Gender disparities in the labor market Purpose: The first goal is to critically examine gender equality and women’s empowerment policies implemented by national governments and evaluated in the academic literature. The second goal is the original empirical analysis to identify policies promoting gender equality in the labor market. Annotation: The policies and measures fostering gender equality are at the center of public discourse. Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development promotes gender equality and empowering all women and girls in one of 17 goals. Women face a number of barriers that restrain their working careers and contribute to gender disparities observed in the labor market, such as discrimination, gender role conformity, work-life balance, lack of childcare, to name some. The thesis will present a collection of essays that will evaluate policies and conditions in selected countries that were efficient to foster women’s participation in the labor market and their career development. The research methods will include the state-of-art econometric analysis of individual data with global coverage and long time span (e.g., World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Study, Integrated Public Use Microdata Series).