The PR Data Report 2023 will be accompanied by the regular analytical PR Report 2023 (to be issued in March 2024). "Due to this, the executive summary will be added later on." ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Monthly Data on Communication Channels Reported period: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023 Table 1 Current Communication Channels a) Media Chart 1a-a Month # Press Releases # Articles / Interviews # Articles / References about CEITEC Number of Press Releases and Articles / Interviews in 2023 January 7 3 58 February 0 5 56 Chart 1a-b March 2 1 74 Number of Articles / References in 2023 April 0 3 37 May 2 0 61 June 3 1 131 July 2 0 43 August 1 1 40 September 2 6 65 October 1 2 59 November 0 1 34 December 0 2 36 Monthly average 2 2 58 Note: References are about CEITEC MU & CEITEC in general b) Internal Newsletter Chart 1b Month # Total Opens # Total Clicks Top Click (clicks) Internal Newsletter 2023 February 359 337 The best of CEITEC MU 2022: What have we achieved together in the past year (32) March 340 188 Bike to Work with CEITEC (28) April 324 204 Introducing This Year's Brno Ph.D. Talents From CEITEC (39) May 322 173 Scientists describe how expansin affects plant root growth (20) June 313 199 Help Us Decide the Future of Cycling at the Bohunice Campus (24) July 302 174 Pavel Tomancak: Story of the CEITEC RGL Retreat (57) September 317 252 Meet CEITEC’s newest Research group leader Petr Tesina (37) October 306 186 """Postdocs need a community of colleagues to do the research. And we have that at CEITEC"", say the members of the Postdoc Peer Committee (14)" November 381 309 New Grant Office Portal (40) December 350 220 New Connections: PhD & Postdoc Retreat 2023 (30) Note: There were no distributions in January and August c) Facebook C E I T E C Chart 1c Month # New Followers # Posts # Organic Reach Top post (reach) Paid Advertising Number of New Posts and Followers on CEITEC Facebook January 13 21 "68,197" PHD SCHOOL | Start your career in science with C E I T E C (160 474) YES February 14 21 "134,630" TEA TIME SPECIAL | CEITEC Tea Time Carnival Edition (2 656) NO March 18 14 "34,549" Přednáška pro veřejnost: Superhrdina elektron v makro- a mikro-světě (3 900) NO April 18 14 "7,792" TEA TIME SPECIAL | Dubnový Tea Time Speciál ☕ patřil zdrav… (2 252) NO May 14 14 "10,348" HLEDÁME ÚČASTNÍKY VÝZKUMU | Podílejte se na výzkumu… (6 183) YES June 23 15 "26,964" Pavel Plevka povede C E I T E C Masarykova univerzita Struktu… (2 504) NO July 25 7 "11,403" HLEDÁME ÚČASTNÍKY VÝZKUMU | Pomozte našim vědcům a… (8 161) YES August 21 8 "10,578" HLEDÁME ÚČASTNÍKY VÝZKUMU | Chcete se podílet na výzk… (4 188) YES September 23 17 "15,334" HURÁ DO ŠKOLY | Ani letos k začátku školního roku nechyběla… (801) NO October 22 12 "30,005" CEITEC PHD | Congratulations 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Our PhD Student Elen… (840) NO November 13 20 "4,785" EVENT | New connections: PhD & Postdoc Retreat 2023🏕️ Our… (687) NO December 5 14 "8,712" PHD SCHOOL | Curious how research in life sciences is done in a… (1 514) NO Note: Social networks are shared with CEITEC BUT d) Instagram ceitec_brno Chart 1d Month # New Followers # Posts # Organic Reach Top post (reach) Paid Advertising Number of New Posts on CEITEC Instagram January - 8 "1,695" Pamětní grant Martiny Roeselové pomáhá mladým rodičům… (1 038) NO February - 9 "1,850" "Congratulations to Tereza Tučková, Ph.D. (1 010)" NO March - 13 "11,154" Nanotubes that are changing the world of materials (1 161) NO April - 11 "3,887" Cenu Wernera von Siemense za třetí místo v kategorii Nejlepší… (2 401) NO May 45 13 "18,386" It seems that @ceitec_brno @vutvbrne is no longer just a home… (1 353) NO June 61 13 "118,794" We have two new professors at @ceitec_brno 💚 On the basis… (1 314) NO July 37 4 "1,709" "You can only attend once in a lifetime. Twice, if you win a Nobel… (1 038)" NO August 86 12 "2,753" DEN #1: CEITEC Student Talent 💚 Je to tady! Dnes jsme zaháj… (1 503) NO September 81 18 "2,900" "Gene therapy 🧬 At the @innovativegenomics in Berkeley, Alžb… (1 436)" NO October 71 9 "3,221" Groundbreaking material for biomedicine 🦴 The Czech-Icelan… (1 236) NO November 44 12 "1,951" "„Diverzita je pro vědu klíčová. Benefity, o které bychom se bez… (956)" NO December 39 10 "2,014" Michaela Vojníková from @ceitec_brno @vutvbrne has been gr… (1 140) NO "Note: Instagram added followers metrics just recently, data are unavailable for the beginning of the year 2023" e) Twitter / X CEITEC_Brno Chart 1e Month # New Followers # Posts # Organic Reach Top post (organic reach) Paid Advertising Number of New Posts and Followers on CEITEC Twitter January 76 28 - Be one of us! Join @PlevkaLab at @CEITEC_Brno! 🤝 Renowned scientist and ERC holder Pavel Plevka is seeking a post-doctoral scientist for his team… (2 113) NO February 53 16 "8,600" Congratulations 👏🏻 Director of @CEITEC_Brno @VUTvBrne Radimír Vrba has presented awards for the greatest scientific achievements from the previous year with the Director’s Award 2022 💚 (3 951) NO March 53 29 "37,900" "Congratulations to Anna Papageorgiou, Ph.D. 👏 She successfully defended her doctoral thesis with the topic ""Diverse functions and phase separation properties of RECQ4 helicase N-terminal region"" at… (3 075)" NO April 104 24 "57,600" "Děkujeme @DanielStach za dnešní přednášku, představení práce vědecké redakce ČT a za několik tipů, díky kterým je možné i komplexní vědecká témata srozumitelně a poutavě prezentovat široké veřejnosti! (19 483)" NO May 30 29 "30,500" "Marketa Samalova and her colleagues, led by Jan Hejatko @hejatko from @CEITEC_Brno @muni_cz, have elucidated the effect of expansin on the root growth of the model plant🌿Arabidopsis thaliana. (4 901)" NO June 59 33 "44,100" "Látka na léčbu leukemie z @CEITEC_Brno @muni_cz obdržela americký patent. Tým Marka Mráze @MrazLab z MUNI a FN Brno získal americký patent na využití GAB1 inhibitorů v léčbě hematologických malignit… (5 844)" NO July 58 15 "23,900" "Today, we had the opportunity to host not one, but two speakers at @CEITEC_Brno @VUTvBrne for the #AMNSeminarSeries 🗣👏🏻 (3 113)" NO August 35 15 "21,800" "VUTvBrne @brnomycity DEN #3: Výměna témat, přednáška @thermofisher o elektronové mikroskopii, @Olinium42 o přípravě na VŠ a společná práce na prezentacích pro zítřejší představení projektů ✅ (7 381)" NO September 39 35 "26,800" King of the Nanorobots @MartinPumera from @CEITEC_Brno @VUTvBrne @FutureEnergyLab talked about making nanorobots in his lab like something out of a sci-fi movie at @ForbesCesko Next Big Thing 2023 event yesterday 🗣👏🏻 (3 473) NO October 50 24 "26,800" "💚We have contributed to our dear partners' efforts to highlight the importance of #ScienceCommunication as @CEITEC_Brno @MasarykUni is with @ERC_Research at #samewavelength. 👉Stay tuned! (1 897)" NO November - 22 "22,700" "People are our most precious asset. We are proud to have 45+ nationalities present among our students and employees 🌎and to share their culture with them. Have a look at how we celebrated Diwali, the Indian festival of lights at @CEITEC_Brno @VUTvBrne! 🪔 (2 259)" NO December - 24 "18,300" "Curious how research in life sciences is done in a place where Mendel laid the foundations of genetics? @CEITEC_Brno @muni_cz in Brno, CZ, has opened the doors of its PhD School. Check out the topics 👉 … and sign up NOW! 📣 (3 201)" NO Note: Social networks are shared with CEITEC BUT "X message: We're working on improvements to In the meantime, you may see some metrics are missing." f) LinkedIn CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Chart 1f Month # New Followers # Posts # Organic Reach Top post (organic reach) Paid Advertising Number of New Posts and Followers on CEITEC LinkedIn January - - - - - February 100 6 "9,850" Congratulations 👏🏻 Director of CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně Radimír Vrba has presented awards for the greatest scientific achievements from the previous year with the Director's Award 🏆 (2 1200) NO March 149 12 "17,366" "Congratulations to Anna Papageorgiou, Ph.D. 👏 (2 658)" NO April 168 10 "32,585" "Congratulations to Johana Muchová, Ph.D. 💚 She successfully defended her doctoral thesis with the topic ""Antibacterial scaffolds for tissue engineering"" at CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně 👏🏻(4 917)" NO May 125 12 "19,406" "At the beginning of May, we organized an event at CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně in cooperation with T-Mobile Czech Republic focused on digitalization, robotization and 5G up close 🦾 (1 981)" NO June 145 18 "31,912" Welcome on board 💚 A total of 23 new students from 10 countries around the world were welcomed by the management of CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně & CEITEC PhD Committee 🌎 (4 839) NO July 115 6 "22,415" "Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress will be hosted by CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology in 2025 👏 We look forward to seeing you in Brno, Czech Republic. (2 443)" NO August 145 7 "13,760" "CEITEC Student Talent 🧑🏼‍🔬🔬 Last week, at CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně, we hosted the third annual summer school for young promising high school students from all over the Czech and Slovak Republic 🇨🇿 💚 (3 893)" NO September 200 15 "26,594" Congratulations to all the awarded researchers and students from CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně 💚 (4 716) NO October 177 16 "28,042" "3 days, 18 research groups, evaluation by the best in the field 👨‍🔬 This week at CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Vysoké učení technické v Brně we had the honour of welcoming renowned scientists for a regular evaluation by the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB). This evaluation is organised regularly every four years 🔬 (3 008)" NO November 249 17 "27,748" "Last week, we celebrated the Indian Festival of Lights 🪔 At CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, people are the most precious asset. We are proud to have more than 45 nationalities present among our students and employees 🌎 (5 623)" NO December 250 14 "21,668" Community spirit filled the air at CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology Christmas party at both Masarykova univerzita Brno and Vysoké učení technické v Brně 🎄 (3 752) NO "Note: LinkedIn displays statistical data only for the last 365 days. The report was processed in February. Therefore, data for January are not available and data for February are half available." Social networks are shared with CEITEC BUT g) YouTube Chart 1g Month # Videos Number of Videos on CEITEC YouTube January 1 February 0 March 0 April 4 May 0 June 2 July 1 August 0 September 0 October 0 November 14 December 1 "Note: Do not use the YouTube channel as a ""repository"" of meeting recordings, but as a social " network where we present interesting and engaging videos. ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### Online presentation of CEITEC Reported Period: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023 Table 2 Graph 2a Webpages Number of Users Month "# Users (ENG)" # Users (CZE) # Total Users # Page Views (ENG) # Page Views (CZE) # Total Page Views # Visits (ENG) # Visits (CZE) # Total Visits % of CZE Users January " 14,627 " " 8,259 " " 22,888 " " 35,638 " " 34,068 " " 69,706 " " 18,573 " " 13,496 " " 32,069 " 36% February " 15,342 " " 7,088 " " 22,296 " " 35,639 " " 31,993 " " 67,632 " " 19,202 " " 11,936 " " 31,138 " 32% March " 19,293 " " 8,558 " " 27,954 " " 40,758 " " 36,391 " " 77,149 " " 23,603 " " 14,233 " " 37,836 " 31% April " 13,499 " " 6,897 " " 20,439 " " 33,726 " " 30,395 " " 64,121 " " 17,415 " " 11,351 " " 28,766 " 34% May " 14,222 " " 6,971 " " 21,076 " " 38,520 " " 30,713 " " 69,233 " " 18,805 " " 11,789 " " 30,594 " 33% June " 11,563 " " 7,107 " " 18,694 " " 29,756 " " 32,001 " " 61,757 " " 14,902 " " 11,698 " " 26,599 " 38% July " 7,852 " " 4,990 " " 12,983 " " 19,808 " " 21,556 " " 41,364 " " 10,564 " " 8,559 " " 19,229 " 38% August " 8,919 " " 5,993 " " 14,773 " " 24,522 " " 29,030 " " 53,552 " " 12,470 " " 10,970 " " 23,531 " 41% September " 10,268 " " 8,066 " " 18,161 " " 30,462 " " 35,740 " " 66,202 " " 15,702 " " 14,695 " " 30,363 " 44% October " 10,369 " " 9,965 " " 20,158 " " 29,418 " " 41,241 " " 70,659 " " 15,600 " " 17,694 " " 33,232 " 49% November " 10,477 " " 7,954 " " 18,415 " " 27,369 " " 35,418 " " 62,787 " " 15,266 " " 15,514 " " 30,664 " 43% December " 8,785 " " 4,551 " " 13,480 " " 21,001 " " 20,130 " " 41,131 " " 11,988 " " 8,529 " " 20,192 " 34% Average " 12,101 " " 7,200 " " 19,276 " " 30,551 " " 31,556 " " 62,108 " " 16,174 " " 12,539 " " 28,684 " x Note: Total users includes users who do not have a language set Conclusions: Average of all metrics does not show any significant difference from last year. Users tend to visit the CEITEC website slightly less in the summer holiday season (July-August) Graph 2b "During January and February we've activated paid promotion for PhD School on Social media," Number of Page Views that resulted in boost of all metrics after Christmas Holiday drop. This also corrected February and March drop that was observed from last year. Definitions: Unique users = users who initiated at least one visit. The number of users is not equal to the number of real people Page views = total number of pages viewed "Visits = total visits during a given time period. A visit is the time the user is actively involved in websites, applications, etc." All usage data is always associated with a visit Table 3 Number of # Followers / Members Year Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Facebook FB Group CEITEC PhDs FB Group CEITEC Postdocs 2019 " 1,343 " " 3,701 " - " 3,875 " 325 50 2020 " 2,105 " " 4,764 " - " 4,575 " 354 73 2021 " 2,932 " " 5,513 " - " 5,409 " 391 84 2022 " 3,979 " " 7,407 " " 2,190 " " 5,714 " 410 100 2023 " 4,557 " " 9,295 " " 2,584 " " 6,100 " 417 104 Benchmarking Note (February 2024): IOCB " 3,849 " " 4,000 " 1999 " 9,200 " Graph 2c BIOCEV " 1,139 " " 2,000 " 645 " 2,100 " Number of Visits VIB " 11,000 " " 26,000 " 1490 " 4,500 " Graph 3 Number of # Followers / Members ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### Internal Newsletter Reported period: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023 Table 4 Graph 4 Internal Newsletter Internal Newsletter - Total Number of Opens Month Number of Recipients Total Opens Total Clicks Top Click February 2021 814 348 247 Pavel Tomancak Becomes New Director of CEITEC Consortium (16) March 2021 813 351 237 Bike to Work with CEITEC 2021: register (19) April 2021 710 306 199 Important Indicators on CEITEC MU Now Available: Data on recruitment (15) May 2021 710 298 272 #CEITEC10: Choose the Animal of Your Heart: Results (33) June 2021 674 356 449 #CEITEC10 –⁠ Gift to Employees (204) July 2021 674 299 161 Great Exhibitions from the Smallest Artists: voting (14); Get to Know the CEITEC MU Administration (14) September 2021 674 288 360 Life Sciences Seminar Series (30) October 2021 695 312 227 CEITEC 10th anniversary video (35) November 2021 696 319 261 Director’s Message: RGL RETREAT 2021 - PHOTOGALLERY (51) December 2021 701 349 343 #CEITEC10 –⁠ Gift to Employees (121) February 2022 687 326 338 Investigation committee published results in the Vojtech Adam case (38) March 2022 690 320 277 Free International Scientific Courses (40) April 2022 673 299 168 Yusuf Lodhi from Michal Smida Group Received Brno PhD Talent Award (17) May 2022 675 388 196 Campus Day (40) June 2022 677 297 231 CEITEC PhD Conference Showcased Research Results of Doctoral Students (37) July 2022 678 288 182 CEITEC Meeting and Lunch: Creating better working environment for all of us - Klik na foto 1 ve fotogalerii (21) September 2022 680 321 290 Principal Investigator Seminar Series: HERE (29) October 2022 674 328 235 Thank You for Your Active Participation in Researchers' Night: HERE (34) November 2022 673 392 231 Josef Houser Is the New Head of the Core Facility of Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallization (29) December 2022 672 352 225 The MUNI Scientist Award was received by scientists across MU disciplines (30) February 2023 657 359 337 The best of CEITEC MU 2022: What have we achieved together in the past year (32) March 2023 666 340 188 Bike to Work with CEITEC (28) April 2023 573 324 204 Introducing This Year's Brno Ph.D. Talents From CEITEC (39) May 2023 578 322 173 Scientists describe how expansin affects plant root growth (20) June 2023 580 313 199 Help Us Decide the Future of Cycling at the Bohunice Campus (24) July 2023 581 302 174 Pavel Tomancak: Story of the CEITEC RGL Retreat (57) September 2023 597 317 252 Meet CEITEC’s newest Research group leader Petr Tesina (37) October 2023 603 306 186 """Postdocs need a community of colleagues to do the research. And we have that at CEITEC"", say the members of the Postdoc Peer Committee (14)" November 2023 605 381 309 New Grant Office Portal (40) December 2023 602 350 220 New Connections: PhD & Postdoc Retreat 2023 (30) "Note: Since February 2021, the Newsletter has had a new look and is being created in another program (Umbraco)" Table 4a Graph 4a Internal Newsletter - Average Opens / Clicks Internal Newsletter - Average Opens and Clicks Year Average Opens Average Clicks Average Recipients Average Opens % 2021 323 276 716 45% 2022 331 237 703 47% 2023 331 224 604 55% Conclusion: Declining amount of Clicks could indicate: (1) Less interest in topics (2) High quality Abstracts (3) Overwhelming amount of content per newsletter Conclusion: Less than 50 % effectivness of Newsletter could indicate: (1) Less interest in topics (3) High frequency of newsletter (3) Overwhelming amount of content per newsletter ##### Sheet/List 5 ##### Press Releases Published in 2023 Reported period: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023 Table 5 Press Releases / Articles - Published on CEITEC website by Month Month Title Press Release Article / Interview Year # Press Releases # Articles January Six best publications of the last year were awarded CEITEC MU AWARD 1 2021 12 data were not colleted January The best of CEITEC MU 2022: What have we achieved together in the past year 1 2022 25 36 January EMBO Workshop Eukaryotic RNA Turnover and Viral Biology 1 2023 20 25 January Scientists described different reactions to cadmium exposure in tobacco and thale cress 1 January Helena Peschelová získala Pamětní grant Martiny Roeselové (only in Czech) 1 January ový diagnostický nástroj umožní diagnostiku mimo laboratoř do 30 minut (only in Czech) 1 January Tomas Sikola and Jiri Fajkus were awarded by the city of Brno 1 January The new ADDIT-CE project will revolutionize Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic 1 January INSECTS: Animals with plant telomerase 1 January The new infertility solution of Ondrej Slaby will move from the laboratory into practice 1 February CEITEC Masaryk University as a stepping stone for an ERA Chair position in Malta 1 February Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science 1 February Dutch students from TU Delft and Leiden University visited CEITEC and MUNI 1 February Maximize Your Chances of Getting MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Funding 1 February Celebrate Days of Electron Microscopy on the university campus Bohunice 1 March Celebrate MUNI Day with us! Meet colleagues from all over the university while playing sports 1 March What are biomarkers for stress resilience and stress vulnerability? 1 March Minister Helena Langsadlova visited CEITEC MUNI 1 April Jaroslav Koca Bridge Fund: Get funding for your interdisciplinary project 1 April Jan Smeringai (Brno PhD Talent awardee) is studying the plasticity and capacity of plant regeneration 1 April Neurovědci z CEITEC MUNI pracují na unikátním výzkumu řeči a jazyka u Parkinsoniků (only in Czech) 1 May Scientists describe how expansin affects plant root growth 1 May Czech economic and scientific diplomats visited CEITEC MUNI 1 June Masaryk University's leukaemia drug receives US patent 1 June CEITEC MUNI hosted the Czech-Slovak conference on strategic management in science 1 June Pavel Plevka will lead CEITEC MUNI 1 June Analysis of Czech Genomes for Theranostics has completed its implementation phase 1 July New GDI Starter Kit to enable access across borders to genomic and phenotypic data 1 July Dalibor Blazek became an EMBO member 1 August Unlocking the secrets of plant DNA: How evolution shapes telomeres for survival 1 August "Taking care of a brand is not a one-man show, says the new head of communication, Halina Jilkova" 1 September Meet CEITEC’s newest Research group leader Petr Tesina 1 September Petr Tesina received a prestigious ERC Starting Grant 1 September The telomere database contributes to the understanding of evolution and allows direct involvement of the broader scientific community in its updates 1 September Scientists have decoded the genome of horseradish 1 September """Postdocs need a community of colleagues to do the research. And we have that at CEITEC"", say the members of the Postdoc Peer Committee" 1 September A flagellate parasiting firebugs helps scientists understand the diversity of RNA viruses 1 September "We still can't cure Parkinson's disease, but we can significantly reduce its symptoms" 1 September European RNA experts passed on their experience to the next generation of scientists at the fifth RNA Summer School at CEITEC MU 1 October "Scientists from CEITEC and Masaryk University have contributed to a better understanding of the human RECQ4 protein, which is important for maintaining cell integrity" 1 October The courage to venture into the unknown can be an advantage in a grant strategy 1 October "Revolutionizing Genomic Research: Introducing GERONIMO, The User-Friendly ncRNA Discovery Tool" 1 November Maternal mental health during pregnancy: how it translates to brain development and child’s behaviour 1 December Masaryk University awarded CEITEC scientists for their research under the wings of the MUNI Grant Agency 1 December Computer simulations confirm new insights into phospholipid transport at the cellular level 1 Articles or References about CEITEC in 2023 Monitored period: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023 Table 6 Graph 6 Articles / References - Number Published by Month Articles / References - Number Published by Month Month # Articles / References January 58 February 56 March 74 April 37 May 61 June 131 July 43 August 40 September 65 October 59 November 34 December 36 Average 58 Note: References are about CEITEC MU & CEITEC in general without duplicates Table 7 Articles / References - Number Published by Year Year # Articles / References Graph 7 2019 277 Articles / References - Number Published by Year 2020 720 2021 693 2022 731 2023 694 Note: References are about CEITEC MU & CEITEC in general without duplicates