURALOVÁ. Eldercare agencies and the marketing of care work in the Czech Republic : relieving a family burden? International Journal of Care and Caring. Bristol: Policy Press, 2018, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 235-251. ISSN 2397-8821. Dostupné z: článek info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla a Matouš JELÍNEK. Constructing professional services : For-profit care and domestic work agencies in the Czech Republic. Women's Studies International Forum. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2018, roč. 70, September-October, s. 53-61. ISSN 0277-5395. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Children in paid care-giving work : Invisible receivers or active agents in caring relations? Childhood. London: SAGE Publications, 2017, roč. 24, č. 4, s. 438-452. ISSN 0907-5682. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla a Hana FIALOVÁ. Where have all the fathers gone? Remarks on feminist research on transnational fatherhood. NORMA : International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Taylor and Francis Scandinavia, 2017, roč. 12, č. 2, s. 159-174. ISSN 1890-2138. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla, Tereza HRONOVÁ, Matouš JELÍNEK, Vendula KŘIVÁ, Stanislav MAKEŠ a Monika ŠPANIELOVÁ. Péče na prodej : Jak se práce z lásky stává placenou službou. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017, 256 s. ISBN 978-80-210-8651-7. info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. New Perspectives on Mutual Dependency in Care-Giving. 1. vyd. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015, 168 s. ISBN 978-1-4724-5666-3. URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. "Můžeš prostě říct, že máš babičku": Vietnamské děti, české babičky a význam prarodičovství v jejich biografiích. Sociologický časopis. AV ČR, Sociologický ústav, 2015, roč. 51, č. 5, s. 815-844. ISSN 0038-0288. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Paid Caregiving in the Gendered Life Course: A Study of Czech Nannies in Vietnamese Immigrant Families. Sociologický časopis. AV ČR, Sociologický ústav, 2015, roč. 51, č. 6, s. 959-991. ISSN 0038-0288. Dostupné z: URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Vietnamese Immigrants in the Czech Republic: Hiring a Czech Nanny as a Post-Migratory Family Settlement Strategy. In Sylvia Hahn, Stan Nadel. Asian Migrants in Europe. Transcultural Connections. 1. vyd. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht V&R unipress, 2014, s. 95-112. Transkulturelle Perspektiven. ISBN 978-3-8471-0254-0. info
- KAŠPAROVÁ, Irena a Adéla SOURALOVÁ. „Od lokální k cikánské škole“: homogenizace školní třídy a měnící se role učitele. Orbis Scholae. Karolinum, 2014, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 79-96. ISSN 1802-4637. info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Vzdělané dítě jako úspěšné naplnění migračního a rodičovského projektu? Vietnamské matky, jejich děti a vzdělanostní aspirace. Sociální studia. Masarykova univerzita, 2014, roč. 11, č. 2, s. 75-97. ISSN 1214-813X. info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Péčí o děti proti nudě a osamělosti: české chůvy vietnamských dětí aktivně stárnoucí. Sociální studia. Masarykova univerzita, 2014, roč. 11, č. 3, s. 75-96. ISSN 1214-813X. info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. "Nekupujete si lásku, kupujete si službu“: (re)konstrukce péče o děti v prostředí agentur na hlídání. Gender - rovné příležitosti - výzkum. Praha: SoÚ AV ČR, 2012, roč. 13, 1/2012, s. 33-42. ISSN 1213-0028. info
- NEKORJAK, Michal, Adéla SOURALOVÁ a Klára VOMASTKOVÁ. Uvíznutí v marginalitě: vzdělávací trh, „romské školy“ a reprodukce sociálně prostorových nerovností. SOCIOLOGICKY CASOPIS-CZECH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW. Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, 2011, roč. 47, č. 4, s. 657-680. ISSN 0038-0288. URL info
- SOURALOVÁ, Adéla. Feministická reflexe migrace: pečovatelky, zdravotní sestry a globalizovaná migrace. Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum. Praha: SoÚ AV ČR, 2010, roč. 11, 1/2010, s. 41-48. ISSN 1213-0028. info
Curriculum Vitae: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Adéla Souralová, Ph.D. (učo 144154), version: English(1), last update: 2021/04/20 15:29, A. Souralová
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