Emerging technologies (such as Generative AI-Chat GPT) Abstract: The thesis aims to identify the factors that can affect consumer adoption of emerging technologies (such as Generative AI-Chat GPT) in the context of electronic service quality in electronic commerce. After a systematic literature review, the candidate will prepare an initial interview schedule. Based on qualitative results, the factors will be identified, and a structural model will be proposed and tested. For the quantitative part, second generation analysis such as structural equational modelling will be used. The study will have both theoretical and managerial implications. Immersive technologies (such as augmented, virtual reality) and e-commerce Abstract: Under this thesis, the candidate will try to understand small or medium-sized sellers’ perceptions of using immersive technologies (suchas augmented, virtual reality) ine-commerce. Based on mixed method approach the candidate will interview the stakeholders to identify the underlying factors. The structural model thus stemming out will be tested through structural equational modelling. The study will try to bring interesting insights for the marketers, for instance even if virtual shopping is exciting who should bear the cost to create/provide the supporting infrastructure? Is it feasible for small businesses to invest in immersive technologies and be profitable or do they expect big e-commerce players (such as Amazon) to create infrastructure and small e-retailers will list the products using such platforms, etc.?