Executive summary 2023 "In 2023, there was a decrease in the number of implemented projects by approximately 14%, which corresponds to 150 projects in implementation. This decline can be primarily attributed to the lower success rate of projects funded by grants from GAČR and AZV compared to the previous year 2022. Furthermore, some projects were terminated as part of calls under the Operational Programme Research, Development, and Education for Competitiveness (OP VVV). Financial settlements and reporting took place during 2023, but these projects are no longer listed in the overview of grants. Another 16 projects are currently in the sustainability period, where it is necessary to monitor their status and submit monitoring reports (they are also not listed in the overview)." The ratio between national and international projects is approximately 78% national and 22% interantional projects. Note: Amount of budget spending include both operating and investment budgets. ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Grant Administration Department Reported period: 2017-2023 Table 1a Total number of all projects being implemented in given year Table 2a Number of new projects in given years (projects whose implementation started in given year) Total Projects in Implementation New Projects in Implementation Definitions Total number of projects Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of new projects Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of project proposals submitted in given year International 7 10 18 21 28 30 32 27 27 25 29 33 33 320 International 2 4 8 7 12 7 6 2 9 8 6 8 10 89 "Based on origin of transfer of financing (excluding programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" EMBO 0 0 1 2 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 31 EMBO 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 9 "EMBO Grants (Installation Grants, Long-Term Fellowships, Conference Grants)" FP collaborative 4 4 5 5 8 10 15 15 10 7 13 15 16 127 FP collaborative 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 1 2 2 5 4 3 34 "Collaborative, coordination, and support projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7: CAPACITIES, COLLABORATION; H2020: INFRASTRUCTURES, FET, LEIT, Societal Challenges, SwafS, WIDESPREAD)" FP ERC 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 20 FP ERC 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 5 "European Research Council projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" FP MSCA 1 2 6 7 9 8 7 5 7 9 10 10 9 90 FP MSCA 0 1 4 2 3 0 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 25 "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" other international 2 4 6 6 3 6 4 2 4 4 3 4 4 52 other international 1 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 16 "Other international programmes (INTERREG, Erasmus+, NIH etc.) including grants from private foundations" National 60 71 81 85 109 125 138 141 158 140 141 141 117 1507 National 14 23 23 23 45 48 50 51 51 40 31 36 34 469 "Based on origin of transfer of financing (including programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" AZV 3 10 10 10 19 19 23 32 28 25 31 34 29 273 AZV 0 9 0 0 9 10 4 9 5 7 9 7 3 72 Czech Health Research Council - Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health ESIF 8 12 13 13 5 0 8 13 16 18 17 12 6 141 ESIF 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 3 5 0 1 1 23 "European Structural and Investment Funds, starting from period 2014-2020 (OP VVV)" GAČR 23 29 35 34 48 56 53 41 50 49 52 53 46 569 GAČR 11 9 13 8 20 13 12 13 25 12 12 18 12 178 "Czech Science Agency - independent agency funding basic research in the Czech Republic; standard, junior, international grants, EXPRO and Centres of Excellence" INTER-EXCELLENCE 0 0 3 5 7 4 7 6 10 10 8 4 4 68 INTER-EXCELLENCE 0 0 3 2 2 1 4 2 4 2 0 0 2 22 "Programmes of international cooperation funded by Czech Ministry of Education, including predecessor to the current INTER-EXCELLENCE programme - KONTAKT II and COST CZ" SoMoPro 3 3 6 10 11 13 9 8 8 5 0 0 0 76 SoMoPro 1 0 3 7 1 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded calls administered by South Moravian Centre for International Mobility TAČR 0 0 0 2 4 4 6 7 10 9 6 4 3 55 TAČR 0 0 0 2 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 0 2 21 Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - independent agency funding applied research in the Czech Republic other national 23 17 14 11 15 29 32 34 36 24 27 34 29 325 other national 2 5 4 4 11 18 14 18 11 13 9 10 14 133 "Other national funding schemes (predominantly GAMU calls, MOBILITY, Czech-Norwegian Grants, sectoral agency of Czech Ministry of Agriculture etc.)" Total 67 81 99 106 137 155 170 168 185 165 170 174 150 1827 Total 16 27 31 30 57 55 56 53 60 48 37 44 44 558 Table 3a Real spending of all projects being implemented in given year Table 4a Real spending of new projects whose implementation started in given year Real Spending of Projects (EUR) Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Real Spending of New Projects (EUR) Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Project budget (only the portion going to CEITEC MU in case of coordinated/partner projects) listed in the year of submission International "2,684,434 €" "3,253,689 €" "1,862,347 €" "1,546,635 €" "842,279 €" "1,856,574 €" "3,740,659 €" "15,786,617 €" International "310,843 €" "54,807 €" "97,901 €" "427,834 €" "137,820 €" "550,172 €" "1,325,934 €" "2,905,310 €" "Based on origin of transfer of financing (excluding programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" EMBO "384,160 €" "70,771 €" "136,364 €" "201,717 €" "8,173 €" "190,735 €" "78,037 €" "1,069,958 €" EMBO 0 € 0 € 0 € "53,686 €" 0 € "57,221 €" "78,037 €" "188,944 €" "EMBO Grants (Installation Grants, Long-Term Fellowships, Conference Grants)" FP collaborative "1,500,535 €" "1,927,753 €" "787,030 €" "509,074 €" "299,469 €" "478,327 €" "1,401,405 €" "6,903,594 €" FP collaborative "121,311 €" "54,640 €" "1,371 €" "341,597 €" "119,917 €" "12,969 €" "538,030 €" "1,189,835 €" "Collaborative, coordination, and support projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7: CAPACITIES, COLLABORATION; H2020: INFRASTRUCTURES, FET, LEIT, Societal Challenges, SwafS, WIDESPREAD)" FP ERC "328,188 €" "878,395 €" "610,423 €" "542,197 €" "165,750 €" "666,027 €" "1,479,149 €" "4,670,128 €" FP ERC 0 € 0 € "37,811 €" 0 € 0 € "399,151 €" "382,124 €" "819,086 €" "European Research Council projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" FP MSCA "420,184 €" "157,788 €" "160,530 €" "211,416 €" "334,378 €" "316,795 €" "532,729 €" "2,133,820 €" FP MSCA "189,532 €" 167 € "54,013 €" "32,550 €" "17,903 €" "33,817 €" "310,858 €" "638,840 €" "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" other international "51,367 €" "218,981 €" "168,000 €" "82,231 €" "34,509 €" "204,690 €" "249,338 €" "1,009,116 €" other international 0 € 0 € "4,706 €" 0 € 0 € "47,014 €" "16,885 €" "68,605 €" "Other international programmes (INTERREG, Erasmus+, NIH etc.) including grants from private foundations" National "15,712,218 €" "19,338,172 €" "18,090,319 €" "25,540,262 €" "21,349,958 €" "22,571,336 €" "15,825,428 €" "138,427,693 €" National "4,326,077 €" "2,388,198 €" "3,484,671 €" "13,675,043 €" "2,014,643 €" "2,864,543 €" "5,329,819 €" "34,082,995 €" "Based on origin of transfer of financing (including programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" AZV "1,560,004 €" "2,107,980 €" "1,771,724 €" "1,667,782 €" "2,068,040 €" "2,031,708 €" "1,763,839 €" "12,971,075 €" AZV "232,544 €" "533,751 €" "182,078 €" "275,727 €" "345,281 €" "344,735 €" "126,808 €" "2,040,925 €" Czech Health Research Council - Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health ESIF "2,573,681 €" "6,594,633 €" "4,880,261 €" "11,391,440 €" "8,415,335 €" "8,823,779 €" "491,994 €" "43,171,123 €" ESIF "2,573,681 €" "469,353 €" "87,505 €" "7,902,366 €" 0 € "12,232 €" "1,263 €" "11,046,400 €" "European Structural and Investment Funds, starting from period 2014-2020 (OP VVV)" GAČR "4,572,381 €" "3,140,340 €" "4,397,121 €" "4,860,440 €" "5,152,695 €" "5,492,307 €" "6,192,623 €" "33,807,907 €" GAČR "1,046,708 €" "893,560 €" "2,608,695 €" "1,447,549 €" "1,486,489 €" "1,352,262 €" "1,655,725 €" "10,490,988 €" "Czech Science Agency - independent agency funding basic research in the Czech Republic; standard, junior, international grants, EXPRO and Centres of Excellence" INTER-EXCELLENCE "71,024 €" "184,183 €" "309,025 €" "283,774 €" "329,636 €" "237,219 €" "123,429 €" "1,538,290 €" INTER-EXCELLENCE "71,024 €" "50,508 €" "42,168 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € "62,689 €" "226,389 €" "Programmes of international cooperation funded by Czech Ministry of Education, including predecessor to the current INTER-EXCELLENCE programme - KONTAKT II and COST CZ" SoMoPro "377,929 €" "511,325 €" "474,868 €" "134,939 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € "1,499,062 €" SoMoPro "228,313 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € "228,313 €" Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded calls administered by South Moravian Centre for International Mobility TAČR "265,689 €" "349,135 €" "704,345 €" "791,481 €" "379,138 €" "259,485 €" "379,047 €" "3,128,321 €" TAČR "46,115 €" "178,092 €" "335,311 €" 0 € "73,813 €" 0 € "319,608 €" "952,940 €" Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - independent agency funding applied research in the Czech Republic other national "6,291,510 €" "6,450,575 €" "5,552,975 €" "6,410,406 €" "5,005,114 €" "5,726,839 €" "6,874,496 €" "42,311,916 €" other national "127,692 €" "262,933 €" "228,914 €" "4,049,401 €" "109,060 €" "1,155,315 €" "3,163,725 €" "9,097,040 €" "Other national funding schemes (predominantly GAMU calls, MOBILITY, Czech-Norwegian Grants, sectoral agency of Czech Ministry of Agriculture etc.)" Total "18,396,652 €" "22,591,861 €" "19,952,665 €" "27,086,898 €" "22,192,237 €" "24,427,909 €" "19,566,088 €" "154,214,310 €" Total "4,636,920 €" "2,443,005 €" "3,582,573 €" "14,102,877 €" "2,152,462 €" "3,414,714 €" "6,655,753 €" "36,988,305 €" Table 5a Total budget of all new projects (whole project budget is reported in the year when the project implementation started) Budget for CEITEC MU in new projects (EUR) Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Project budget (only the portion going to CEITEC MU in case of coordinated/partner projects) listed in the year of submission Note: Budget includes investments + non-investments together International "3,940,918 €" "628,240 €" "910,080 €" "4,876,832 €" "3,878,154 €" "3,565,979 €" "1,235,424 €" "432,325 €" "276,316 €" "2,220,554 €" "1,241,624 €" "743,738 €" "4,420,076 €" "28,370,259 €" "Based on origin of transfer of financing (excluding programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" Note: Budget is annual budget for projects (can be broken up over time) EMBO 0 € 0 € "158,000 €" "250,000 €" "355,000 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € "150,000 €" 0 € "57,143 €" "71,048 €" "1,041,191 €" "EMBO Grants (Installation Grants, Long-Term Fellowships, Conference Grants)" Note: Conversion rates as follows: FP collaborative "3,928,918 €" "518,240 €" "414,580 €" "2,226,949 €" "1,243,423 €" "2,970,622 €" "929,424 €" "199,903 €" "1,371 €" "710,546 €" "1,173,624 €" "248,245 €" "1,689,892 €" "16,255,736 €" "Collaborative, coordination, and support projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7: CAPACITIES, COLLABORATION; H2020: INFRASTRUCTURES, FET, LEIT, Societal Challenges, SwafS, WIDESPREAD)" 2011: 1€ = 25CZK FP ERC 0 € 0 € 0 € "1,997,557 €" "1,844,604 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € "37,811 €" 0 € 0 € "81,966 €" "1,992,976 €" "5,954,914 €" "European Research Council projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" 2012: 1€ = 25CZK FP MSCA 0 € "100,000 €" "262,500 €" "246,000 €" "435,127 €" 0 € "306,000 €" "232,422 €" "54,013 €" "1,360,008 €" "68,000 €" "166,279 €" "649,275 €" "3,879,624 €" "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" 2013: 1€ = 25CZK other international "12,000 €" "10,000 €" "75,000 €" "156,326 €" 0 € "595,357 €" 0 € 0 € "183,121 €" 0 € 0 € "190,105 €" "16,885 €" "1,238,794 €" "Other international programmes (INTERREG, Erasmus+, NIH etc.) including grants from private foundations" 2014: 1€ = 27CZK National "2,416,650 €" "5,885,140 €" "5,073,560 €" "3,584,503 €" "8,234,076 €" "39,463,869 €" "24,030,936 €" "13,136,352 €" "15,123,329 €" "38,713,663 €" "9,424,963 €" "23,830,405 €" "25,008,299 €" "213,925,744 €" "Based on origin of transfer of financing (including programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" 2015: 1€ = 27CZK AZV 0 € "1,912,231 €" 0 € 0 € "2,374,846 €" "2,048,192 €" "1,080,538 €" "2,595,462 €" "1,132,941 €" "1,590,863 €" "2,039,725 €" "1,542,163 €" "983,176 €" "17,300,138 €" Czech Health Research Council - Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health 2016: 1€ = 27CZK ESIF 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € "18,067,055 €" "6,120,346 €" "2,036,341 €" "19,935,028 €" 0 € "17,496 €" "3,822,542 €" "49,998,807 €" "European Structural and Investment Funds, starting from period 2014-2020 (OP VVV), OP VK and OP VVV not included" 2017: 1€ = 26CZK GAČR "2,271,615 €" "3,202,231 €" "4,242,192 €" "1,584,654 €" "4,288,192 €" "3,546,231 €" "2,667,731 €" "3,028,231 €" "10,526,627 €" "5,008,824 €" "6,443,255 €" "4,691,020 €" "6,645,176 €" "58,145,980 €" "Czech Science Agency - independent agency funding basic research in the Czech Republic; standard, junior, international grants, EXPRO and Centres of Excellence" "2018: 1€ = 25,5CZK" INTER-EXCELLENCE 0 € 0 € "191,500 €" "129,500 €" "119,731 €" "48,577 €" "322,583 €" "269,385 €" "600,667 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € "519,572 €" "2,201,515 €" "Programmes of international cooperation funded by Czech Ministry of Education, including predecessor to the current INTER-EXCELLENCE programme - KONTAKT II and COST CZ" "2019: 1€ = 25,5CZK" SoMoPro "108,570 €" 0 € "513,137 €" "1,204,893 €" "116,952 €" "414,000 €" "1,167,250 €" 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0 € "3,524,802 €" Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded calls administered by South Moravian Centre for International Mobility "2020: 1€ = 25,5CZK" TAČR 0 € 0 € 0 € "576,885 €" "357,231 €" 0 € "240,333 €" "728,842 €" "508,422 €" 0 € "423,922 €" 0 € "1,211,765 €" "4,047,400 €" Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - independent agency funding applied research in the Czech Republic "2021: 1€ = 25,5CZK" other national "36,465 €" "770,678 €" "126,731 €" "88,571 €" "977,124 €" "33,406,869 €" "485,446 €" "394,086 €" "318,331 €" "12,178,949 €" "518,061 €" "17,579,725 €" "11,826,067 €" "78,707,102 €" "Other national funding schemes (predominantly GAMU calls, MOBILITY, Czech-Norwegian Grants, sectoral agency of Czech Ministry of Agriculture etc.)" "2022: 1€ = 24,5CZK" Total "6,357,568 €" "6,513,380 €" "5,983,640 €" "8,461,335 €" "12,112,230 €" "43,029,848 €" "25,266,360 €" "13,568,676 €" "15,399,645 €" "40,934,217 €" "10,666,587 €" "24,574,143 €" "29,428,375 €" "242,296,003 €" ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### Grant Administration Department Reported period: 2017-2023 Table 6b Total number of all projects being implemented in given year Table 7b Number of new projects in given years (projects whose implementation started in given year) Total Projects in Implementation New Projects in Implementation Definitions Total number of projects Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of new projects Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of project proposals submitted in given year International 7 10 18 21 28 30 32 27 27 25 29 33 33 320 International 2 4 8 7 12 7 6 2 9 8 6 8 10 89 "Based on origin of transfer of financing (excluding programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" EMBO 0 0 1 2 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 31 EMBO 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 9 "EMBO Grants (Installation Grants, Long-Term Fellowships, Conference Grants)" FP collaborative 4 4 5 5 8 10 15 15 10 7 13 15 16 127 FP collaborative 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 1 2 2 5 4 3 34 "Collaborative, coordination, and support projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7: CAPACITIES, COLLABORATION; H2020: INFRASTRUCTURES, FET, LEIT, Societal Challenges, SwafS, WIDESPREAD)" FP ERC 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 20 FP ERC 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 5 "European Research Council projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" FP MSCA 1 2 6 7 9 8 7 5 7 9 10 10 9 90 FP MSCA 0 1 4 2 3 0 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 25 "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" other international 2 4 6 6 3 6 4 2 4 4 3 4 4 52 other international 1 2 2 2 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 16 "Other international programmes (INTERREG, Erasmus+, NIH etc.) including grants from private foundations" National 60 71 81 85 109 125 138 141 158 140 141 138 117 1504 National 14 23 23 23 45 48 50 51 51 40 31 36 34 469 "Based on origin of transfer of financing (including programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" AZV 3 10 10 10 19 19 23 32 28 25 31 34 29 273 AZV 0 9 0 0 9 10 4 9 5 7 9 7 3 72 Czech Health Research Council - Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health ESIF 8 12 13 13 5 0 8 13 16 18 17 12 6 141 ESIF 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 3 5 0 1 1 23 "European Structural and Investment Funds, starting from period 2014-2020 (OP VVV)" GAČR 23 29 35 34 48 56 53 41 50 49 52 53 46 569 GAČR 11 9 13 8 20 13 12 13 25 12 12 18 12 178 "Czech Science Agency - independent agency funding basic research in the Czech Republic; standard, junior, international grants, EXPRO and Centres of Excellence" INTER-EXCELLENCE 0 0 3 5 7 4 7 6 10 10 8 4 4 68 INTER-EXCELLENCE 0 0 3 2 2 1 4 2 4 2 0 0 2 22 "Programmes of international cooperation funded by Czech Ministry of Education, including predecessor to the current INTER-EXCELLENCE programme - KONTAKT II and COST CZ" SoMoPro 3 3 6 10 11 13 9 8 8 5 0 0 0 76 SoMoPro 1 0 3 7 1 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded calls administered by South Moravian Centre for International Mobility TAČR 0 0 0 2 4 4 6 7 10 9 6 4 3 55 TAČR 0 0 0 2 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 0 2 21 Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - independent agency funding applied research in the Czech Republic other national 23 17 14 11 15 29 32 34 36 24 27 31 29 322 other national 2 5 4 4 11 18 14 18 11 13 9 10 14 133 "Other national funding schemes (predominantly GAMU calls, MOBILITY, Czech-Norwegian Grants, sectoral agency of Czech Ministry of Agriculture etc.)" Total 67 81 99 106 137 155 170 168 185 165 170 171 150 1824 Total 16 27 31 30 57 55 56 53 60 48 37 44 44 558 Table 8b Real spending of all projects being implemented in given year Table 9b Real spending of new projects whose implementation started in given year Real Spending of Projects (CZK) Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Real Spending of New Projects (CZK) Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Project budget (only the portion going to CEITEC MU in case of coordinated/partner projects) listed in the year of submission International "69,795,275 Kč" "82,969,058 Kč" "47,489,844 Kč" "39,439,204 Kč" "21,478,121 Kč" "45,486,055 Kč" "95,386,810 Kč" "402,044,367 Kč" International " 8,081,914 Kč " " 1,397,584 Kč " " 2,496,477 Kč " " 10,909,758 Kč " " 3,514,398 Kč " " 13,479,202 Kč " " 33,811,325 Kč " " 73,690,658 Kč " "Based on origin of transfer of financing (excluding programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" EMBO "9,988,166 Kč" "1,804,660 Kč" "3,477,283 Kč" "5,143,777 Kč" "208,420 Kč" "4,673,005 Kč" "1,989,955 Kč" "27,285,267 Kč" EMBO - Kč - Kč - Kč "1,369,000 Kč" - Kč " 1,401,908 Kč " " 1,989,955 Kč " " 4,760,863 Kč " "EMBO Grants (Installation Grants, Long-Term Fellowships, Conference Grants)" FP collaborative "39,013,912 Kč" "49,157,707 Kč" "20,069,270 Kč" "12,981,396 Kč" "7,636,468 Kč" "11,719,008 Kč" "35,735,835 Kč" "176,313,596 Kč" FP collaborative " 3,154,090 Kč " " 1,393,330 Kč " " 34,951 Kč " " 8,710,727 Kč " " 3,057,883 Kč " " 317,744 Kč " " 13,719,759 Kč " " 30,388,484 Kč " "Collaborative, coordination, and support projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7: CAPACITIES, COLLABORATION; H2020: INFRASTRUCTURES, FET, LEIT, Societal Challenges, SwafS, WIDESPREAD)" FP ERC "8,532,879 Kč" "22,399,081 Kč" "15,565,782 Kč" "13,826,030 Kč" "4,226,614 Kč" "16,317,653 Kč" "37,718,301 Kč" "118,586,340 Kč" FP ERC - Kč - Kč " 964,188 Kč " - Kč - Kč " 9,779,193 Kč " " 9,744,160 Kč " " 20,487,542 Kč " "European Research Council projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" FP MSCA "10,924,785 Kč" "4,023,595 Kč" "4,093,508 Kč" "5,391,098 Kč" "8,526,641 Kč" "7,761,489 Kč" "13,584,601 Kč" "54,305,717 Kč" FP MSCA " 4,927,824 Kč " " 4,254 Kč " " 1,377,338 Kč " " 830,031 Kč " " 456,515 Kč " " 828,514 Kč " " 7,926,891 Kč " " 16,351,367 Kč " "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" other international "1,335,533 Kč" "5,584,015 Kč" "4,284,001 Kč" "2,096,903 Kč" "879,978 Kč" "5,014,900 Kč" "6,358,118 Kč" "25,553,448 Kč" other international - Kč - Kč " 120,000 Kč " - Kč - Kč " 1,151,843 Kč " " 430,560 Kč " " 1,702,403 Kč " "Other international programmes (INTERREG, Erasmus+, NIH etc.) including grants from private foundations" National "408,517,664 Kč" "493,123,389 Kč" "461,303,126 Kč" "651,276,688 Kč" "544,423,926 Kč" "552,997,724 Kč" "403,548,424 Kč" "3,515,190,941 Kč" National " 112,478,009 Kč " " 60,899,056 Kč " " 88,859,123 Kč " " 348,713,599 Kč " " 51,373,392 Kč " " 70,181,301 Kč " " 135,910,389 Kč " " 868,414,869 Kč " "Based on origin of transfer of financing (including programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" AZV "40,560,102 Kč" "53,753,488 Kč" "45,178,954 Kč" "42,528,436 Kč" "52,735,009 Kč" "49,776,834 Kč" "44,977,891 Kč" "329,510,714 Kč" AZV " 6,046,142 Kč " " 13,610,663 Kč " " 4,642,987 Kč " " 7,031,035 Kč " " 8,804,665 Kč " " 8,446,008 Kč " " 3,233,614 Kč " " 51,815,114 Kč " Czech Health Research Council - Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health ESIF "66,915,698 Kč" "168,163,144 Kč" "124,446,651 Kč" "290,481,723 Kč" "214,591,041 Kč" "216,182,576 Kč" "12,545,855 Kč" "1,093,326,688 Kč" ESIF " 66,915,698 Kč " " 11,968,513 Kč " " 2,231,387 Kč " " 201,510,341 Kč " - Kč " 299,672 Kč " " 32,204 Kč " " 282,957,814 Kč " "European Structural and Investment Funds, starting from period 2014-2020 (OP VVV)" GAČR "118,881,900 Kč" "80,078,679 Kč" "112,126,594 Kč" "123,941,213 Kč" "131,393,714 Kč" "134,561,516 Kč" "157,911,887 Kč" "858,895,502 Kč" GAČR " 27,214,419 Kč " " 22,785,787 Kč " " 66,521,719 Kč " " 36,912,493 Kč " " 37,905,468 Kč " " 33,130,413 Kč " " 42,221,000 Kč " " 266,691,299 Kč " "Czech Science Agency - independent agency funding basic research in the Czech Republic; standard, junior, international grants, EXPRO and Centres of Excellence" INTER-EXCELLENCE "1,846,618 Kč" "4,696,658 Kč" "7,880,136 Kč" "7,236,239 Kč" "8,405,726 Kč" "5,811,866 Kč" "3,147,437 Kč" "39,024,680 Kč" INTER-EXCELLENCE " 1,846,618 Kč " " 1,287,946 Kč " " 1,075,288 Kč " - Kč - Kč - Kč " 1,598,575 Kč " " 5,808,427 Kč " "Programmes of international cooperation funded by Czech Ministry of Education, including predecessor to the current INTER-EXCELLENCE programme - KONTAKT II and COST CZ" SoMoPro "9,826,166 Kč" "13,038,793 Kč" "12,109,131 Kč" "3,440,952 Kč" - Kč - Kč - Kč "38,415,042 Kč" SoMoPro " 5,936,148 Kč " - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč " 5,936,148 Kč " Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded calls administered by South Moravian Centre for International Mobility TAČR "6,907,926 Kč" "8,902,954 Kč" "17,960,797 Kč" "20,182,773 Kč" "9,668,022 Kč" "6,357,373 Kč" "9,665,699 Kč" "79,645,543 Kč" TAČR " 1,199,000 Kč " " 4,541,349 Kč " " 8,550,433 Kč " - Kč " 1,882,237 Kč " - Kč " 8,150,000 Kč " " 24,323,019 Kč " Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - independent agency funding applied research in the Czech Republic other national "163,579,256 Kč" "164,489,673 Kč" "141,600,863 Kč" "163,465,352 Kč" "127,630,414 Kč" "140,307,559 Kč" "175,299,656 Kč" "1,076,372,773 Kč" other national " 3,319,985 Kč " " 6,704,798 Kč " " 5,837,309 Kč " " 103,259,730 Kč " " 2,781,022 Kč " " 28,305,208 Kč " " 80,674,996 Kč " " 230,883,048 Kč " "Other national funding schemes (predominantly GAMU calls, MOBILITY, Czech-Norwegian Grants, sectoral agency of Czech Ministry of Agriculture etc.)" Total "478,312,939 Kč" "576,092,447 Kč" "508,792,970 Kč" "690,715,892 Kč" "565,902,047 Kč" "598,483,779 Kč" "498,935,234 Kč" "3,917,235,309 Kč" Total " 120,559,923 Kč " " 62,296,640 Kč " " 91,355,600 Kč " " 359,623,357 Kč " " 54,887,790 Kč " " 169,721,714 Kč " " 942,105,527 Kč " Table 10b Total budget of all new projects (whole project budget is reported in the year when the project implementation started) Budget for CEITEC MU in new projects (CZK) Year of implementation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Project budget (only the portion going to CEITEC MU in case of coordinated/partner projects) listed in the year of submission Note: Budget includes investments + non-investments together International " 102,463,868 Kč " " 16,334,240 Kč " " 23,662,080 Kč " " 126,797,631 Kč " " 100,832,004 Kč " " 92,715,454 Kč " " 32,221,024 Kč " " 11,240,437 Kč " " 7,046,063 Kč " " 56,624,127 Kč " " 31,661,412 Kč " " 18,221,573 Kč " " 112,711,931 Kč " " 732,531,843 Kč " "Based on origin of transfer of financing (excluding programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" Note: Budget is annual budget for projects (can be broken up over time) EMBO - Kč - Kč " 4,108,000 Kč " " 6,500,000 Kč " " 9,230,000 Kč " - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč " 3,825,000 Kč " - Kč " 1,400,000 Kč " " 1,811,724 Kč " " 26,874,724 Kč " "EMBO Grants (Installation Grants, Long-Term Fellowships, Conference Grants)" FP collaborative " 102,151,868 Kč " " 13,474,240 Kč " " 10,779,080 Kč " " 57,900,674 Kč " " 32,328,998 Kč " " 77,236,172 Kč " " 24,265,024 Kč " " 5,197,465 Kč " " 34,951 Kč " " 18,118,923 Kč " " 29,927,412 Kč " " 6,082,003 Kč " " 43,092,246 Kč " " 420,589,056 Kč " "Collaborative, coordination, and support projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7: CAPACITIES, COLLABORATION; H2020: INFRASTRUCTURES, FET, LEIT, Societal Challenges, SwafS, WIDESPREAD)" FP ERC - Kč - Kč - Kč " 51,936,482 Kč " " 47,959,704 Kč " - Kč - Kč - Kč " 964,188 Kč " - Kč - Kč " 2,008,167 Kč " " 50,820,888 Kč " " 153,689,429 Kč " "European Research Council projects in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" FP MSCA - Kč " 2,600,000 Kč " " 6,825,000 Kč " " 6,396,000 Kč " " 11,313,302 Kč " - Kč " 7,956,000 Kč " " 6,042,972 Kč " " 1,377,338 Kč " " 34,680,204 Kč " " 1,734,000 Kč " " 4,073,836 Kč " " 16,556,513 Kč " " 99,555,164 Kč " "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in EU Framework Programmes (FP7, H2020)" other international " 312,000 Kč " " 260,000 Kč " " 1,950,000 Kč " " 4,064,475 Kč " - Kč " 15,479,282 Kč " - Kč - Kč " 4,669,586 Kč " - Kč - Kč " 4,657,568 Kč " " 430,560 Kč " " 31,823,471 Kč " "Other international programmes (INTERREG, Erasmus+, NIH etc.) including grants from private foundations" National " 62,832,912 Kč " " 153,013,640 Kč " " 131,912,570 Kč " " 93,197,068 Kč " " 214,085,969 Kč " " 1,026,060,596 Kč " " 624,804,310 Kč " " 341,545,142 Kč " " 385,644,895 Kč " " 987,198,405 Kč " " 240,336,545 Kč " " 583,844,923 Kč " " 637,711,637 Kč " " 5,482,188,612 Kč " "Based on origin of transfer of financing (including programmes managed by Czech authorities co-funded by the EU such as SoMoPro, JPND etc.)" AZV - Kč " 49,718,000 Kč " - Kč - Kč " 61,746,000 Kč " " 53,253,000 Kč " " 28,094,000 Kč " " 67,482,000 Kč " " 28,890,000 Kč " " 40,567,000 Kč " " 52,013,000 Kč " " 37,783,000 Kč " " 25,071,000 Kč " " 444,617,000 Kč " Czech Health Research Council - Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health ESIF - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč " 469,743,417 Kč " " 159,128,984 Kč " " 51,926,686 Kč " " 508,343,213 Kč " - Kč " 428,664 Kč " " 97,474,822 Kč " " 1,287,045,786 Kč " "European Structural and Investment Funds, starting from period 2014-2020 (OP VVV), OP VK and OP VVV not included" GAČR " 59,062,000 Kč " " 83,258,000 Kč " " 110,297,000 Kč " " 41,201,000 Kč " " 111,493,000 Kč " " 92,202,000 Kč " " 69,361,000 Kč " " 78,734,000 Kč " " 268,429,000 Kč " " 127,725,000 Kč " " 164,303,000 Kč " " 114,930,000 Kč " " 169,452,000 Kč " " 1,490,447,000 Kč " "Czech Science Agency - independent agency funding basic research in the Czech Republic; standard, junior, international grants, EXPRO and Centres of Excellence" INTER-EXCELLENCE - Kč - Kč " 4,979,000 Kč " " 3,367,000 Kč " " 3,113,000 Kč " " 1,263,000 Kč " " 8,387,153 Kč " " 7,004,000 Kč " " 15,317,000 Kč " - Kč - Kč - Kč " 13,249,094 Kč " " 56,679,247 Kč " "Programmes of international cooperation funded by Czech Ministry of Education, including predecessor to the current INTER-EXCELLENCE programme - KONTAKT II and COST CZ" SoMoPro " 2,822,820 Kč " - Kč " 13,341,562 Kč " " 31,327,218 Kč " " 3,040,752 Kč " " 10,764,000 Kč " " 30,348,500 Kč " - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč - Kč " 91,644,852 Kč " Marie Skłodowska-Curie co-funded calls administered by South Moravian Centre for International Mobility TAČR - Kč - Kč - Kč " 14,999,000 Kč " " 9,288,000 Kč " - Kč " 6,248,650 Kč " " 18,949,904 Kč " " 12,964,773 Kč " - Kč " 10,810,000 Kč " - Kč " 30,900,000 Kč " " 104,160,327 Kč " Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - independent agency funding applied research in the Czech Republic other national " 948,092 Kč " " 20,037,640 Kč " " 3,295,008 Kč " " 2,302,850 Kč " " 25,405,217 Kč " " 868,578,596 Kč " " 12,621,590 Kč " " 10,246,254 Kč " " 8,117,436 Kč " " 310,563,192 Kč " " 13,210,545 Kč " " 430,703,259 Kč " " 301,564,721 Kč " " 2,007,594,400 Kč " "Other national funding schemes (predominantly GAMU calls, MOBILITY, Czech-Norwegian Grants, sectoral agency of Czech Ministry of Agriculture etc.)" Total " 165,296,780 Kč " " 169,347,880 Kč " " 155,574,650 Kč " " 219,994,699 Kč " " 314,917,973 Kč " " 1,118,776,050 Kč " " 657,025,334 Kč " " 352,785,579 Kč " " 392,690,958 Kč " " 1,043,822,532 Kč " " 271,997,957 Kč " " 602,066,496 Kč " " 750,423,568 Kč " " 6,214,720,455 Kč " ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### Table 11 Data on principal investigators (gender-dissaggregated data) 2022 2023 No. of implemented grants % No. of implemented grants % PI - men 112 65% 102 68% PI - women 59 35% 48 32% Total 171 100% 150 100% ##### Sheet/List 5 ##### Identifikace tabulky Popis obsahu Table 6b Total number of all projects being implemented in given year Počet všech projektů realizovných v daném roce (bez ohledu na datum zahájení projektu) Table 7b Number of new projects in given years (projects whose implementation started in given year) Počet nově zahajovaných projektů v daném roce (datum začátku projektu spadá do daného roku) Table 8b Real spending of all projects being implemented in given year "Čerpání projektů zahajovaných v daném roce dle účetnictví (všech projektů - navazuje na informace v tab 6B), částka čerpání včetně FÚUP" Table 9b Real spending of new projects whose implementation started in given year "Čerpání projektů realizovaných v daném roce dle účetnictví (všech projektů - navazuje na informace v tab 7B), částka čerpání včetně FÚUP" Table 10b Total budget of all new projects (whole project budget is reported in the year when the project implementation started) "Navazuje na tab. 7B - přidělený rozpočet nových projektů za všechny roky realizace (celkový rozpočet projektu bez ohledu na dělení do let), celková částka včetně spolufinanocvání HS z jiných zdrojů (OP JAK atd)"