- 1 - eument-net November 2017 Statutes eument-net European Network of Mentoring Programmes for the Advancement of Equal Opportunities and Cultural and Institutional Change in Academia and Research I. Name and Seat The “European Network of Mentoring Programmes for the Advancement of Equal Opportunities and Cultural and Institutional Change in Academia and Research” (eumentnet) is a simple partnership-association (with no shared legal obligations) of mentoring programs linked to academic or research institutions. The association has its address at the institution of its current Chair. II. Purpose and Activities (1) The association aims at promoting the advancement of equal opportunities and women’s careers and access to decision making positions in academia and research in Europe through mentoring as part of institutional, national and European strategies for HR development and institutional and cultural change in academia and research. To this aim, the association a. highlights the role of mentoring as a tool for the promotion of cultural and institutional change, gender equality and women in academia and research and promotes the transfer of knowledge and expertise between mentoring programmes and stakeholders, especially in countries where mentoring programmes and gender equality policies in general in academia and research are still scarce; b. fosters the exchange of experience among mentoring programmes in academia and research (hereafter: mentoring programmes) and facilitates their continuous improvement through support of knowledge management, exchange of expertise and best practice; c. facilitates cooperation among its members and the promotion of new mentoring services and activities in line with the aim of the association, such as seminars, conferences and publications, as well as an international mentoring exchange and projects; d. increases the visibility of its member programmes on an institutional, national and European, as well as international level; e. strives to put mentoring as part of gender equality policies and wider HR strategies in academia and research on institutional, national and European science policy agendas. - 2 - eument-net November 2017 (2) The association establishes adequate relations with other organisations pursuing similar or related aims and supports their activities. (3) The association provides, among other services such as consulting and support of mentoring programmes coordinators, a website for both current and potential new members of the eument-net with a view to ensure mutual learning and exchange of experience among network members. Members can advertise there their programs and find relevant materials. III. Membership (1) Full members can be academic or research institutions, who coordinate a mentoring programme promoting cultural and institutional change in academia and research who recognize the purpose of the association and are ready to promote it. The rights of Full members include the rights to: a. participate in debates and votes at the General assembly; b. put forward candidates for election to the organisational structures of the Association; c. participate in all eument-net cooperation activities, according to conditions defined for the specific activity; d. be informed about the Association’s activities. (2) Associate members can be individuals or institutions, who recognize the purpose of the association and are ready to promote it and who either consider setting up a mentoring programme promoting cultural and institutional change in academia or research, or have specific scientific or professional expertise related to the aim of the Association. The rights of Associate members include the right to: a. participate in debates and votes at the General Assembly; b. put forward candidates for election to the organisational structures of the Association; c. participate in eument-net cooperation activities, according to conditions defined for the specific activity; d. be informed about the Association’s activities. (3) The executive committee decides over the provisional admission of members on the basis of a written request (could be delivered via email). Provisional admission takes place with immediate effect. It must be confirmed by the General Assembly. (4) Membership fee is € 70.00 per year. Upon request, fee can be waived or reduced by Executive Committee in justified cases. Membership fee must be paid starting from the year in which membership is confirmed by the General assembly. (5) Membership expires through: a. Resignation; b. exclusion. (6) Resignation takes place by means of written explanation to the Chair at least six months before the end of the calendar year (could be delivered via email). Exclusion can namely take place if a member acts against the interests of the association. The exclusion becomes effective only after hearing the member, and is communicated by writing. The provisional exclusion takes immediate effect. It must be confirmed by the General Assembly. - 3 - eument-net November 2017 IV. Organs The elements of the association are: A. The General Assembly B. The Executive Committee C. The Auditors A. General Assembly (1) The General Assembly consists of authorised representatives of Full and Associate members. (2) The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Association. The tasks and authority of the General Assembly are the following: a) Setting of priorities and the annual work programme of the Association; b) Approbation of minutes of the last General Assembly; c) Approbation of the annual report, the annual account and the report of the Auditors; d) Discharge of the Executive committee and the Auditors; e) Setting of the annual budget and annuities; f) Election of the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Treasurer and the Auditor; g) Admission and exclusion of members; h) Treatment of requests on the part of of Full and Associate members; i) Decision over important issues, submitted by Full and Associate members; j) Change of the Association’s statutes; k) Adoption of policy statements and position papers; l) Dissolution of the association. (3) The Ordinary General Assembly takes place annually. The invitation for the General Assembly is sent at least 40 days in advance by writing or by electronic communication via the Executive committee. The notification will set out the agenda items, the location, the date and time of the General Assembly. Requests to the General Assembly are to be sent to the Chair of the Executive committee at least two weeks before the General Assembly takes place. (4) An extraordinary General Assembly is called by the Executive committee, upon request of at least one fifth of the members or upon the Auditor’s request. The invitation has to take place at least 15 days before the meeting. The notification will set out the agenda items, the location, the date and time of the General Assembly. (5) Decisions are taken by simple majority. A secret ballot takes place only if requested expressly by the majority of the present members. In case of equal votes, the Chair decides. B. Executive Committee (1) The Executive committee consists of a minimum of three members, including the Chair, the Vice-Chair and the Treasurer, elected by the General Assembly for a tenure of two years. The Executive committee will not consist of members from the same geographical region. Each member of the Executive committee has one vote. (2) The Executive committee is composed of: a) a Chair; b) a Vice-chair; c) a Treasurer; It is not allowed simultaneously to hold more than one position. - 4 - eument-net November 2017 (3) The Executive committee has the following powers and responsibilities: a) Preparing the annual Work plan of the association; b) Preparing the Association’s annual budget and accounts; c) Preparing the General Assembly; d) Ensuring effective management of the association e) Supervising on an ongoing basis the finances of the Association in accordance with its budget; f) Making decisions on the representation of the Association on the occasion of external meetings and events; g) Provisional admission and exclusion of members. (4) The Executive Committee represents the association. The association is validly committed by the joint signatures of the president and another member of the Executive committee. (5) The Executive committee meets at least twice a year (before general assembly, at the general assembly). Meetings by teleconference are valid. C. Auditors (1) The General assembly may designate a natural person or legal entity who does not have to be a member of the association, as auditor for a term of office of two years. A reelection is possible. (2) The financial year coincides with the calendar year. On 31st December, the annual account is locked and an inventory is provided. The annual account is examined by the auditor. The auditor gives a written report to the General Assembly recommending to grant or to refuse the discharge of the treasurer and the Executive Committee. V. Financial Resources and Liability (1) The financial resources of the association arise from the annuities of the members, from surplus of annual accounts, from project credits, from possible donations, conference fees, legacies, etc. (2) The commitments of the association are exclusively guaranteed by its financial resources. Any personal liability of its members is excluded. VI. Amendment of the Statutes and Dissolution (1) For an amendment of the statutes or the dissolution of the association to take place, the presence of at least two thirds of all members as well as the absolute majority of the votes are necessary. If one of the quorums is not reached, a second General Assembly with the same agenda is to be called within eight weeks. At that second General Assembly – regardless of the number of present members - decisions can be made on the same agenda issues as the first General Assembly with a majority of at least twothirds of the votes. The second General Assembly by teleconference is valid. (2) In the case of the dissolution of the association, the General Assembly decides upon the use of the liquidation proceeds.