Transformation of Traditional Industrial Towns/Regions Annotation: Old industrial towns and regions in Central and Eastern Europe suffered from socioeconomic decline after 1989. Transformational experience of their western predecessors could be applied only partly just because of different origin as well as character of their troubles. The thesis should deal with selected aspects of the transformation of old industrial towns and regions. It should also monitor the path of their development as well as the degree of adaptation to contemporary socioeconomic conditions. Objective: The objective of this thesis consists in the analysis and delimitation of similar or identical attributes and differences in the transformation of selected old industrial towns/regions. There will be identified factors and mechanisms at the urban/regional and national level that affected the course of transformation in chosen towns/regions. These findings enable to formulate particular recommendations for actors influencing the development in observed towns/regions. Urban Marketing in the Czech Republic Annotation: Urban marketing becomes increasingly popular and dynamically developing concept. In this thesis, there will be analyzed reasons for the creation and extension of this concept. Attention will be devoted also to the elements, processes and activities that belong to urban marketing. Apart from theoretical aspects and continuities of urban marketing one cannot omit its practical implications as they become an inseparable part of urban managements more and more. This thesis will focus on analysis and evaluation of urban marketing considering different size and location of our towns. Objective: The objective of the thesis is to analyze and assess activities of urban marketing in the selected towns of the Czech Republic. An emphasis will be put on the comparison of marketing activities in towns of different population size and located in different regions. Afore mentioned size and spatial differentiation facilitates the categorization of basic attributes of urban marketing in the country.