Curriculum vitae
- Name
- Mgr. Ing. Michal Krčál, Ph.D.
- Department/Faculty/University
- Department of Corporate Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Current position
- Assistant professor
- Education and academic qualifications
- 2011 - 2018 Business Management and Administration, doctoral degree, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU
- 2006 - 2011 Business Management and Administration, master degree, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU
- 2006 - 2009 Enterprise Information Systems, bachelor degree, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU
- 2003 - 2010 Applied Computer Science, master degree, Faculty of Informatics, MU
- Professional experience
- 2019 - now: assistant professor, Department of Corporate Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU
- 2012 - 2018: assistant researcher, Department of Corporate Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, MU
- 2015 - now: consultancy (business process management, knowledge management, ICT strategies)
- Teaching activities
- Business Informatics
- Business Process Management
- ICT Economics and Management
- Methodology teaching
- Research activities
- 2020 - 2022: GA20-12081S - Closed-loop view of information system business value: bidirectional relationship between IT/IS investments and firm performance
- 2016 - 2018: GA16-16260S - Přístup managementu k redukci zpětných toků ve vazbě na spokojenost zákazníků a neustálé zlepšování (spoluřešitel)
- 2013 - 2015: GA13-14704S - Řízení zpětných toků jako prostředek tvorby hodnoty (spoluřešitel)
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2018/04/09 – 2018/04/15: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SVN
- Teaching of information systems and project management at Faculty of Economics
- 2015/02/01 – 2016/06/30: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Wien, Other programs, AUT
- Vědecká studijní stáž, jejíž náplní byla prezentace a konzultace výzkumu v rámci disertační práce.
- 2014/10/01 – 2015/01/31: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Wien, CEEPUS, AUT
- Studijně vědecká stáž.
- 2014/09/28 – 2014/10/03: University of Southern Denmark, Sonderborg, Summer School, DNK
- Metodický workshop.
- 2014/08/26 – 2014/08/30: Faculty of Management, University of Economics, Praha, CZE
- Metodická letní škola v Jindřichově Hradci vedená Markem Saundersem a Paulem Toseym.
- 2013/05/13 – 2013/05/17: Aalborg University, Aalborg, Summer School, DNK
- Metodický workshop zaměřený na Grounded Theory v hodnotě 5 ECTS.
- 2013/01/20 – 2013/01/25: University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Summer School, LIE
- Zimní škola zaměřená na Business Process Management. Absolvován kurz za 5 ECTS kreditů
- 2011/08/07 – 2011/08/20: University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Summer School, FIN
- V rámci letní školy absolvovány předměty:
- Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems in High-tech Organizations (2 ECTS),
- Global Knowledge Management (2 ECTS).
- V rámci letní školy absolvovány předměty:
- 2011/07/03 – 2011/07/23: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Summer School, SVN
- V rámci letní školy absolvovány předměty:
- Change Management (7 ECTS),
- Business Process Management (8 ECTS).
- V rámci letní školy absolvovány předměty:
- 2018/04/09 – 2018/04/15: University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SVN
- Major publications
- KRČÁL, Michal. Using knowledge from customers to product innovation and reverse flows decrease: a conceptual model. Online. In Han van der Meer, Guido Enthoven, Giovanni Schiuma. Societal Impact of Knowledge and Design. Delft: IFKAD, 2018, s. 873-880. ISBN 978-88-96687-11-6. info
- KLAPALOVÁ, Alena a Michal KRČÁL. Product returns – interdisciplinary interfaces between knowledge, quality and product innovation management. Online. In Su Mi Dahlgaard -Park and Jens J. Dahlgaard. Proceedings from 20th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences (QMOD): Challenges and Opportunities of Quality and Sustainability in the 4th Industrial Revolution. 1st. ed. Lund: Lund University Library Press, 2017, s. 1-14. ISBN 978-91-7623-086-2. info
- KRČÁL, Michal. How (not) to Conduct Team Content Analysis: Experience From Systematic Literature Review. Online. In Anthony P. Buckley, Katrina Lawlor. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International, 2017, s. 194-202. ISBN 978-1-911218-41-8. info
- KRČÁL, Michal a Martina REŠLOVÁ. Knowledge Management, ICT support and Reverse Logistics processes: A case study. In CLC 2015: CARPATHIAN LOGISTICS CONGRESS - CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Ostrava: TANGER, 2016, s. 213-218. ISBN 978-80-87294-64-2. info
- KRČÁL, Michal. Justifying the Intangibles: Review of Information System Justification Research. Online. In JC Spender, Giovanni Schiuma, Joerg Rainer Noenning. Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity. Dresden: Institute of Knowledge Asset Management, 2016, s. 84 - 94. ISBN 978-88-96687-09-3. info
- KRČÁL, Michal. Penetration Effect on HR Portals Enhancement Justification: Initial Evidence from Expert Interviews. Online. In Paulo Silva, Rui Quaresma, António Guerreiro. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT. Spojené království: ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2016, s. 100 - 107. ISBN 978-1-911218-05-0. info
- KRČÁL, Michal a Jan TOMÍŠEK. When Cloud Does not Fit: Experience From a Single Case Justification Study. Online. In Paulo Silva, Rui Quaresma, António Guerreiro. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems Management. Anglie: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2016, s. 108-116. ISBN 978-1-911218-06-7. info
- KRČÁL, Michal a Michal KUBIŠ. Differences between knowledge and information management practices: empirical investigation. In Ana Fred, Jan Dietz, David Aveiro, Kecheng Liu, Jorge Bernardino, Joaquim Filipe. Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Porto: SCITEPRESS, 2016, s. 190 - 198. ISBN 978-989-758-203-5. Dostupné z: info
Curriculum vitae: Ing. Mgr. Michal Krčál, Ph.D. (učo 99246), version: English(1), last update: 2020/07/02 10:23, M. Krčál
Další varianta: čeština(1)