Scientific Board of CEITEC MU Meeting 2023, March 9 Selected priority topics 2022/2023 Jiří Nantl ISAB Evaluation 3 14 6 3 1 5 4 3 2 1 Numberofresearchgroups Grade CEITEC MU Evaluation 2022: Structure of grades ISAB Evaluation  4 appeals received and communicated with the ISAB chair.  Deputy director for science, scientific secretary organised meetings with individual heads of reseach centres to discuss future steps regarding research groups with grades 1 and 2. These working groups formulated concrete recommendations that were presented to the director.  Director‘s board was informed and consulted in January 2023.  Individual meetings with group leaders graded 1 or 2, and with group leaders who sent their appeals, were organised in February (March).  High priority of a transparent procedure and uniform applied principles!  Link to the proposal of the Strategic Plan amendment. ISAB Evaluation „In its 11 years of existence CEITEC MU evolved as one of the leading life science institutes in Europe.“  Recommendations:  Development of an overarching strategy that brings various research domains closer to each other.  Publication strategy: quality over quantity + not require first author paper before PhD defence.  Grant strategy: more ERC applications.  HR strategy: acknowledgement of an excellent HR Strategy (HR Excellence in Research Award), followed by specific Recruitment policy, Career system, Gender equality plan, etc. CEITEC should pay attention to support non-czech GLs in their access to students.  HR strategy: ratio between junior and senior GLs (incl. definition and promotion procedure).  Anonymous evaluation of the administration by researchers, and better integration of administrative employees and researchers.  To have a more active TT policy that scouts for results with application potential. NIVB and other NPO projects Program for Supporting Excellent Research in Priority Areas of Healthcare – EXCELES CEITEC MU is involved in the projects: - National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) (3 research groups); - National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) (5 research groups); - National Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (CarDia) (1 core facility). Recruitment of new group leaders Two calls for the position of RGL from 2022 remain still open, however two excellent candidates have already been selected. As their acceptance is determined by awarding a prestigious grant (Dioscuri, ERC). At the end of 2022, a new call for the position of RGL in virology or bacteriology was announced. This position is related to the establishment of a new research group within the NPO Exceles project - National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology. The call is still open. The selected candidate will be installed in the position in 2023. HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) Onboarding system established in 2021 was further developed specifically for group leaders and CF heads. A specific onboarding plan has been prepared and is being implemented. Leadership policy – pilot implementation of the leadership assessment interviews (1Q 2023), accompanied with the training offer of „Leadership Academy“ to support competencies of leaders in academia. Wage analysis is under preparation. For 2023, we will implement gender pay gap analysis as well using LOGIB methodology (in cooperation with MPSV). These two analysis will be used for formulation of the intended Wage policy. Strategic Plan 2021-2028 Amendment Jiří Nantl Strategic Plan 2021-2028 Amendment New paragraph: „CEITEC MU will, in particular on the basis of independent scientific evaluation by ISAB, aim to ensure the international competitiveness of research groups at the institute. CEITEC MU will, following each evaluation by ISAB, reconsider the position of senior research groups that are relatively underperforming within the institute as reported by ISAB evaluation (below grade 3 of the Evaluation of Research Excellence at CEITEC MU methodology). “ General debate