Core Facility Actor(s) Recommendations Implementation plan - activities Timeline General CMS Proper user committees to be established by all core facilities "to upgrade the format of the user committee in the document ""Common rules"" based of the best practices." 1st draft in Sept; final version by the end of 2017 General WGRI "Acknowledgements – when research groups do not acknowledge core facilities in publications, they shall get a financial punishment " "to upgrade the rule within the document ""Common rules"" - the core facility head is responsible for the acknowledgements. Further I suggest in case of clear evidence that any scientist does not follow the rule for acknowledgement to change the payment policy for usage of instruments/services - to be concrete the RG will be charged by full price for the following 1 year. " General CMS Quality assessment "to increase the knowledge and the best practices in the frame of the quality assessment in the relation with core facilities/research infrastructure by invitation the expert in this field (Andreas Tiran or his deputy). Based on his talk, each of CF heads should prepare the plan for quality assessment and implement it within 1 year." by the end of 2017 General CMS CEITEC booking system Ondrej H. together with Miroslava Z. will prepare the analysis of finance needed for upgrade of the system. Further the outcome will be discused with OUs in order to identify the courses. What is the plan of CEITEC Nano with current booking system? By the end of the year 2017 General Katka V./PR dptm/CF heads "Public relations - in the centre of attention shall be not individual pieces of equipment, but what kind of scientific questions the is CF ready to answer and find solutions for" there is a catalogue list in preparation within the project RIAT. More information about this activity will be added by Katka V. done PROTEOMICS Zbyněk Zdráhal "Main comments - 2) The most criticised aspect is a long waiting time for sample processing - this is to large extend due to high and increasing demand for CF services. As mentioned in last year’s report, there is a space for increasing service fees for internal and academic users. Such fees may be reinvested back to facility to further improve provided services. " "It should be noted, that long waiting times refer only to selected types of services. Our response time spans from several hours to several months based on the complexity of individual orders and requested services. In some cases, the sample preparation and MS measurements alone take two/three weeks and cannot be shortened without any compromise in result quality. Anyway, we work on shortening the data processing/reporting phase (implementation of new data processing platform). Unfortunately, our progress is „balanced“ with continuous increase of the more complex orders. The instrumental capacity will improve purchase of new LC-MS/MS system in 2018. Despite increased workload, I prefer to stay with current pricing policy to retain this temporary advantage for our users, especially for internal ones. It resonates with our mission to make our services available. On the other hand, we have to remind our users of the situation after the end of the CIISB project support (full cost is calculated for each order and is reported to users). Currently, we negotiate extra payment with external users (outside MU) in the case of orders where expensive consumables are utilized." PROTEOMICS Zbyněk Zdráhal Main comments - 3) CF head wants to direct expertise of CF towards applications in basic science as opposed to diagnostics. This is a wise strategy. It is again in the frame of our mission. We try to follow our users´ demands and continuosly upgrade our application portfolio. That is reason why we currently work on implementation of crosslink techniques as substantial part of our internal users comes from Structural Biology program. PROTEOMICS Zbyněk Zdráhal "Inventory cores - All equipment is listed on CEITEC website. I would appreciate more information on provided services (eg. what CF offers in terms of protein analysis, experimental pipelines, data processing, etc). It would be also good to provide explanation what is Perun and how it works." "We consider to change the content of our web pages in the direction suggested by the reviewer. We will do it within redesigning of the CEITEC web site which is currently under way. We simplified registration to our system (no knowledge about Perun is necessary). For interested users, we located presentation about Perun and its usage as a guideline in our internal system. " PROTEOMICS Zbyněk Zdráhal "Expenses and budget - The price paid by the end users is relatively low (only 5% of total cost due to heavy subsides through infrastructure projects). I believe there is further space for increasing price for the end users, especially when we take in consideration high demand for the service that generates longer waiting times for sample processing. " "In accordance with my explanation to Main comment 2, I would stay on the present level of support. We did not experience any misuse of our facility up to now. We will try to cope with increased workload by improvement of our data processing workflows and changes in the structure of the team or redefining of activities of individual teammates. Of course there are limits of this policy. In the constant increase of workload in future years, the team has to be extended or user requests reduced (e.g. by pricing policy)." PROTEOMICS Zbyněk Zdráhal Diversity of services - CF is adding new techniques in their portfolio through close collaboration with research groups – the main achievement in 2016 was whole proteome and phosphoproteome quantitative study in collaboration with Bryja group. They also plan to introduce cross-linking techniques that are demanded by some users at CEITEC. Please see my explanation to Main comment 3. We continuously optimize and upgrade of our procedures to be able to cover the wide spectrum of requests of our users. It is common in all facilities which want to provide up-to-date services. PROTEOMICS Zbyněk Zdráhal "Quality assessment - There was a user committee meeting organized in November 2016. One of the main outcomes of the meeting was recommendation that CF should offer basic data analysis as a part of standard package. Interestingly, two users mentioned in the survey that they used a service of another proteomics CF to compare performance. I would be interesting to know what was the result. " "The data processing is already standard part of our services. It is also reflected in the service prices. The price of each service consists of cost of the technician time, researcher time (planning the experiment, MS analysis and data processing), consumables for sample preparation and MS analysis and instrumental time. The cost matrix is updated annually, the new services are added as needed. All cost matrix updates are done by Katerina Vagnerova who also examines and approve pricing of individual orders within the system. For users with knowledge of sample preparation and data processing we also offer only instrumental usage (only one user up to now). As the user survey was anonymous, we do not have the information about the result of this comparison. It would be useful feedback for us." CELLIM Martin Anger "Main comments - 3)    There were only internal (CEITEC MU, MU Medical Faculty) users of CF in 2016. Focus on live cell imaging and the purchase of new unique equipment planned for the next years can be a way to attract also external users. Adequate promotion will be necessary." "The majority equipment offered in CELLIM was tailored for specific needs of plant biology oriented research community, whereas the services for researchers using animal cells, organs and tissues are limited. Therefore also most of the external users approaching CELLIM are plant scientists. With implementation of CzechBioimaging VVV this will change significantly since the equipment planned for purchasing in this projects can serve both communities. Also the addition of expertize - based services, such as image analysis and sample preparation (microinjection) will create more attractive facility for external users. These changes will create new possibilities for promoting our core facility in Brno, Czech Republic and also abroad. " 2017-2018 CELLIM Martin Anger "Main comments - 4) Core facility shall clearly promote its main focus (serving the local MU campus user community), with a decent number of external users (as demanded by CzBI and EuBI)" 2017-2018 CELLIM Martin Anger Main comments - 5) Existing and planned devices will use existing CF space. It is possible that CF will require more laboratory space in the future. Almost certainly the space used by CELLIM currently will not be sufficient in near future with arrival of new equipment and techniques. It is also important to mention that implementation of research in CzechBioimaging VVV will require additional wet lab space and offices. ??? CELLIM Martin Anger "Diversity of services - As the CF comprises mainly the equipment purchased originally by RGs, the technologies provided are limited to the research focuses of these RGs. Purchase of new instruments planned for the next years is necessary and well oriented to increase the diversity of the technology offer." Since we are relatively small facility our future growth and diversification of the offered services must be carefully balanced to available funding and especially demands of the local scientific community. NA CELLIM Martin Anger "Access/Utilization - There is no equipment with low usage, but users were only internal (CEITEC MU, MU Medical Faculty). Focusing of the CF to live cell imaging, the purchase of a new, more unique equipment planned for the next years, and promotion activities can be a way to attract also external users. CF shall clearly define its role (possibly to serve mainly to the users in MU campus) to keep the main focus. For external users (demanded by conditions of CzechBioImaging and EuroBioImaging) a set of really attractive and unique services shall be established and clearly communicated. Pricing seems to be an issue that was highlighted by user survey (compared to other facilities). The strategy is to cover service and maintenance costs from the user fees. Suggestion: provide discounts for heavy users of the facility. The benchmark usage of equipment is 2.000 hours per year (MPI-CBG light microscopy facility). " "The problem of external users and the possibility how to attract them was discussed above. The changes to pricing and introduction of discounts for frequent users were implemented already in cooperation with CEITEC administration. " Solved CELLIM Martin Anger "Communication and promotion - CF is promoted via related conferences, Czech- and EuroBioImaging networks. The website does not reflect the services offered by the facility. " "With new major equipment arriving 2017/2018 (new confocal with superresolution, light sheet microscope, data analysis software and hardware, sample preparation, microinjection etc.) the web information will be changed accordingly and immediately. " 2017-2018 CELLIM Martin Anger "Communication and promotion - CF is promoted via related conferences, Czech- and EuroBioImaging networks. The website does not reflect the services offered by the facility. " "With new major equipment arriving 2017/2018 (new confocal with superresolution, light sheet microscope, data analysis software and hardware, sample preparation, microinjection etc.) the web information will be changed accordingly and immediately. " 2017-2018 NANOBIO Petr Skladal Main comments -2) Scientific results of CF are excellent. However this reflects main use of the facility by the associated research group. "Thanks; evidently, the current arrangement is generating good scientific results. Science should be more important than administrative ideas." none NANOBIO Petr Skladal Main comments -3) Greater attention should be paid to a more proactive approach to potential external users to the extent that CF capacity allows. "The current activities are fully consuming the provided resources for the staff of the CF. The proportion of external users seems to be substantial, and we will surely continue to promote our services to new potential external users." continuous Cryo-EM Jiří Nováček "main comments - along with purchasing of a new high-end microscope, core facility FTE should be increased accordingly." "Two additional CF member will be recruited till the end of Q1 2018 (one position will be primarily focussing for method development and microscope operation, second position primarily on sample preparation). The number of permanent staff is expected to be complete after that and additional hires will primarily comprise students Msc, PhD. " NMR Radovan Fiala "Main comments - 1)    PR and marketing activities have to be improved, communication has to be accessible also to non-experts in structural biology and NMR" "We are making continuous effort to keep the facility visible for the national and international scientific community. The CF was presented at the CIISB (Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology) workshop in December 2016 and CEITEC Research Group Leader Retreat in February 2017. The services offered under CIISB were further promoted at the NMR Valtice 2017 meeting, which is the main national NMR conference with good attendance from other Central European nations. The 2nd Annual Users Meeting of iNEXT (Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for Translational Research) was held in Brno on May 22-24, 2017 thanks to the fact that NMR and EM facilities are partners in the consortium. The gathering brought together not only the participating laboratories but also past, current and potential users. The CF is responsible for the practical part of the' Dynamics of disordered proteins' course organized under BISON project at CEITEC on September 4-7, 2017. Se also the comment to recomendation 2." Continuously NMR Radovan Fiala "Main comments - 2)    In the centre of attention shall be not individual pieces of equipment, but what kind of questions is the CF ready answer and find solutions to" "The CF web page was ammended. The CF staff prepared extensive description of the CF capabilities and methods available, including examples. As of this writing (August 3, 2017) the 'Services' tab is not available on the CF web page solely due to technical problems - the IT staff is waiting for the lost information to be recovered from the backup. The pages should be put up within days." August 2017 NMR Radovan Fiala "Main comments - 3)    Concentrate on increasing number of external users, incl. new collaborative projects and keeping/increasing industry usage " "With the CIISB and iNEXT projects well under way the interest from the outside users is increasing. No doubt it has been also the effect of the effort described in the response to the recommendation 1. The good thing is that, besides new users, the users from previous projects return with new proposals. Under iNEXT we have already provided the planned number of access days for the project, more that two years too early. We will continue the effort as long as the resources are available. The increasing number of outside projects brings also projects that are outside our main area of operation. If the projects are of good scientific value and we see a genuine interest on the side of the user we are doing our best to help even if it means spending extra man-power and resources. However, we refuse projects without scientific merit or attempts to abuse our resources for someone else's benefit." Continuously NMR Radovan Fiala Additional point: Acknowledgements of the facility "The recent experience seems to confirm my view that in structural biology, bringing the experimental results to publishable outcome takes time. The past offort is starting to bring fruits. As of today (August 3, 2017), I know about at least 2 papers from CEITEC RGs already published this year and 4 submitted for publication. There are publication I am positive they used data acquired in our CF that do not specifically mention it. With many sources of financing and some publications having limits to number of words, the authors may be reluctant to include administrative items at the expense of scientific content." GEN Boris Tichý main comments - 3)   CF seems to be understaffed - introduction of user fees for offered services should be considered (on top of paying for the chemistry). "Introduction of small fee from internal users, increasing number of external users." Since 2018 GEN Boris Tichý main comments - 4) Establish a proper user committee New members of user commitee (RGL level) will be nominated. User committee meetings will be organised regulary (1-2 per year). First meeting of new user committee until end of 2017. GEN Boris Tichý "Inventory cores - The web page still has not been updated. It contains list of all equipment which currently belongs to the facility. Nevertheless, the web page should reflect services that CF offers, not just the list of instrumentation. Discussion with Boris Tichý indicates that CF mainly covers three areas of instrumentation: NGS, real time PCR and FACS – this should become apparent from the web site. " Web page rewrite to be more informative. 09/2017 GEN Boris Tichý "Expances and budget - Currently, internal users pay only for chemistry. I strongly encourage introduction of fees for internal users that could provide resources for new positions and equipment maintenance. Another important issue are service contracts and long term sustainability of sequencers. CF cannot currently afford paying service maintenance contracts. " Introduction of small fee from internal users (10-25%). Since 2018 GEN Boris Tichý "Diversity of services - The CF now mainly focuses on NGS – they maintain and run sequencers, help with library preparation and provide consulting and basic data analysis (quality control). CF further operates real time PCR cyclers and a capillary sequencer in a user/access mode. CF also operates FACS cell sorter in the full service mode – it may be necessary to dedicate one full person for running this technology. " Pricing of flowcytometry services is calculated and fee from internal users will be introduced to cover flowcytometry lab operation. Since 2018 GEN Boris Tichý "Impact and outcomes - So far, there are no publications with acknowledgement of the CF. CF must encourage its users to do so. " "Acknowledgement reminder is part of offers, will appear on CF website, we encourage users by mail and personal communication. Year 2017 seems to be better (at least 5 publications are in review or print process)." started XRAY Jaromir Marek "Main comments - 4) Must be more robust in communicating its capabilities outward and get external users from nearby region (e.g. Vienna, Bratislava)." viz. line 43 Communication and promotion XRAY Jaromir Marek "Staffing - Is staff development properly addressed? No, the contracts are all very short-term. Which is a psychological stress. Without a system of HR or personnel development rules the head of CF cannot plan for his personnel to go forward with their career. Is there enough of expertise in the CF? Yes. Certainly there is no risk of lost expertise, but use of PhD needs to be monitored in the future. Is the career development of employees adequate? No, need a decision to support the core at an institutional level and not have part-timers, fully dedicated to the core services. " "There is significant change in area of HR in CF: One of members of CF (= Mgr. Babiak) had informed the head of CF at the end of Q2/2017 that he will not renew his temporary contract in CF (ending at the end of Q4/2017). Reason: change of Babiak´s professional orientation from crystallography using diffraction of X-ray to different emerging methodology (analysis of micro/nano crystals by electron diffraction tomography, EDT) Impacts to CF: - Headcount of CF will decrease (starting from Q4/2017) from 3 to 2 - FTE of CF (covered by CIISB) will decrease from 1.75 to 1.25 Timetable and the current state of the solution: - July 2017 – meeting with the head of CIISB (participants: V. Sklenář, M. Babiak, J. Nováček, J. Marek). The main decision: Babiak will work in CF until end of Q3/2017 - July-September 2017 – transfer of Babiak´s know how to other staff of CF - September-October 2017 – meetings with “big users” of services/analysis performed by Babiak - September-December 2017 – seeking for crystallographer with PhD in the CR and Slovakia or between recent students of MU - 2018 – consultations/negotiations with MEYS (=the CIISB governing body) – is it possible to increase FTE of CF covered by CIISB (from recent 1.6)?...need a decision to support the core at an institutional level and not have part-timers, fully dedicated to the core services... This suggestion is in direct contradiction to the current practice in CIISB, where (scientific) data analysis is carried out under contracts of members of CF in individual RGs. " XRAY Jaromir Marek "Access/Utilization - Is the number of users fine? Could be more, especially from outside of CZ. There is a competition issue, which has been raised last year, as there is simply too much of the same instruments in Czech Republic, lessening demand. Is there a healthy balance between different categories of users (e.g. from CEITEC, rest of MU or BUT and other CEITEC partner institutions, Czech, abroad, commercial)? No, mainly MU users. Are there some interdisciplinary users (across CEITEC research programmes)? The core is starting to look at non-biological samples. Is the usage of equipment sufficient? Generally not, but getting better over last year. There have been some complications with smaller part on the equipment, leading to down time. Also, the cooling system in the summer is not adequate and leads to down time. Would you recommend any tips for increase of users? Solution, do not compete on price but rather service. The core should develop a unique specialty to be the very best. For example, if this core can manage to assemble (multi-component) complexes of molecules to give good quality data, it would be a definitely an advantage, and scientifically interesting. Similar activity can be around the data analysis by specifying packages for arranging data analysis and appropriate user fees for them. " "... Solution, do not compete on price but rather service... Comment: Once more, this suggestion is in direct contradiction to the current practice in CIISB, where (scientific) data analysis is carried out under contracts of members of CF in individual RGs. ... this core can manage to assemble (multi-component) complexes of molecules... Comment: CF has (at least at the moment) no room/laboratory with laboratory equipment necessary for “wet” molecular biology/biochemistry experiments (=preparing of samples). Studied subjects (= “Assembly” = multi-component complex with unknown 3-D and/or quaternary structures) are therefore prepared by scientists from RGs in their own laboratories. ...number of users fine? Could be more, especially from outside of CZ.... Timetable and the current state of the solution: - August 2017 – CF is/was invited by people from HTW Dresden (=former user of “CEITEC Open Access” and recent user of CIISB) to participate (as “an expert in solving crystal structures”) in prepared EU project with the topic of lithium sulfur batteries - September 2017 – meeting of researchers from CEITEC and MU with people from HTW Dresden " XRAY Jaromir Marek Quality assessment - Is CF involved in comparative studies and benchmarking with other sites? No. "Comment: CF lacks the instruction from management of CEITEC (e.g. list of suggested questions, case study, ...) how to prepare the proper comparative study/benchmarking " XRAY Jaromir Marek "Communication and promotion - Is CF properly communicating with current and potential users? No Is CF using the right channels? No, this is a real weakness. The core is too reliant on the local customers. " "... Is CF properly communicating with current and potential users? No... CF has to express at least partial disapproval here. An example of user from HTW Dresden (see above) demonstrates that projects “CEITEC Open Access” or CIISB work. But similarly as CEITEC OA/CIISB requires “tests of feasibility” and “reviews” of external user/experiment/project prior start of experiment with external sample in CF, external users probably need (at least from our experience) their own “tests of feasibility” (= a positive feedback = good results/structures obtained from X-ray data collected in CF) prior outsourcing of X-ray experiment/methodology to abroad. ...The core is too reliant on the local customers... An alternate form of a sentence cited above is this sentence: The core is reliant on customers capable to prepare sample with unknown 3D/4D structure and to transport it with unchanged 3D/4D structure to CF. And we have, unfortunately, a good experience with transport of samples for only two (of four) types of our services (=with stable crystals of “small molecules” and with transport of non biological nanoparticles as a studied subject for SAXS). ... Is CF using the right channels? No, this is a real weakness... Timetable and the current state of the solution for “new channels”: - May 2017 – it has been identified that instrumentation of CF is missing in lists of laboratories equipped for structural biology and supported by EU project Instruct, - July – September 2017 - CF starts to play with card “integrated structural biology” and/or “integrated structural crystallography”. Existing users of DLS are informed about similar/alternate methodology in CF (=identified external users of CF BIC can use SAXS) and vice versa, users of X-ray single crystal diffraction are informed about alternative methodologies in other CFs (e.g. XRD in CEITEC Nano or EDT in CF Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Tomography) - 2017-2018 – CF will be added to lists of laboratories for project Instruct-ultra " BIC Michaela Wimmerová "Expenses and budget - Sometimes it happens that user books equipment or service, but does not show up on time, or not at all without notice, which blocks capacity of instruments and CF staff. " "Expenses and budget - Sometimes it happens that user books equipment or service, but does not show up on time, or not at all without notice, which blocks capacity of instruments and CF staff. " "We decided to charge to users the time that was booked regardless on a real measurement starting time, if CF staff is not notified in advance (similarly to praxis of other CFs). We enhanced notifying our users that they should cancel/inform us about their planned absence/changes etc. in advance (i. e., as soon as they can)." BIC Michaela Wimmerová Diversity of services - CF could have overview of such instruments on campus and mediate contacts for interested users. "We do not fully understand the recomendation. We are trying to keep our knowledge up to date with current instruments on campus and we inform users about methodologies that are located nearby while being not part of CF, if they can help to solve their scientific problems. There are several identical or almost identical instruments within Campus, however, this instumentation is often located not only at CEITEC MU but also at other University units (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine, INBIT,...). Purchasing of such instruments even by individual CEITEC groups is not coordinated or discussed with CF BIC. We are open to help anyone (and we have already helped) using the instrumentation located elsewhere. One of the possible solutions would be gathering of all related technologies under the roof of CF similarly to VBCF, however this is not feasible from our position and wouldn't be even easy to be implemented in a short to mid term horizont. " BIC Michaela Wimmerová Access/Utilization - User survey suggests that more flexibility in accessibility of instruments would be appreciated (access cards for well established and credible users may offer a solution). "CF BIC staff is aware of such demands. In vast majority of cases, the individual needs of users are implemented when possible. This results in access ranging from 6.30 a.m. till 9.30 p.m. Measurement over night and during weekends is regularly done on instruments, that enable such runs (AutoITC, AUC, SPR, DSC, crystal storage and inspection). Access through user-cards could be implemented only in case of heavy investment into card readers for each laboratory room and solving of the legal issues with user responsibility for instrumentation. Majority of instruments are located at A4 belonging to Faculty of Science (NCBR) and it would have to allow access to external users to the building outside working hours when no one else is present." BIC Michaela Wimmerová "Impact and outcomes - As for the co-authored publications, I recommend for the sake of transparency that MW clearly separates publications resulting from activities of CF and from her research group in the CF Annual Report. " "Impact and outcomes - As for the co-authored publications, I recommend for the sake of transparency that MW clearly separates publications resulting from activities of CF and from her research group in the CF Annual Report. " "It will be clearly remarkable in the next evaluation report. However, many publication of the RG group gained from a contribution of the CF staff." MAFIL Michal Mikl "main comments - 1) The MAFIL newsletter is great tool for keeping the stakeholders updated on the activities of the CF but it shall be used to target larger group of people, possible external users " "We are continuing with our newsletter and we agree that the target group should be as large as possible. We are continuously seeking for proper channels for distribution of our newsletter and general propagation of CF services to possible external users. E.g., MAFIL newsletter and roll-up banner have been placed at conferences and workshops. Moreover, we use social media for presentation, CF MAFIL have its own Facebook page to spread information and news, newsletters included." continuous MAFIL Michal Mikl "Main comments -2) Consolidation of CF staff is needed, meaning a higher FTE commitment per headcount dedicated to the core facility, coupled with some decrease in overall FTE dedicated to the facility. Separation between service (CF) and research personnel (RG) shall further continue." "This point is debated in details in attached document due to very complex answer. Very briefly, it is not possible to decrease FTE without negative impact on CF operation and/or quality of services provided by CF. We are continuously trying to improve FTE/headcount ration and separation between RG and CF but there are some limitations to this process." continuous MAFIL Michal Mikl Main comments - 4) Streamline the core facility boards to form a single user committee and avoid conflict of interest. "Current programme board is going to become regular user committee (not limited only to members of neuroscience centre at CEITEC). Nevertheless, scientific board will remain as a standalone board, because it consists of members who are not users (and probably never will be) of our CF - on the other hand they have experiences from external facilities which brings an advantage of independent expert opinions." end of 2017 MAFIL Michal Mikl Main comments - 5) Establish clear operational procedures for the facility and establish a culture of quality assurance. "New operational procedures were finished during summer 2017 describing safety rules, training requirements, practical measurement procedures, and basic communication between users and CF. The finalized Czech version is being translated to English at the moment. There are also specific documents describing how researchers can use CF and what formalities should be carried out. We have presented new procedures to researchers during the first half of 2017. We are continuously working on standardization of processes and improvement of quality of our services. On the other hand - the main challenge is to push these practices into routine behavior of all users, as the users sometimes prefer fast and specific solutions for their projects." end of 2017 MAFIL Michal Mikl Main comments - 6) The core facility is not acknowledged in a single publication! This needs to improve. This point cannot be addressed by CF alone. There is an existing strategy common to all CFs and to CEITEC MU organizational unit. Acknowledgement is being reminded and the exact form is being proposed in each quarterly accounting to RGs. Members of our CF propose and remind this issue at each meeting with users and with user committee (programme board). See other point (below) for detailed explanation of current state. end of 2017 MAFIL Michal Mikl "Impact and outcomes - There are no papers from 2016 with acknowledgement to this CF. It is supposed that there will be continuous increase of papers with acknowledgement in 2017 and later. There is a number of papers authored or co-authored by CF members, but why not with acknowledgement? There is a number of grants (including international) received by the CF and some networking." "The discrepancy between coauthored papers and no single acknowledgement to CF is as follows. There was not any paper published in 2016 (meaning final publication date/issue in 2016) using data measured in CF MAFIL, CEITEC MU. All paper published in 2016 used older data acquired in hospitals (measured approximately till the end of 2014) and researchers understood that acknowledgement is relevant only to data acquisition. First papers with data acquired within new CEITEC MU labs were accepted in 2016 but these papers will appear in 2017 list of publications. Typical period between start of project and accepted publication is about 2 years (several weeks of preparation, testing, piloting; several months of data measurement - it is highly variable and depends on specific project; several months of data analysis; and finally several months of publication process. Second issue is an acknowledgement to other services provided by CF (not measurement), e.g. consultation during preparation of studies, teaching and training, any type of data processing, various consultations during data interpretation and publication process. But this was mainly applicable to papers using data measured only outside of CF MAFIL which will be very rare in future. Anyway, we try to remind users that all our services (including any working load of CF staff) should be acknowledged in papers." end of 2017