Translation from the Czech language Organizational guidelines of Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University Pursuant to paragraph (2) b) of an amendment to No. 2 to the Statutes of MU, I hereby issue following Organizational guidelines of Central European Institute of Technology: 1. Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University 1.1. Specification of Central European Institute of Technology a) Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as CEITEC MU) is a university institute of Masaryk University established in accordance with Section (S) 22 subsection 1 b) of the Act on Higher Education Institutions. CEITEC MU is an interdisciplinary scientific unit of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as MU) with university-wide operation. b) Moreover, CEITEC MU is an “Organizational Unit of the Project” defined in clause 10 of the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership concluded by Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology, Mendel University in Brno, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Veterinary Research Institute, and Institute of Physics of Materials of the ASCR, v.v.i. (hereinafter referred to as the “Project Partners”), in order to run the project called “CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology “ supported within the Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme, reg. No. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0068 (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”). c) CEITEC MU is an interdisciplinary scientific unit with university-wide operation which, within the Project, co-ordinates research programmes in biotechnological and biomedical fields. Following the Project, CEITEC MU initiates and co-ordinates the use of research and development infrastructures within MU or in contractual relation towards other subject that is the provider of such an infrastructure. 1.2. Objectives and function of CEITEC MU a) As a partner, CEITEC MU ensures the fulfilment of MU obligations arising from the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership with Project Partners and from the Project commitments towards the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. b) CEITEC MU administers the property obtained from the Project which is in possession of MU. c) CEITEC MU secures construction, operation and maintenance of buildings constructed from a grant within the Project. d) Within MU, CEITEC MU secures cooperation between the research groups of the Project and the employees of Project Partners. e) CEITEC MU participates in the name of MU in planning the Project operation as well as in preparing partial Plans hereof. f) CEITEC MU may partake in running accredited educational programmes or the parts hereof. 1.3. Internal structure of CEITEC MU a) The head of CEITEC MU is a director (hereinafter referred to as “the Director”) who, in accordance with S 34 (3) of the Act on Higher Education Institutions, is appointed and dismissed by the rector of MU to whom the Director is subordinate and in whose behalf he is responsible for the operation of the workplace. The Director appoints his/her deputy (hereinafter referred to as “the Deputy Director”) in accordance with the organizational guidelines hereof. b) Consultative bodies of the Director comprise of Director’s Board CEITEC MU (hereinafter referred to as “the Director’s Board”) and Scientific Board CEITEC MU (hereinafter referred to as “the Scientific Board”). c) In terms of organization, CEITEC MU is further divided into scientific workplaces and administration. 1.4. Acting in public a) In public, CEITEC MU may act either under the name of “Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University” or use the acronyms of “CEITEC” and “CEITEC MU”. b) The Director may act in the name of CEITEC MU in public under conditions given by MU Statute (mainly cl. 30 and 32) or the organizational guidelines hereof. c) CEITEC MU has its public notice board where documents relating to the institute are put. The notice board must be marked distinctly and situated at an easily accessible place. Texts put on the notice board are also available through MU electronic network and on the Internet. 2. Scientific workplaces 2.1. Structure a) Scientific workplaces are formed by research groups and research centres. The research groups are basic organization units, their remit being scientific and research activity. The research centres take patronage over and coordinate activities of research groups within respective research programmes. b) The structure of CEITEC MU scientific workplaces follows the structure of scientific activities specified in the Project. c) The structure of the workplaces is given in annex No. 1 of these organizational guidelines. 2.2. Research centre 2.2.1. Specification and function a) Research centre coordinates the activities of research groups within respective research programmes. b) Research centre consists of research groups of a given research programme and a coordinator of a given research programme 1 . 2.2.2. Management of a research centre a) The research centre is led by a manager with functional position pursuant to cl. 5 par. 3 letter g) of MU Organizational guidelines, which manager answers to the Director for the operation of the research centre. b) The manager of the research centre is appointed and dismissed by the Director. The manager of the research centre is usually a person who coordinates given programme in compliance with the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership with Project Partners, otherwise such appointing has to be agreed with by the coordinator of the given research programme. c) The manager of the research centre is responsible for: - meeting the objectives of the Project within the research programme, - meeting the objectives of other research projects carried out within the research centre, - supporting internal cooperation of research groups within the research centre, - cooperating with other research programmes and research groups, - open competitions for the position of a research group manager within the research centre, - defining criteria for open competitions of research group managers in compliance with internal regulations and contractual obligations of MU. a) ––––––––––––––––––––––– 1 see the Contract in 1.1.b) d) Furthermore, the research-centre manager: - addresses the Director with proposals to appoint or dismiss a research-group manager within the research centre, - prepares a draft budget of the research centre, - makes proposals of strategic investments of the research centre, - approves the budgets of the research groups, - gives his/her opinions both on scientific activity plans and on a report on activities of research groups within his/her own authority, - is responsible for effective use of research infrastructure within the research centre, - proposes the value of wages and bonuses paid to research-group managers within his/her own authority and with respect to allotted financial resources. 2.3. Research group 2.3.1. Specification and function a) Research group is a basic CEITEC MU organising unit carrying out scientific and research activities. b) Activities of a research group are carried out in compliance with the Research-group plan of scientific activities which is approved by the Director upon a proposal from the research-group manager and after discussing it with the manager of relevant research centre. The Plan is always approved for a period of one calendar year. 2.3.2. Management of a research group a) The research group is led by a research-group manager with functional position pursuant to cl. 5 par. 3 letter g) of MU Organizational guidelines, which manager answers to the research-centre manager for the operation of the research group. b) The research-group manager is appointed by the Director following an open international competition whose criteria are specified by relevant research-programme coordinator in collaboration with the Director. In case of non-agreement on the competition criteria, each of them has the right to ask a Coordination council 2 for their final decision. The research-group manager may be dismissed by the Director provided that he/she breaches the CEITEC Code of Conduct or in case the research group led by him/her fails to achieve minimal results set within an independent assessment of scientific excellence. a) ––––––––––––––––––––––– 2 see the Agreement in 1.1.b) c) The research-group manager: - defines criteria for open competitions for the position of a research-group employee in accordance with internal regulations and contractual obligations of MU, - prepares a draft budget of the research group and submits it to the research-centre manager for approval, - divides operating funds within the research group, - proposes the value of wages and bonuses paid to research-group employees, - addresses the Director with a proposed scientific plan of the research group, - reports to the Director annually about the activities of the research group. 3. CEITEC MU Administration 3.1. Definition and function a) Job content of CEITEC MU Administration (hereinafter referred to as “the Administration“) is to secure running of the institution, provide and manage its infrastructure, provide administrative support to scientific workplaces and secure administrative activities of CEITEC MU. b) Administration is led by the Deputy Director. c) Internal structure of Administration, its job content as well as way of managing its respective workplaces will be determined by Director’s own measures. 3.2. Job content Administration mainly: - searches actively for any information on possibilities to apply for grants and forwards this information to research workplaces, - provides professional assistance to research workplaces at drawing up applications for grants or other forms of public support, - searches actively for any possibilities of cooperation with other subjects of public or private character, - participates in an agenda of the transfer of technologies, - cooperates at preparing projects involving industry and at acquiring external users, - participates in marketing activities and cooperation with application sphere, - coordinates the construction of premises designated for CEITEC MU, - administers public tenders, - runs the management of subsidies, - provides personnel activities, - does accountancy and provides economic support of CEITEC MU activities, - prepares materials for accreditations, - keeps records of scholarships and students, - keeps records of awards, - secures scientific assessment, evaluations, agenda of publications, research results, development and innovations, and scientific output, - keeps records of the Scientific Board. 4. Management of CEITEC MU 4.1. General provisions a) CEITEC MU is managed following the direct line management. The head of CEITEC MU is the Director who is an immediate superior to the Deputy Director and research-centre managers. b) The Deputy Director is an immediate superior to the managers of respective divisions of Administration within the scope of Director’s measure according to cl. 3.1.c) of these organizational guidelines. Leading personnel of the divisions of Administration are immediate superiors to all the employees placed in their respective divisions. c) The research-centre managers are immediate superiors to research-group managers. d) The research-group managers are immediate superiors to employees of their respective research groups and are controlled methodically by the coordinators of research programmes. e) In order to apply internal regulations and MU standards, a research-group manager is considered to be the manager of a workplace. 4.2. CEITEC MU Director a) The scope of Director’s authority is stipulated by the MU Statute (mainly cl. 30 and 32) and the organizational guidelines hereof. b) The Director is responsible for economic activities of CEITEC MU, for complying with conditions to use allotted funds, and for possible settlement of subsidies with the state budget c) The Director mainly: - manages all activities of CEITEC MU, - is a contact person, in connection with the Project, for Central Management Structure of the CEITEC Project (hereinafter referred to as “the CEITEC-CMS”), - approves plans for scientific activities of individual research groups, - approves the reports on activities of individual research groups, - respects the results of Common evaluation of scientific excellence when allotting institutional subsidy to research groups, - deals on behalf of MU in labour-law matters, concludes labour-law relationship with all CEITEC MU employees, and approves the value of their wages and bonuses, - appoints and dismisses the Deputy Director as well as senior personnel of Administration, - appoints and dismisses research-centre managers in accordance with the organizational guidelines hereof; - appoints and dismisses research-group managers in accordance with the organizational guidelines hereof, - is responsible for the Partners of the Project to meet their obligations stipulated by the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership with other Project Partners, especially the obligations in the field of financing, conditions of the use of subsidies, meeting the set objectives, and observing binding legal regulations, - is responsible for making a Plan for CEITEC MU device procurement, - is responsible for a Report on the fulfilment of the Plan for CEITEC MU device procurement, - is responsible for a Plan for CEITEC MU public contracts, - is responsible for making a Report on the fulfilment of the Plan for CEITEC MU public contracts, - is responsible for making a Plan for CEITEC MU monitoring, - is responsible for making a Report on other CEITEC MU activities, - is responsible for making a Plan for CEITEC MU economic activity and budget, - is responsible for making a Report on CEITEC MU economic activity, - is responsible for preparing data for Monitoring report, documents for applications for advance payments, data for account, and guarantees their correctness, - is responsible for making a Plan of construction, - provides respective divisions of MU and CEITEC-CMS, within the scope of their authorities, with information on the way of keeping their mutual rules and meeting their mutual policies, - provides input information to Mutual information system of the Project, - is responsible for placing public tenders unless internal standards of MU set responsibility of another person within MU, - presides the Director’s Board, - issues selected internal regulations of CEITEC MU in accordance with the organizational guidelines hereof. 4.3. Deputy Director a) Deputy Director: - manages economic activity of CEITEC MU, - announces public tenders for work positions within Administration and makes suggestions to the Director to establish employment relations with suitable candidates, - addresses the Director to propose the value of wages and bonuses for Administration personnel, - makes a Plan for CEITEC MU device procurement, - makes a Report on the fulfilment of the Plan for CEITEC MU device procurement, - makes a Plan for CEITEC MU public contracts, - makes a Report on the fulfilment of the Plan for CEITEC MU public contracts, - makes a Plan for CEITEC MU monitoring, - makes a Plan for other CEITEC MU activities, - makes a Report on other CEITEC MU activities, - makes a Plan for CEITEC MU economic activity and budget, - makes a Report on CEITEC MU economic activity, - is responsible for Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and fire prevention within CEITEC MU, - is responsible for publishing information required by law or by an internal standard on a public notice board. The Deputy Director is responsible for publishing internal standards of CEITEC MU. 4.4. Management of research centres a) A research centre is led by its manager who is usually a coordinator of a research programme. b) Authority powers of research-centre managers are stipulated by clause 2.2.2. of these organizational guidelines. c) When absent, the research-centre manager is represented by an employee appointed by him/her. 4.5. Management of research groups a) A research group is led by a research-group manager. b) Authority powers of research-group managers are stipulated by clause 2.2.2. of these organizational guidelines. c) When absent, the research-group manager is represented by an employee appointed by him/her. 5. Consultative bodies of the Director a) Consultative bodies of the Director consist of the Director’s Board, Special-Purpose Committee, and Scientific Board. 5.1. Scientific Board a) The Director, with the approval of Masaryk University Senate, appoints at least five-member Scientific Board which he/she presides. b) Scientific Board discusses long-term plan for research and development activities of CEITEC MU and comments the issues presented by the Director. 5.2. Director’s Board a) Director’s Board is a consultative body of the Director which usually meets on a monthly basis, however at least six times a year, to discuss current conceptual, personal and economic issues of CEITEC MU. b) The Director’s Board is composed of research-centre managers and the Deputy Director. The Director’s Board is chaired by the Director. The meeting may also be visited by other guests invited by the Director. c) The Director’s Board is obliged to debate the issues regarding: - general budget of CEITEC MU, - the rules for distributing institutional subvention allotted to CEITEC MU for the benefit of individual workplaces, - strategic investments, i.e. mainly construction, allocation of start-up grants, re-investments, financing of new research groups, - allotment of premises and research infrastructures, - personnel remuneration policy. d) A public report has to be written upon every meeting of the Director’s Board. 5.3. Committees a) Whenever necessary, the Director is entitled to set up and staff committees of either a permanent or ad hoc nature. The list of such committees has to be published on CEITEC MU website and notice board. 6. Internal standards of CEITEC MU a) Internal standards of CEITEC MU are considered to be the standards established by CEITEC-CMS, the standards established by the Director after an obligatory consultation, and the standards established by the Director without such consultation. b) Internal standards of CEITEC MU are obligatory for all CEITEC MU personnel and any act being in compliance with these regulations shall be considered an instruction of an employer as stipulated by S 38 (1) of the Labour Code. c) Internal standards of CEITEC MU may not come into force sooner than on the fifth day from their publication on CEITEC MU notice board. However, this does not apply to the internal standards established by CEITEC-CMS. 6.1. Standards established by CEITEC-CMS a) The standards established by CEITEC-CMS are especially: - Common Rules for Human Resource Management Practice, - Common Rules for Quality Management, - Common Rules for Collaboration with Application Sphere, - Code of Conduct, - Common Publishing Policy. 6.2. Standards established by the Director after an obligatory consultation a) The standards established by the Director after an obligatory consultation are: - Rules for making a budget for CEITEC MU, - Rules for allocation of institutional subsidy and Start-up grants, - Rules for the use and allocation of research infrastructures and premises of CEITEC MU. b) The standards being subject to an obligatory consultation have to comply with the contractual obligations of MU and the standards stated in par. 6.1. c) The Director is obliged to debate beforehand the standards subject to an obligatory consultation with the Director’s Board. Proposed wording of these standards has to be sent to the Director’s Board members no later than seven days prior to the meeting of the Board. Each member of the Director’s Board has the right to express his/her comment or dissenting standpoint to presented standards. The comments and dissenting standpoints will be placed upon record. d) Thereafter, the Director will present the wording of the standards together with the record of the comments to MU vice-rector for development, as described in previous paragraph. Following the consultation with MU vice-rector, the Director will establish the standard and publish it on CEITEC MU notice board or revises and debates it once more in accordance with paragraphs c) and d). 6.3. Standards established by the Director without a consultation a) The director is entitled to establish internal standards for issues which are not described in par. 6.1. and/or 6.2. These internal standards can have a form of measures or instructions and they must be published on CEITEC MU notice board to come into effect. 7. Budget of CEITEC MU a) CEITEC MU makes its budget for each calendar year and acts accordingly. The method of making a budget is given by internal standards of the university and the organizational guidelines hereof. b) Making a draft budget falls to the Director’s responsibilities. The basis of a budget comprises mainly of budgetary rules of MU and the Rules for making the budget of CEITEC MU. The budget of CEITEC MU takes into consideration mainly the activities carried out by specific research groups, their scientific performance and scientific potential. 8. Concluding provisions a) Interpretation of individual provisions of the organizational guidelines is entrusted to the vice-rector for development. b) Any changes to these organizational guidelines are usually proposed by the Director who is obliged to debate every such proposal beforehand with the Director’s Board. c) I hereby invalidate the Organizational guidelines of Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University dated 1 st February, 2011. d) The organizational guidelines come into force on 15 th June, 2012. In Brno on this 15 th day of June, 2012 Mikuláš Bek Rector Annex No. 1 Structure of CEITEC MU3 Centre Research group Centre for Advanced Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies Functional Properties of Nanostructures (for running the research programme of Advanced Synthesis and Analysis of Nanostructures Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies) Plasma technologies Centre for Structural Biology (for running the research Bioinformatics programme of Structural Biology) CD Spectroscopy of Nucleic Acids and Proteins CryoEM Glycobiochemistry RNA Quality Control Nanobiotechnology Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy NMR Spectroscopy II NMR Spectroscopy III Protein-RNA Interactions X-ray Crystallography I X-ray Crystallography II Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids Structure and Interaction of Biomolecules at Surfaces Computational Chemistry Mendel Centre for Plant Genomics and Proteomic Bioanalytical Instrumentation (for running the programme of Genomics and Proteomic of Plant Cytogenomics Plant Systems) Functional Genomics and Proteomics of Plants Hormonal Crosstalk in Plant Development Metabolomics Core Facility – Proteomics Developmental and Cell Biology of Plants Molecular Complexes of Chromatin a) ––––––––––––––––––––––– 3 The number and names of research groups are given by these organizational guidelines and the Agreement on Cooperation and Partnership with Project Partners. It is only possible to dissolve, establish or change research groups in the course of running the Project and its sustainability with an approval of an executive director of the Central Management Structure of CEITEC. Centre for Molecular Medicine Medical Genomics (for running the programme of Molecular Medicine) Molecular Oncology I – Hematooncology Molecular Oncology II – Solid Tumors Inherited Diseases I – Genetic Research Inherited Diseases II – Transcript Regulation Molecular Immunology and Microbiology Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology Genome Dynamics Core Facility – Genomics Centre for Neuroscience Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (for running the programme of Brain and Mind Research) Molecular and Functional Neuroimaging Experimental and Applied Neuropsychopharmacology Psychophysiology Behavioural and Social Neuroscience Applied Neuroscience