Cooperation on innovation activities in regions of the Czech Republic Annotation: The innovation activity is not evenly distributed across the regions, and the individual regions also differ in the intensity of their cooperation among innovation actors. Developed cooperation between actors is considered a fundamental prerequisite for innovation in current regional theories. Cooperation is perceived as an essential form of mutual learning and dissemination of tacit knowledge and as a unique competitive advantage of the region. The primary prerequisite for the development of cooperation is a sufficiently developed demand (enterprises) and supply (knowledge organizations) subsystem of the regional innovation system. If a component is not present sufficiently, this can also be addressed through cooperation with actors outside the region. Cooperation takes place both between the enterprises themselves, and between enterprises and research organizations. Cooperation also varies across sectors, with spatial proximity playing a vital role in some sectors. The dissertation should help to solve the lack of information on the intensity and forms of cooperation between innovative actors in regions. Aim: The dissertation thesis will aim to analyse the intensity, importance, source of financing (private vs. public sources) and forms of cooperation on innovation activities in the selected region(s) of the Czech Republic. During its elaboration, the student will define the geographical area, forms of cooperation, or economic sectors that he/she will deal within his/her research.