Research programme RGL Year of PhD No. years since PhD Nearest relevant call Last possible application year for nearest call H-index * No. of publications * Average no. of citations * No. 1st author publications * No. corresponding author publications * Proportion of own publications Key international grant Rank Applicable results "Internal evaluation of chances to get ERC (low, good, high)" Recommendation (apart of capacity of formulating breathough research hypothesis) EXPRO Intent to apply RP3 Pavel Plevka 2009 8 Consolidator 2021 13 38 12.76 14 12 68.42% "ERC StG, EMBO" 1 0 good-high more funding for international collaborations would be recommended + maintaining current nice publishing activity advisable confirmed RP3 Lukáš Trantírek 2001 16 Advanced any 19 50 19.22 5 14 38.00% "VIDI, MSCA, 2x EMBO, Lise Meitner fellowship" 1 0 good "more last author publications needs to be generated, maintain the susscess in international grants" advisable confirmed RP3 Štěpánka Vaňáčová 2001 16 Advanced any*** 19 27 59.33 7 6 48.15% "Wellcome Trust, EMBO" 1 good maintain and get more high-quality of publications advisable confirmed RP4 Helene Robert 2008 9 Starting 2017*** 8 13 26.31 6 0 46.15% "SoMoPro, private travel fellowships for student" 1 0 low "should get own publication as last author, many of publications is have J. Friml as corresponding author. " advisable confirmed RP4 Martin Lysák 2000 17 Advanced any 33 71 58.01 13 17 42.25% x 1 good strenghten own hypothesis driven research advisable confirmed RP5 Panagiotis Alexiou 7/15/2011 2018 Consolidator 2021 18 25 93.26 5 0 0.20% "BSRC Alexander Fleming PhD, IKYDA personnel exchange grant scholarship" 1 0 good advisable planned RP5 Marek Mráz 2012 5 Starting 2019 14 20 31 7 3 50.00% "EHA, SoMoPro, Janssen-Cilag" 1 1 high get more corresponding-author publications and focus on top journals advisable confirmed RP5 Mary O´Connell 1986 31 Advanced any*** 31 62 47 9 19 45.10% "British Heart Foundation, MRC, MSCA, ERA Chair" 1 0 good "should demonstrate capacity to obtain competitive funding for research project, focus on outsdtanding publication in top journals (Nature etc.)" advisable confirmed RP3 Konstantinos Tripsianis 2007 10 Consolidator 2019 9 21 14.67 5 1 28.57% "2x MSCA, Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, možná GAMU interdisciplinární" 2 0 low-good "needs to get corresponding author publications, maintain the success in international grants" advisable RP3 Robert Vácha 2009 8 Consolidator 2021 26 45 48.36 20 7 60.00% "GAČR, SoMoPro" 2 0 good-high just need to continue in production of high quality publications and building strong and competitive research team advisable RP4 Tomasz Nodzynski 2012 5 Starting 2019 7 10 21.3 2 0 20.00% SoMoPro 2 0 low "must get independent from his PhD supervisor, must get own publication as last author and without J. Friml, should get MSCA for new postdocs" advisable RP5 Michal Šmída 2008 9 Consolidator 2020 9 14 24.64 4 1 35.71% SoMoPro 2 0 low-good intensify publishing activity and focus on high profile journals with own research advisable RP3 Peter Lukavsky 1996 21 Advanced any 21 39 37.54 8 14 56.41% "EMBO, MSCA" 3 0 low "make publishing more dynamic, so far nice international funding - this trend should continue in the future" possible RP3 Radek Marek 1995 22 Advanced any 25 118 17.65 17 52 58.47% SoMoPro 3 good possible RP3 Petr Skládal 1988 29 Advanced any 32 123 28.22 26 54 65.04% x 3 0 good-high more funding for international collaborations would be recommended + maintaining current nice publishing activity possible RP3 Michaela Wimmerová 1996 21 Advanced any 24 79 24.19 0.00% Projects Vaincre la Mucoviscidose 3 low "for her career stage needs more fundeded collaborations and some top-profile publications (Nature, PNAS etc.)" possible RP3 Lukáš Žídek 1999 18 Advanced any 18 53 19.48 7 7 26.42% "SCIEX, MCSA and SoMoPro, Lubrizol fellowship, awards from abroad " 3 2 low possible RP3 Jiří Nováček 2013 5 Starting 2020 9 24 11.88 5 0 20.80% "involved in iNEXT, INSTRUCT ULTRA, infrastructural OP VVV and MEYS grants" 3 0 good-high should try to apply for our funding for research possible RP4 Jiří Fajkus 1992 25 Advanced any 25 107 18.37 16 49 60.75% Academy of Findland 3 0 low "for his career stage needs more fundeded international collaborations and some top-profile publications with high citations (Nature, PNAS etc.) bringing breakthrough results." possible confirmed (as team member with Lysák) RP4 Zbyněk Zdráhal 1995 22 Advanced any 18 105 11.18 9 29 36.19% x 3 low "considering he is the core facility head and is not primarily focused on developing own research, he still has significant number of own publications even in recent years" possible RP5 Dalibor Blažek 2003 14 Advanced any 10 15 28.53 5 2 46.67% "SoMoPro, Marsha Rivkin" 3 0 low should intensify publishing activity especially as corresponding author possible RP5 Šárka Pospíšilová 1996 21 Advanced any*** 25 81 21.4 7 14 25.93% "ITN, Novartis, MEDGENET, FP7 RIA" 4 5 low focus primarily on corresponding author publications with top quality research and generate own high-profile breakthrough publication possible (clinical?) RP6 Milan Brázdil 1999 18 Advanced any 23 125 11.47 32 24 44.80% MSCA 4 0 low "get more corresponding author publications, get more funding for international collaborations " possible (clinical?) RP6 Ivan Rektor 1972** 45 Advanced any 33 214 15.7 0.00% x 4 0 good lack of experiences with international research funding - need to get own and prestigious research funding possible (clinical?) RP6 Irena Rektorová Advanced any 19 156 7.97 43 37 51.28% "FP7 RIA, RISE, SoMoPro, JPND" 4 0 low possible (clinical?) RP1 Lenka Zajíčková 1999 18 Advanced any*** 17 96 10.69 18 25 44.79% "SoMoPro, SCOPES, 2x NATO fellowship, Heinrich-Hertz fellowship" 4 0 low-good possible (RG outlook?) RP3 Miroslav Fojta 1995 22 Advanced any 42 146 35.34 28 56 57.53% x 5 0 good-high "lack of experiences with international research funding - need to get own and prestigious research funding. Has well citated publications, " possible (connection to CAS?) RP3 Jaroslav Koča Advanced any 37 160 23.65 0.00% "ELIXIR, BISON, SYLICA" 5 0 low-good "funding mainly from non-research developmental projects, lack of exeriences with competitive research funding. Needs own top-profile publications with high citations (Nature, PNAS etc.) bringing breakthrough results." likely conflict of interests RP3 Jiří Šponer Advanced any 67 290 59.09 0.00% x 5 0 high maintaining of currently excellent quality and quantity of publishing possible (connection to CAS?) RP3 Richard Štefl 2001 16 Advanced any 23 35 40.37 11 9 57.14% ERC CoG 5 0 good "make publishing more dynamic,recommend more collaborative grants funded" possible (capacity issues with ERC) RP4 František Foret 1991 26 Advanced any 40 145 36.97 0.00% none with his name on CEITEC 5 ? not enough information on his capacity to obtain competitive funding possible (connection to CAS?) RP4 Jan Hejátko 2004 13 Advanced any 12 28 25.57 2 14 57.14% Norway funds 5 0 low stimulate publishing (quantity and quality) possible (capacity issues - OP VVV) RP4 Karel Říha 1998 19 Advanced any 23 43 39.33 7 22 67.44% "SoMoPro, EMBO, NSF-NATO posdoctoral fellowship, awards from abroad" 5 good "focus more on an excellent high profile publication, get involve into more collaborative grants" possible (capacity issues - OP VVV) RP5 Dmitriy Chudakov 2003 14 Advanced any 36 87 58.43 7 26 37.93% H2020 RIA 5 0 high get involve in more collaborative grants possible (did not plan ERC) RP5 Ondřej Slabý 2008 9 Consolidator 2020 25 84 27.81 9 43 61.90% x 5 0 good-high "focus only high-impact journals, get experiences with prestigious international research funding to more finance collaborations abroad" possible (capacity issues) RP1 Jiří Pinkas 1993 24 Advanced any 22 139 11.67 43 24 48.20% "Fullbright fellowship, Volkswagen fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt fellowship" 6 1 low-good not suitable (national) RP1 Josef Humlíček Advanced any 25 132 19.59 50 28 59.09% TWINNFUSYON 6 0 low for this stage of career must demonstrate being a leader in the field not suitable (national) * source Web of Science "** this is MD., Prof. Rektor does not have a PhD." *** maternity leave has to be considered