CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology Masaryk University Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic www.ceitec.eu 1 Meeting of the Scientific Board of the Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University Date, venue 14th March 2019, Brno, University Campus Bohunice, A35/211 Participants J. Nantl (chair), T. Kašparovský, M. Kiess, M. Mráz, S. Pastoreková, P. Plevka, R. Štefl, J. Mayer, M. O’Connell, V. Bryja, J. Friml, J. Doležel, M. Králíčková, L. Kunz Guests M. Pokorná, E. Handlířová, N. Kostlánová, M. Marcolla, A. Dvořáková, L. Čoček, K. Ornerová, Z. Novotná Excused O. Fojt, J. Koča, K. Říha, P. Tomančák, R. Zbořil, P. Martásek, P. Hobza, M. Bareš, M. Zvonař Minutes prepared by E. Handlířová Approved by J. Nantl Comments by - Agenda 1) Report 2018 and Priorities for 2019 2) Budget Spending 2018 and Budget Plan 2019 3) Any Other Business Minutes Introduction The Scientific Board reached the quorum: 14 members are present out of 23 members of the board. J. Nantl informed SB members that CEITEC co-organizes a public hearing on GMO in cooperation with the Czech Parliament on 3rd April 2019 (the invitation is attached). The research community is invited to participate (the event will be held in the Czech language). J. Nantl invited SB member to a National Round Table on Research Policy on 22th May 2019 in Prague that is organized within the activities of the Alliance4Life consortium by CEITEC MU (the invitation is attached, the event will be held in the Czech language). 1) Report 2018 and Priorities for 2019 See Annex 1 J. Nantl summarized the main achievements of the Institute in 2018 and presented priorities of the management for 2019. The Institute succeeded with an application for the HR Excellence in Research Award and is now implementing a complex HR Strategy and Action Plan for 2018-2023). As a part of that, the Career System was approved (effective as of 1st April 2019) and will be implemented in 2019. The visibility of the Institute was strongly increased by the activities of the Alliance4Life consortium that is being coordinated by CEITEC MU (http://alliance4life.ceitec.cz/). An application for Teaming Phase II. and ERA Chair (in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Sports Studies) were submitted with expected results in April 2019. CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology Masaryk University Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic www.ceitec.eu 2 In the area of governance and operational management, the space allocation policy was finally approved. Regarding the quality/quantity of publications, the trend is steady, but there is no substantial progress. The Institute, therefore, introduces measures to stimulate publishing in Q1 journals, e.g. through an update of internal budget rules as planned for 2019. In the area of (internal and external) awards, the Institute keeps good visibility of research groups and their research results. In 2018, the internal awards rules were amended to appraise the best publications. Thanks to a successful agreement with the Faculty of Medicine, CEITEC PhD School will be enlarged with a new PhD programme “Biomedical Sciences” that was newly accredited in 2018. Last year, the Institute formed the Postdoc Peer Committee. The group (that is mostly international) is quite active, and representatives of the committee are invited to Group Leaders’ Meetings. This step is in line with a complex strategy of how to work with a group of junior researchers (both PhD students and postdocs) and development of their competencies. CEITEC MU is reaching its limits in the institutional H2020 projects such as Twinnings and Science for Society. As for 2019 and future period, group leaders will be strongly encouraged to apply for ERC grants. The grant office support will be adjusted to that. There is a decreasing number of applications in life science topics (ERC) that leads to a negative trend in budget allocation for ERC life science projects. This is a general issue that should be addressed not only by CEITEC MU but by all life science research institutes as well. Conclusion(s): The Scientific Board has taken note of the Report 2018 and Activity Plan 2019. 2) Budget Spending 2018 and Budget Plan 2019 See Annex 2 J. Nantl: In overall, when looking on budget 2018 spending, we are on 96 % of the budget plan 2018 facing no major problems. J. Nantl: In terms of budget, CEITEC MU became the second largest part of Masaryk University. In overall, the total budget for 2019 (including university tax) is planned to be 640,6 mil. CZK. 65,3 % goes for research. Research groups get 50 % of all money that is planned for 2019. Investment costs are planned to be app. 6 %. 28,5 % is dedicated to cover institutional costs. App. 8 % of the budget is planned on personnel costs of the management and administration which is a reasonable level (e.g. compared to benchmark institute of GMI that has 8 % as well). Please refer to the Annexe 2 for detailed information. J. Nantl: There will be a lower ability to spend the NPU II project due to demand of not only co-financing of the NPU II but also due to very strict requirements of the call. The decrease in the planned budget is also related to a lower amount of contracted international grants. That can change with the results of the Teaming and ERA Chair calls. After 2020, the sustainability period will end. Together with that, CEITEC MU will not have any formal obligations to keep the OP VaVpI conditions as defined in the original “CEITEC project”. As for the future after 2020 when the NPU II project ends, the Institute prepared a financial strategy for 2020+ that will be further specified into real steps to be implemented in 2019 and 2020. The Institute needs to implement steps that will ensure a stable institutional budget for research groups and continual high-quality services for researchers as provided so far. We expect a reduction of a number of research groups (app. 6 to 10 groups are expected to be terminated). The results of the evaluation of research excellence, real presence in the CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology Masaryk University Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic www.ceitec.eu 3 Institute and the new career system should indicate those groups that should be considered to be terminated. This must be done in a transparent and open manner and with enough time in advance. A discussion with CEITEC BUT (second biggest member of the CEITEC consortium) on the division of labour and responsibilities was already started at the beginning of 2019. CEITEC BUT should be a main responsible partner for the material research and CEITEC MU for the life sciences. Debate: (the debate was held for both agenda points together) V. Bryja asked if only terminations are ahead of CEITEC MU in 2019-2020 period. J. Nantl: There is still an expectation of the natural cycle of the establishment of one research group per year (e.g. within the ERA Chair and/or PASSAGE projects, if approved). M. Pokorná added that we also wait for ERC grants results as the Institute accepted an application of ERC grant applicant in case the grant is approved (hosting letter). M. O’Connell asked about the future of students of terminated groups. The SB agreed that proper planning and communication is essential. J. Nantl informed about the standard procedure that is in place at CEITEC MU in case of group’s termination. The termination of the group is not immediate (e.g. in the case of V. Tognetti, there was more than a one-year transitional period). The students and postdocs are supported to conclude experiments, and in cooperation with the faculty, a new supervisor is searched for PhD students. M. Králíčková and S. Pastoreková appreciated that the process of groups' termination is well-defined at CEITEC MU, including transparent and fair communication not only with group leader but also with group members. Conclusion(s): The Scientific Board takes note of the Budget Spending Report 2018 and Budget Plan 2019. Annexes Next meeting SAVE THE DATE: 7th November 2019 1 p.m. (CEITEC MU, Brno, Studentská Street, building A35, 211 meeting room)