The Fiscal Illusions There are many papers in the economic literature that deal with the creation or testing of various hypotheses used to measure the effects of fiscal illusions. The aim of the thesis is to design, conduct and publish an empirical study that attempts to either find and demonstrate a particular instance of an existing fiscal illusion in current public finance systems, or to measure the effects of a selected fiscal illusion. Competitiveness of healthcare markets Healthcare markets have traditionally been subject to numerous government regulations. Their reactions, given by the interaction of supply and demand, depend to a large extent on the degree of their competitiveness. The aim of the thesis is to describe, measure and evaluate the competition in a selected segment of health markets in terms of scope, importance, influence on the behavior of providers/payers, etc. Lobbying as a tool for influencing public policy Choosing this topic assumes that the candidate will specify, in dialogue with the supervisor, the specific problem he or she wishes to address in the dissertation. The aim of the thesis may be, for example, to evaluate the effectiveness of lobbying, to propose appropriate regulation, to measure the degree of influence of interest groups, etc.