MUNI MASARYK UNIVERSITY Žerotínovo nám. 9, 601 77 Brno IČ: 00216224 DIČ: CZ00216224 Details of the Degree Programme Finance and Law Faculty of Economics and Administration The output has been created: 22/2/2023 20:11, for the term Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023 Contents 1 Basic information about the degree programme 2 1.1 Programme description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Study plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.1 Finance and Law (full-time, single-subject) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Characteristics of the courses 7 2.1 Fundamental theoretical profile core courses (Z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2 Profile core courses (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.3 Other compulsory and selective courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3 Provision of personnel 50 3.1 Guarantors of the profile core courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 3.2 Teacher(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3.3 Composition of pedagogical staff by age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.4 Number of foreign pedagogical staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.5 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Output created by: Mgr. et Mgr. Tereza Kunešová, učo 218016 1 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR 1 Basic information about the degree programme Finance and Law Guarantor doc. Ing. Robert Jahoda, Ph.D. Standard length of studies 3 y. Faculty Faculty of Economics and Administration Abbreviation B-FIPR Study mode full-time Degree Bc. In cooperation with Faculty of Law Code B0412A050002 Type Bachelor’s degree programme Language of instruction Czech Profile academic Advanced Master’s state examination no Field of education Economic Sciences (50 %) Law (50 %) Status active 1.1 Programme description Objectives The study programme Finance and Law is an inter-faculty study taught by the Faculty of Economics and Administration MU in cooperation with the Faculty of Law MU which deepens knowledge of economics, finance and law. The emphasis is put on mastering basic issues of the legal system and selected issues in financial and business law, especially regarding finance, accounting and taxes. The aim of the study is to master the specifics of corporate finance, accounting, financial markets, company administration, banking and insurance according to the legal rules in these fields. Optional courses enable students to deepen their knowledge of mathematics, statistics, informatics, and financial development. Graduates are specialists in economics, management, financial and capital market business, property administration, banking, insurance, corporate finance, accounting and international finance. They are competent to handle solving problems in financial and business law including market regulation. They have the prerequisites for working in economic, financial and legal departments of corporations and financial institutions, as well as in public administration, in the middle- and higher-level management. After completing the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies in Master’s degree programme Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Administration. The study programme Finance and Law is suitable especially for students who want to gain knowledge and specialized skills within multi-branch combination of economics, finance and law and in the future to be employed in this field, which is nowadays highly-demanded on the labour market. Learning Outcomes After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to: 1. understand basic principles of private finance, corporate finance, and international finance, including their le- gislation 2. understand the functioning, organization, and latest trends on the financial markets and their legal regulation 3. analyse economic problems and propose procedures for assessing the impact of accounting and financial solutions for profit including the application of accounting legislation 4. apply business, financial, and administrative legislation to solve decision-making situations and administrative procedures and practices 5. explain the functions and services of commercial banks and insurance companies and analyse the banking and insurance systems including legislation and regulation Occupational Profiles of Graduates Graduates will have the prerequisites for working in economic, financial, and legal departments of corporations and financial institutions and insurance companies, as well as in public administration. Practical Training Practical training is not an obligatory part of the study plan. Students may attend a voluntary course of practical training. Goals of Theses The standard length of the Bachelor’s thesis should be between 35 and 45 pages. Instructions for its processing are contained in the ESF Directive N. 9/2017 and other information can be found in the ESF Student Manual which is available on In the Bachelor’s Thesis course students are supposed to choose a topic of their Bachelor’s thesis and together with the thesis supervisor to prepare its official assignment including thesis goal, procedure, applied methods and basic professional literature. The Bachelor’s thesis should prove student’s abilities to work with relevant professional and law literature (including appropriate judicature) and to use these sources for solving of the chosen research problem. It is anticipated to formulate own suggestions and recommendations for the solution the assigned problem. Students can use already published texts and data available for the secondary analysis. Access to Further Studies After completing the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies in any Master’ s degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements) at the Faculty of Economics and Administration. 2 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Additional Information 1.2 Study plans 1.2.1 Finance and Law (full-time, single-subject) Code E20701 Abbreviation BFIPR01 Study Mode Bachelor’s full-time single-subject Status active Recommended progress through the study plan Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.) Jazyky Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPJ_JI1A Foreign Language I/1 - English B. Pojslová z (credit) 0/4/0 4 1 BPJ_JI1F Foreign Language I/1 - French M. Červenková z (credit) 0/4/0 4 - BPJ_JI1N Foreign Language I/1 - German P. Sojková z (credit) 0/4/0 4 - BPJ_JI1S Foreign Language I/1 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camacho z (credit) 0/4/0 4 - - 16 credits TV Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** p935 Physical Education Kick box Z. Svobodová z (credit) 0/2/0 1 1 p991 Physical Education - Fitness A. Pokorná z (credit) 0/2/0 1 3 - 2 credits Bakalářská práce (min. 10 kr) Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPF_TEBP Bachelor Thesis Assignment O. Deev z (credit) 0/0/0 3 4 P BPF_BAS1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 O. Deev z (credit) 0/2/0 5 5 P continued on the next page 3 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPF_BAS2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 O. Deev z (credit) 0/2/0 5 6 P 13 credits Povinné předměty (P+PV více než 135kr.) Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BDX_AKAP Academic writing M. Kvizda z (credit) 0/0/0 2 1 BEP101Zk Legal Theory I M. Večeřa zk (examination) 2/1/0 3 1 BEP301Zk European Law V. Týč zk (examination) 2/1/0 4 1 BEP302Zk Public Administration in the C.R. and Europe J. Jurníková zk (examination) 2/0/0 3 1 BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 M. Kvasnička zk (examination) 2/2/0 8 1 Z BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance T. Plíhal zk (examination) 2/0/0 4 1 P BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test L. Bauer z (credit) 0/0/0 - 1 BVV01K Public Finance and Fiscal Law I. Pařízková k (colloquium) 2/0/0 3 1 BVV09Zk Fiscal Admi- nistration P. Mrkývka zk (examination) 2/1/0 4 1 Z BEP401Zk Persons and their Position in European Context J. Hurdík zk (examination) 2/1/0 4 2 BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 L. Žídek zk (examination) 2/2/0 8 2 Z BPM_MATE Mathematics M. Matulová zk (examination) 2/2/0 6 2 BVV08K Financial Law P. Mrkývka k (colloquium) 2/1/0 4 2 Z BEV501Zk European Private International Law N. Rozehnalová zk (examination) 2/0/0 3 3 P BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 E. Hýblová zk (examination) 2/2/0 8 3 Z BVV12Zk Introduction to Commercial Law Z. Houdek zk (examination) 2/0/0 3 3 continued on the next page 4 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** MV913K Currency and Foreign Exchange Law D. Šramková k (colloquium) 1/1/0 3 3 BEP601Zk Finances of Local Government I. Pařízková zk (examination) 2/1/0 4 4 P BEV403Zk Criminal Law in the European Area J. Fenyk zk (examination) 2/0/0 3 4 BEV801Zk International Trade Law N. Rozehnalová zk (examination) 2/0/0 3 4 BEV802K Basics of Labour Law and Social Security in EU J. Komendová k (colloquium) 1/1/0 3 4 BPF_BAN1 Banking 1 O. Deev zk (examination) 2/2/0 6 4 Z BPF_FIRI Financial Manage- ment Š. Lyócsa zk (examination) 2/2/0 6 4 Z BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 E. Hýblová zk (examination) 2/2/0 8 4 Z BVV02Zk Fiscal Admi- nistration Law D. Šramková zk (examination) 2/2/0 5 4 P BEP501Zk Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU I. Pařízková zk (examination) 2/2/0 5 5 Z BPF_FITR Financial Markets D. Vágnerová Linnertová zk (examination) 2/2/0 6 5 Z MV932K Capital Market Law M. Janovec k (colloquium) 1/1/0 3 5 BPF_POJ1 Insurance Industry 1 S. Nečas zk (examination) 2/2/0 6 6 Z 128 credits Povinně-volitelné předměty Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPF_OSFI Personal finance G. Oškrdalová zk (examination) 2/2/0 8 2 BPF_FIMA Financial Mathematics L. Benada zk (examination) 1/2/0 6 3 BVV11K European Finance Law E. Tomášková k (colloquium) 2/0/0 3 4 - 17 credits 5 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Jazyk Anglický jazyk Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English B. Pojslová zk (examination) 0/4/0 5 2 BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English B. Pojslová z (credit) 0/2/0 3 3 BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English B. Pojslová zk (examination) 0/2/0 4 4 - 12 credits Francouzský jazyk Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPJ_JI2F Foreign Language I/2 - French M. Červenková zk (examination) 0/4/0 5 - BPJ_JI3F Foreign Language I/3 - French M. Červenková z (credit) 0/2/0 3 - BPJ_JI4F Foreign Language I/4 - French M. Červenková zk (examination) 0/2/0 4 - - 12 credits Německý jazyk Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPJ_JI2N Foreign Language I/2 - German P. Sojková zk (examination) 0/4/0 5 - BPJ_JI3N Foreign Language I/3 - German P. Sojková z (credit) 0/2/0 3 - BPJ_JI4N Foreign Language I/4 - German P. Sojková zk (examination) 0/2/0 4 - - 12 credits 6 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Španělský jazyk Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term Profile Cat.** BPJ_JI2S Foreign Language I/2 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camacho zk (examination) 0/4/0 5 - BPJ_JI3S Foreign Language I/1 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camacho z (credit) 0/2/0 3 - BPJ_JI4S Foreign Language I/4 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camacho zk (examination) 0/2/0 4 - - 12 credits *Extent and Intensity provides information on teaching sessions and their amount. The information listed relates to lectures/seminars/other teaching activities (laboratory practice, projects, etc.). **Profile category describes if the course is in Profile core courses (P) or in Fundamental theoretical profile core courses (Z). 2 Characteristics of the courses This chapter contains the characteristics of required and selective courses from study plans templates. 2.1 Fundamental theoretical profile core courses (Z) It is a subset of profile core courses (P) (see 2.2) of such importance for the graduate’s profile completion that it constitutes the core of all programmes’ study plans. PrF:BEP501Zk Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Dr Mgr. Damian Czudek, Ph.D. (lecturer), doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (deputy) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA (lecturer) doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives At the end of the course student should be able: to understand the tax system in the Czech republic and the tax legal regulation; to learn the European standards of taxes; to delineate the major differences between tax systems and tax administration of member states of the European Union; to understand the system functioning of the international tax administration cooperation. Teaching methods Speaches and practical seminars focused on apllication of knowledge from the speaches. Assessment methods Written test, at least 60 % to pass. Learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student should understand taxes, interpret and describe the basics of tax administration theory and the tax process and apply them in practice. After completing the course, the student will be able to: - the tax system of the Czech Republic - explain their importance for determining the tax liability compare the legal structure of individual taxes in the Czech Republic - define the main differences in selected tax systems and tax administrations between EU Member States - apply the acquired knowledge in contact with the tax administrator Syllabus 1. Tax concept, economic and legal base of tax, tax system in the Czech Republic; 2. Tax law, tax system and tax law, tax law sources, tax law principles, interpretations and applications of tax law regulations, system of the tax law; 3. The tax administration – one of elements of the financial administration, concepts: tax administration, tax administrator, recipients of tax administration, tax administrations system, right to information in the tax administration; 4. Tax procedures I – tax processes and auto-application, subjects in the tax procedures, principles of the tax administrative process, stages of the tax process; 5. Tax procedures II – the tax process initialisation, proofs, process securing, revenue ruling, appellate proceeding, execution, nolle prosequi; 6. Tax procedures III – registration and tax searching; 7. Tax procedures IV – assessment of a tax 8. Tax procedures V – collection activity 9. Legal regulation of the abolition of double taxation, systems of international tax administrative cooperation; 10. European legal regulation of indirect taxation I – V.A.T. 11. European legal regulation 7 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR of indirect taxation II – consumption taxes 12. and 13. Excurcus to tax systems of the Member States of the European Union Literature recommended literature Daňový řád. Edited by Tomáš Rozehnal. 2. vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. xvii, 551. ISBN 9788075989635. Daňový řád : komentář. Edited by Ondřej Lichnovský - Roman Ondrýsek - Petra Eckert Nováková - Eva. 4. vydání. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2021. xx, 1062. ISBN 9788074008382. RADVAN, Michal. Propedeutika finančního práva III – Daňové právo (Propaedeutics of Financial Law III - The Tax law). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. 145 pp. Učebnice PrF MU, 554. ISBN 978-80-210-9948-7. RADVAN, Michal, Petr MRKÝVKA, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ and Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ. Finanční právo a finanční správa - berní právo. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 509 s. ISBN 9788072392308. PrF:BVV08K Financial Law 4 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. Ing. Jiří Blažek, CSc. (lecturer) Dr Mgr. Damian Czudek, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Jan Neckář, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives Learning outcomes of the course unit is to acquaint students of non-accredited programs at the Faculty of Law with the legal regulation of public financial activity. Teaching methods Method of course is a theoretical preparation: combination of lectures and seminars with discussions and the group project. Assessment methods Colloquium. Learning outcomes At the end of this course the student will be able to orientate in the rules of financial law. Will be able to understand the basic institutes. The subject is the basis for the study of other subjects in the area of financial law. Syllabus Lectures 1st Characteristics of the financial law as a separate branch of law 2nd Financial Science, Science Financial Law and Financial Policy 3rd Budget law 4th Fondovní Economy 5th Monetary law 6th Banking Law 7th Foreign exchange law 8th Insurance law 9th Assay law 10th Right of direct taxes 11th For indirect taxes 12th Customs law 13th Current Issues in Financial Law Seminars: 1st Recapitulation of knowledge in the field of public finance, fiscal law and financial management. Entering seminar tasks. 2nd Sources of financial law. Financial law, national, European and international. 3rd Finančněprávní Relations 4th Fundamentals of financial procedure in 5th Fundamentals of financial criminal law 6th Colloquium Literature required literature HRUBÁ SMRŽOVÁ, Petra, Petr MRKÝVKA and KOL. Finanční a daňové právo (Financial and Tax Law). 3. aktualizované a rozšířené. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, s.r.o., 2020. 493 pp. ISBN 978- 80-7380-796-2. MRKÝVKA, Petr. Propedeutika finančního práva I - obecná část. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 128 pp. učebnice - 502. ISBN 978-80-210-7745-4. PrF:BVV09Zk Fiscal Administration 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Dr Mgr. Damian Czudek, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Jan Neckář, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA (lecturer) 8 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Course objectives The goal is to make candidates basic characteristics of financial management as a special section of the public administration, institutions engaged in financial management and organizational principles of the functioning structures. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of lectures and seminars. Applying the discussion. Assessment methods Written (60 % to pass) Learning outcomes At the end of the course student should be able to characterize financial management, define institutions engaged in financial management and know the basic principles of their functioning. Syllabus 1st Financial management - the concept, characteristics 2nd System of financial management 3rd Application of general regulations on public financial management, operating principles of public administration and financial management principles 4th Financial management as the primary task of institutions, financial management as a secondary activity. Application administrativněprávní regulatory methods in the management of public finances, public property and the implementation of monetary policy. 5th Models of the functioning and organization of financial management. 6th Financial Governance Department of the Ministry of Finance 7th The Financial Administration of the Czech Republic 8th The Customs Administration of the Czech Republic 9th Financial Governance under other ministries 10th Financial administration of the CNB 11th Management of public assets 12th Office for State Representation in Property Matters Literature required literature MRKÝVKA, Petr. Propedeutika finančního práva I : Obecná část. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 128 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7745-4. Aktuální studijní materiály v IS MU recommended literature HRUBÁ SMRŽOVÁ, Petra, Petr MRKÝVKA and KOL. Finanční a daňové právo (Financial and Tax Law). 3. aktualizované a rozšířené. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, s.r.o., 2020. 493 pp. ISBN 978- 80-7380-796-2. ESF:BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 8 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Hana Fitzová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Petra Chovancová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Jan Jonáš, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Martin Kutlak (seminar tutor) Ing. Jakub Moučka (seminar tutor) Ing. Tomáš Paleta, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Ing. Ondřej Špetík, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Petr Zimčík, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives At the end of the course students should be able to exercise an orientation in the basic knowledge of functioning of the economy. They acquire dispositions for better understanding of the contemporary world. They will gain insight into the nature of the basic economic concepts. Teaching methods The course has a form of a lecture and a seminar. The seminars are compulsory and the students are evaluated according their activity. Students are tested on each of the seminar. Assessment methods Credit requirements: pass progress tests for more than 60% and active participation in seminars. The course is concluded by a written exam. The test is to be taken during the exam period. Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes After successful completion of the course, student will be able to: - understand basic macroeconomic phenomena and concepts, - apply knowledge from macroeconomics to events in the economy, - discuss and present his or her own opinion Syllabus 1. measuring of GDP and inflation (chapters 22 and 23) 2. economic growth chapter 24) 9 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR 3. labour market and unemployment (chapters 26 and 20) 4. financial system and public finance (chapters 25 and 12) 5. banks and monetary system (chapter 27) 6. quantitative theory of money and inflation (chapter 28) 7. international trade (chapter 9) 8. open economy - basic concepts (chapter 29) 9. open economy - a model (chapter 30) 10. AD and AS (chapter 31) 11. impact of monetary and fiscal policies on AD (chapter 32) 12. relationship between infltion and unemployment (chapter 33) Literature required literature MANKIW, N. Gregory. Zásady ekonomie. Praha: Grada, 2000. 763 s. ISBN 80-7169-891-1. recommended literature HOLMAN, Robert. Ekonomie. 3. aktualiz. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2002. xxii, 714. ISBN 8071796816. SAMUELSON, Paul A. and William D. NORDHAUS. Economics [Samuelson, 1992]. 14th ed. New York: McGrawHill, 1992. xlii, 784. ISBN 0-07-054879-X. ESF:BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 8 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Michal Kvasnička, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Michal Kvasnička, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. Ing. Zdeněk Tomeš, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Mgr. Lucie Coufalová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Hana Fitzová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Petra Chovancová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Alla Kachur (seminar tutor) Ing. Michaela Kecskésová (seminar tutor) Ing. Marek Kloupar (seminar tutor) Ing. Martin Kutlak (seminar tutor) Ing. Jakub Moučka (seminar tutor) Ing. Tomáš Paleta, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Vilém Pařil, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. et Ing. Michal Ševčík (seminar tutor) Ing. Magdalena Šuterová (seminar tutor) Course objectives In this course students will learn the basic principles of Microeconomics. They will get acquainted with the concept of preference, cost, revenue, elasticity, supply, demand, firm, market, externality etc., and their mutual relationship. The students will understand the operation of the market process and structure. They will be able to use the microeconomic analytical tools to describe and analyze the real world cases, and avoid usual analytical errors. They will understand consequences of changes of demand, cost, market structure, and basic policy changes. Teaching methods Lectures and tutorials Assessment methods The credit is awarded based on 1) student’s performance in tutorials including three in-class problem sets, and 2) written multiple-choice test. Learning outcomes At the end of this course, students will be able to understand and explain when markets are good solution to mundane problem and when the government can improve its results. They will be also prepared to study microeconomics on the intermediate level in the consequent course. Syllabus 1. Introduction into Economics 2. Interdependence and Gains from Trade 3. Market Forces of Supply and Demand 4. Elasticity and Its Applications 5. Consumers, Producers and Efficiency of Markets 6. Theory of Consumer Choice 7. Cost of Production 8. Firms in Competitive Markets 9. Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition 10. Oligopoly 11. Markets for Factors of Production 12. Externalities 13. Pulbic Goods and Common Resources 10 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Literature required literature MANKIW, N. Gregory. Principles of Economics. 8th ed. South-Western College Pub, 2017. 836 pp. ISBN 1- 305-58512-7. MANKIW, N. Gregory. Zásady ekonomie. Praha: Grada, 2000. 763 s. ISBN 80-7169-891-1. ESF:BPF_BAN1 Banking 1 6 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Oleg Deev, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Oleg Deev, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Martin Stachoň (seminar tutor) Course objectives The course of Banking is focused on gaining basic knowledge about the banking sector and its functions. At the end of this course the student will gain knowledge about the banking system, activities of the central bank and commercial banks, banking products and banking development. Students in this course are prepared to perform various functions in finance. Teaching methods Lectures - mediating knowledge in longer continuous speech. An explanation that focuses only on the interpretation of concepts, rules and laws. A narrative that conveys knowledge to students by providing curriculum based on a certain storyline. Discussion method - collective solution of a given problem, when through an exchange of views between the teacher and students, the problem is collectively solved. Problem method - students are not given the finished knowledge, but are encouraged to derive new knowledge, either individually or with little help from the teacher. Comprehensive teaching methods in the form of group and cooperative teaching, when group teaching consists of dividing students into groups, collaborating students in solving a task, helping each other with group members, and the responsibility of individual students for results together. Cooperative teaching is based on cooperation between students in solving various tasks and problems Didactic principles, especially: - Illustrative principle, which leads to the creation of ideas based on sensory knowledge of real objects, processes and phenomena, directly or in their visual representation. This principle is the golden rule of successful teaching. - The principle of linking theory with practice, which expresses the requirement for students to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in vocational subjects in time and at an appropriate level in practice. Assessment methods The student can take the exam only if he/she actively participates in seminars, prepares, submits and presents the seminar paper and case study in the specified quality and by the deadline. The course ends with a written test. To successfully complete the course, a minimum of 51 points must be obtained from the sum of the examination test, the seminar paper and the case study. The overall grade for the course is determined by the sum of the written examination score (max. 70 points), the seminar paper score and the case study score (max. 30 points). - A: 91-100%, B: 90-81%, C: 80-71%, D: 70-61%, E: 60-51%, F: less than 51%. - Note: ”Any copying, recording or taking of tests, use of unauthorized aids and communication devices, or any other interference with the objectivity of the examination (credit) will be considered a failure to meet the course requirements and a gross violation of the course regulations. As a result, the instructor will close the examination (credit) with a grade of ”F” in the IS and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings, which may result in termination of studies. Learning outcomes The student is able to: - explain and understand the concepts of the financial system, the banking system, the types of bank’s business and bank products, - understands the importance of the central bank, knows the central bank’s instruments and their use, - understands the importance of the European Central Bank and the European System of Central Banks and their functions, - knows the basic functions of a commercial bank, knows the terms capital and its importance for the stability of the bank, the liquidity of the bank, knows various types of active and passive transactions of the bank, - is able to distinguish various forms of payment system both in the Czech Republic and in the world and is oriented in its course, - can classify and explain the financial risks of the bank, - knows various types of loans and their purpose, is familiar with terms of client creditworthiness, financial and non-financial indicators, knows the process of the credit process and basic methods of client creditworthiness evaluation, - knows and can explain the concepts of factoring, forfaiting, leasing and venture capital, can explain the course of individual transactions, - is able to explain and classify spot and forward operations, their distribution and is oriented in the fundamentals of financial derivatives, - is well versed in the field of fintech, - knows the different types of securities and the importance of investment banking, - can specify illegal banking activities. 11 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Syllabus 1. Banking and financial system, central bank, position in the economy, functions, tools, regulation and supervision, European Central Bank, Banking Union 2. Commercial banks, definition, types of banks, functions, capital, liquidity, balance 3. Business risks in banking 4. Bank products - deposits, loans, payments, checks 5. Alternative forms of financing 6. Evaluation of the client’s creditworthiness, credit process 7. Off-balance sheet products, export financing 8. Project financing, investment financing 9. Prompt and forward operations, financial derivatives 10. Fintech 11. Investment banking, collective investment 12. Illegal activities in banking Literature required literature KANTNEROVÁ, Liběna. Základy bankovnictví : teorie a praxe. 1. vydání. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2016. xv, 213. ISBN 9788074005954. recommended literature MEJSTŘÍK, Michal, Magda PEČENÁ and Petr TEPLÝ. Banking in theory and practice. Vyd. 1. V Praze: Karolinum, 2014. 855 stran. ISBN 9788024628707. POLOUČEK, Stanislav. Bankovnictví. 2. vyd. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2013. xvi, 480. ISBN 9788074004919. REVENDA, Zbyněk, Martin MANDEL, Jan KODERA, Petr MUSÍLEK and Petr DVOŘÁK. Peněžní ekonomie a bankovnictví. 5,. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Management Press, 2014. 423 stran. ISBN 9788072612796. REVENDA, Zbyněk. Centrální bankovnictví. 3. aktualiz. vyd. Praha: Management Press, 2011. 558 s. ISBN 9788072612307. KUNERT, Jakub and Jiří NOVOTNÝ. Centrální bankovnictví v českých zemích. Vyd. 1. V Praze: Česká národní banka, 2008. 183 s. ISBN 9788087225066. KRAJÍČEK, J.,PÁNEK,D.: Bankovnictví 1.Studijní text.1.vydání.MU.Brno,2012 REJNUŠ, Oldřich. Finanční trhy (Financial Markets). Třetí rozšířené. Ostrava: Key Publishing, 2011. 690 pp. Ekonomie. ISBN 978-80-7418-128-3. ESF:BPF_FIRI Financial Management 6 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. Ing. Štefan Lyócsa, PhD. Teacher(s) prof. Ing. Štefan Lyócsa, PhD. (lecturer) Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Zuzana Gric, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Martina Halousková (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Matúš Horváth (seminar tutor) Ing. Viktor Hřebačka (seminar tutor) Ing. Veronika Kajurová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Michala Moravcová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Josef Nešleha (seminar tutor) Ing. Radim Procházka (seminar tutor) Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Daniel Stašek (seminar tutor) Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the course is to acquaint students with key aspects of corporate finance, with emphasis on the importance of financial management both in the economy and in the whole field of finance. The course is designed in two interrelated areas. The first part of the course will be devoted to the basics and then advanced methods of financial analysis. The aim of this part of the course will be to understand and evaluate the financial situation of the company, based on a detailed analysis of corporate statements, including the formulation of recommendations for such a company. The second part of the course will focus on individual methods of evaluation of investment projects. This part of the course is based on the issue of time value of money and further develops it into the issue of capitalization, discounting, and net present value. Furthermore, attention will be paid to theoretical concepts based on which financial decisions are formulated. The second part will also analyze selected types of securities from the perspective of the issuing company and investors and evaluate how the decision on individual methods of financing affects the financial situation of the company. 12 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teaching methods Lectures, seminars, individual study of literature, individual consultations, homework, progress tests. Assessment methods The course is completed by a written exam. To successfully complete the course, it is necessary to obtain at least 51 points from the sum of the exam test and two continuous tests. The overall evaluation of the course is given by the sum of points from the written exam (max. 70 points) and points from continuous tests from seminars (max. 30 points). For admission to the exam, a minimum limit of 16 points is set from the sum of points from both tests (a maximum of 15 points can be obtained from each test). The point evaluation from continuous tests is included in the overall evaluation of the subject. If the student does not meet the requirement of a minimum of 16 points from the sum of points from continuous tests, he has the option of one correction. The corrective test is written in the first week of the exam period. The test will be designed for 30 points and the result of the corrective test is then included in the final evaluation of the course. In the seminars the student’s activity is evaluated, during the semester a maximum of 8 points for the activity can be obtained. These points are included in the evaluation for admission to the exam and in the final evaluation of the course. • The following classification scales apply to the evaluation of students: A 91 - 100%, B 90 - 81%, C 80 - 71%, D 70 - 61%, E 60 - 51%, F less than 51%) • Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes Students will be able to: 1. Apply methods and procedures of financial analysis to a selected company and then evaluate its financial situation and formulate recommendations both for the company itself and for providers of free funds. 2. Evaluate the intended investment project on the basis of selected criteria and the expected return and risk and subsequently recommend it for implementation or reject it. 3. Know the financial statements, analyze the company’s capital structure and propose its optimization. 4. Orientation in financial instruments that can be used to finance the company. 5. Apply methods for finding the correct value of financial instruments with regard to risk and expected cash flow and formulate investment recommendations for the company and investors. Syllabus Overview of lectures 1. Introduction to financial management. 2. Introduction to financial analysis, basics of financial statements. 3. Property and financial structure of the company, basics of balance sheet items in financial analysis. 4. Financial analysis I. Analysis of the economic and financial situation of the company. 5. Financial analysis II. Net working capital, profitability, liquidity and financing of the company. 6. Leasing. 7. Problems of time value of money and analysis of methods based on time value of money. 8. Problems of risk and return in the field of finance. 9. Analysis of basic securities for business financing and their use. 10. Value issues in the field of financial management. 11. Basic methods and techniques for valuation of securities. 12. Complementary topics in the field of financial management. • Seminars Overview 1. Introductory seminar, information about the course. 2. Introduction to financial management. 3. Introduction to financial analysis. Basics of financial statements. 4. Property and financial structure of the company. Basics of balance sheet items in financial analysis. 5. Financial analysis I. Analysis of the economic and financial situation of the company. 6. Financial analysis II. Net working capital, profitability, liquidity and financing of the company. 7. Financing. 8. Problems of time value of money and analysis of methods based on time value of money. 9. Problems of risk and return in the field of finance. 10. Analysis of basic securities for business financing and their use. 11. Value issues in the field of financial management. 12. Basic methods and techniques for valuation of securities. Literature required literature Vernimmen, Pierre, et al. Corporate Finance : Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central, RŮČKOVÁ, Petra. Finanční analýza : metody, ukazatele, využití v praxi. 6. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2019. 152 stran. ISBN 9788027120284. recommended literature BREALEY, Richard A., Stewart C. MYERS and Alan J. MARCUS. Fundamentals of corporate finance. Tenth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. xxxi, 728. ISBN 9781260566093. WESTERFIELD, Randolph and Jeffrey F. JAFFE. Corporate finance. Edited by Stephen A. Ross. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2005. xxxiii, 94. ISBN 0072829206. ESF:BPF_FITR Financial Markets 6 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Zuzana Gric, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Martina Halousková (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Matúš Horváth (seminar tutor) Ing. Viktor Hřebačka (seminar tutor) Ing. Daniel Stašek (seminar tutor) 13 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Course objectives The aim of the course is to describe the role of financial system and individual markets within economic system, to determine particular markets and understand the structure of financial products. The course is divided in 4 blocks correspond with the structure of the financial market and the aim of each block is to provide the information about the structure and main products of a market and methods of valuation. The theoretical knowledge are linked with real market data obtained from the Bloomberg terminal or Yahoo Finance. Teaching methods The course is divided into individual lectures and seminars. The lectures copy the course syllabus. Powerpoint presentations are available to students online and individual topics are discussed during the lecture. At the seminars, a short ”small talk” is presented by a student, which deals with a current problem in the field of finance, or financial market. Theory is practiced using exercises. The lecturer regularly prepares an assignment that is solved at the seminar, and at the end of each seminar, he awards points for the student’s individual solution. Students are also assigned homework, which is handed in through the IS MUNI Depository Vault. Assessment methods The course ends with a written exam in the form of a test. The total score of the written exam is 50 points. Two intermediate tests are written in the seminar with a maximum of 30 points per test (the structure of the intermediate test is a test and calculation examples). A student must obtain a minimum of 36 points in total for both tests in order to be admitted to the exam The student must prepare and present a short presentation on the current topic (maximum 10 points), which are included in the final assessment. In the seminars, the student can get extra points based on his independent work, the maximum extra points per seminar is 2 points. Individual points from the seminars are added to the student’s final assessment and can improve the final grade! Students can also get additional points from homework, up to a maximum of 2 points for correctly completed homework. The student is required to submit a minimum of 6 homework assignments solved correctly (thus receiving a minimum of 12 points) and receiving activity points in at least 5 exercises (thus receiving a minimum of 10 points). If the student does not meet the requirement of the minimum number of points for the activity and/or homework, he can write a make-up test in the first week of the exam period. If he writes the test for at least 60%, he will be admitted to the exam. If a student does more homework or gets more points for an activity in seminars, these points are added to the course evaluation. The total point gain from the subject is designed to be 142 points, and at least 60 percent (86 points) is required for successful completion of the subject. The student can improve the number of points achieved by activity beyond the required framework (see above). The following scale is used to evaluate students: A 92 - 100%, B 84 - 91%, C 76 - 83%, D 68 - 75%, E 60 - 67%, F less than 60%. If a student commits a prohibited act, such as using various forbidden tools (e.g. cheatsheets), cribbing, taking out any part of the test or any other form of cheating, the teacher is allowed to interrupt the test and to grade the student with F according to the seriousness of the offence. The described procedure applies to all the activities that are included in the final evaluation of the course (semester paper). Learning outcomes The student will be able to specify and characterize the structure of the financial market and individual forms of markets with a closer focus on the money market, the bond and stock market and the derivatives market. Students will be able to classify individual financial products, understand their characteristics and valuate them. Students will be able to formulate investment decisions based on risk and return and understand the basic principles of portfolio theory and diversification. After completing the course, students will be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with individual investment products and will orientate themselves in selected segments of the financial market. Students will understand the importance of the financial market in raising capital and its importance compared to commercial banks. Syllabus Lectures: 1. The structure of the financial system and its importance in the economy 2. Analysis of the money market 3. Analysis of the bond market 4. Methods for the valuation of bonds 5. Stock market analysis, stock offering and the role of investors 6. Methods applicable to share valuation, technical analysis of shares 7. Theory of efficient market 8. Market indices and their importance in the financial market 9. Basics of portfolio theory 10. Collective investment products and fund performance evaluation methods 11. Derivatives market – forward and futures contracts 12. Derivatives market – options and option formation/strategy Seminars: 1. Introductory seminar, time value of money 2. The structure of the financial system and its importance in the economy 3. Analysis of the money market 4. Analysis of the bond market, methods usable for bond valuation 14 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR 5. Stock market analysis, stock offering and the role of investors 6. Intern test number 1 7. Methods applicable to share valuation and technical analysis of shares 8. Theory of efficient market 9. Market indices and their importance in the financial market 10. Basics of portfolio theory 11. Derivative market 12. Intern test number 2 Literature required literature MICHAEL, McMillan and Gerhard PINTO. Investments: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis. CFA Institute Investment Series Set, 2011. ISBN 978-0-470-91580-6. MADURA, Jeff. Financial markets and institutions. 12th edition. Boston: Cengage, 2018. xxxiii, 76. ISBN 9781337099745. VESELÁ, Jitka. Investování na kapitálových trzích. 3. vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2019. 950 stran. ISBN 9788075982124. recommended literature BODIE, Zvi, Alex KANE and Alan J. MARCUS. Investments. 10th global ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, 2014. xxviii, 10. ISBN 9780077161149. MISHKIN, Frederic S. and Stanley G. EAKINS. Financial markets and institutions. Ninght edition, global editi. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2018. 688 stran. ISBN 9781292215006. ESF:BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 8 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Bc. Jana Hvozdenská, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Zuzana Křížová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Svatopluk Nečas, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Josef Nešleha (seminar tutor) Ing. Gabriela Oškrdalová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Petr Valouch, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives Within this course the student will acquire: philosophy of accounting, its basic rulles, assumptions and generally accepted principles; the application of basic methods of accounting on economic events in commercial corporations of the Czech Republic; analysis of simple economic tasks, the ability to compile the accounting algorithm, and to assess the impact of the accounting solution on the net income. Teaching methods Lecture of the theory, on the seminars accounting of basic economic operations typical for businesses using relating chart of accounts. Preparing of simplified financial statements. Assessment methods Continuous assessment within the course, fulfilment concurrently: 1. compulsory attendance of seminars, only three absences are tolerated; 2. public presence of an example assigned by tutor; 3. passing of two written control tests evaluated maximally by 27 points per test. Minimal required score: 17 points per each test. If this condition is not fulfilled it is possible to compensate it only by passing of a correction test evaluated by 27 points as maximum and 17 points as required minimum. Written exam test lasts 60 minutes and contents combination of multiple choice, shorter theoretical questions and practical examples. As maximum student can get 30 points, for successfully passing the exam minimum 19 points is required. Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes Finishing this course the student will be able to: - describe and explain basic principles, assumptions and principles of financial accounting; - use basic methods of accounting to depict economic processes in corporations of the Czech Republic; - analyze simple economic transactions, compile accounting procedures and assess the impact of accounting solution on the net income. 15 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Syllabus 1. The core and functions of accounting, characteristic features and legal aspects of accounting, general accounting principles. Balance sheet in accounting, its function, system and utilization. 2. Assets and liabilities, their structure and definition, assets and liabilities classes, their mutual relations. Balance sheet system, impact of economic transactions on balance sheet. 3. Costs and revenues of accounting unit as part of profit and loss statement. 4. Methodical parts of accounting, account and account system, chart of accounts and outline of accounts, accounting documents, account books, accounting control system. 5. Liabilities and assets valuation in accounting unit, valuation principles, valuation base, valuation of assets of same class, financial assets valuation. 6. Taxes in accounting, theoretical approaches to long-term assets depreciation, methods of creation and clearance of reserves and adjusting items. 7. Methods of long-term assets depreciation (both accounting and tax perspective). 8. Reserves and adjusting items in accounting (prudence concept). 9. Financial accounts, their structure and importance, cash, cash in transit, bank accounts. 10. Inventory, its definition and inventory valuation method. Inventory function and basic accounting operations, two ways of accounting – A and B. Uniqueness of internally produced inventory accounting. 11. Classification of long-term assets, ways of their acquisition. Basic procedures of accounting of assets acquisition and depiction during their lifetime. 12. Clearing relations. Procedures of accounting of receivables and liabilities of accounting unit (from business relations, to employees and to shareholders). Literature required literature VODÁKOVÁ, Jana, Eva HÝBLOVÁ, Zuzana KŘÍŽOVÁ, Petr VALOUCH and Filip HAMPL. Finanční účetnictví 1. Sbírka příkladů (Financial accounting 1. Collection of examples). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. 165 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9915-9. SEDLÁČEK, Jaroslav. Základy finančního účetnictví. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2016. 191 stran. ISBN 9788073806125. recommended literature RYNEŠ, Petr. Podvojné účetnictví a účetní závěrka : průvodce podvojným účetnictvím k 1.1.2022. 22. aktualizované vydání. Olomouc: Anag, 2022. 1180 stran. ISBN 9788075543486. STEJSKALOVÁ, Irena. Finanční účetnictví pro manažery : s netradičně pojatými případovými studiemi. 3. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. 192 stran. ISBN 9788075527738. RANDÁKOVÁ, Monika. Finanční účetnictví v České republice. Vyd. 1. V Praze: Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2015. 227 stran. ISBN 9788024520766. ESF:BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 8 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Bc. Jana Hvozdenská, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Zuzana Křížová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Josef Nešleha (seminar tutor) Ing. Petr Valouch, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The course enlarges students knowledge gained in the Financial accounting I. It interconnects theoretical attitudes, principles and methods of accounting that are used in depiction of economic transactions made by particular economic subjects. There are involved detailed accounting techniques connected to company assets and liabilities, mainly related to businesses, equity and long-term borrowed capital. Students are detailed acquainted with accounting techniques connected with revenues and expenses of accounting units, with closing items at the end of accounting period and preparation of closing balance sheet, the calculation of net income, preparing of profit and loss statement, cash flow statement and Notes (financial statements). The course is aimed to acquaint students with basic accounting techniques concerning assets and liabilities of corporations. The course is specially focused on preparation of financial statements, interpretation of accounting data and of their economic sense in the processes of financial management. Finishing the course students should to know theoretical attitudes and accounting methods and their application within solving usual accounting transactions of businesses and institutions. Teaching methods Theory on lectures. Practical accounting of economic operations typical for businesses using relevant chart of accounts on seminars. Preparation of financial statements. Assessment methods Continuous assessment within the course, fulfilment concurrently: compulsory attendance of seminars, only three absences are tolerated, public presence of an assigned example, passing of two partial control tests evaluated maximally by 27 points per test. Minimal required score: 17 points per each test. If this condition is not fulfilled it is possible to compensate it only by passing of a summary correction test evaluated by 27 points as maximum and 17 points as required minimum. 16 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Written exam test may content multiple choice, from 2 to 3 theoretical questions and from 2 to 3 practical examples. As maximum student can get 30 points, for successful passing the exam test 19 points is required as minimum. Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes Finishing the course students should be able to: - apply theoretical approaches to identify a problem and propose accounting solution; - use appropriate accounting methods for presenting economic processes of companies; - analyze economic problems, to propose accounting solution and identify its impact on net income; - prepare financial statements of the corporation and understand their content. Syllabus 1. The meaning and character of short-term financial assets and liabilities, their valuation, accounting techniques, inventorying and analytical evidence. 2. Inventory, accounting methods, valuation, inventorying and analytical evidence. 3. Specific accounting techniques concerning internally produced inventory. Inventory accounting at the end of accounting period. 4. Long-term assets and their valuation, accounting techniques concerning long-term assets. 5. Characteristic of clearing relations. Accounting procedures concerning receivables and liabilities from business operations. 6. Clearing with employees, institutions, shareholders, corporations and companies associated in group. Taxes and subsidies. Accruals and deferrals. 7. Owners equity and its structure. Changes in equity, capital funds, profit funds, net income. 8. Long-term borrowed capital and reserves, obligation emission and long-term bank credits, accounting tech- niques. 9. Expenses and revenues, accounting procedures, net income, analytical evidence related to income tax. Calculation of the base for income tax, income tax. 10. Closing the books. Control of completeness, correctness and conclusive evidence of accounting, inventorying of assets and liabilities and closing items. 11. and 12. Preparation of financial statements – balance sheet, income statement, Notes to the financial statements, cash flow statement and equity changes statement. Literature required literature VODÁKOVÁ, Jana, Eva HÝBLOVÁ, Zuzana KŘÍŽOVÁ, Petr VALOUCH and Filip HAMPL. Finanční účetnictví 2. Sbírka příkladů (Financial Accounting 2. Collection of Examples). 1. dotisk 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. 157 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9644-8. SEDLÁČEK, Jaroslav, Eva HÝBLOVÁ, Zuzana KŘÍŽOVÁ and Petr VALOUCH. Finanční účetnictví (postupy účtování) (Financial Accounting (Accounting Procedures)). 1st ed. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, s.r.o., 2017. 239 pp. Účetnictví. ISBN 978-80-7380-644-6. recommended literature RYNEŠ, Petr. Podvojné účetnictví a účetní závěrka : průvodce podvojným účetnictvím k 1.1.2022. 22. aktualizované vydání. Olomouc: Anag, 2022. 1180 stran. ISBN 9788075543486. STEJSKALOVÁ, Irena. Finanční účetnictví pro manažery : s netradičně pojatými případovými studiemi. 3. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. 192 stran. ISBN 9788075527738. RANDÁKOVÁ, Monika. Finanční účetnictví v České republice. Vyd. 1. V Praze: Vysoká škola ekonomická, 2015. 227 stran. ISBN 9788024520766. ESF:BPF_POJ1 Insurance Industry 1 6 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Svatopluk Nečas, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Svatopluk Nečas, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Svatopluk Nečas, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives Main objective of the course is to explain basics of the insurance and reinsurance theory, the relationship between insurance and risk, insurance relationship and related processes, insurance classification and branches of Insurance, incl. selected products of insurance for physical persons. Teaching methods lectures and seminars (mostly presentation of seminar projects at given issue and discussion to them) 17 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Assessment methods Type of teaching: lectures, seminars Requirements for completion of the course: a) processing, submission (in electronic form) and the presentation of a seminar project at given issue (using PowerPoint) with classification as passed. The classification of seminar project is passed or failed. In the case of classification failed a student will be not admitted to the exam. In the case of classification passed will the seminar project be reflected in the final classification (up to 2 points), according to an assessment of the directive of the seminar; b) participation at least on 10 seminars. In the case of nonfulfilment of this condition a student will be not admitted to the exam; c) completion (passing) of the exam. Condition (points assessment) for the successful completion (passing) of the exam is not strictly defined, because the final classification is influenced by the seminar project as well (see above). The exam and final classification The exam has a written form. Content of the exam is a matter of the lectures, seminars and literature. The final mark is made up of: the result of the exam (maximum 18 points) and classification of the seminar project (maximum 2 points). Rating scale: A: at least 92% (at least 18.4 points), B: at least 84% (at least 16.8 points), C: at least 76% (at least 15.2 points), D: at least 68% (at least 13.6 points), E: at least 60% (at least 12 points), F: less than 60% (less than 12 points). Warning: Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to: - explain basics of insurance and reinsurance theory, relationship between insurance and risk, classification of insurance; - analyze insurance relationship and related processes, - define and analyze branches of insurance, incl. selected products of insurance for physical persons - explain the fundamentals of insurance activity and distribution, incl. details adjusted by law in the Czech Re- public; - delineate the structure of insurance industry and commercial insurance companies especially in the Czech Republic a characterize their processes; - formulate fundamentals, function and importance of selected international insurance institutions. Syllabus Lectures theme plan 1. Basics of insurance theory (risk, insurance, principles of insurance, classification of insurance), history of insurance and insurance industry 2. Insurance relationship, insurance terminology 3. Non-life insurance and its products 4. Worker’s compensation 5. Life insurance and its products. Medical and financial underwriting 6. Legal regulations governing insurance 7. Commercial insurance company and its activities I. 8. Commercial insurance company and its activities II. 9. Reinsurance 10. System of insurance, its structure and subjects. International institutions in the system of insurance 11. Distribution in the insurance industry 12. Insurance market Theme plan and content of seminars (by weeks of instruction): 1. Introductory seminar, organization of the course„ basics of insurance theory 2. Insurance contract as a base of insurance relation 3. Motor insurance I. (motor third party liability insurance) 4. Motor insurance II. (hull insurance, subsidiary insurances) 5. Immovable and movable assets insurance 6. Other products of non-life insurance 7. Insurance in tourism. Employee liability insurance 8. Life insurance as a part of insurances of persons 9. Other insurances of persons 10. Insurance for private medical treatment 11. Bancassurance and its products 12. Insurance frauds 18 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Literature required literature VÁVROVÁ, Eva. Pojišťovnictví I. Vyd. 1. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2013, 104 s. ISBN 978-80-7375- 784-7 ZÁKON č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů ZÁKON č. 277/2009 Sb., o pojišťovnictví, ve znění pozdějších předpisů ZÁKON č. 170/2018 Sb., o distribuci pojištění a zajištění, ve znění pozdějších předpisů Aktuální studijní materiály předmětu Akademické psaní. ZÁKON č. 168/1999 Sb., o pojištění odpovědnosti z provozu vozidla, ve znění pozdějších předpisů KARFÍKOVÁ, Marie, Vladimír PŘIKRYL and Roman VYBÍRAL. Pojišťovací právo. 2. přepracované vydání. Praha: Leges, 2018. 432 stran. ISBN 9788075022714. NOVOTNÝ, Petr, Monika NOVOTNÁ, Petra BUDÍKOVÁ, Jitka IVIČIČOVÁ, Kristina KEDROŇOVÁ, Ilona ŠTROSOVÁ and Monika ŠTÝSOVÁ. Smluvní právo. 2., aktualizované vydání. Praha: Grada, 2017. 232 stran. ISBN 9788027106097. DUCHÁČKOVÁ, Eva. Pojištění a pojišťovnictví. 1. vydání. Praha: Ekopress, 2015. 305 stran. ISBN 9788087865255. Pojištění v novém občanském zákoníku : komentář : [§ 2756-2872]. Edited by Lucie Jandová - Petr Šlauf - Jaroslav Svejkovský. Vyd. 1. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2014. xix, 353. ISBN 9788074005305. recommended literature ZÁKON č. 278/2009 Sb., o změně zákonů v souvislosti s přijetím zákona o pojišťovnictví BUŠTA, Pavel a Vladimír PŘIKRYL. Zákon o pojištění odpovědnosti z provozu vozidla s komentářem a souvisejícími předpisy. Praha: Venice Music Production, 2014. 220 s. ISBN 978-80-9042-705-1 PASTORÁKOVÁ, Erika, Tomáš ONDRUŠKA a Monika JURKOVIČOVÁ. Dejiny poisťovníctva. 1. vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7598-998-7 ČEJKOVÁ, Viktória, Svatopluk NEČAS and Dana MARTINOVIČOVÁ. POISTNÝ TRH teória i prax (INSURANCE MARKET theory and practice). 1st ed. Bratislava: Iura Edition, spol. s r. o., 2011. 222 pp. edícia Ekonómia. ISBN 978-80-8078-399-0. DUCHÁČKOVÁ, Eva and Jaroslav DAŇHEL. Teorie pojistných trhů. 1. vyd. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2010. 216 s. ISBN 9788074310157. Česko-anglický slovník pojišťovnictví. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007. 447 s. ISBN 9788024718170. https://www. CIPRA, Tomáš. Pojistná matematika : teorie a praxe. 2., aktualiz. vyd. Praha: Ekopress, 2006. 411 s. ISBN 8086929116. ČEJKOVÁ, Viktória and Svatopluk NEČAS. Pojišťovnictví. 2., přepracované. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006. 131 pp. ISBN 80-210-3990-6. MAJTÁNOVÁ, Anna. Pojišťovnictví :teorie a praxe. 1. vyd. Praha: Ekopress, 2006. 288 s. ISBN 8086929191. DAŇHEL, Jaroslav. Pojistná teorie. Vyd. 1. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2005. 332 s. ISBN 8086419843. Anglicko-český slovník pojišťovnictví. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2003. 516 s. ISBN 8024702487. Anglicko-český slovník pojišťovnictví. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2003. 516 s. ISBN 8024702487. Životní pojištění. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2002. 104 s. ISBN 8024701464. BLAND, David. Pojištění : principy a praxe. 1. vyd. Praha: Česká asociace pojišťoven, 1997. 1 sv. Vybrané kapitoly z pojišťovnictví. 1. vyd. Praha: Česká asociace pojišťoven, 1996. 176 s. 19 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR 2.2 Profile core courses (P) These are required or selective courses, the completion of which the student acquires the knowledge or skills essential to achieving the programme of study learning outcomes. The content of these subjects is included in the final state exam. PrF:BEP601Zk Finances of Local Government 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to give an overview of the financing of local and regional authorities in the Czech Republic with a focus on the financing of municipalities and regions. At the end of the course student should be able to understand and explain the difference in state and local governments funding, define basic institutes of municipal and regional finances, explain functioning and role of local self-government budgets, orientate in their structure, apply legal norms on control of minicipalities´ and regions´ management. Teaching methods Lessons combined with seminars focused on practice. Assessment methods Written test - 10 questions, 60 % to pass. Learning outcomes After completing the course, the student will be able to define the basic and related institutes of territorial budgets, will be able to explain the functioning and role of budgets of territorial self-governing units and be familiar with their internal structure. They will be able to apply the provisions on control and review of the management of municipalities and regions. At the same time, he will be able to describe the individual stages of the budget process. Syllabus basic concepts: the budget, the budget community, region, financial outlook budgetary process budget composition revenue and expenditure budgets contributory organizations management of organizational components management of voluntary unions of municipalities Literature PEKOVÁ, Jitka. Finance územní samosprávy : teorie a praxe v ČR. Praha: Wolters Kluwer Česká republika, 2011. 587 s. ISBN 9788073576141. PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Ivana. Finance územní samosprávy. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 238 s. ISBN 9788021045118. PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Ivana. Finanční právo : finance územní samosprávy : multimediální učební text (Financial law: finance territorial govrnment). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2005. 116 pp. (Edice multimediálních pomůcek PrF MU ; č. 10). ISBN 80-210-3601-X. PrF:BEV501Zk European Private International Law 3 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. Teacher(s) prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. (lecturer) JUDr. Lukáš Grodl (lecturer) Mgr. Bc. Jan Hodermarsky (lecturer) JUDr. Bc. Radovan Malachta (lecturer) Mgr. Patrik Provazník (lecturer) JUDr. Kristina Sedláková Salibová (lecturer) JUDr. Kateřina Zabloudilová (lecturer) Course objectives The main aim of this subject is to obtain the basic orientation in the regulation of the private relations with an international element, especially in the framework of the EU. Main objectives may be summarized as follows: to become acquainted with the subject and sources of private international law; with the function of the choice-oflaw method; with the notion of the European judicial area; with the choice-of law regulation of basic questions (persons, contracts, delicts and with the basic questions of international civil procedure (jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments) Teaching methods Theoretical training, lectures. Assessment methods Written exam - open questions and simple case study 20 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Learning outcomes At the end of this course studens will be able: to explain the notion of Private International Law, its subject-matter and sources; to understand the function of the choice-of-law method; to understand the reasons of creating of European judicial area; to understand the choice-of law regulation of basic questions (persons, contracts, delicts; to understand the basic questions of international civil procedure (jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments); to apply these rules on simple factual situations Syllabus Concept and subject of Private International Law. Sources of PIL. Applicable law - persons. Applicable law - contracts. Applicable law - delicts. Applicable law - rights in rem. International jurisdiction. Recognition and enforcement. Literature required literature ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Jiří VALDHANS and Radovan MALACHTA. E-kniha:Vybrané kapitoly z mezinárodního práva soukromého. 3rd ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. 128 pp. č.553. ISBN 978-80-210-9895-4. KYSELOVSKÁ, Tereza, Klára DRLIČKOVÁ, Jan HAVLÍČEK, Lucia HUDECOVÁ, Jaroslav KRÁLÍČEK, Simona TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ and Jiří VALDHANS. Mezinárodní soudnictví. 2. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 132 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7751-5. - interaktivní osnova k předmětu recommended literature ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Klára DRLIČKOVÁ, Tereza KYSELOVSKÁ and Jiří VALDHANS. Úvod do mezinárodního práva soukromého (Introduction into Private International Law). prvé. Praha: Kluwer ASPI, 2017. 258 pp. učebnice. ISBN 978-80-7552-699-1. PrF:BVV02Zk Fiscal Administration Law 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA Teacher(s) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Jan Neckář, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA (lecturer) Course objectives The course gives an overview of the procedural legal regulation of the financial law, it is mostly focused on the field of taxes with excursion into the administrative processes in the non-fiscal part of the financial law. Students will be able to explain particular operations of tax subjects and tax administrative authorities in the tax administrative procedure. That is why students will be able to apply their knowledge to other procedures within the area financial law. Teaching methods Lectures with discussion. Practical seminars. Assessment methods Written exam (60 % to pass) and oral. Learning outcomes At the end of the course the student will be able to orientate in the field of tax administration and perform the basic operations and acts in tax proceedings. Student will be also able to apply his knowledge to other procedures within the field of financial law. Syllabus 1. Tax, tax system. 2. Tax law, tax law norms, interpretation and pllication. 3. Tax administration. 4. Tax process I - autoaplication, subjects etc. 5. Tax process II - concrete tax process incl. remedies. 6. Tax process III registration process. 7. Tax process IV - tax assessment. 8. Tax process V - tax payments. 9. Avoiding of double taxation, international cooperation. 10. Public administration in monetary area. 11. Public administration in financial markets supervision. 12. Public administration in the area of cachets. Literature E-learning a studijní materiály v IS MUNI. JÁNOŠÍKOVÁ, Petra, Petr MRKÝVKA, Silvie ANDERLOVÁ, Dagmar BÁRKOVÁ, Damian CZUDEK, Michal JANOVEC, Libor KYNCL, Jan NECKÁŘ, Josef NOCAR, Zdenka PAPOUŠKOVÁ, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Michal RADVAN, Pavel SEKNIČKA, Václav ŠKOLOUT, Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ and Daniel TELECKÝ. Finanční a daňové právo. 2. aktualizované a doplněné. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, s. r. o., 2016. 492 pp. ISBN 978-80-7380-639-2. 21 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR RADVAN, Michal. Daně a správa daní (Taxes and tax administration). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 130 pp. Učebnice Právnické fakulty MU, sv. č. 503. ISBN 978-80-210-7746-1. RADVAN, Michal, Petr MRKÝVKA, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ and Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ. Finanční právo a finanční správa – Berní právo (Financial Law and Financial Administration - Tax Law). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Doplněk, 2008. 510 pp. Edice učebnic PrF MU č. 417. ISBN 978-80-210-4732-7. ESF:BPF_BAS1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 5 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Oleg Deev, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Oleg Deev, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) doc. Ing. Robert Jahoda, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) doc. Ing. Eva Vávrová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the seminar is to acquaint students with content data and formal requirements for a bachelor thesis. Teaching methods Theoretical preparation for processing, bachelor thesis and its defense. Lectures, person-to-person tuition, data mining. Assessment methods Bachelor thesis seminar takes the form of tutor’s consultations. Writing Bachelor Thesis and participation in consultations are evaluated as requirements fulfilled / not fufilled. Credits are granted at the end of the semester after all criteria have been met. Learning outcomes At the end of this course the student will be able to: - formulate a thesis objectives, - choose appropriate methods of solution, - formulate conclusions of the bachelor thesis and prepare arguments for the defens. Syllabus 1. Importance to Bachelor Thesis, content and formal elements. How to use quotations, graphs and tables. Bachelor Thesis evaluation. 2. Introduction to Bachelor Thesis, its formal elements. Setting objectives of Bachelor Thesis. Definition of problem areas as basic parts of Bachelor Thesis. Choosing suitable methods depending on aims and subject of Bachelor Thesis. How to defend Bachelor Thesis. What to focus on. 3. Individual work on setting objectives and structure of Bachelor Thesis, references and statement of references. At the end of this period the concept of Bachelor Thesis should be absolutely clear between student and tutor. 4. Individual collection and processing of data, their classification and further consultations. 5. Consultation of achieved results. 6. Partial review of the first half of the thesis. Consultation of further progress in processing final thesis. 7. Checking students’ability to use literature correctly, further recommendation for completion of work. 8. Check of achieved results. 9. Preparation of practical section of Bachelor Thesis. 10. Elaboration on practical section of Bachelor Thesis. 11. Check of achieved results of Bachelor Thesis, tutor’s comments. 12. Integrating tutor’s comments into Bachelor Thesis, ensuring that all the formal elements are included in the thesis. 13. Final review of Bachelor Thesis. Tutor’s and opponent’s thesis reports, preparation for defence, consultation of reports. Literature required literature Akademické psaní - NEKUDA, Jaroslav, Lucie KUŽELÍKOVÁ and Jiří POLÁČEK. Sociálně-ekonomické informace a práce s nimi. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 88 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-4577-4. recommended literature LÍZAL, Pavel. Zaměření a zpracování bakalářské práce. 2. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. Elportál. ISSN 1802-128X. URL ZBÍRAL, Robert. Příručka psaní seminárních a jiných vysokoškolských odborných prací. Praha: Linde, 2009. 159 s. ISBN 9788072017799. ESF:BPF_BAS2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 5 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Oleg Deev, Ph.D. 22 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teacher(s) Oleg Deev, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) doc. Ing. Robert Jahoda, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the seminar is to acquaint students with content data and formal requirements for a bachelor thesis. At the end of this course the student will be able to: formulate a thesis objectives, choose appropriate methods of solution, formulate conclusions of the bachelor thesis and prepare arguments for the defens. Teaching methods Theoretical preparation for processing, bachelor thesis and its defense. Teaching is in the form of consultations with the bachelor thesis supervisor. Assessment methods Bachelor thesis seminar takes the form of tutor’s consultations. Writing Bachelor Thesis and participation in consultations are evaluated as requirements fulfilled / not fufilled. Credits are awarded by the bachelor thesis supervisor and the condition for this awarding is the completion of the final version of the bachelor thesis. Learning outcomes At the end of the course the student will be able to: to formulate the objectives of the bachelor thesis, choose appropriate methods of solution, formulate the conclusions of the bachelor thesis and prepare arguments for the defense. Syllabus 1. Importance to Bachelor Thesis, content and formal elements. How to use quotations, graphs and tables. Bachelor Thesis evaluation. 2. Introduction to Bachelor Thesis, its formal elements. Setting objectives of Bachelor Thesis. Definition of problem areas as basic parts of Bachelor Thesis. Choosing suitable methods depending on aims and subject of Bachelor Thesis. How to defend Bachelor Thesis. What to focus on. 3. Individual work on setting objectives and structure of Bachelor Thesis, references and statement of references. At the end of this period the concept of Bachelor Thesis should be absolutely clear between student and tutor. 4. Individual collection and processing of data, their classification and further consultations. 5. Consultation of achieved results. 6. Partial review of the first half of the thesis. Consultation of further progress in processing final thesis. 7. Checking students’ability to use literature correctly, further recommendation for completion of work. 8. Check of achieved results. 9. Preparation of practical section of Bachelor Thesis. 10. Elaboration on practical section of Bachelor Thesis. 11. Check of achieved results of Bachelor Thesis, tutor’s comments. 12. Integrating tutor’s comments into Bachelor Thesis, ensuring that all the formal elements are included in the thesis. 13. Final review of Bachelor Thesis. Tutor’s and opponent’s thesis reports, preparation for defence, consultation of reports. Literature required literature Akademické psaní - NEKUDA, Jaroslav, Lucie KUŽELÍKOVÁ and Jiří POLÁČEK. Sociálně-ekonomické informace a práce s nimi. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 88 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-4577-4. LÍZAL, Pavel. Zaměření a zpracování bakalářské práce. 2. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. Elportál. ISSN 1802-128X. URL recommended literature FRANCÍREK, František. Bakalářská práce : co, jak a proč připravit, zpracovat, napsat a zhodnotit (obhájit). 2. vyd. Praha: Ingenio et Arti, 2013. 62, 51. ISBN 9788090528727. ZBÍRAL, Robert. Příručka psaní seminárních a jiných vysokoškolských odborných prací. Praha: Linde, 2009. 159 s. ISBN 9788072017799. ESF:BPF_TEBP Bachelor Thesis Assignment 3 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Oleg Deev, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Oleg Deev, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) doc. Ing. Robert Jahoda, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) 23 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Course objectives The aim of the course is in cooperation with the supervisor to prepare and create the official assignment of the bachelor thesis. Teaching methods The first joint meeting and subsequently individual consultation with the supervisor. Assessment methods Credit is awarded for completion of all assignments leading to bachelor thesis and for their cooperation in formulating the official bachelor work. A necessary condition for the granting of credit is the official assignment of bachelor thesis stored in the appropriate application of IS MU. Learning outcomes After completing the course the student will be able to: - Define the solved problem and determine the appropriate aim of bachelor theses; - Propose a methodology for solving in a reasonable degree of specificity; - Define the characteristics of bachelor theses; - Identify and assess the suitability of literary and other professional resources; - Create the assignment of bachelor theses in cooperation with the bachelor thesis supervisor Syllabus The aim of this course is to prepare the draft of bachelor theses. Students are required to contact the head of their potential bachelor theses during the first two weeks of the semester (ideally in consultation hours or diploma (bachelor) seminar, the combined students through e - mail) and discuss and agree to the content of their theses, which must contain data in the following structure: - Title in Czech and English, - Aim of theses, - The progress of the theses and the subsequent draft outline headings including first to third level ( student demonstrates this relationship on a track of it and the ability to organize information on the necessary way ; detailed outline form will not be included in the specification, but it is the basis for the supervisor to decide opening the topic, - Methods used, with links to each part of the curriculum, i.e. which method will be used in specific chapters and how, - Literature and other sources (monographs, textbooks, articles, internet sources, etc. ) - it is expected to close research resources by the student , the quality is also reflected in the decision of opening the topic. Students are required to demonstrate whether there are relevant data and information sources to achieve the proposed objectives of theses and whether those sources are at their disposal. If a topic is to include the application part, the student is required to research the data sources , and if necessary to contact practitioners to demonstrate their willingness to cooperate (if necessary) and to identify specific sources for an application part . If this condition is not satisfied, it is not possible to set the supervisor approve to the assignment. No later than at the beginning of the examination period, all this must be agreed between the student and supervisor of theses. Then the supervisor must entry the agreed assignment into the IS by the end of the second week of the examination period. Based on an embedded assignment in IS student will then be awarded by credit by the supervisor confirming that he agrees with the assignment of theses. The above information suggests primarily student, supervisor performs technical supervision and possibly corrects subject, aim, methods, procedures and literature. Supervisor is not required to propose his own topic, an active approach of students to the creation of assignment is expected. Responsibility for the invitation to the topic entirely borne by the student. Literature required literature Interaktivní osnova předmětu Akademické psaní - recommended literature KUŽELÍKOVÁ, Lucie, Jaroslav NEKUDA and Jiří POLÁČEK. Sociálně-ekonomické informace a práce s nimi. Elportál. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. ISSN 1802-128X. URL FRANCÍREK, František. Absolventská práce : co, jak a proč připravit, zpracovat, napsat a zhodnotit (obhájit). Vyd. 1. Praha: Ingenio et Arti, 2012. 74, 49. ISBN 9788090528703. GERŠLOVÁ, Jana. Vádemékum vědecké a odborné práce. 1. vyd. [Praha]: Professional Publishing, 2009. 148 s. ISBN 9788074310027. ESF:BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Oleg Deev, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives Basic Finance is a balanced rst course in nance that offers students perspectives on financial markets and institutions, the world of investments, and the concepts and applications of business nancial management. For the student who does not plan to take additional courses in nance, this course provides a valuable overview of the discipline’s major concepts. For the student who wants to take additional courses in nance, the overview presented provides a solid foundation upon which future courses can build. It provides a basic understanding of the complex world of nance that covers an introduction to nancial markets, investments, and nancial management or business nance. Students will gain an integrated perspective of the interrelationships among these three areas. They will appreciate how businesses and individuals are a ected by markets and institutions, as well as of how markets and institutions can be used to meet the goals of individuals or rms. Teaching methods Lectures, reading, class discussion. 24 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Assessment methods The course is completed by a written exam, max 100 points. The final grade is based on the following scale: A 100 – 91, B 90 – 81, C 80 – 71, D 70 – 61, E 60 – 51, F 50 - 0 Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes By learning about markets (including gaining knowledge about institutions), investments, and management as the three major strands of nance, students will nish their course with a greater understanding of how these three elds interrelate. Financial markets will be seen as the arena to which businesses and nancial institutions go to raise funds, and as the mechanism through which individuals can invest their savings to meet their future goals. The topic of investments is important in facilitating the savings – investment process. Understanding the trade-o of risk and return, as well as the valuation of bonds and stocks, is essential to investors and businesses raising nancial capital. Understanding how securities markets work is equally important. Financial management uses information it obtains from securities and other nancial markets to e ciently and pro tably manage assets and to raise needed funds in a cost-e cient manner. The students will receive a practical introduction to the di erent disciplines of nance and will better appreciate the relationships among them. Syllabus 1.The Financial Environment 2.Money and the Monetary System 3.Banks and Other Financial Institutions 4.International Finance and Trade 5.Savings and Investment Process, Interest Rates 6.Time Value of Money 7.Bonds and Stocks 8.Securities and Markets 9.Financial Return and Risk Concepts 10.Financial Data and Financial Analysis 11.Working Capital and Short-Term Business Financing 12.Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital Literature recommended literature MELICHER, Ronald W. and Edgar NORTON. Introduction to finance : markets, investments, and financial management. Seventeenth edition. Hoboken: Wiley, 2020. xxix, 613. ISBN 9781119561170. BREALEY, Richard A., Stewart C. MYERS and Alan J. MARCUS. Fundamentals of corporate finance. Tenth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. xxxi, 728. ISBN 9781260566093. VESELÁ, Jitka. Investování na kapitálových trzích. 3. vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2019. 950 stran. ISBN 9788075982124. MISHKIN, Frederic S. and Stanley G. EAKINS. Financial markets and institutions. Ninght edition, global editi. Harlow, England: Pearson, 2018. 688 stran. ISBN 9781292215006. VERNIMMEN, Pierre. Corporate finance: Theory and Practice. 2017th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2017. 5. vyd. ISBN 978-1-119-45180-8. 2.3 Other compulsory and selective courses PrF:BEP101Zk Legal Theory I 3 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc. Teacher(s) doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The main aim of the course is to provide an initial set of knowledge necessary for the study of positive legal subjects; to learn practical skills in working with legal regulations; to acquire general legal terminology, interpretation and application procedures and the basics of legal thinking. Teaching methods Lectures and seminar interactive exercises with practical online tasks. Assessment methods Written exam, 3 open questions and 10 multiple choice questions. Minimum 55% correct answers, if necessary for pandemic reasons online Learning outcomes After completing the course, the student will be able to: use the concepts and institutes associated with the legal order; understand the structure of the legal order; interpret legal norms; apply the principles of legal thinking appropriately. Syllabus Concept, nature and function of law, system of law, system of legal science. Sources of law. Legal norm, concept, structure and elements. Classification of legal norms and their characteristics. Interpretation of law. Methods of implementation of legal norms, concept of legal relationship. Legal facts as prerequisites of a legal relationship. Subjects, objects and content of the legal relationship. Application of law. Legal responsibility. The rule of law as an expression of the relationship between the state and law. 25 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Literature required literature VEČEŘA, Miloš, Jana DOSTÁLOVÁ, Jaromír HARVÁNEK and Drahomíra HOUBOVÁ. Základy teorie práva : multimediální učební text. / Miloš Večeřa ... [et al.]. 6. dotisk 2. nezměn. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 96 pp. Edice učebnic PrF MU č. 509. ISBN 978-80-210-4683-2. recommended literature HARVÁNEK, Jaromír, Karin BRZOBOHATÁ, Lukáš HLOUCH, Tatiana MACHALOVÁ, Radim POLČÁK, Martin ŠKOP, Martina URBANOVÁ and Miloš VEČEŘA. Právní teorie. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2013. 439 s. ISBN 9788073804589. GERLOCH, Aleš. Teorie práva. 7. aktualizované vydání. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2017. 335 stran. ISBN 9788073806521. VEČEŘA, Miloš. Teorie práva v příkladech. 3. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2016. p. 334-380. ISBN 978-80-7478-717-1. HUNGR, Pavel and Petr OSINA. Teorie práva. Edited by Lubomír Kubů. Praha: Linde, 2007. 335 s. ISBN 9788072016372. PrF:BEP301Zk European Law 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. JUDr. Vladimír Týč, CSc. Teacher(s) prof. JUDr. Vladimír Týč, CSc. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. David Sehnálek, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Filip Křepelka, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Lukáš Boháček (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jan Burda (seminar tutor) Mgr. Iveta Rohová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Anna Katerina Vintrová, LL.M. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The course aims to provide students with a basic conceptual understanding of the methods, techniques and legal principles regarding European Union law and the European union itself. At the end of this course, students should be able to understand and be able to explain the development of the European union, to delineate the major differences among European Union and European Communities, to explain the institutional law, the relation of the EU law to national laws, the substantial law (internal market regulation, four freedoms) and the recent devepolemment (the Lisbon Treaty). Teaching methods lectures and seminars, examination: written test Assessment methods The subject is taught in lectures and seminars. Attendance at lectures is voluntary whereas at seminars compulsory. Students are expected to actively participate at discussions at seminars. Homework includes reading of ECJ’s cases and other study materials. Exam is in the form of a written test - minimum requirement: 60% of points. Learning outcomes Specialized knowledge of the functioning of the European integration and the European (EU) law system within the European context acquired by students in other European courses. Syllabus 1. The history and the development of the European integration. Creation of the three Communities and European Union. Methods and forms of integration, principle of supranationality. 2. Community and Union institutions. Institutional law. Basic treaties as an EC (EU) constitution. 3. EU law - primary and secondary law. Sources, primacy and direct effect. ECJ as the creator of EU law. 4. Basic principles of the common (internal) market. 4 basic freedoms. 5. Recent development of the European Union (the Lisbon Treaty) Literature V. Týč, Základy práva EU pro ekonomy, Leges, Praha, 7. vyd., 2017 PrF:BEP302Zk Public Administration in the C.R. and Europe 3 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor JUDr. Jana Jurníková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) JUDr. Jana Jurníková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Lukáš Potěšil, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge about the basics of public administration legal regulation in the Czech Republic and states of EU, the place and purpose of administrative law within the Czech legal system, as well as its content and structure. 26 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teaching methods lectures, class discussion Assessment methods Final test. Learning outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: have knowledge of principles of organization of modern public administration’s activity and organization with reference to legal aspects of defined issues; list and use relevant information resources; understand and explain issues of public administration systems, current reformative processes and aims of Czech public administration in context of current ”Europeization”; apply law on different practical examples and suggest a solution of propounded case studies including giving reason for the solution; evaluate pros-and-cons of current reformative processes in public administration and formation of the European administrative area based on principles of reliability and foreseeability, explicitness and transparency, liability and effectiveness. Syllabus 1. The term and the characteristic of public administration. Public administration in its organizational and functional aspects. Position of public administration in system of public authority. Aims and role of public administration. Relation between public administration and citizen. 2. Administrative law- term, categorization, role, subject, system, sources. Constitutional basis and legal regulation of public administration. European administrative law. 3. The development of public administration in Europe (main systems) and on Czech territory. 4. The principles of public administration organization. The classification of public administration system, state administration and self-government. 5. Public administration organization, relation between central, regional or local government. Public administration organization in the Czech Republic. 6. Formation of the European administrative area, its principles and influence on public administration in Czech Republic. Reform processes in public administration – development in Europe and in the Czech Republic. 7. Methods and forms of implementation of public administration. Decision making processes in public administration. Administrative procedure code as the basis of legal regulation of the procedural forms in public administration. 8. Personal basis of public administration. Public service. Civil service and its systems. Regional government clerk’s position. 9. Professional ethics and its importance, ethic codes of public administration employees. Corruption prevention in public administration. 10. Public administration and information. The principle of public administration transparency and the principle of secrecy. 11. Supervision of public administration – aims, survey, system. Public rights defender. 13. Summary. Possibilities, problems, trends. Literature required literature • Průcha, Petr. Základy správního práva. Učební text pro bakalářské studium. 1. dotisk 2. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 254 s recommended literature • Sládeček, V.: Správní právo, obecná část. 3 akt. vydání, Wolters Kluwer, 2013 HENDRYCH, Dušan. Správní věda : teorie veřejné správy. 3., aktualiz. vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer Česká republika, 2009. 231 s. ISBN 9788073574581. POMAHAČ, Richard and Olga VIDLÁKOVÁ. Veřejná správa. Vyd. 1. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2002. xii, 278. ISBN 8071797480. not specified Místní správa v liberálních demokraciích : úvodní náčrt. Edited by J. A. Chandler. Vyd. 1. Brno: Doplněk, 1998. 264 s. ISBN 8072390236. PrF:BEP401Zk Persons and their Position in European Context 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. JUDr. Jan Hurdík, DrSc. Teacher(s) prof. JUDr. Jan Hurdík, DrSc. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Lenka Dobešová, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Kateřina Ronovská, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Andrea Bartíková (lecturer) Mgr. Michal Blažek, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Bc. Luboš Brim (lecturer) Mgr. Adam Holubář (lecturer) JUDr. Ing. Petr Machálek, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Kateřina Ronovská, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Markéta Selucká, Ph.D. (lecturer) Prof. Dr. Martin Schauer (lecturer) JUDr. Bc. Svatava Veverková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Kateřina Hájková, LL.M. (seminar tutor) 27 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Mgr. Veronika Kissová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jakub Slavík (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jana Vábek Marková (seminar tutor) Course objectives Main objectives of the course is the study of the persons in the juridical sense, i.e. the natural and legal persons as the basis of the legal relationships. The contents of the course is the notion of person in the juridical sense and both its kinds, i.e. natural and legal person, including persons legal capacity and persons typology. Special attention is given to the legal position of the particular types of persons as the party of particular types of Civil Law relationships. At the end of the course, the student should be able to: - understand and explain the general characteristic of natural and legal persons, - apply the legal regulation of natural and legal persons to his practice, - operate the system position of the persons in the wider system of social relations. Teaching methods The teaching is realised in the form of conferences and seminaries. The first form have to given to the students elementary knowledge about the discipline, second form should to aprofond and accept the issues of the discipline. The important form is self-study. Assessment methods The exam has a written and oral part. Written part consists in a study on the professional theme according to students choice latest to 30.4., according to the Deans Directive. Oral part consists in defence of written study and in presentation of knowledges of the contents of the course with regard to the theme of written study. Learning outcomes The students will be capable, after the cours: - to identify and characterize the persons in juridical sense in different juridical situations; - to practically work with understanding upon the essential juridical concept of both physical and legal persons; - to distinguish different types of legal persons during the current practical activities; - to work with the notion of person in the juridical sense in the frame of different branches of private law. Syllabus 1. Person in the juridical sense - general characteristics 2. The characteristics and the legal capacity of the natural person 3. Basic characteristics and the types of legal persons 4. Personal rights and its protection 5. Not-for-profit legal persons 6. European types of legal persons 7. Person in the Family Law 8. Personal questions of Family Law 9. Persons in heirship 10. Consumer and his protection in the european context Literature required literature HURDÍK, Jan. Právnické osoby a jejich typologie. 2. dopl. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2009. xi, 108. ISBN 9788074001680. FIALA, Josef, Jan HURDÍK, Lenka JEŘÁBKOVÁ and Kateřina RONOVSKÁ. Občanské právo hmotné : multimediální učební text. Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2004. 97 pp. (Edice multimediálních pomůcek PrF ; č. 1). ISBN 80-210-3510-2. recommended literature RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina. Právnické osoby na prahu nové doby IV. (Legal Persons on the edge of new times). 2017. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, Kateřina, Jaroslav BENÁK and Martina GROCHOVÁ. Církev a stát 2015 - Církevní právnické osoby. 2015. RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina and Vlastimil VITOUL. Právnické osoby na prahu nové doby (Legal persons at the turn of a new age). 2015. FRINTA, Ondřej. Právnické osoby. V Praze: Univerzita Karlova, 2008. 176 s. ISBN 9788087146071. BERAN, Karel. Právnické osoby veřejného práva : veřejnoprávní subjektivita, veřejnoprávní korporace, veřejný ústav, právní povaha univerzity, právní povaha církví. Praha: Linde, 2006. 191 s. ISBN 8072015982. RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina. Soukromoprávní aspekty nadačního a spolkového práva v Čechách, ve Švýcarsku a v Nizozemí (Civil law aspects of law on foundation and association in the Czech Republic, the Switzerland and the Netherlands). Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2004. 255 pp. (Spisy PrF MU v Brně. Řada teoretická ; č. 275). ISBN 80-210-3453-X. KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. Autonomie vůle v rodinném právu v česko-italském porovnání. Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2003. 264 s. (Spisy PrF MU v Brně. Řada teoretická ; 267). ISBN 80-210-3093-3. HURDÍK, Jan. Pojem osoba a geneze jeho obsahu jako základ konstrukce osob v právním smyslu. Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi. Brno: Masarykova univerzita. Právnická fakulta, 2000, Roč. 8, č. 3, p. 306-313. ISSN 1210- 9126. TELEC, Ivo. Spolkové právo. Vyd. 1. Praha: C.H. Beck, 1998. xix, 254. ISBN 8071791946. 28 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Zákon o nadacích a nadačních fondech : komentář. Edited by Jan Hurdík - Ivo Telec. 1. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 1998. xxxix, 332. ISBN 8071791997. PrF:BEV403Zk Criminal Law in the European Area 3 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D., DSc., Univ. Priv. Prof. Teacher(s) JUDr. Eva Brucknerová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. David Čep, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D., DSc., Univ. Priv. Prof. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Marek Fryšták, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Milana Hrušáková, Ph.D., LL.M. (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Věra Kalvodová, Dr. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Josef Kuchta, CSc. (lecturer) JUDr. Jan Provazník, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the subject is to enter of students to national criminal law and criminal procedure aspects and to contact points of community and European aspects of criminal law. Students will be able to understand of basic elements of European criminal law in comparison of national criminal law. Teaching methods Explanation of basic theoretical institutes of criminal procedure via presentation of principles accompanied by practical examples. Reflection of European aspects of criminal law to Czech national environment by explanation of sense of legal instruments of EC/EU (international conventions, framework decisions and jurisprudence of ECJ). Interactive way of presentation with reaction on potential suggestions of students side. All main problems are presented by power point presentation - presentation is accessible for students in IS of faculty. Assessment methods The course is based on lectures. For obtaining the credits the students have to actively participate on presentations and class discussion on practical cases, model cases and case studies based on decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and European Court of Justice. The students have to study at home (individual study of law, cases, literature, and Power point presentations) beside the attendance at lectures. The students have to solve the problems and argue during oral exam. Learning outcomes Students will be able to: - characterise basic elements of crime, resp. fundamentals of criminal liability of natural and accountibility of legal persons - to know fundamentals of Czech criminal procedure - to realise growing impact of european legal sphere on Czech criminal law and procedure - to realise perspectives of next possible evolution of Czech criminal law and procedure. Syllabus The crime and fundamental elememts of the crime. The kinds of the crime (the stages of development of the crime, the organized criminality, concurrence and recidivism). The absence of punishability of an offence. The punishments, protective measures and measures. Special part of criminal law. Subjects of criminal procedure. The evidences in the criminal procedure. Special part of criminal process law (the stages of criminal procedure). Criminal law, criminal process law and international law, European criminal law. The cooperation in the criminal matters (classical and european). International criminal courts. Literature KRATOCHVÍL, Vladimír. České trestní právo hmotné a procesní v evropském právním prostředí (The Czech Criminal Law and Criminal Process Law in the european legal surround). Brno: Masarykova univerzita; Právnická fakulta, 2009. 184 pp. Spisy Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity AUBI. ISBN 978-80-210-4982-6. TOMÁŠEK, Michal. Europeizace trestního práva. Praha: Linde, 2009. 459 s. ISBN 9788072017379. FRYŠTÁK, Marek, Michal GALÁT, Roman HEINZ, Kateřina PŘEPECHALOVÁ and Eva ŽATECKÁ. Trestní právo hmotné - zvláštní část. Fryšták Marek a kol. 2,. Ostrava: Key Publishing, 2009. 170 pp. Právo. ISBN 978-80- 7418-040-8. FRYŠTÁK, Marek, Michal GALÁT, Roman HEINZ, Kateřina PŘEPECHALOVÁ and Eva ŽATECKÁ. Trestní právo hmotné - obecná část (Criminal substantive law - general part). Fryšták Marek a kol. 2nd ed. Ostrava: Key Publishing, 2009. 157 pp. Právo. ISBN 978-80-7418-039-2. FRYŠTÁK, Marek, Michal GALÁT, Roman HEINZ, Daniel PROUZA and Eva ŽATECKÁ. Trestní právo procesní (Criminal Procedure law). Fryšták Marek a kol. 2nd ed. Ostrava: KEY Publishing, 2009. 265 pp. Právo. ISBN 978- 80-7418-041-5. FENYK, Jaroslav and Ján SVÁK. Europeizace trestního práva (Europeisation of Criminal Law). 1. vydání. Bratislava: Bratislavská vysoká škola práva, 2008. 229 pp. ISBN 978-80-88931-88-1. CÍSAŘOVÁ, Dagmar, Jaroslav FENYK and Tomáš GŘIVNA. Trestní právo procesní. Vyd. 1. Praha: ASPI, 2008. 822 s. ISBN 9788073573485. 29 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR TICHÝ, Luboš. Evropské právo. 3. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2006. xlviii, 87. ISBN 8071794309. FENYK, Jaroslav. Projekt modelového trestního práva Corpus Juris a právo na spravedlivý proces. In Ochrana základních práv a svobod v procesu europeizace trestního práva. AUC Iuridica 1/2006. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2006. p. 35-43. FENYK, Jaroslav and Světlana KLOUČKOVÁ. Mezinárodní justiční spolupráce v trestních věcech. 2. aktualiz. a dopl. vyd. Praha: Linde, 2005. 1019 pp. ISBN 8072015273. PIKNA, Bohumil. Vnitřní bezpečnost a veřejný pořádek v evropském právu : (oblast policejní a justiční spolupráce) : vysokoškolská právnická učebnice. Praha: Linde, 2003. 439 s. ISBN 8072014498. PrF:BEV801Zk International Trade Law 3 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. Teacher(s) Mgr. Bc. Jan Hodermarsky (lecturer) JUDr. Bc. Radovan Malachta (lecturer) Mgr. Patrik Provazník (lecturer) prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. (lecturer) Mgr. Filip Vlček, MJur (lecturer) JUDr. Lukáš Grodl (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the international trade law in its three levels. The course is aimed at the basic overview of international economic law (sources, subjects), the law of WTO, common trade policy of the EU and at the legal regulation of international transactions. Teaching methods Lectures with interactive attitude. Homeworks. E-learning. Assessment methods Partial written tests. Learning outcomes At the end of the course the student should be able: to identify three levels of relationships existing in international trade; to understand the mutual relationship between these levels; to understand the rudiments of the legal regulation of these levels; to apply legal rules to simple cases Syllabus See interactive outline Literature required literature ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Jiří VALDHANS and Tereza KYSELOVSKÁ. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. Včetně problematiky mezinárodního rozhodčího řízení. 4th ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. 524 pp. ISBN 978-80- 7676-046-2. p6031.html recommended literature Interaktivní osnova k předmětu obsahující další materiály. PrF:BEV802K Basics of Labour Law and Social Security in EU 3 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor JUDr. Jana Komendová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) JUDr. Jana Komendová, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Michal Smejkal, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives In this course students deal with EC Law system in the branch of social policy; they study the grounding of labour law a social security law. At first they focus on the promary law - the fundamental agreements and their provisions relating to the social policy. They also deal with the secondary law. They study regulations and directives relating to the indiovidual and collective labour law and regulations relating to the co-ordination of the systems of social security. They also deal with the case law of the European Court of Justice in this branch. At the end of this course students shloud be able to understand the EC law in the branch of social policy and interpret the process of it transformation into the Czech Labour Law and the Czech Social Security Law. Teaching methods Lectures with presentation by PowerPoint; discussion relating to the concrete regulations, interactive syllabi, on line materials, case-law Assessment methods Preparation and presentation of selected topic 30 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Learning outcomes After passing the course a student will be able to describe selected aspects of the EU social policy, identify areas of labour law and social security law governed by EU law and apply legal regulation contained in directly applicable acts of EU law concerning free movement of workers and coordination of social security systems. Syllabus Definition of the social policy in EU; legal regulation of the social policy in the fundamental agreements and analysis of their provisions; summary and analysis of regulations and directivec in the branch of the individual and collective labour law; the free movement of the employees and the analysis of the regulation No 1612/68; co-ordination of the systems of social security; the regulation No 883/04. Literature required literature KOMENDOVÁ, Jana. Základy pracovního práva EU (Essentials of EU Labour Law). 1st ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2016. 252 pp. ISBN 978-80-7552-286-3. PrF:BVV01K Public Finance and Fiscal Law 3 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives Subject Public finance and fiscal law will deal with economic and legal aspects of public finance and public sector. Attention will be focused on the entire budget system, especially on the state budget and its most important sources of revenue and expenditures (tax system, social security). The examples will also explain the causes of market failure and the causes of state failure. Students also receive information about the nature and significance of objects accent on public goods. The theme will be the excursion into the issue of fiscal policy, consider the consequences of budget deficit and public debt. At the end of this course, students should be able to understand of economic policies, to understand principles of state budget creating, delineate relationships among state budget and other public budgets. Student further should be able to apply knowledge of public finance into private sector. Teaching methods Methods of this course are lectures with discussions. Assessment methods Written test, at least 60 % to pass. Learning outcomes At the end of the course the student will be able to define the basic institutes of public finance and fiscal law, will be able to explain the functioning and role of public budgets, including other public funds and be familiar with their internal structure. They will be able to apply the provisions on the control of the state, municipalities and regions. At the same time, the student should understand and interpret the basics of the theory of the fiscal part of financial law. Syllabus The terms of public finances, the causes of market failures and government intervention, causes state failure, public sector, public goods, believing budgets, public revenues and public spending, budgetary policies and budget structure, budget process, state budget, extrabudgetary funds, social security, role and social security benefits, tax system, the distributional consequences of taxes, tax burden, substitution and income effect, tax and transfer tax consequences, fiscal policy, budget deficit, cause public budget deficit, public debt. Furthermore, the term ”fiscal law” as a subsystem of financial law, regulatory system of public finance, budget discipline, charges for violation of budgetary discipline, budgetary allocation of taxes and legal process, regulation of distribution and redistribution of funds. Funding of selected public goods. Literature MRKÝVKA, Petr, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ and Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ. Veřejné finance a fiskální právo (Public Finance and Fiscal Law). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014. 164 pp. učebnice - č.505. ISBN 978-80-210-6083-8. TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Eva. Veřejné finance (Public finance). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006. 115 pp. ISBN 80-210- 4177-3. PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Ivana. Finanční právo : finance územní samosprávy : multimediální učební text (Financial law: finance territorial govrnment). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2005. 116 pp. (Edice multimediálních pomůcek PrF MU ; č. 10). ISBN 80-210-3601-X. PEKOVÁ, Jitka. Veřejné finance : úvod do problematiky. 3., přeprac. vyd. Praha: ASPI, 2005. 526 s. ISBN 8073570491. Aktuální studijní materiály v IS MU PrF:BVV11K European Finance Law 3 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. 31 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teacher(s) doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. Ing. Jiří Blažek, CSc. (seminar tutor) Dr Mgr. Damian Czudek, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA (seminar tutor) Course objectives Learning outcomes of the course is to orientate students in the interactions of Czech financial law and European Union law. Teaching methods Theoretical preparation. Assessment methods The written test Learning outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to understand and navigate the problems of financial law in the european area, to explain the functioning of the two-stage legal regulation, relation to EU law and national law, while well aware of the functioning of financial system of the European Union. Syllabus Introduction to the study of European financial law; Monetary and fiscal policy; The harmonization of financial law matter; The harmonization of tax law; The haronization in the field of customs law; European cooperation in tax administration; The harmonization of financial markets; Budget and European Union funds; The European Central Bank. Literature required literature Texty v rámci e-learningu recommended literature KOSIKOWSKI, Cezary. Financial law of the European Union. Białystok: Temida 2, 2008. 227 s. ISBN 9788389620415. PrF:BVV12Zk Introduction to Commercial Law 3 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Zdeněk Houdek, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Zdeněk Houdek, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Mgr. Radek Ruban, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Michal Smejkal, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of this course is to introduce students into the field of study in basic extent. The lessons include legal statute of entrepreneurs (especially commercial corporations), contracts among entrepreneurs and basics of the law of securities. The education provided by lectures should lead to acquirement of knowledge that constitutes basic theoretical understanding of the field and the ability of fast orientation in the legislation and the ability to apply the relevant provisions of law. At the end of the course students should be able to understand in basis the legal regulation of business corporations, competition law, obligations and securities, to explain this regulation and to apply it for the concrete practical cases. Teaching methods Learning is made only in the form of lectures. There is provided the current legislation under Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, and under Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on commercial corporations, and other actual legal regulations, is discussed, and also judgments and the concrete practice cases with it. Assessment methods The course is completed by an written exam. The exam has two parts (test and ”open question”). Due to the the situation related to the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic, the test may be performed in whole or in part in a distance form (on-line). The examination is performed according to the legal regulation effective on the day of the examination, ie primarily according to Act No. 89/2012, The Civil Code (OZ), and Act No. 90/2012, The Commercial Corporations Act (ZOK). Learning outcomes After completing this subject students will be able to orientate themselves to the basic level in private law (in particular the Civil Code, the Law on Commercial Corporations), as well as some public law regulations (the Act on Public Registers, the Act on the Protection of Competition, the Act on the Protection of Consumer etc.) and apply them to concrete cases of practice (eg the establishment of a business corporation, the conclusion of contracts between entrepreneurs, unfair competition, cartels of competitors, the issue of a bill of exchange, etc.). Syllabus 1. Introduction to Commercial Law 2. Corporate Law 3. Comemrcial Obligations 4. Insolvency Law 5. Labour Law 6. Unfair competition and Competition Law 7. Conception of securities and their classification 32 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Literature required literature ONDREJOVÁ, Dana, Josef BEJČEK, Josef KOTÁSEK, Jaromír KOŽIAK, Jarmila POKORNÁ, Radek RUBAN, Josef ŠILHÁN and Eva VEČERKOVÁ. Nástin obchodního práva (Outline of business law). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014. 360 pp. Učebnice - 515. ISBN 978-80-210-7417-0. recommended literature BEJČEK, Josef, Josef ŠILHÁN and KOLEKTIV. Obchodní smlouvy. Závazky v podnikání.. 1st ed. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2015. 539 pp. ISBN 978-80-7400-574-9. KOTÁSEK, Josef. Kotásek, Pihera, Pokorná, Vítek: Právo cenných papírů (Law of Negotiable Instruments). In Právo cenných papírů. 1st ed. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2014. p. 117-220. ISBN 978-80-7400-515-2. BEJČEK, Josef, Petr HAJN, Jarmila POKORNÁ, Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Eva VEČERKOVÁ, Josef ŠILHÁN, Jaromír KOŽIAK and Radek RUBAN. Obchodní právo. Obecná část. Soutěžní právo. (Business Law. General Part. Competition Law.). první. Praha: C. H. Beck Praha, 2014. 410 pp. Academia iuris. ISBN 978-80-7400-547-3. POKORNÁ, Jarmila, Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Alena KERLINOVÁ, Jan LASÁK, Milan PEKÁREK, Jaromír KOŽIAK, Alena POKORNÁ, Tomáš DVOŘÁK and Josef HOLEJŠOVSKÝ. Obchodní společnosti a družstva (Business Companies and Cooperatives). první. Praha: C. H. Beck Praha, 2014. 448 pp. Academia iuris. ISBN 978-80- 7400-475-9. PrF:MV913K Currency and Foreign Exchange Law 3 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA Teacher(s) JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D. (lecturer) JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to explain (particularly to the students of both legal and economical degree programs) the legal aspects of both the monetary law and the foreign exchange law and help students to understand the role of the central banks and financial arbitrator within this area. Teaching methods Lectures and seminars with discussion. Assessment methods Colloquium - semestral paper with discussion. Learning outcomes At the end of the course student should be able to define basic instituts of monetary law and monetary polic and explain functioning of central banking in the world. He should be able to solve case studies. Syllabus Monetary law and its legal regulation. Foreign Exchange Law. Czech National Bank, ECB, other central banks. Literature REVENDA, Zbyněk. Centrální bankovnictví. Vyd. 1. Praha: Management Press, 1999. 741 s. ISBN 80-85943- 89-1. VENCOVSKÝ, František. Dějiny bankovnictví v Českých zemích. Vyd. 1. Praha: Bankovní institut, 1999. 594 s. ISBN 80-7265-030-0. JÁNOŠÍKOVÁ, Petra, Petr MRKÝVKA, Silvie ANDERLOVÁ, Dagmar BÁRKOVÁ, Damian CZUDEK, Michal JANOVEC, Libor KYNCL, Jan NECKÁŘ, Josef NOCAR, Zdenka PAPOUŠKOVÁ, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Michal RADVAN, Pavel SEKNIČKA, Václav ŠKOLOUT, Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ and Daniel TELECKÝ. Finanční a daňové právo. 2. aktualizované a doplněné. Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, s. r. o., 2016. 492 pp. ISBN 978-80-7380-639-2. REVENDA, Zbyněk, Martin MANDEL, Jan KODERA, Petr MUSÍLEK and Petr DVOŘÁK. Peněžní ekonomie a bankovnictví. 5,. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Management Press, 2014. 423 stran. ISBN 9788072612796. PrF:MV932K Capital Market Law 3 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. Teacher(s) JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. JUDr. Ing. Michal Radvan, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of this subject is to give basic information how to invest on capital market in the Czech Republic to the student of Faculty of Law. It should offer information about rights and duties of the securities emitters and other members of the market. Control and monitoring on capital market will be mentioned, too. At the end of 33 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR the course student should be able to understand and explain basic terms from the area of capital market law, describe functioning of the capital market in the Czech Republic and apply the knowledge in practice. Student should be able to analyze prospectus of the securities, set conditions to run business in the area of investments, analyze status of the collective fund and decisions of Appellate Committee. Teaching methods Speaches connected with class discussion. Individual work in the form of skill training. Support with the elearning for students with Individual study plans. Assessment methods Semestral paper and its presentation on chosen theme within the area of capital market law written by a group of students (max. 4 students). Learning outcomes After the course, the student will be able to; - to define the basic theoretical characteristics of the capital market and its functioning; - Identify the inclusion of the capital market in the system of law; - Know the practical problems associated with the capital market; - Clearly define the role of capital market supervision; - to elaborate the basic features and problems of the subject of the seminar work based on presented colloquial work in area of capital market; Syllabus Lectures: 1st Capital markets law and its place in the system of financial law 2nd Capital market subjects 3rd Initial Public Offer (IPO) 4th Collective investments 5th Secondary trading in securities 6th European capital markets law, integration, harmonisation 7th Client profit and payments for services on CM Seminars (Fac. of Econ.): 1st Capital markets law and its position in system of financial law 2nd Subjects of CM I 3rd Subjects of CM II 4th Investment services 5th Discussion on the essays 6th Discussion on the essays II. Workshops in skill training (Fac. of Law): 1st Capital markets law as an economic subject, competition 2nd Analysis of the prospectus 3rd Analysis of the decisions of the Appellate Committee 4th Discussion on the essays 5th Discussion on the essays II Literature required literature RADVAN, Michal, Libor KYNCL and Michaela MOŽDIÁKOVÁ. Právo kapitálového trhu (Capital Market Law). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010. 61 pp. Edice učebnic PrF MU č. 456. ISBN 978-80-210-5277-2. JANOVEC, Michal, Lukáš WEISS, Katarína KOLBENHAYEROVÁ and Marek BOČÁNEK. Propedeutika finančního práva IV. Právo finančního trhu (Propedeutics of Financial Law IV. Financial Market Law). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. 226 pp. Učebnice Právnické fakulty MU 556. ISBN 978-80-280-0025-7. recommended literature REJNUŠ, Oldřich. Finanční trhy (Financial Markets). Druhé rozšířené. Key Publishing, 2010. 660 pp. Ekonomie. ISBN 978-80-7418-080-4. not specified RADVAN, Michal, Petr MRKÝVKA and Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ. Základy finančního práva - 3. vyd. (Basis of Financial Law). 3rd ed. Praha: Armex Publishing, 2008. 112 pp. Trivis. ISBN 978-80-86795-68-3. BAKEŠ, Milan. Finanční právo. 4. aktualiz. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2006. xxx, 741. ISBN 8071794317. KOTÁSEK, Josef, Jarmila POKORNÁ and Přemysl RABAN. Kurs obchodního práva : právo cenných papírů. 4. vyd. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2005. xxxiv, 728. ISBN 807179855X. MRKÝVKA, Petr, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Michal RADVAN, Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ, Tomáš FOLTAS and Petra NOVÁKOVÁ. Finanční právo a finanční správa. 1. díl (Finance Law and Finance Administration. 1st part.). Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2004. 404 pp. (Edice učebnic PrF MU v Brně ; č. 354). ISBN 80-210-3578-1. DĚDIČ, Jan. Právo cenných papírů a kapitálového trhu. 1. vyd. Praha: Prospektrum, 2000. 546 s. ISBN 80- 7175-084-0. DĚDIČ, Jan and Jan PAULY. Cenné papíry. Praha: Prospektrum, 1994. 220 s. ISBN 808543198X. ESF:BDX_AKAP Academic writing 2 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor prof. Ing. Martin Kvizda, Ph.D. Teacher(s) prof. Ing. Martin Kvizda, Ph.D. (lecturer) PhDr. Jaroslav Nekuda (lecturer) PhDr. Jaroslav Nekuda (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jiří Poláček, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives Students will gain an overview of the complete technological line of academic writing, starting from topic selection, search and evaluation of suitable information sources to gaining familiarity with rules and procedures of 34 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR writing a specialist text. A great emphasis will be put on ethical rules of research and scientific work. A brief overview of chosen methods and procedures used in scientific and research work in social and economic sciences will be given. Teaching methods The entire course is Internet-based and therefore there is no classroom instruction. It is made up of selfcontained, topic-based lessons which will gradually be made available in the Information System. All the study materials will be made available in the e-form in the IS. Each chapter is also accompanied by an optional module labelled “For the curious“containing additional study materials or interesting facts related to the discussed subject matter. Assessment methods Credit will be awarded after the following criteria have been met: 1. Access and login to each lesson in the Information System within the deadline. 2. Completion of the assigned tasks accompanying each lesson within the deadline. 3. Submission of individual written work and participation in the peer-review system. 4. Scoring required number of points of all assigned tasks. Learning outcomes Student will gain an understanding on the following topics: - Comprehension of academic work methodology within a field of social sciences; - Finding and analysing relevant literature for study along with other supportive information resources; - Formulating a topic and a research question as a starting point of the Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis; - Getting familiar with the most frequently used economic research methods; - Referencing used literature sources in accordance with international citation norms; - Perfecting writing skills in typography, use of graphical symbols and grammar context. Syllabus 1. Information management system of University libraries (Masaryk University and Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk Uni- versity) the Aleph library system, services New books and Magazine contents electronic information, source classification, main groups of sources, search techniques main groups introduction: e-books, magazine databases, specialized databases citation indexes and scientometry 2. Introduction to academic writing typology of academic work topic selection, role of an academic paper supervisor structure of an academic paper academic writing (preparation, time management, psychohygiene, academic language, aspect of stylistics, text revision, auxiliary strategies) writing of the most frequently used document types in English and German (report, summary, CV, cover letter) treated from the stylistic, grammatical and lexical perspective selected methods and techniques of scientific and research work, meaningfulness of values in social science research, paradigms presentation and defence 3. Ethics of scientific and research work and technical side of academic writing academic writing ethics, plagiarism and its detection literature citations, bibliography technical side of writing (typography, rules on text arrangement and layout, rules on typesetting and visual data representation) Literature recommended literature NEKUDA, Jaroslav, Lucie KUŽELÍKOVÁ and Jiří POLÁČEK. Sociálně-ekonomické informace a práce s nimi. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 88 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-4577-4. ZBÍRAL, Robert. Příručka psaní seminárních a jiných vysokoškolských odborných prací. Praha: Linde, 2009. 159 s. ISBN 9788072017799. ECO, Umberto and Ivan SEIDL. Jak napsat diplomovou práci. Olomouc: Votobia, 1997. 271 s. ISBN 80-7198- 173-7. ESF:BPF_FIMA Financial Mathematics 6 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Luděk Benada, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Luděk Benada, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. Silvie Zlatošová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Luděk Benada, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Silvie Zlatošová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) 35 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Course objectives After passing the course is student able to: make clear the fundamentals of financial mathematics, calculation of annuities and the principles of interest. Futher, he will able to make use of the interest in fundamental areas of financial mathematics and apply acquired knowledge to the related areas which are not discussed within this course. Teaching methods Lectures combined with student interaction, Seminars - solving of problems related to interest, savings, annuities, credits and some securities. Assessment methods Structure of the course: 1/2 (lecture / seminar) Assessment: The valuation will be based on written exam. The regular valuation takes place in the form of 2 control tests. The maximum score of each test is 15 points, i.e. 30 points in total. The tests will be held in 7th week (October 24 - 27) and 14th week (December 12 - 16) of the semester. To successfully complete the course, it is necessary to obtain at least 18 points. A student who does not get at least 18 points is graded ”F”. The student who does not get the required number of points can use the correction dates that will take place during the exam period. The score of the remedial test will have the score of 30 points, and in order to successfully complete the course, it is required at least 18 points (including the activities during the semester). The correction deadline can also be used by those who have been properly excused in the IS for their nonparticipation in one of the control tests. For them, this written test will only replace the points from the missed test. Classification scale: A = 92 - 100+ B = 84 - 91 C = 76 - 83 D = 68 - 75 E = 60 - 67 F = less than 60 If a student commits an illegal conduct such as the use of various illegal aids (”cheat sheet”), copying, taking test assignments and conduct that interferes with the course of the test, the teacher interrupts the examination and assigns classification to IS F or FF, depending on the severity of the offense. possibly also FFF. In the case of a serious misdemeanour, the disciplinary commission will be initiated to initiate disciplinary proceedings. Learning outcomes Student will be able to: - understand and apply the concept of time value of captal; - make decisions on time-diverging cash flows; - interpret an informative content of interest rate; - apply variations of interest calculation: after-term and pre-term (linear, compound, exponetial, combined); - understand the value of real and nominal capital depending on the form of taxation and price level; - effectively work with the annuities on which the whole field of finance is based. Syllabus Thematic plan - lectures: Organizational instructions 19. 9. Simple Interest 3. 10. Discounting 17. 10. Compound Interest 31. 10. Reading week 7. 11. Anuities I 21. 11. Anuities II 5. 12. Introduciton to the Stochastics Modeling Thematic plan - seminars: 1. Review of basic math skills 2. Simple Interest 3. Simple Interest & Discounting 4. Discounting 5. Compound Interst 6. 1st Test 7. Reading week 8. Compoud Interest 9. Anuities I 10. Anuities II 11. Anuities III 1. 12. Anuities Review of basic math skills & Stochastic Calculus 13. 2nd Test 36 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Literature required literature GUTHRIE, Gary and Larry LEMON. Mathematics of Interest Rates and Finance. Pearson New International Edition, 2013. ISBN 978-1-292-03983-1. BUCHANAN, J. Robert. An undergraduate introduction to financial mathematics. 3rd ed. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2012. xviii, 464. ISBN 9789814407441. recommended literature DWORSKY, Lawrence N. Understanding the mathematics of personal finance : an introduction to financial literacy. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2009. xvii, 242. ISBN 9780470497807. BUDINSKÝ, Petr and Přemysl ZÁŠKODNÝ. Finanční a investiční matematika. 1. vyd. Praha: Vysoká škola finanční a správní, 2004. 127 s. ISBN 8086754111. Skripta FIMA ESF:BPF_OSFI Personal finance 8 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Gabriela Oškrdalová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Ing. Gabriela Oškrdalová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Ing. Elena Láncošová (seminar tutor) Ing. Gabriela Oškrdalová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The course Personal Finance is designed as the first introduction for students to personal and family finances. In the introductory part the course deals with fundamental terms of personal and family finances and personal and family goals and their planning. The following units are focused on savings and investment, pension, but also on risk and hedging against it. Even loans and housing will not be left out. In the context of this course students also receive information on selected areas of taxes in the Czech Republic. Teaching methods lectures, seminars - homework, class discussion, example solution, tests Assessment methods The in-term tests in seminars will be taken in weeks 6 and 12 of the semester (23 March 2023 and 4 May 2023). Homework. Students are allowed to take the exam (written) after the following requirements have been met: - scoring at least 60% in in-term tests; - processing and submission of homework (at least 5 of 6 assessed ”passed”) - compulsory attendance of seminars, only three absences are tolerated. The course is completed with an written exam. Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes At the end of this course a graduate will be able to: - identify personal and family finances - characterize different types of ways of saving, investment, risk management, insurance products and loans - clarify the tax aspects of personal and family finances - describe financial planning and its stages - compare ownership, cooperative and rental housing - introduce the pension system in the Czech Republic. Syllabus 1. Introduction to personal and family finances 2. Personal and family goals and personal and family financial planning 3. Deposits and savings 4. Investing 5. Pension 6. Risk and hedging against it, insurance 7. Loans 8. Housing 9. Taxes in the Czech Republic. Investments, savings, loans and taxes. Literature required literature MÁLEK, Petr, Gabriela OŠKRDALOVÁ and Petr VALOUCH. Osobní finance (Personal finance). 1st ed. Brno: ESF MU, Brno, 2010. 203 pp. Osobní finance, 1. ISBN 978-80-210-5157-7. recommended literature SYROVÝ, Petr and Tomáš TYL. Osobní finance : řízení financí pro každého. 2. aktualiz. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2014. 220 s. ISBN 9788024748320. KOHOUT, Pavel. Investiční strategie pro třetí tisíciletí. 7. aktualiz. a přeprac. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2013. 272 s. ISBN 9788024750644. SMRČKA, Luboš. Rodinné finance : ekonomická krize a krach optimismu. 1. vyd. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2010. xxii, 538. ISBN 9788074001994. Personal finance. Edited by George S. Callaghan - Ian Fribbance - Martin Higginson. 1st ed. Chichester: Wiley, 2007. x, 461. ISBN 9780470028551. 37 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR ESF:BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Silvie Bilková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jiřina Hrbáčková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Markéta Kovaříková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Dita Phillips (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Bc. Eva Punčochářová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Erika Putnová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Petra Stejskalová (seminar tutor) Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Tóthová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives In the second semester the course develops skills covered in the BPJ_JI1A course and provides an opportunity to master further topics and skills typical for a more complex communication, and to apply them to professional activities typical of the business environment, such as: - interpretation of graphical data, - communication over telecommunication devices, - taking minutes and - writing up messages. This subject further develops students’general and business vocabulary as well as grammatical structures typical for technical language. The stress is again put not only on the development of communication skills, but also on the ability to use the acquired knowledge actively. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with an exam - both written and oral. The course requirements are as follows: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic and continuous preparation for the seminars together with fulfilling assigned tasks in the course of the semester), - elaborating an essay written up according to the instructor’s guidelines and handed in by a deadline set by an instructor - 60 % success rate in the final exam test, - successful completion of the oral part. Learning outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: - understand a general economic text of upper-intermediate difficulty level, - discuss covered economic topics and - orientate themselves in English economic terminology relating to the covered topics. Syllabus Během semestru budou probrána následující témata, vycházející z lekcí 6 až 10 používané učebnice: 1. Unit 6 - Customer relations 2. Unit 6 - Customer relations 3.Unit 7 - Manufacturing 4.Unit 7 - Manufacturing 5. Unit 8 - Human Resources 6.Unit 8 - Human Resources 7. Unit 9 - Management 8. Unit 9 - Management 9. Unit 10 - Project management 10.Unit 10 - Project management 11. Delivering presentations 12. Delivering presentations Literature required literature ASHFORD, Stephanie and Tom SMITH. Business proficiency : Wirtschaftsenglisch für Hochschule und Beruf : mit Prüfungsvorbereitung, Video-DVD und Online-Material. 1. Auflage. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett, 2017. 320 stran. ISBN 9783128000671. ESF:BPJ_JI2F Foreign Language I/2 - French 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Daniela Veškrnová (seminar tutor) 38 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Course objectives In the second semester the course develops skills covered in the BPJ_JI1F course and provides an opportunity to master further topics and skills typical for a more complex communication, and to apply them to professional activities typical of the business environment, such as: - interpretation of graphical data, - communication over telecommunication devices, - taking minutes and - writing up messages. This subject further develops students’general and business vocabulary as well as grammatical structures typical for technical language. The stress is again put not only on the development of communication skills, but also on the ability to use the acquired knowledge actively. Teaching methods This course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods This course is completed with an exam. Credit requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks), - 60% success rate in the final credit test, - elaborating a seminar paper (a summary of economic text, written up according to an instructor’s guidelines and handed in by a deadline set by an instructor). If a student commits a prohibited act, such as using various forbidden tools (e.g. cheatsheets), cribbing, taking out any part of the credit test or any other form of cheating, the teacher is allowed to interrupt the test and to grade the student with F, FF or even FFF, according to the seriousness of the offence. The described procedure applies to all the activities that are included in the final evaluation of the course (seminar work). Learning outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: - understand a general economic text of upper-intermediate difficulty level, - discuss covered economic topics and - orientate themselves in French economic terminology relating to the covered topics. Syllabus Additional Assistant’s Responsibilities: Work Schedules, Business Trips Arrangements Setting Up a Business: Establishment, Legal Forms of Business Up The Market and Business Performance, Market Factors The State role Consumer protection Marketing, Market Research, Forms of Customer Communication Doing Business: Points of Sale, Selling Online Business Correspondence: Standard Letter Layout, Enquiry, Offer Literature required literature BLOOMFIELD, Anatole and Béatrice TAUZIN. Affaires a suivre :cours de français professionnel de niveau intermédiaire. Paris: Hachette, 2001. 192 s. ISBN 2-01-155164-1. SACHS, Rudolf and Renata POHORSKÁ. Francouzská obchodní korespondence : Correspondance commerciale (Souběž.). 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999. 224 s. ISBN 80-85784-84-X. recommended literature PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc. : [méthode de français des affaires : niveau avancé]. Paris: Cle International, 2003. 127 s. ISBN 2090331763. ESF:BPJ_JI2N Foreign Language I/2 - German 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Petra Sojková Teacher(s) Bc. Mgr. Petra Chládková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Petra Sojková (seminar tutor) Course objectives In the second semester the course develops skills covered in the BPJ_JI1N course and provides an opportunity to master further topics and skills typical for a more complex communication, and to apply them to professional activities typical of the business environment, such as: - interpretation of graphical data, - communication over telecommunication devices, - taking minutes and - writing up messages. This subject further develops students’general and business vocabulary as well as grammatical structures typical for technical language. The stress is again put not only on the development of communication skills, but also on the ability to use the acquired knowledge actively. 39 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teaching methods This course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods This course is completed with an exam - both written and oral an B2 level. Credit requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks), - 60% success rate in the final credit test, - elaborating a seminar paper according to an instructor’s guidelines and handed in by a deadline set by an instructor). Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination.” Learning outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: - understand a general economic text of upper-intermediate difficulty level, - discuss covered economic topics and - orientate themselves in German economic terminology relating to the covered topics. Syllabus 1. Career, Purchase contract 2. Foreign trade risks, Performing an order 3. Reminder 4. Complaint letter and reply to a complaint letter 5. Business agent, Agency contract, Correspondence with a business agent 6. Applying for a job, Writing a CV 7. Cultural differences, Bank reference 8. Small talk, Personal correspondence Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch, V. Eismann Chapter 8: Demand (Ex. 2,3), Supply (Ex. 4), Delivery terms (Ex. 5) Chapter 8: Payment terms and delivery time (Ex. 6,7),Peculiarities of foreign trade (Ex. 8,9,10,11) Chapter 8:Breach of a purchase contract (Ex.12), General terms of sale and delivery (Ex. 13), Order processing (Ex. 14,15) Chapter 9: Company profile (Ex. 1), Demand processing (Ex. 2), Check of ability to deliver (Ex. 3,4) Chapter 9: Compiling an offer (Ex. 5,6,7), Chapter 10: Offer negotiations (Ex. 4,5), Submitting a new offer (Ex. 7) Chapter 11: Distribution channels (Ex. 4,5), Outlets in foreign markets (Ex. 10,11) Literature required literature HÖPPNEROVÁ, Věra, Jarmila MATĚNOVÁ and Zuzana GELNAROVÁ. Obchodujeme německy. 5. vyd. Praha: Ekopress, 2013. 278 s. ISBN 9788086929965. EISMANN, Volker. Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch Neu. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2008. 223 s. ISBN 9783468904653. recommended literature HUŠKOVÁ, Helena. Německá čítanka ekonomických textů a cvičeními. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 73 s. ISBN 9788021045712. DREYER, Hilke and Richard SCHMITT. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. 1. Aufl. Ismaning: Max Hueber, 2000. 359 s. ISBN 3-19-007255-8. BÜRGER, Josef. Wirtschaftswörterbuch Tschechisch-Deutsch. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, 1998. 775 s. ISBN 80-85784-29-7. BÜRGER, Josef. Wirtschaftswörterbuch deutsch-tschechisch. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1997. 823 s. ISBN 80- 85784-28-9. ESF:BPJ_JI2S Foreign Language I/2 - Spanish 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) 40 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Course objectives In the second semester the course develops skills covered in the BPJ_JI1S course and provides an opportunity to master further topics and skills typical for a more complex communication, and to apply them to professional activities typical of the business environment, such as: - interpretation of graphical data, - communication over telecommunication devices, - reclamations/complaints and - writing up business plan. This subject further develops students’general and business vocabulary as well as grammatical structures typical for technical language. The focus is again put not only on the development of communication skills, but also on the ability to use the acquired knowledge actively. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with an exam. Exam requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks), - 60% success rate in the final test,oral examination - seminar presentation on an economic topic delivered in the course of the semester using the visual aids Learning outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: - understand a general economic text of upper-intermediate difficulty level, - discuss covered economic topics and - orientate themselves in Spanish economic terminology relating to the covered topics. Syllabus Odborná témata: Presentación comercial, Servicio de atención al cliente (hacer una reclamación), Incorporación inmediata, Traslados laborales internacionales (la movilidad de los ejecutivos), Exportación, El comercio internacional (el comercio exterior de Espana), La economía de América Latina, El Tratado de Asunción y el Mercosur, Los grandes acuerdos internacionales de comercio e integración en el continente americano, Montar un negocio (el plan de empresa y e una ONG), El carácter emprendedor, el perfil del emprendedor espanol, Cuestiones de finanzas - gasto y administración de dinero, el gasto en los hogares espanolas, comparación de los salarios medios en la Unión Europea, Las monedas de la América Latina, las alternativas al dólar, Inversiones éticas, el IBEX 35, Administración del tiempo personal y laboral, la jornada de trabajo en diferentes países, la conciliación laboral y la igualdad, Gramática: la voz pasiva, recursos para debates y negociaciones, expresar opiniones + pres. del subjuntivo, expresar condiciones, la nominalización, el perfecto del subjuntivo, el imperfecto del subjuntivo, usos del subjuntivo con expresiones temporales de futuro, usos del subjuntivo para dar consejos, recursos para elaborar informes, frases de relativo con subjuntivo, conectar con estructuras de relativo, algunos comparativos especiales, estilo indirecto y verbos de transmisión de información, verbos pronominales, ind/subj. con verbos de mandato, prohibición, recomendación e información, expresión de la causa, infinitivo pasado, hipótesis, probabilidad. Literature required literature TANO, MARCELO. Expertos:Curso avanzado de espanol orientado al mundo del trabajo. Libro de alumno.. Barcelona: Difusión, 2011. ISBN 978-84-8443-586-0. recommended literature MACÍKOVÁ, Olga, Vlasta HLAVIČKOVÁ and Věra ŠPÍGLOVÁ. Španělsko-český a česko-španělský hospodářský slovník. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 2003. 426 s. ISBN 80-7238-261-6. not specified TANO, MARCELO. Expertos:Curso avanzado de espanol orientado al mundo del trabajo. Cuaderno de ejercicios.. 2010. ISBN 978-84-8443-587-7. CASTRO, FRANCISCA. uso de la gramática espanola. Nivel intermedio.. Madrid: Edelsa, 2008. ISBN 978-84- 7711-134-4. CASTRO, Francisca. USO de la gramática espaňola - avanzado. 12th ed. Edelsa, 2006. ISBN 84-7711-135-9. MACÍKOVÁ, Olga and Ludmila MLÝNKOVÁ. Español comercial. Vyd. 1. Brno: CP Books, 2005. 342 s. ISBN 8025106527. BONELL, PABLO, de Prada, Marisa and Schmidt, carlos SENOR, ANA. Negocio a la vista. Reportajes con actividades para cursos de espanol de los negocios.. Madrid: Edinumen, 2004. ISBN 84-95986-43-4. 41 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR ESF:BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English 3 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Silvie Bilková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jiřina Hrbáčková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Markéta Kovaříková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Markéta Oplatková Plocková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Dita Phillips (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Bc. Eva Punčochářová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Erika Putnová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Petra Stejskalová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The third semester of the course develops skills covered and competencies gained in the BPJ_JI1A and BPJ_JI2A courses. The topics are extended in cycles, new topics from certain vocationally relevant areas are added and basic skills are further diversified. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with conferring a credit. Credit requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - completion of continuous tasks - 60 % success rate in the final credit test - a joint presentation on an economic topic delivered in the course of the semester using the visual aids - writing a joint report following lecturer’s guidelines Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - apply gained specialized terminology to role-playing, simulations of negotiations and business meetings; - express themselves with accuracy as for the style and a degree of formality - read and understand authentic professional texts at the upper-intermediate and advanced level Syllabus Během semestru budou probrána následující témata, vycházející z lekcí 11 až 13 používané učebnice: 1. U11 Finance and investment 2. U11 Finance and investment 3. Writing a joint report 4. U12 Business to business 5. U12 Business to business 6. Joint presentations 7. Joint Presentations 8. U12 Business to business 9. U13 Economics 10. U13 Economics 11. U13 Economics 12. Credit test Literature ASHFORD, Stephanie and Tom SMITH. Business proficiency : Wirtschaftsenglisch für Hochschule und Beruf : mit Prüfungsvorbereitung, Video-DVD und Online-Material. 1. Auflage. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett, 2017. 320 stran. ISBN 9783128000671. ESF:BPJ_JI3F Foreign Language I/3 - French 3 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The third semester of the course develops skills covered and competencies gained in the BPJ_JI1F and BPJ_JI2F courses. The topics are extended in cycles, new topics from certain vocationally relevant areas are added and basic skills are further diversified. Teaching methods This course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with conferring a credit. Credit requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - 60 % success rate in the final credit test 42 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR seminar presentation on a economic topic delivered in the course of the semester Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - apply gained specialized terminology to role-playing, simulations of negotiations and business meetings; - express themselves with accuracy as for the style and a degree of formality - read and understand authentic professional texts at upper-intermediate and advanced level Syllabus Import, Export Methods of Payment: Cheque, Bill of Exchange, Bank Transfer, Documentary Letter of Credit Customer Care Outsourcing Intellectual and Industrial Property Business Correspondence: Orders, Online Orders, Letter of Acknowledgement Literature required literature BLOOMFIELD, Anatole and Béatrice TAUZIN. Affaires a suivre :cours de français professionnel de niveau intermédiaire. Paris: Hachette, 2001. 192 s. ISBN 2-01-155164-1. SACHS, Rudolf and Renata POHORSKÁ. Francouzská obchodní korespondence : Correspondance commerciale (Souběž.). 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999. 224 s. ISBN 80-85784-84-X. ESF:BPJ_JI3N Foreign Language I/3 - German 3 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Mgr. Petra Sojková Teacher(s) Mgr. Petra Sojková (seminar tutor) Course objectives The third semester of the course develops skills covered and competencies gained in the BPJ_JI1N and BPJ_JI2N courses. The topics are extended in cycles, new topics from certain vocationally relevant areas are added and basic skills are further diversified. Teaching methods This course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods This course is completed with conferring a credit. Credit requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - 60 % success rate in the final credit test - company presentation delivered in the course. Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination.” Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - apply gained specialized terminology to role-playing, simulations of negotiations and business meetings; - express themselves with accuracy as for the style and a degree of formality - read and understand authentic professional texts at upper-intermediate and advanced level - translate authentic professional texts at upper-intermediate and advanced level to their mother tongue with the help of a dictionary. Syllabus Wirtschaftsdeutsch aktuell 1. Pros and cons of mergers 2. Globalization and options for small countries, Unemployment 3. Consequences of economic growth, Enviroment 4. Internet business and Internet 5. Ways out of the economic crisis, Business cycle 6. Stock Exchange 7. German-Czech economic relations 8. Money, currency, inflation 9. Banks 43 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch: Chapter 12: Searching for a sales partner (Ex. 1,2,3,4,5) Chapter 13: Choice of a sales partner (Ex. 1,2,5,6,7,8,9) Chapter 14: Product policy (Ex. 3,4,5), Brand policy (Ex. 6,7 8) Chapter 15: Needsanalysis (Ex. 1,2,3,4,5), Marketresearch (Ex. 6,7,8,9) 10. Test Literature required literature HÖPPNEROVÁ, Věra. Wirtschaftsdeutsch aktuell. 1. vyd. Praha: Ekopress, 2010. 142 s. ISBN 9788086929583. EISMANN, Volker. Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch.. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2008. 223 s. ISBN 9783468904653. recommended literature HUŠKOVÁ, Helena. Německá čítanka ekonomických textů a cvičeními. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 73 s. ISBN 9788021045712. DREYER, Hilke and Richard SCHMITT. Lehr- und Übungs- CD-ROM der deutschen Grammatik. Ismaning: Hueber, 2002. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-19-137255-5. BÜRGER, Josef. Wirtschaftswörterbuch Tschechisch-Deutsch. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, 1998. 775 s. ISBN 80-85784-29-7. BÜRGER, Josef. Wirtschaftswörterbuch deutsch-tschechisch. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1997. 823 s. ISBN 80- 85784-28-9. DREYER, Hilke and Richard SCHMITT. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. 2. Aufl. München: Verlag für Deutsch, 1991. 320 s. ISBN 3-88532-608-6. ESF:BPJ_JI3S Foreign Language I/1 - Spanish 3 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives In the third semester the course develops skills covered in the BPJ_JI2S course and provides an opportunity to master further topics and skills typical for a more complex communication, and to apply them to professional activities typical of the business environment, such as: - interpretation of graphical data, - writing up order/offer, - writing up an invoice and - writing up circular note/memorandum. This subject further develops students’general and business vocabulary as well as grammatical structures typical for technical language. The stress is again put not only on the development of communication skills, but also on the ability to use the acquired knowledge actively. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with conferring a credit. Credit requirements include the following: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks), - 60% success rate in the final credit test, - seminar work, continuous tasks Learning outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: - understand a general economic text of upper-intermediate difficulty level, - discuss covered economic topics and - orientate themselves in Spanish economic terminology relating to the covered topics. Syllabus Léxico relacionado con el mundo empresarial,la jerga o el lenguaje de los profesionales, Los tipos de sociedades en España I (diferentes criterios de clasificación), Los tipos de sociedades en España II (los choques culturales en la empresa), Creación de una empresa I (interpretación de gráficos, cantidades, organigramas), Creación de una empresa II (los departamentos y sus funciones, los cargos y sus funciones), Creación de una empresa III (pasos para la creación de una empresa, diferentes aspectos de la Economía española), Producción y fabricación, La productividad laboral. 44 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Gramática: (no) me gusta/molesta/importa...(que) + infinitivo o subjuntivo, infinitivo/subjuntivo con verbos de sentimiento, deseo y necesidad (alegrarse, gustar, importar, encantar, querer, esperar, desear...), indicativo/subjuntivo con verbos de entendimiento y percepción física o intelectual (creo, pienso, recuerdo, supongo, siento, me he dado cuenta de...), perfecto de subjuntivo x pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo, el condicional compuesto, oraciones condicionales, me gustaría + infinitivo, me gustaría que + préterito imperfecto de subjuntivo, oraciones de relativo II, práctica de las oraciones finales (para que, con el fin de que, etc.), posición de adjetivos, superlativo absoluto, gerundio simple y compuesto, los participios - resumen, preposiciones y conjunciones - repaso. Literature recommended literature TANO, MARCELO. Expertos:Curso avanzado de espanol orientado al mundo del trabajo. Cuaderno de ejercicios.. 2010. ISBN 978-84-8443-587-7. MACÍKOVÁ, OLGA and MLÝNKOVÁ, LUDMILA. Gramática completa de la lengua espanola.Velká španělská gramatika.. první. Brno: C Press, 2010. ISBN 978-80-251-2293-8. IRIARTE ROMERO, Emilio and Emilia NÚNEZ PÉREZ. Empresa siglo XXI. 2008. ISBN 978-84-9848-041-2. CASTRO, Francisca. USO de la gramática espaňola - avanzado. 12th ed. Edelsa, 2006. ISBN 84-7711-135-9. MACÍKOVÁ, Olga, Vlasta HLAVIČKOVÁ and Věra ŠPÍGLOVÁ. Španělsko-český a česko-španělský hospodářský slovník. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 2003. 426 s. ISBN 80-7238-261-6. not specified TANO, MARCELO. Expertos:Curso avanzado de espanol orientado al mundo del trabajo. Libro de alumno.. Barcelona: Difusión, 2011. ISBN 978-84-8443-586-0. SCHMIDT, CARLOS. Asuntos de negocios. 100 actividades de discusión para la ensenanza de espanol de negocios.. Madrid: Edinumen, 2010. ISBN 978-84-9848-141-9. MACÍKOVÁ, Olga and Ludmila MLÝNKOVÁ. Español comercial. Vyd. 1. Brno: CP Books, 2005. 342 s. ISBN 8025106527. BONELL, PABLO, de Prada, Marisa and Schmidt, carlos SENOR, ANA. Negocio a la vista. Reportajes con actividades para cursos de espanol de los negocios.. Madrid: Edinumen, 2004. ISBN 84-95986-43-4. ESF:BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Silvie Bilková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Jiřina Hrbáčková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Markéta Kovaříková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Dita Phillips (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Bc. Eva Punčochářová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Erika Putnová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Petra Stejskalová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives This is a follow-up course of the courses BPJ_JI1A, BPJ_JI2A and BPJ_JI3A and it is completion of students’ overall communicative language competence targeting the Cl level of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages. The emphasis is put on consolidation of advanced language structures and mastering professional language with regard to the preparation for the final language exam. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with an exam - both written and oral. Students can take an oral part of the exam provided the following requirements are fulfilled: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - 60 % success rate in the final exam test - elaborating a seminar paper (an essay written up according to an instructor’s guidelines and handed in by a deadline set by an instructor). Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - deliver a presentation using visual aids - understand an authentic text at advanced level - work with such a text and present his/her opinion on the issues covered there - use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes - produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. 45 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Syllabus 1. U14 Legislation 2. U14 Legislation 3. U14 Legislation 4. Writing a problem solution essay. 5. Writing a problem solution essay. 6. U15 International business 7. U15 International business 8. U15 International business 9. U16 Corporate strategy 10. U16 Corporate strategy 11. U16 Corporate strategy 12. Final revision Literature required literature ASHFORD, Stephanie and Tom SMITH. Business proficiency : Wirtschaftsenglisch für Hochschule und Beruf : mit Prüfungsvorbereitung, Video-DVD und Online-Material. 1. Auflage. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett, 2017. 320 stran. ISBN 9783128000671. ESF:BPJ_JI4F Foreign Language I/4 - French 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Daniela Veškrnová (seminar tutor) Course objectives This is a follow-up course of the courses BPJ_JI1F, BPJ_JI2F and BPJ_JI3F and it is completion of students’ overall communicative language competence targeting level C1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages. The emphasis is put on consolidation of advanced language structures and mastering professional language with regard to the preparation for the final language exam. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods This course is completed with an exam - both written and oral. Students can take an oral part of the exam provided the following requirements are fulfilled: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - elaborating a seminar paper - 60 % success rate in the final exam test successful passing oral exam Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - deliver a presentation using visual aids; - understand an authentic text at advanced level; - work with such a text and present his/her opinion on the issues covered there; - use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes; - produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. Syllabus Company Management: Performance, Trends, Accounting Legal Forms of Business Company foundation and administrative formalities Company liquidation Competition and competitive practices Financing enterprise Stock Market: Stocks and Shares, Shareholder, Stock Exchange – Investment, Share Index Business Correspondence Literature required literature SACHS, Rudolf and Renata POHORSKÁ. Francouzská obchodní korespondence : Correspondance commerciale (Souběž.). 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999. 224 s. ISBN 80-85784-84-X. ESF:BPJ_JI4N Foreign Language I/4 - German 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Petra Sojková 46 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teacher(s) Bc. Mgr. Petra Chládková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Petra Sojková (seminar tutor) Course objectives This is a follow-up course of the courses BPJ_JI1N, BPJ_JI2N and BPJ_JI3N and it is completion of students’ overall communicative language competence targeting level C1 of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages. The emphasis is put on consolidation of advanced language structures and mastering professional language with regard to the preparation for the final language exam. Teaching methods This course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods This course is completed with an exam - both written and oral. Students can take an oral part of the exam provided the following requirements are fulfilled: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - 60 % success rate in the final exam test - elaborating a seminar paper (an essay written up according to an instructor’s guidelines and handed in by a deadline set by an instructor). Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of exams (credit tests) will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the exam (credit test) by awarding grade ”F” in the Information System, and the Dean will initiate disciplinary proceedings that may result in study termination. Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - deliver a presentation using visual aids - understand an authentic text at advanced level - work with such a text and present his/her opinion on the issues covered there - use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes - produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. Syllabus Wda: Wirtschaftsdeutsch aktuell, V. Höppnerova 1. Taxation, Government budget 2. On-call employment, Alternative types of employment 3. Corporate culture, Presentation of a company 4. Costs 5. Balance sheet 6. Adverising, Marketing 7. Trends in tourist industrie 8. Tourist industrie in the Czech Republic, Foreign trade, balance of trade 9. Free time as economic factor? 16. The Tranformation of the Czech Economy Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch: 17. Chapter 17: Market penetration (Ex. 1,2) 18. Marketing mix ( Ex.3,4,5) 19. Market analysis (Ex. 6,7) 20. Sales support (Ex. 8) 21. Manufacturer and trading (Ex. 9) 22. Chapter 18: Produkt launch (Ex. 1,5) 23. Chapter 19: Sales support (Ex. 1,2,3) Literature required literature HÖPPNEROVÁ, Věra. Wirtschaftsdeutsch aktuell. 1. vyd. Praha: Ekopress, 2010. 142 s. ISBN 9788086929583. EISMANN, Volker. Wirtschaftskommunikation Deutsch.. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2008. 223 s. ISBN 9783468904653. recommended literature BÜRGER, Josef. Wirtschaftswörterbuch Tschechisch-Deutsch. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, 1998. 775 s. ISBN 80-85784-29-7. BÜRGER, Josef. Wirtschaftswörterbuch deutsch-tschechisch. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1997. 823 s. ISBN 80- 85784-28-9. 47 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR DREYER, Hilke and Richard SCHMITT. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen GrammatikAuswahl aus den Übungen : Neubearbeitung. Ismaning: Hueber, 2002. 2 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-19-097255-9. HUŠKOVÁ, Helena. Německá čítanka ekonomických textů a cvičeními. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 73 s. ISBN 9788021045712. ESF:BPJ_JI4S Foreign Language I/4 - Spanish 4 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives This is a follow-up course of the courses BPJ_JI1S, BPJ_JI2S and BPJ_JI3S and it is completion of students’ overall communicative language competence targeting the Cl level of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages. The emphasis is put on consolidation of advanced language structures and mastering professional language with regard to the preparation for the final language exam. Teaching methods The course is taught in the form of seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed with an exam - both written and oral. Students can take an oral part of the exam provided the following requirements are fulfilled: - 80% active participation in seminars (systematic continuous preparation and fulfilling assigned tasks) - 60 % success rate in the final exam test - elaborating a seminar paper (summary of an economic article; the summary should consist of approximately 250 words and it should be written up according to an instructor’s guidelines and handed in by a deadline set by an instructor). Learning outcomes At the end of the course, students should be able to: - understand an authentic text at advanced level - work with such a text and present his/her opinion on the issues covered there - use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes - produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. Syllabus El comercio (carta de pedido, envío de fondos, acuse de recibo, ofertas), los Incoterms, el comercio y sus componentes; Internet en el comercio. Documentos comerciales (la circular, albarán de entrega, el memorando) Las franquicias, análisis de ventas, análisis de costes, ley de mejora de protección de los consumidores, La banca (documentos bancarios: pagaré, cheque, transferencia y carta de crédito), la hipoteca, las cajas de ahorros, el mundo bancario espanol y europeo; Calidad de empleo y riesgos laborales; Contratos de trabajo; Cámaras de comercio; La bolsa. La gramática: artículos - resumen, práctica de la comparación, perífrasis verbales, práctica de oraciones consecutivas y comparativas, ser/estar + adj. + que + ind./subjuntivo, oraciones concesivas, formación de palabras, expresiones idiomáticas, ejercicios complementarios. Literature required literature IRIARTE ROMERO, Emilio and Emilia NÚNEZ PÉREZ. Empresa siglo XXI. 2008. ISBN 978-84-9848-041-2. recommended literature MACÍKOVÁ, Olga, Vlasta HLAVIČKOVÁ and Věra ŠPÍGLOVÁ. Španělsko-český a česko-španělský hospodářský slovník. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 2003. 426 s. ISBN 80-7238-261-6. not specified SCHMIDT, CARLOS. Asuntos de negocios. 100 actividades de discusión para la ensenanza de espanol de negocios.. Madrid: Edinumen, 2010. ISBN 978-84-9848-141-9. MACÍKOVÁ, Olga and Ludmila MLÝNKOVÁ. Español comercial. Vyd. 1. Brno: CP Books, 2005. 342 s. ISBN 8025106527. ESF:BPM_MATE Mathematics 6 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Ing. Mgr. Markéta Matulová, Ph.D. 48 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Teacher(s) Ing. Mgr. Markéta Matulová, Ph.D. (lecturer) RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc. (seminar tutor) Ing. Matouš Cabalka (seminar tutor) Mgr. Martin Dzúrik (seminar tutor) Mgr. Lenka Franců (seminar tutor) Bc. Barbora Halaštová (seminar tutor) Mgr. Bc. Martin Chvátal, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Eva Janoušková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Lukáš Kokrda (seminar tutor) Bc. Nikol Lorková (seminar tutor) Mgr. Lukáš Másilko (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Markéta Matulová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Michaela Nováková (seminar tutor) Bc. Jan Prokop (seminar tutor) PhDr. Pavlína Račková, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Vlastimil Reichel, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Eva Sedláková (seminar tutor) Bc. Ondřej Suchánek (seminar tutor) Mgr. Gabriela Žárská (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic tools necessary for quantitative analysis in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and other courses. Teaching methods The course consists of lectures and seminars. Assessment methods The course is completed by an exam. The total score consists of: - the points gained in four written tests (80%) - the points for active participation at instructions and homework - autocorrection exercise (20%) Any copying, recording or taking out the tests, use of unauthorized devices and means of communication or other distortions of test objectivity will be considered a failure in the course and a gross violation of study regulations. Consequently, the teacher closes the test (credit) score in IS by grade ”F” and Dean initiates disciplinary proceedings. Learning outcomes After completing the course, students will be able to - handle routine mathematical operations and calculations. - understand basic mathematical concepts - apply procedures on solving practical problems in real situations. - figure out how to use mathematical tools in economic, commercial, managerial and financial fields. Syllabus Lectures 1. Basic concepts, infinite sequences and series, functions 2. Limits of functions of one variable 3. Derivatives 4. Derivatives in use 5. Optimization of function of one variable 6. Functions of two variables 7. Integration 8. Definite integral 9. Linear algebra 10. Determinant and inverse matrix 11. Systems of linear equations 12. Linear independence Literature required literature SYDSÆTER, Knut, Peter J. HAMMOND, Arne STRØM and Andrés CARVAJAL. Essential mathematics for economic analysis. Fifth edition. Harlow: Pearson, 2016. xvi, 807. ISBN 9781292074610. recommended literature BAUER, Luboš, Hana LIPOVSKÁ, Miloslav MIKULÍK and Vít MIKULÍK. Matematika v ekonomii a ekonomice (Mathematics in Economics and Economy). první vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2015. 352 pp. ISBN 978- 80-247-4419-3. SIMON, Carl P. and Lawrence BLUME. Mathematics for economists. 1st ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1994. xxiv, 930. ISBN 0393957330. HOY, Michael. Mathematics for economics. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011. xiv, 959. ISBN 9780262516228. 49 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR ESF:BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc. Teacher(s) RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc. (seminar tutor) Mgr. Bc. Martin Chvátal, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Ing. Lukáš Kokrda (seminar tutor) Ing. Pavel Loučka (seminar tutor) Ing. Mgr. Markéta Matulová, Ph.D. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the course is to test knowledge of the secondary school mathematics necessary for the course Mathematics. Teaching methods In case of failing in the test self-study or course Mathematics 0 before resit. Assessment methods Credit requirements: Success at the test of the secondary school mathematics. Learning outcomes The knowledge of the secondary school mathematics necessary for the course Mathematics. Syllabus 1. The basics of logic and set theory 2. Number systems 3. The basics of algebra 4. Functions 5. Equations and inequations 6. Sequences and series 7. Combinatorics, probability theory, statistics 8. Mathematical analysis 9. Analytic geometry Literature required literature POLÁK, Josef. Přehled středoškolské matematiky. 9. vyd. Praha : Prometheus, 2008. 660 s. ISBN 978-80- 7196-356-1 (s výjimkou kapitoly 9) popř. učebnice matematiky pro gymnázia recommended literature učebnice matematiky pro gymnázia 3 Provision of personnel This chapter includes MU academic staff involved in teaching or guarantee of required and selective courses in the degree programme. All academic staff are provided with information on experiences with supervision of theses at the university since 2000. The format is as follows: currently supervised thesis / total supervised and successfully defended thesis. The guarantors of the Profile Core Courses (P) and Fundamental Theoretical Profile Core Course (Z) comply with the following requirements in accordance with Government Regulation No. 274/2016 Coll., On Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education: • Staff Member Sheet: Checks if the Staff Member Sheet is completed. • Qualification: Guarantors of (P) courses in Master’s degree programmes and guarantors of (Z) courses in Bachelor’s degree programmes must have a doctoral degree. • Habilitation: Guarantors of (Z) courses in Master’s degree programmes must be habilitated. • Participation in teaching: Guarantors of (Z) courses in Master’s or Bachelor’s degree programmes must participate in teaching. 3.1 Guarantors of the profile core courses Oleg Deev, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – P, Z ESF: BPF_BAN1 Banking 1 (lecturer, guarantor) ESF: BPF_BAS1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPF_BAS2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPF_TEBP Bachelor Thesis Assignment (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 10 / 28 Master’s theses: 11 / 49 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Bakalářské práce: 2 50 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 6 / 68 Master’s theses: 9 / 102 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Michal Kvasnička, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 13 / 58 Master’s theses: 6 / 48 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 1 prof. Ing. Štefan Lyócsa, PhD. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z Habilitation: (2014) Ekonomika a management podniku (Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Slovensko) ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 11 / 15 Master’s theses: 6 / 12 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 4 Theses outside MU: Bakalářské práce: 27 Diplomové práce: 34 Disertační práce: 1 doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z Habilitation: (2013) Finanční právo a finanční věda (Univerzita Karlova) Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BEP501ZK Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU (lecturer) PrF: BEP601ZK Finances of Local Government (lecturer) PrF: BVV01K Public Finance and Fiscal Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV02ZK Fiscal Administration Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) PrF: MV913K Currency and Foreign Exchange Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 5 / 107 Master’s theses: 4 / 116 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 2 / 19 Theses outside MU: Diplomové práce: 28 Ing. Svatopluk Nečas, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_POJ1 Insurance Industry 1 (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 8 / 58 Master’s theses: 4 / 67 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – P, Z Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BEP501ZK Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BEP601ZK Finances of Local Government (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BVV01K Public Finance and Fiscal Law (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BVV02ZK Fiscal Administration Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer) 51 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 8 / 153 Master’s theses: 6 / 161 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 11 Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – P ESF: BPF_BAS1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_BAS2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_TEBP Bachelor Thesis Assignment (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 10 / 20 Master’s theses: 12 / 32 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. Guarantor of the profile core course – P Professorship: (2005) Mezinárodní právo soukr. a právo mezinár. obchodu (Univerzita Karlova) Habilitation: (1994) Mezinárodní právo (Masarykova univerzita) PrF: BEV501ZK European Private International Law (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BEV801ZK International Trade Law (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 7 / 54 Master’s theses: 7 / 204 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 32 Theses outside MU: Diplomové práce: 5 Disertační práce: 2 JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA Guarantor of the profile core course – P PrF: BEP501ZK Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU (lecturer) PrF: BVV02ZK Fiscal Administration Law (lecturer, guarantor) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) PrF: MV913K Currency and Foreign Exchange Law (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 9 / 172 Master’s theses: 10 / 129 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 3 Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (lecturer, seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FITR Financial Markets (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 12 / 72 Master’s theses: 14 / 149 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D. Guarantor of the profile core course – Z Habilitation: (2007) Hospodářská politika (Masarykova univerzita) ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 7 / 39 Master’s theses: 7 / 95 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 10 3.2 Teacher(s) RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc. Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. 52 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (seminar tutor) ESF: BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test (seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Luděk Benada, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIMA Financial Mathematics (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 11 / 44 Master’s theses: 12 / 71 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Silvie Bilková Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: n/a doc. Ing. Jiří Blažek, CSc. Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 23 Master’s theses: 0 / 86 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 6 Mgr. Michal Blažek, Ph.D. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 1 Master’s theses: 13 / 13 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Bc. Luboš Brim PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 1 Master’s theses: 15 / 20 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Eva Brucknerová, Ph.D. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 4 / 72 Master’s theses: 17 / 115 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 4 Mgr. Jan Burda Staff Member Sheet missing: personnel sheet not completed. PrF: BEP301ZK European Law (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 53 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Matouš Cabalka ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 1 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Mgr. Lucie Coufalová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 8 / 30 Master’s theses: 12 / 16 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Dr Mgr. Damian Czudek, Ph.D. PrF: BEP501ZK Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU (lecturer) PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 4 / 18 Master’s theses: 11 / 40 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 Theses outside MU: Bakalářské práce: 10 Diplomové práce: 15 Mgr. David Čep, Ph.D. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 5 / 10 Master’s theses: 11 / 25 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. ESF: BPJ_JI2F Foreign Language I/2 - French (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI3F Foreign Language I/3 - French (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI4F Foreign Language I/4 - French (seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 8 Master’s theses: 0 / 4 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. ESF: BPJ_JI2S Foreign Language I/2 - Spanish (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI3S Foreign Language I/1 - Spanish (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI4S Foreign Language I/4 - Spanish (seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Lenka Dobešová, Ph.D. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 2 Master’s theses: 16 / 98 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D., DSc., Univ. Priv. Prof. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 3 / 93 Master’s theses: 14 / 120 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 13 54 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Mgr. Hana Fitzová, Ph.D. ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 11 / 25 Master’s theses: 5 / 9 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. JUDr. Marek Fryšták, Ph.D. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 7 / 115 Master’s theses: 13 / 133 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 9 Theses outside MU: Oponentské posudky na dizertační práce PrF UK Praha a PA ČR Praha Mgr. Zuzana Gric, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FITR Financial Markets (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 5 Master’s theses: 2 / 4 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. PrF: BEP101ZK Legal Theory I (lecturer, seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 4 Master’s theses: 7 / 22 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 Mgr. Adam Holubář Staff Member Sheet missing: personnel sheet not completed. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 2 / 2 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Zdeněk Houdek, Ph.D. PrF: BVV12ZK Introduction to Commercial Law (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 4 / 13 Master’s theses: 13 / 32 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Jiřina Hrbáčková ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Milana Hrušáková, Ph.D., LL.M. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 6 / 23 Master’s theses: 17 / 62 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 2 55 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR prof. JUDr. Jan Hurdík, DrSc. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 6 Master’s theses: 4 / 166 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 15 Theses outside MU: Disertační práce: 5 (PrF ZČU Plzeň, FPr PEVŠ Bratislava) Ing. Bc. Jana Hvozdenská, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 9 / 38 Master’s theses: 11 / 53 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Bc. Mgr. Petra Chládková ESF: BPJ_JI2N Foreign Language I/2 - German (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4N Foreign Language I/4 - German (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Petra Chovancová, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: professional employment since graduating from a higher-education institution. ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 1 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Bc. Martin Chvátal, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (seminar tutor) ESF: BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 1 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. Ing. Robert Jahoda, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_BAS1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_BAS2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_TEBP Bachelor Thesis Assignment (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 10 / 62 Master’s theses: 5 / 67 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 1 JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) PrF: MV932K Capital Market Law (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 2 / 20 Master’s theses: 5 / 38 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 2 / 2 56 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Jan Jonáš, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 14 / 63 Master’s theses: 6 / 47 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Jana Jurníková, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BEP302ZK Public Administration in the C.R. and Europe (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 3 / 108 Master’s theses: 6 / 134 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 5 Ing. Veronika Kajurová, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: personnel sheet not completed. ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 3 / 20 Master’s theses: 3 / 17 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. JUDr. Věra Kalvodová, Dr. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 7 / 133 Master’s theses: 15 / 221 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 2 / 14 Ing. Michaela Kecskésová Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Lukáš Kokrda Staff Member Sheet missing: professional employment since graduating from a higher-education institution. ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (seminar tutor) ESF: BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Jana Komendová, Ph.D. PrF: BEV802K Basics of Labour Law and Social Security in EU (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 23 Master’s theses: 11 / 72 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 2 Mgr. Markéta Kovaříková Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 57 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR prof. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 3 Master’s theses: 12 / 168 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 7 doc. JUDr. Filip Křepelka, Ph.D. PrF: BEP301ZK European Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 10 / 57 Master’s theses: 8 / 195 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 12 Ing. Zuzana Křížová, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 6 / 49 Master’s theses: 5 / 106 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská Bakalářské práce: 85 Diplomové práce: 64 doc. JUDr. Josef Kuchta, CSc. Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 5 / 130 Master’s theses: 7 / 203 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 14 prof. Ing. Martin Kvizda, Ph.D. ESF: BDX_AKAP Academic writing (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 10 / 44 Master’s theses: 11 / 115 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 5 JUDr. Ing. Petr Machálek, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: professional employment since graduating from a higher-education institution, select publications. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 1 Master’s theses: 4 / 15 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Bc. Radovan Malachta PrF: BEV501ZK European Private International Law (lecturer) PrF: BEV801ZK International Trade Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 2 / 2 Master’s theses: 9 / 9 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Lukáš Másilko ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 58 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Mgr. Markéta Matulová, Ph.D. ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPM_VTMA Mathematics Entrance Test (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 2 Master’s theses: 5 / 16 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Michala Moravcová, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 1 Master’s theses: 4 / 4 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Diplomové práce: 5 Bakalářské práce: 5 Ing. Jakub Moučka Staff Member Sheet missing: personnel sheet not completed. ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 2 / 2 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Jan Neckář, Ph.D. PrF: BVV02ZK Fiscal Administration Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 2 / 7 Master’s theses: 13 / 16 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 PhDr. Jaroslav Nekuda ESF: BDX_AKAP Academic writing (lecturer, seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Josef Nešleha Staff Member Sheet missing: professional employment since graduating from a higher-education institution. ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 9 / 26 Master’s theses: 13 / 48 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Markéta Oplatková Plocková Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 1 / 1 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Gabriela Oškrdalová, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_OSFI Personal finance (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) 59 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Bachelor’s theses: 8 / 50 Master’s theses: 3 / 41 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Tomáš Paleta, Ph.D. ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 9 / 54 Master’s theses: 7 / 48 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Vilém Pařil, Ph.D. ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 4 / 25 Master’s theses: 6 / 62 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Mgr. Dita Phillips Staff Member Sheet missing: professional employment since graduating from a higher-education institution, publications, select publications. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Jiří Poláček, Ph.D. ESF: BDX_AKAP Academic writing (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 1 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Lukáš Potěšil, Ph.D. PrF: BEP302ZK Public Administration in the C.R. and Europe (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 2 / 12 Master’s theses: 9 / 58 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 3 JUDr. Jan Provazník, Ph.D. Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BEV403ZK Criminal Law in the European Area (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 5 / 19 Master’s theses: 19 / 73 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 60 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Mgr. Bc. Eva Punčochářová ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: n/a Mgr. Erika Putnová Staff Member Sheet missing: publications, select publications. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. JUDr. Ing. Michal Radvan, Ph.D. PrF: MV932K Capital Market Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 2 / 155 Master’s theses: 8 / 147 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 9 Theses outside MU: Disertační práce: 1 student v rámci Central European Comparative Law PhD program, Ferenc Deák Doctoral School of Law, University of Miskolc Ing. Mgr. Vlastimil Reichel, Ph.D. ESF: BPM_MATE Mathematics (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 8 / 28 Master’s theses: 14 / 43 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Mgr. Iveta Rohová Staff Member Sheet missing: select publications. PrF: BEP301ZK European Law (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 5 Master’s theses: 0 / 4 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. JUDr. Kateřina Ronovská, Ph.D. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer, seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 6 / 98 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 6 Ing. Mgr. Radek Ruban, Ph.D. PrF: BVV12ZK Introduction to Commercial Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 18 Master’s theses: 13 / 48 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 61 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR doc. JUDr. David Sehnálek, Ph.D. PrF: BEP301ZK European Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 7 / 99 Master’s theses: 18 / 152 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 2 / 6 prof. JUDr. Markéta Selucká, Ph.D. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 6 / 14 Master’s theses: 14 / 118 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 6 Prof. Dr. Martin Schauer Staff Member Sheet missing: personnel sheet not completed. PrF: BEP401ZK Persons and their Position in European Context (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D. PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV09ZK Fiscal Administration (lecturer) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (seminar tutor) PrF: MV913K Currency and Foreign Exchange Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 3 / 25 Master’s theses: 9 / 49 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 JUDr. Michal Smejkal, Ph.D. PrF: BEV802K Basics of Labour Law and Social Security in EU (lecturer) PrF: BVV12ZK Introduction to Commercial Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 2 Master’s theses: 11 / 19 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Petra Sojková ESF: BPJ_JI2N Foreign Language I/2 - German (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI3N Foreign Language I/3 - German (seminar tutor, guarantor) ESF: BPJ_JI4N Foreign Language I/4 - German (seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_BAN1 Banking 1 (lecturer, seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FIRI Financial Management (lecturer, seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_ZAFI Basic Finance (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 12 / 41 Master’s theses: 14 / 38 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Petra Stejskalová ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 62 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Ing. Ondřej Špetík, Ph.D. ESF: BPE_MAE1 Macroeconomics 1 (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 16 / 22 Master’s theses: 1 / 1 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. PrF: BEP501ZK Taxes and Tax Administration in CR and EU (lecturer) PrF: BVV01K Public Finance and Fiscal Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV08K Financial Law (lecturer) PrF: BVV11K European Finance Law (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 8 / 59 Master’s theses: 16 / 87 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 1 prof. Ing. Zdeněk Tomeš, Ph.D. ESF: BPE_MIE1 Microeconomics 1 (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 6 / 30 Master’s theses: 5 / 65 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 4 Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Tóthová, Ph.D. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 2 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. JUDr. Vladimír Týč, CSc. PrF: BEP301ZK European Law (lecturer, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 52 Master’s theses: 6 / 160 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 19 Theses outside MU: Bakalářské práce: 5 Diplomové práce: 8 Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D. ESF: BPJ_JI2A Foreign Language I/2 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI3A Foreign Language I/3 - English (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4A Foreign Language I/4 - English (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Ing. Petr Valouch, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIU1 Financial Accounting 1 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_FIU2 Financial Accounting 2 (seminar tutor) ESF: BPF_TEBP Bachelor Thesis Assignment (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 9 / 77 Master’s theses: 9 / 131 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. Ing. Eva Vávrová, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_BAS1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 (seminar tutor) 63 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Bachelor’s theses: 6 / 11 Master’s theses: 4 / 13 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Bakalářské práce: 56 Diplomové práce: 85 Disertační práce: 5 prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc. PrF: BEP101ZK Legal Theory I (lecturer, seminar tutor, guarantor) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 11 Master’s theses: 1 / 88 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 16 Mgr. Daniela Veškrnová ESF: BPJ_JI2F Foreign Language I/2 - French (seminar tutor) ESF: BPJ_JI4F Foreign Language I/4 - French (seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 1 / 1 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Theses outside MU: Bakalářské práce: 2 (NEWTON College, a.s.) Mgr. Filip Vlček, MJur Staff Member Sheet missing: personnel sheet not completed. PrF: BEV801ZK International Trade Law (lecturer) Bachelor’s theses: 0 / 0 Master’s theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 Mgr. Silvie Zlatošová, Ph.D. ESF: BPF_FIMA Financial Mathematics (lecturer, seminar tutor) Bachelor’s theses: 4 / 25 Master’s theses: 3 / 20 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 3.3 Composition of pedagogical staff by age Position Up to 35 years 36 – 55 years 56 – 70 years 71 years and more Professor 0 7 4 3 Associate professor 1 6 3 1 Assistant professor 9 23 2 0 Instructor 3 0 0 0 Lecturer 11 18 4 0 Other (not academic) 2 3 1 0 3.4 Number of foreign pedagogical staff Quantity Total number of pedagogical staff 101 From Slovakia 5 Other countries 2 Total number of foreign pedagogical staff 7 64 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR 3.5 Publications The academic has selected up to five of their most important publications over the last five years. Oleg Deev, Ph.D. Connectedness of financial institutions in Europe: A network approach across quantiles DEEV, Oleg and Štefan LYÓCSA. Connectedness of financial institutions in Europe: A network approach across quantiles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 550, 15 July 2020, p. 124035- 124047. ISSN 0378-4371. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2019.124035. Validation nightmare: the slotting approach under International Financial Reporting Standard 9 PROROKOWSKI, Lukasz, Oleg DEEV and Jena-Daniel GUIGOU. Validation nightmare: the slotting approach under International Financial Reporting Standard 9. Journal of Risk Model Validation. LONDON: INCISIVE MEDIA, 2021, vol. 15, No 2, p. 63-100. ISSN 1753-9579. doi:10.21314/JRMV.2021.003. How to calm down the markets? The effects of COVID-19 economic policy responses on financial market uncertainty DEEV, Oleg and Tomáš PLÍHAL. How to calm down the markets? The effects of COVID-19 economic policy responses on financial market uncertainty. Research in International Business and Finance. Amsterdam: ELSEVIER, 2022, vol. 60, April, p. 1-17. ISSN 0275-5319. doi:10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101613. The looming crisis in the Chinese stock market? Left-tail exposure analysis of Chinese stocks to Evergrande DEEV, Oleg, Štefan LYÓCSA and Tomáš VÝROST. The looming crisis in the Chinese stock market? Left-tail exposure analysis of Chinese stocks to Evergrande. Finance Research Letters. SAN DIEGO (USA): ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2022, vol. 49, October, p. 1-11. ISSN 1544-6123. doi:10.1016/ Testing risk proxies for financial collateral haircuts: adequacy of capturing tail risk PROROKOWSKI, Lukasz, Oleg DEEV and Hubert PROROKOWSKI. Testing risk proxies for financial collateral haircuts: adequacy of capturing tail risk. The Journal of Risk Finance. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020, vol. 21, No 3, p. 299-316. ISSN 1526-5943. doi:10.1108/JRF-07-2019-0135. Ing. Eva Hýblová, Ph.D. The Current Problems of Harmonization of Accounting for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises HÝBLOVÁ, Eva. The Current Problems of Harmonization of Accounting for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. Taylor & Francis, 2019, vol. 32, No 1, p. 604-621. ISSN 1331-677X. doi:10.1080/1331677X.2018.1561317. Return on sales and wheat yields per hectare of European agricultural entities HÝBLOVÁ, Eva and Roman SKALICKÝ. Return on sales and wheat yields per hectare of European agricultural entities. Agricultural Economics - Zemědělská ekonomika. Česká akademie zemědělských věd, 2018, vol. 2018, No 64, p. 436-444. ISSN 0139-570X. doi:10.17221/209/2017-AGRICECON. Mezinárodní standardy účetního výkaznictví. Studijní text HÝBLOVÁ, Eva and Filip HAMPL. Mezinárodní standardy účetního výkaznictví. Studijní text (International Financial Reporting Standards. Study text). 1., elektronické vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020. 189 pp. ISBN 978-80- 210-9580-9. Ing. Michal Kvasnička, Ph.D. Do R&D Subsidies Support Innovation or Imitation? Evidence from Four EU Countries STANĚK, Rostislav, Michal KVASNIČKA and Ondřej KRČÁL. Do R&D Subsidies Support Innovation or Imitation? Evidence from Four EU Countries. Ekonomický časopis. SAP - Slovak Academic Press, 2018, vol. 66, No 9, p. 909- 924. ISSN 0013-3035. Can we ignore spatial dependence when evaluating mergers? KVASNIČKA, Michal. Can we ignore spatial dependence when evaluating mergers? Empirical Economics. HEIDELBERG: Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, 2022, vol. 62, March, p. 1323-1344. ISSN 0377-7332. doi:10.1007/s00181- 021-02055-x. Is the Retail Gasoline Market Local or National? KVASNIČKA, Michal, Rostislav STANĚK and Ondřej KRČÁL. Is the Retail Gasoline Market Local or National? Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. Springer US, 2018, vol. 18, No 1, p. 47-58. ISSN 1566-1679. doi:10.1007/s10842- 017-0249-0. What Motivates Restaurant Customers to Tip: Evidence from the Czech Republic KVASNIČKA, Michal. What Motivates Restaurant Customers to Tip: Evidence from the Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. Brno: Mendel’s University, 2018, vol. 66, No 1, p. 0273- 0282. ISSN 1211-8516. doi:10.11118/actaun201866010273. prof. Ing. Štefan Lyócsa, PhD. Trading and non-trading period realized market volatility: Does it matter for forecasting the volatility of US stocks? LYÓCSA, Štefan and Neda TODOROVA. Trading and non-trading period realized market volatility: Does it matter for forecasting the volatility of US stocks? International Journal of Forecasting. New York: Elsevier, 2020, vol. 36, No 2, p. 628-645. ISSN 0169-2070. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2019.08.002. 65 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Connectedness of financial institutions in Europe: A network approach across quantiles DEEV, Oleg and Štefan LYÓCSA. Connectedness of financial institutions in Europe: A network approach across quantiles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Elsevier, 2020, vol. 550, 15 July 2020, p. 124035- 124047. ISSN 0378-4371. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2019.124035. Central bank announcements and realized volatility of stock markets in G7 countries LYÓCSA, Štefan, Peter MOLNÁR and Tomáš PLÍHAL. Central bank announcements and realized volatility of stock markets in G7 countries. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 2019, vol. 58, January, p. 117-135. ISSN 1042-4431. doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2018.09.010. Impact of macroeconomic news, regulation and hacking exchange markets on the volatility of bitcoin LYÓCSA, Štefan, Tomáš PLÍHAL, Peter MOLNÁR and Širáňová MÁRIA. Impact of macroeconomic news, regulation and hacking exchange markets on the volatility of bitcoin. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2020, vol. 119, October, p. 1-21. ISSN 0165-1889. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2020.103980. Network-based asset allocation strategies VÝROST, Tomáš, Štefan LYÓCSA and Eduard BAUMÖHL. Network-based asset allocation strategies. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 2019, vol. 47, January, p. 516-536. ISSN 1062-9408. doi:10.1016/j.najef.2018.06.008. doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Svatopluk Nečas, Ph.D. Milníky vývoje českého pojistného trhu NEČAS, Svatopluk and Eva VÁVROVÁ. Milníky vývoje českého pojistného trhu (The Milestones of the Development of the Czech Insurance Market). Pojistné rozpravy : pojistně teoretický bulletin. Česká asociace pojišťoven, 2020, No 37, p. 6-18. ISSN 2571-1059. Insurance and Bets – Similar and Dissimilar Attributes NEČAS, Svatopluk. Insurance and Bets – Similar and Dissimilar Attributes. In The 34th IBIMA Conference ”Vision 2025: Education Excellence and Management of Innovations through Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage”. Spojené státy americké: IBIMA, 2019. p. 11578-11582. ISBN 978-0-9998551-3-3. Milestones in the Development of the Modern Insurance Market in the Czech Republic NEČAS, Svatopluk and Eva VÁVROVÁ. Milestones in the Development of the Modern Insurance Market in the Czech Republic. In Josef Nešleha, Lukáš Marek, Miroslav Svoboda, Zuzana Rakovská. European Financial Systems 2019. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2019. p. 385-391. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. Methodological Context of Evaluation of the Czech Insurance Market NEČAS, Svatopluk. Methodological Context of Evaluation of the Czech Insurance Market. In The 32nd IBIMA Conference ”Vision 2020: Education Excellence and Management of Innovations through Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage”. Spojené státy americké: IBIMA, 2018. p. 6901-6906. ISBN 978-0-9998551-1-9. JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Tomáš Plíhal, Ph.D. A Tale of Tails: New Evidence on the Growth-Return Nexus LYÓCSA, Štefan, Tomáš VÝROST and Tomáš PLÍHAL. A Tale of Tails: New Evidence on the Growth-Return Nexus. Finance Research Letters. San Diego: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2021, vol. 38, January, p. 1-12. ISSN 1544-6123. doi:10.1016/ FX Market Volatility Modelling: Can we use low-frequency data? LYÓCSA, Štefan, Tomáš PLÍHAL and Tomáš VÝROST. FX Market Volatility Modelling: Can we use low-frequency data? Finance Research Letters. 2021, vol. 40, May, p. 1-16. ISSN 1544-6123. doi:10.1016/ Modeling realized volatility of the EUR/USD exchange rate: Does implied volatility really matter? PLÍHAL, Tomáš and Štefan LYÓCSA. Modeling realized volatility of the EUR/USD exchange rate: Does implied volatility really matter? International Review of Economics & Finance. 2021, vol. 71, January, p. 811-829. ISSN 1059-0560. doi:10.1016/j.iref.2020.10.001. Central bank announcements and realized volatility of stock markets in G7 countries LYÓCSA, Štefan, Peter MOLNÁR and Tomáš PLÍHAL. Central bank announcements and realized volatility of stock markets in G7 countries. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 2019, vol. 58, January, p. 117-135. ISSN 1042-4431. doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2018.09.010. Impact of macroeconomic news, regulation and hacking exchange markets on the volatility of bitcoin LYÓCSA, Štefan, Tomáš PLÍHAL, Peter MOLNÁR and Širáňová MÁRIA. Impact of macroeconomic news, regulation and hacking exchange markets on the volatility of bitcoin. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2020, vol. 119, October, p. 1-21. ISSN 0165-1889. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2020.103980. 66 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc. Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a rady (ES) č. 593/2008 o právu rozhodném pro smluvní závazkové vztahy (Řím I) ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda. Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a rady (ES) č. 593/2008 o právu rozhodném pro smluvní závazkové vztahy (Řím I) (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). In Nařízení Řím I, Nařízení Řím II : komentář. 1st ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. p. 1-11. Komentáře Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-80-7598-971-0. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. Včetně problematiky mezinárodního rozhodčího řízení ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Jiří VALDHANS and Tereza KYSELOVSKÁ. Právo mezinárodního obchodu. Včetně problematiky mezinárodního rozhodčího řízení. 4th ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. 524 pp. ISBN 978-80-7676-046-2. Czech Republic: The Treatment of Optional and Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Silvie MAHDALOVÁ and Lucie ZAVADILOVÁ. Czech Republic: The Treatment of Optional and Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements. In Mary Keyes. Optional Choice of Court Agreements in Private International Law. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 169-195. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, volume 37. ISBN 978-3-030-23913-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-23914-5. Mezinárodní právo soukromé Evropské unie ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Klára DRLIČKOVÁ, Tereza KYSELOVSKÁ and Jiří VALDHANS. Mezinárodní právo soukromé Evropské unie. 2. vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2018. n/a. ISBN 978-80-7598-123-3. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: From Brussels Convention to Regulation Brussels I Recast ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda, Jiří VALDHANS and Tereza KYSELOVSKÁ. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: From Brussels Convention to Regulation Brussels I Recast. In Vesna Rijavec, Wendy Kennett, Tomaž Keresteš, Tjaša Ivanc. Remedies Concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements. Brussels I Recast. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International BV, 2018. p. 39-61. European Monographs Series Set, VOLUME 104. ISBN 978-90- 411-9416-9. JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA Challenges of Customs Law during the Paradigm of “Facility and Security”in International Trade LASZUK, Mirosława and Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ. Challenges of Customs Law during the Paradigm of “Facility and Security”in International Trade. Bialystok Legal Studies. Polsko, 2021, vol. 26, No 5, p. 9-21. ISSN 1689-7404. doi:10.15290/bsp.2021.26.05.01. Celní zákon: Praktický komentář POLÁK, Pavel, Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ, Ladislav HRBEK, Jana JAREŠOVÁ and Richard VESECKÝ. Celní zákon: Praktický komentář (Customs Code: Practical Commentary). 1st ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. 325 pp. v systému ASPI. ISBN 978-80-7676-051-6. Vybrané právní otázky fiskální odpovědnosti státu MRKÝVKA, Petr, Jiří BLAŽEK, Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Johan SCHWEIGL, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Jan NECKÁŘ, Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ, Nikol NEVEČEŘALOVÁ and Romana BUZKOVÁ. Vybrané právní otázky fiskální odpovědnosti státu (Selected Legal Questions of Fiscal Responsibility of the State). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020. 229 pp. Scientia. ISBN 978-80-210-9771-1. Zákon o celní správě České republiky: Komentář JAREŠOVÁ, Jana, Dana ŠRAMKOVÁ, Lubomír KUČERA, Pavel POLÁK and Vojtěch OHERA. Zákon o celní správě České republiky: Komentář (Act on Customs Administration of the Czech Republic: Commentary). 1st ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. 389 pp. v systému ASPI. ISBN 978-80-7676-136-0. Ing. Dagmar Vágnerová Linnertová, Ph.D. The Effects of Single Monetary Policy on Financial Position of Firms in the Slovak Republic KAJUROVÁ, Veronika and Dagmar LINNERTOVÁ. The Effects of Single Monetary Policy on Financial Position of Firms in the Slovak Republic. Ekonomický časopis. SAP - Slovak Academic Press, 2018, vol. 66, No 7, p. 681-702. ISSN 0013-3035. The Nexus between Monetary Policy and Commercial Lending Rates: Comprehensive Evidence from Czechia during Different Policy Stances KAJUROVÁ, Veronika and Dagmar VÁGNEROVÁ LINNERTOVÁ. The Nexus between Monetary Policy and Commercial Lending Rates: Comprehensive Evidence from Czechia during Different Policy Stances. EASTERN EUROPEAN ECONOMICS. ABINGDON (ENGLAND): TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2022, vol. 60, No 4, p. 330-351. ISSN 0012- 8775. doi:10.1080/00128775.2021.2019057. Two investment options for bearish etf investors: Inverse etf and shorting etf CHOVANCOVÁ, Božena, Michaela DOROCÁKOVÁ and Dagmar LINNERTOVÁ. Two investment options for bearish etf investors: Inverse etf and shorting etf. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2019, vol. 7, No 2, p. 1-14. ISSN 2227-7072. doi:10.3390/ijfs7020031. Loose Monetary Policy and Corporate Investment of Manufacturing Firms in the Czech Republic KAJUROVÁ, Veronika and Dagmar LINNERTOVÁ. Loose Monetary Policy and Corporate Investment of Manufacturing Firms in the Czech Republic. Národohospodářský obzor. Polsko: de Gruyter open, 2018, vol. 18, No 4, p. 371-385. ISSN 1213-2446. doi:10.2478/revecp-2018-0019. 67 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D. Evaluation of the Long-Term Stability and Impact of Remittances and Development Aid on Sustainable Economic Growth in Developing Countries STOJANOV, Robert, Daniel NĚMEC and Libor ŽÍDEK. Evaluation of the Long-Term Stability and Impact of Remittances and Development Aid on Sustainable Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2019, vol. 11, No 6, p. 1538-1555. ISSN 2071-1050. doi:10.3390/su11061538. Competitiveness of Czechoslovak Exports under Socialism and its Impact on Industries’Output Growth after 1989 COUFALOVÁ, Lucie, Štěpán MIKULA and Libor ŽÍDEK. Competitiveness of Czechoslovak Exports under Socialism and its Impact on Industries’Output Growth after 1989. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change. 2020, vol. 28, No 1, p. 111-135. ISSN 2577-6975. doi:10.1111/ecot.12232. Czech Security Dilemma : Russia as a Friend or Enemy? HOLZER, Jan, Miroslav MAREŠ, Tomáš ŠMÍD, Martin JIRUŠEK, Petra KUCHYŇKOVÁ, Lucie COUFALOVÁ, Libor ŽÍDEK, Tomáš VLČEK, Jiří GAZDA, Josef ŠAUR, Pavel BOČEK and Radomír VLČEK. Czech Security Dilemma : Russia as a Friend or Enemy? 1st ed. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 235 pp. New Security Challenges. ISBN 978- 3-030-20545-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20546-1. Centrally Planned Economies: Theory and Practice in Socialist Czechoslovakia ŽÍDEK, Libor. Centrally Planned Economies: Theory and Practice in Socialist Czechoslovakia. 1st. London, New York: Routledge, 2019. 258 pp. Routledge Studies in the European Economy. ISBN 978-1-138-61438-3. RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Luděk Benada, Ph.D. Inadequate stock price reactions; Evidence from Prague Stock Exchange MAREK, Lukáš and Luděk BENADA. Inadequate stock price reactions; Evidence from Prague Stock Exchange. Finance a úvěr. Univerzita Karlova, Datakonekt, 2020, vol. 70, No 4, p. 332-349. ISSN 0015-1920. Comparison of the impact of econometric models on hedging performance by crude oil and natural gas BENADA, Luděk. Comparison of the impact of econometric models on hedging performance by crude oil and natural gas. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2018, vol. 66, No 2, p. 423-429. ISSN 1211-8516. doi:10.11118/actaun201866020423. Linear hedging of crude oil and natural gas BENADA, Luděk. Linear hedging of crude oil and natural gas. In Daniel Stavarek. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. Olney, Bucks MK46 5WB, UK: Inderscience, 2018. p. 323-333. ISSN 1742-7541. doi:10.1504/IJTGM.2018.097279. Mgr. Silvie Bilková n/a doc. Ing. Jiří Blažek, CSc. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Mgr. Michal Blažek, Ph.D. The Terminal of Marriage in Czech Labor Code ANTLOVÁ, Tereza and Michal BLAŽEK. The Terminal of Marriage in Czech Labor Code. BIALYSTOK LEGAL STUDIES. Białystok, Poland: Faculty of Law, University of Białystok, 2021, vol. 26, No 2, p. 71-80. Zákaz dětské práce a výchovné povinnosti v zákoně o soudnictví ve věcech mládeže BLAŽEK, Michal. Zákaz dětské práce a výchovné povinnosti v zákoně o soudnictví ve věcech mládeže (Prohibition of child labor and upbringing obligations in juvenile justice laws). Trestněprávní revue. Praha: Nakladatelství C. H. Beck, s. r. o., 2020, vol. 19, No 3, p. 148-154. ISSN 1213-5313. Závislá práce a výkon umělecké činnosti HORECKÝ, Jan, Michal BLAŽEK, Jakub HALÍŘ, Vojtěch KADLUBIEC, Michal SMEJKAL, Roman ZAPLETAL and Tereza ANTLOVÁ. Závislá práce a výkon umělecké činnosti (Dependent work and artistic activities). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Právnická fakulta, 2020. 177 pp. Edice Scientia sv. 704. ISBN 978-80-210-9805-3. Dependent Work and Internship HORECKÝ, Jan and Michal BLAŽEK. Dependent Work and Internship. Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Managment. Trnava: Labour Law Association, 2019, vol. 2, No 2, p. 7-21. ISSN 2644-4917. doi:10.33382/cejllpm.2019.03.0 Rozlišení dětí od mladistvých zaměstnanců na základě věku aneb obstojí hranice i ve 21. století? BLAŽEK, Michal and Roman ZAPLETAL. Rozlišení dětí od mladistvých zaměstnanců na základě věku aneb obstojí hranice i ve 21. století? (Differing Children from Minor Employees on the Basis of Their Age – Will the Limit Withstand in the 21st Century?). In HAMUĽÁK, Juraj a kol. Zamestnávanie mladých ľudí v čase hospodárskych zmien vo svetle migračnej krízy. 1. vydání. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer SK, 2019. p. 206-234. ISBN 978-80-571-0117-8. 68 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Mgr. Bc. Luboš Brim § 436 - § 440 [Zastoupení - Překročení zástupčího oprávnění a nezmocněné jednatelství] BRIM, Luboš. § 436 - § 440 [Zastoupení - Překročení zástupčího oprávnění a nezmocněné jednatelství] (§ 436 - § 440). In Lavický, Petr a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 303-654 : komentář. 2nd ed. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H.Beck, 2022. p. 1351-1384. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. § 609 - § 614 [Pojem a podstata promlčení - Nepromlčitelnost některých majetkových práv] BRIM, Luboš. § 609 - § 614 [Pojem a podstata promlčení - Nepromlčitelnost některých majetkových práv] (§ 609 - § 614). In Lavický, Petr a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 303-654 : komentář. 2nd ed. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2022. p. 1943-1987. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. § 617 - § 620 I, II 1 – 2, III, IV, V [Využití promlčené pohledávky při obraně a započtení - Počátek promlčecí lhůty u práva na náhradu újmy] BRIM, Luboš. § 617 - § 620 I, II 1 – 2, III, IV, V [Využití promlčené pohledávky při obraně a započtení - Počátek promlčecí lhůty u práva na náhradu újmy] (§ 617 - § 620 I, II 1 – 2, III, IV, V). In Lavický, Petr a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 303-654 : komentář. 2nd ed. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2022. p. 1993-2018, 2020-2028, 35 pp. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. § 621 - § 643 [Počátek promlčecí lhůty u práva na vydání bezdůvodného obohacení - Promlčení práv přecházejících na dědice a důsledky obnovení právnické osoby ] BRIM, Luboš. § 621 - § 643 [Počátek promlčecí lhůty u práva na vydání bezdůvodného obohacení - Promlčení práv přecházejících na dědice a důsledky obnovení právnické osoby ] (§ 621 - § 643). In Lavický, Petr a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 303-654 : komentář. 2nd ed. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2022. p. 2028-2115. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. Právní následky porušení notifikační povinnosti dle § 2902 ObčZ BRIM, Luboš. Právní následky porušení notifikační povinnosti dle § 2902 ObčZ (Legal Consequences of the Breach of the Duty to Notify (§ 2902 CC)). Právní rozhledy. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2018, vol. 26, No 5, p. 173-177. ISSN 1210-6410. JUDr. Eva Brucknerová, Ph.D. Coronavirus and the tactics of criminalistics MALÝ, Jan and Eva BRUCKNEROVÁ. Coronavirus and the tactics of criminalistics. In Lietuvos Kriminalistu Draugija. Criminalistics and Forensic Expertology: science, studies, practice. 1st ed. Vilnius: Lietuvos Kriminalistu Draugija, 2021. p. 112-130. ISBN 978-9986-555-48-3. Možnosti ukládání trestního opatření obecně prospěšných prací mládeži BRUCKNEROVÁ, Eva. Možnosti ukládání trestního opatření obecně prospěšných prací mládeži (Possibilities of Imposing Criminal Measures on Community Service for Youth). Právní rozhledy. C.H. Beck, 2020, vol. 28, No 20, p. 714 - 718. ISSN 1210-6410. Aktuální vývoj institutu podmíněného propuštění BRUCKNEROVÁ, Eva. Aktuální vývoj institutu podmíněného propuštění (The Current Development of Conditional Release). In Jiří Jelínek. Deset let od přijetí českého trestního zákoníku. 1st ed. Praha: Leges, 2019. p. 214-223. Teoretik. ISBN 978-80-7502-354-4. Aplikační problémy ukládání peněžitého trestního opatření u mladistvých v ČR KANDOVÁ, Katarína and Eva BRUCKNEROVÁ. Aplikační problémy ukládání peněžitého trestního opatření u mladistvých v ČR (Application problems of imposition of pecuniary criminal measures to juveniles in the Czech Republic). In Sankcie. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. p. 53-63. ISBN 978-80-8168-973-4. Mgr. Jan Burda No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Matouš Cabalka CABALKA, M.; CHARVÁT, P.; FIŠER, J.; POPELA, P.; PEŠEK, M. Plug-in Hybrids vs Battery Powered Vehicles Optimisation Model for Charging Infrastructure at a University Campus. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, roč. 94, č. 1, s. 1051-1056. ISSN: 2283-9216. LÍZAL, F.; CABALKA, M.; MALÝ, M.; ELCNER, J.; BĚLKA, M.; LÍZALOVÁ ŠUJANSKÁ, E.; FARKAS, Á.; ŠTARHA, P.; PECH, O.; MIŠÍK, O.; JEDELSKÝ, J.; JÍCHA, M. On the behavior of inhaled fibers in a replica of the first airway bifurcation under steady flow conditions. AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022, roč. 56, č. 4, s. 367-381. ISSN: 0278-6826. CABALKA, M.; CHARVÁT, P.; FIŠER, J.; POPELA, P. Electric Vehicle Charging Potential on a University Campus. Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. Brno: 2021. s. 1-6. LÍZAL, F.; BĚLKA, M.; MALÝ, M.; CABALKA, M.; JEDELSKÝ, J.; JÍCHA, M. Flow Behaviour of Inhaled Fibres – Equations of Motion and Preliminary Results of Real Trajectories Recorded by a High-Speed Camera. MATEC Web of Conferences. Piešťany: EDP Sciences, 2020. s. 1-4. ISSN: 2261-236X. CABALKA, M.; CHARVÁT, P.; POPELA, P. Matematický model pro ekonomickou optimalizaci virtuální fotovoltaické elektrárny s bateriovým uložištěm. 41. Nekonvenční zdroje elektrické energie. 1. Vémyslice: 2020. s. 6-9. ISBN: 978- 80-02-02900-7. 69 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Mgr. Lucie Coufalová, Ph.D. et Ph.D. Sankce západních zemí a ruská odvetná opatření: dopad na české exporty COUFALOVÁ, Lucie. Sankce západních zemí a ruská odvetná opatření: dopad na české exporty (Sanctions by Western Countries and Russian Countermeasures: Impact on Czech Exports). Politická ekonomie. Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2020, vol. 68, No 3, p. 348-366. ISSN 0032-3233. doi:10.18267/j.polek.1283. Misreporting in financial statements in a centrally planned economy: The case of Czechoslovak state-owned enterprises in late socialism COUFALOVÁ, Lucie, Štěpán MIKULA and Libor ŽÍDEK. Misreporting in financial statements in a centrally planned economy: The case of Czechoslovak state-owned enterprises in late socialism. Accounting History. London: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2023, vol. 28, No 1, p. 170-191. ISSN 1032-3732. doi:10.1177/10323732221109652. Public Support for Economic Transition COUFALOVÁ, Lucie, Lenka KOLAJTOVÁ and Libor ŽÍDEK. Public Support for Economic Transition. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change. HOBOKEN: WILEY, 2023, vol. 31, No 1, p. 161-187. ISSN 2577-6975. doi:10.1111/ecot.12329. Competitiveness of Czechoslovak Exports under Socialism and its Impact on Industries’Output Growth after 1989 COUFALOVÁ, Lucie, Štěpán MIKULA and Libor ŽÍDEK. Competitiveness of Czechoslovak Exports under Socialism and its Impact on Industries’Output Growth after 1989. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change. 2020, vol. 28, No 1, p. 111-135. ISSN 2577-6975. doi:10.1111/ecot.12232. Czech Security Dilemma : Russia as a Friend or Enemy? HOLZER, Jan, Miroslav MAREŠ, Tomáš ŠMÍD, Martin JIRUŠEK, Petra KUCHYŇKOVÁ, Lucie COUFALOVÁ, Libor ŽÍDEK, Tomáš VLČEK, Jiří GAZDA, Josef ŠAUR, Pavel BOČEK and Radomír VLČEK. Czech Security Dilemma : Russia as a Friend or Enemy? 1st ed. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 235 pp. New Security Challenges. ISBN 978- 3-030-20545-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20546-1. Dr Mgr. Damian Czudek, Ph.D. Přímé daně a jejich správa v judikatuře RADVAN, Michal, Damian CZUDEK, Tereza ČEJKOVÁ, Michal LIŠKA, Petra LIŠKOVÁ, Zuzana MARETHOVÁ, Nikol NEVEČEŘALOVÁ and Martin ŠKOP. Přímé daně a jejich správa v judikatuře. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 278 pp. Spisy Právnické fakulty MU, řada teoretická, Edice Scientia, sv. č. 635. ISBN 978-80-210-9084-2. Mgr. David Čep, Ph.D. Předběžná právnická osoba a její odpovědnost – vstupní úvahy RUBAN, Radek and David ČEP. Předběžná právnická osoba a její odpovědnost – vstupní úvahy. In Deset let trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob v ČR: pohledy zpět i vpřed. 2021. Trestný čin pomluvy: k jeho místu v trestním právu, subsidiaritě trestní represe a sankční náhradě újmy – 1. část ČEP, David, Katarína KANDOVÁ and Veselý TOMÁŠ. Trestný čin pomluvy: k jeho místu v trestním právu, subsidiaritě trestní represe a sankční náhradě újmy – 1. část (Criminal Offence of Defamation: On Its Place in Criminal Law, On Subsidiarity of Criminal Repression and On Concept of Punitive Damages). Právní rozhledy. Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2021, vol. 29, 15-16, p. 531-543. ISSN 1210-6410. Komentář k ustanovením § 205 až § 232 trestního zákoníku ČEP, David and Katarína KANDOVÁ. Komentář k ustanovením § 205 až § 232 trestního zákoníku (Commentary on Section 205 - 232 of Criminal Code). In Ščerba, Filip a kol. Trestní zákoník. Komentář. 1st ed. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2020. p. 1643-1902. Beckova edice komentované zákony. ISBN 978-80-7400-807-8. Trestní odpovědnost právnické osoby a člen statutárního orgánu : aneb vytýkatelnost protiprávního činu člena statutárního orgánu právnické osobě ČEP, David. Trestní odpovědnost právnické osoby a člen statutárního orgánu : aneb vytýkatelnost protiprávního činu člena statutárního orgánu právnické osobě (Criminal Liability of Legal Entity and Statutory Body’s Member : or Accountability of Illegal Act of Statutory Body’s Memeber to Legal Entity). 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020. 253 pp. Spisy Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada teoretická, Edice Scientia, 689. ISBN 978-80-210-9706- 3. Mgr. Marie Červenková, Ph.D. Akulturace, multikulturní efektivnost a možnosti interkulturní přípravy studentů VŠ na studijní a pracovní mobilitu: prezentace výsledků čtyř výzkumů ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie, Hana DELALANDE and Daniela OLEJÁROVÁ. Akulturace, multikulturní efektivnost a možnosti interkulturní přípravy studentů VŠ na studijní a pracovní mobilitu: prezentace výsledků čtyř výzkumů (Acculturation, multicultural effectivity and possibilities of intercultural preparation of university students for study and work mobility: presentation of four researches). In Konference Czeducon. 2021. Les étudiants tchèques et slovaques en mobilité internationale : différentes interactions en Erasmus ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie and Hana DELALANDE. Les étudiants tchèques et slovaques en mobilité internationale : différentes interactions en Erasmus (Czech and Slovak students on international mobility: different interaction during Erasmus). CASALC Review. Praha: Česká a slovenská asociace učitelů jazykových center na vysokých školách, 2021, vol. 11, No 1, p. 160-177. ISSN 1804-9435. doi:10.5817/CASALC2021-1-13. 70 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Les étudiants tchèques et slovaques en mobilité internationale : différentes interactions en Erasmus ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie and Hana DELALANDE. Les étudiants tchèques et slovaques en mobilité internationale : différentes interactions en Erasmus (100 / 5000 Výsledky překladu Czech and Slovak students in international mobility: different interactions in Erasmus). In Language Centres at a Crossroads: Open Directions for New Generations of Learners. 2020. L’interférence de l’anglais dans la production langagière des étudiants de français ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie. L’interférence de l’anglais dans la production langagière des étudiants de français. CASALC Review. Brno, 2020, vol. 2020, No 2, p. 41 - 56. ISSN 2694-9288. doi:10.5817/CASALC2020-2-4. Le français pour les étudiants en économie ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie. Le français pour les étudiants en économie. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. Elportál. ISBN 978-80-210-9714-8. Mgr. Veronika De Azevedo Camacho, Ph.D. Autonomous learning: project results - Students in the role of youtubers DE AZEVEDO CAMACHO, Veronika and Marie ČERVENKOVÁ. Autonomous learning: project results - Students in the role of youtubers. In CORALL International Conference. 2022. Médiation, apprentissage en autonomie, plurilinguisme : les étudiants dans le rôle de youtubeurs ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie, Veronika DE AZEVEDO CAMACHO and Monika ŠEVEČKOVÁ. Médiation, apprentissage en autonomie, plurilinguisme : les étudiants dans le rôle de youtubeurs (Mediation, autonomous learning, plurilingualism: students as youtubers). In Vers une valorisation des compétences plurilingues : perspectives et actions. 2022. Výuka ekonomického jazyka na vysokých školách HRBÁČKOVÁ, Jiřina, Veronika DE AZEVEDO CAMACHO, Blanka POJSLOVÁ and Marie ČERVENKOVÁ. Výuka ekonomického jazyka na vysokých školách (Exploring Language for Specific Purposes in Business and Economics at Tertiary Level). 2022. La función semántica, cognitiva y pragmática de las metáforas económicas en el corpus de textos especializados, semiespecializados y de divulgación científica. DE AZEVEDO CAMACHO, Veronika. La función semántica, cognitiva y pragmática de las metáforas económicas en el corpus de textos especializados, semiespecializados y de divulgación científica. Lingua et vita. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019, VIII, No 1, p. 40-49. ISSN 1338-6743. El concepto de gradualidad en los textos especializados DE AZEVEDO CAMACHO, Veronika. El concepto de gradualidad en los textos especializados (The concept of graduality in specialized texts). In Liliana Hotařová. Pasión por el hispanismo III. Liberec: Technická univerzita Liberec, 2018. p. 39-54. ISBN 978-80-7494-451-2. JUDr. Lenka Dobešová, Ph.D. Tort Law in the Czech Republic DOBEŠOVÁ, Lenka and Jan HURDÍK. Tort Law in the Czech Republic. druhé. Alphen aan den Rijn The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, BV, 2020. 158 pp. Supplement 120. ISBN 978-94-035-2620-1. prof. JUDr. Jaroslav Fenyk, Ph.D., DSc., Univ. Priv. Prof. General Report - Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: The Relationship of International, Supranational and National Catalogues in the 21 th Century FENYK, Jaroslav. General Report - Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: The Relationship of International, Supranational and National Catalogues in the 21 th Century. první. Brno: Ústavní soud České republiky, 2021. 269 pp. ISBN 978-80-87687-21-5. Scuola criminale positiva a její sociálně kriminologická východiska pro vznik ochranných opatření FENYK, Jaroslav and Jan PROVAZNÍK. Scuola criminale positiva a její sociálně kriminologická východiska pro vznik ochranných opatření (Scuola criminale positiva and its Social Criminological Bases for the Inception of Protective Measures). In Gřivna, Tomáš; Šimánová, Hana. Trestní právo s lidskou tváří. V upomínku na Marii Vanduchovou. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2021. p. 85-107. ISBN 978-80-7598-879-9. Obecně oprávněná osoba, zmocněnec a opatrovník v trestním řízení proti právnické osobě a její právo na obhajobu FENYK, Jaroslav. Obecně oprávněná osoba, zmocněnec a opatrovník v trestním řízení proti právnické osobě a její právo na obhajobu (Generally Authorized Person, Agent and Guardian in Criminal Proceedings Against a Legal Person and its Rights of Defense). In Jelínek, Jiří a kolektiv. Ochrana základních práv a svobod v trestním řízení. 1st ed. Praha: Leges, 2020. p. 335-344. Teoretik. ISBN 978-80-7502-444-2. Právo právnické osoby na spravedlivý proces alias...” není- li z povahy věci vyloučeno” FENYK, Jaroslav. Právo právnické osoby na spravedlivý proces alias...” není- li z povahy věci vyloučeno” (Legal Person Fair Trial or ...” If is not Excluded by Substance of Case”). In Jana Tlapák Navrátilová, Ingrid Galovcová. Pocta Jiřímu Jelínkovi. Praha: Leges, s.r.o., 2020. p. 89-98. ISBN 978-80-7502-464-0. Několik poznámek k vazební praxi v trestním řízení z pohledu Evropského soudu pro lidská práva a Ústavního soudu České republiky 71 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR FENYK, Jaroslav. Několik poznámek k vazební praxi v trestním řízení z pohledu Evropského soudu pro lidská práva a Ústavního soudu České republiky (Some Reflections to Custody Practice from Point of View of The European Court of Human Rights and The Constitutional Court of The Czech Republic). In doc. JUDr. Eva Szabová, PhD., doc JUDr. Miloš Deset, PhD. In omnibus quidem, maxime tamen in iure, aequitas spectanda est. 1st ed. Krakov: Spolok Slovákov v Pol´sku, 2019. p. 73-90. ISBN 978-83-8111-156-0. Mgr. Hana Fitzová, Ph.D. Competition in long distance transport: Impacts on prices, frequencies, and demand in the Czech Republic FITZOVÁ, Hana, Richard KALIŠ, Vilém PAŘIL and Marek KASA. Competition in long distance transport: Impacts on prices, frequencies, and demand in the Czech Republic. Research in Transportation Business & Management. AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS): Elsevier, 2021, vol. 41, December, p. 1-13. ISSN 2210-5395. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100655. Comparison of urban public transport systems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Factors underpinning efficiency FITZOVÁ, Hana and Markéta MATULOVÁ. Comparison of urban public transport systems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Factors underpinning efficiency. Research in Transportation Economics. UK: Elsevier, 2020, vol. 81, SI, p. 1-9. ISSN 0739-8859. doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100824. Determinants of urban public transport efficiency: case study of the Czech Republic FITZOVÁ, Hana, Markéta MATULOVÁ and Zdeněk TOMEŠ. Determinants of urban public transport efficiency: case study of the Czech Republic. European Transport Research Review. London: SPRINGEROPEN, 2018, vol. 10, No 42, p. 1-11. ISSN 1867-0717. doi:10.1186/s12544-018-0311-y. Transformation of urban public transport financing and its effect on operators’ efficiency: evidence from the Czech Republic MATULOVÁ, Markéta and Hana FITZOVÁ. Transformation of urban public transport financing and its effect on operators’ efficiency: evidence from the Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Operations Research. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018, vol. 26, No 4, p. 967-983. ISSN 1435-246X. doi:10.1007/s10100-018-0565-4. Does the incumbent have an advantage in open access passenger rail competition? A case study on the Prague – Brno line TOMEŠ, Zdeněk and Hana FITZOVÁ. Does the incumbent have an advantage in open access passenger rail competition? A case study on the Prague – Brno line. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management. the Netherlands: Elsevier, 2019, vol. 12, No 12, p. nestránkováno, 11 pp. ISSN 2210-9706. doi:10.1016/j.jrtpm.2019.100140. prof. JUDr. Marek Fryšták, Ph.D. Znalecké dokazování v trestním řízení FRYŠTÁK, Marek. Znalecké dokazování v trestním řízení (Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings). 2. podst. přep. a doplněné. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2021. 132 pp. Právní monografie. ISBN 978-80-7676-063-9. § 110 - § 139. Výkladová ustanovení FRYŠTÁK, Marek. § 110 - § 139. Výkladová ustanovení (Explanatory Provisions). In Ščerba Filip a kol. Trestní zákoník. Komentář. 1st ed. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2020. p. 1112-1232. Beckova edice komentované zákony. ISBN 978-80-7400- 807-8. Honored Member of Lithuanian Association of Criminalist FRYŠTÁK, Marek. Honored Member of Lithuanian Association of Criminalist. Lithuanian association of criminalists, 2019. Znalecké dokazování v trestním řízení FRYŠTÁK, Marek. Znalecké dokazování v trestním řízení (Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings). 1. vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2019. 124 pp. Právní monografie. ISBN 978-80-7598-385-5. Mgr. Zuzana Gric, Ph.D. Composite Survey Sentiment as a Predictor of Future Market Returns: Evidence for German Equity Indices RAKOVSKÁ, Zuzana. Composite Survey Sentiment as a Predictor of Future Market Returns: Evidence for German Equity Indices. International Review of Economics & Finance. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, vol. 73, May 2021, p. 473- 495. ISSN 1059-0560. doi:10.1016/j.iref.2020.12.022. Is Professional Sentiment Better When It Comes to Cryptocurrencies? RAKOVSKÁ, Zuzana. Is Professional Sentiment Better When It Comes to Cryptocurrencies? In Reviewed proceedings of the International Masaryk Conference for PhD. Students and Young Researchers 2019. 10th ed. Hradec Králové: MAGNANIMITAS, 2019. p. 432-441. ISBN 978-80-87952-31-3. Beliefs in Cryptocurrency: Exploring the Relationship between Sentiment and Bitcoin RAKOVSKÁ, Zuzana. Beliefs in Cryptocurrency: Exploring the Relationship between Sentiment and Bitcoin. In Josef Nešleha, Filip Hampl, Miroslav Svoboda. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2018. Brno: ESF MU, 2018. p. 567-574, 864 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8980-8. - Rakovská, Z. (2020): Composite Survey Sentiment as a Predictor of Future Market Returns: Evidence for German Equity Indices. CNB Working Paper 13/2020, Czech National Bank. - Rakovská, Z., Ehrenbergerová, D., and M. Hodula (2020): The Power of Sentiment: Irrational Beliefs of Households and Consumer Loan Dynamics. CNB Working Paper 10/2020, Czech National Bank. 72 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR - Malovaná, S., Hodula M., and Z. Rakovská (2020): Researching the Research: A Central Banking Edition. CNB Research and Policy Note 3/2020, Czech National Bank. - Ehrenbergerová, D., Hodula M., and Z. Rakovská (2020): Does Capital-Based Regulation Affect Bank Pricing Policy?. CNB Working Paper 5/2020, Czech National Bank. doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. Explicative-Existential Justification of Human Rights. Analysis of Robert Alexy’s Argument in Context of Is-Ought Problem HAPLA, Martin. Explicative-Existential Justification of Human Rights. Analysis of Robert Alexy’s Argument in Context of Is-Ought Problem. The Age of Human Rights Journal. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén, 2020, vol. 8, No 15, p. 105-116. ISSN 2340-9592. doi:10.17561/tahrj.v15.5780. Problem of Recognition of Human Rights: Does Alexy’s Argument Really Work? HAPLA, Martin. Problem of Recognition of Human Rights: Does Alexy’s Argument Really Work? In The LxLTG Permanent Workshop. 2020. The Twilight of the Separation of Powers: Proportionality as a Method of Solving Institutional Issues HAPLA, Martin. The Twilight of the Separation of Powers: Proportionality as a Method of Solving Institutional Issues. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies. 2020, vol. 61, No 1, p. 71-84. ISSN 2498-5473. doi:10.1556/2052.2020.00227. Theory of Needs as Justification of Human Rights: Current Approaches and Problems of Uncertainty and Normativeness HAPLA, Martin. Theory of Needs as Justification of Human Rights: Current Approaches and Problems of Uncertainty and Normativeness. The Age of Human Rights Journal. 2018, vol. 6, No 10, p. 1-21. ISSN 2340-9592. doi:10.17561/tahrj.n10.1. Mgr. Adam Holubář No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Mgr. Zdeněk Houdek, Ph.D. Následky jednání zástupce, jehož zájmy jsou v rozporu se zájmy zastoupeného RUBAN, Radek and Zdeněk HOUDEK. Následky jednání zástupce, jehož zájmy jsou v rozporu se zájmy zastoupeného (Consequences of a Conflict of Interests between an Agent and the Represented Person). In Kotásek, J., Špačková, M. Pocta prof. Josefu Bejčkovi k 70. narozeninám. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. p. 343-373. Spisy Právnické fakulty, Masarykovy univerzity, edice Scientia 726. ISBN 978-80-280-0093-6. Obchodní společnosti a družstva POKORNÁ, Jarmila, Jan LASÁK, Josef KOTÁSEK, Radek RUBAN, Josef ŠILHÁN, Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Alena POKORNÁ, Jaromír KOŽIAK, Zdeněk HOUDEK and Martin FLOREŠ. Obchodní společnosti a družstva. 2nd ed. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2022. 484 pp. Academia Iuris. ISBN 978-80-7400-867-2. Závazkové nástroje ochrany smluvního věřitele korporace začleněné do podnikatelského seskupení HOUDEK, Zdeněk. Závazkové nástroje ochrany smluvního věřitele korporace začleněné do podnikatelského seskupení (The Contract Law Approach to Creditor Protection in Corporate Group). Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi. Masarykova univerzita, 2019, vol. 27, No 4, p. 421-455. ISSN 1210-9126. doi:10.5817/CPVP2019-4-1. Cofola 2018: Část III. „ Valná hromada akciové společnosti“ KOŽIAK, Jaromír, Radek RUBAN, Zdeněk HOUDEK and Michal JANOVEC. Cofola 2018: Část III. „ Valná hromada akciové společnosti“. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 259 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9013-2. Cvičebnice korporátního práva RUBAN, Radek, Jaromír KOŽIAK and Zdeněk HOUDEK. Cvičebnice korporátního práva. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 205 pp. Učebnice č. 541. ISBN 978-80-210-9004-0. Mgr. Jiřina Hrbáčková Language testing in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic 2020 HRBÁČKOVÁ, Jiřina, Eva PUNČOCHÁŘOVÁ and Eva LUKÁČOVÁ. Language testing in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic 2020. CASALC Review. 2020, vol. 2020, Vo 10 no 1, p. 186-189. ISSN 1804-9435. Výuka ekonomického jazyka na vysokých školách ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie and Jiřina HRBÁČKOVÁ. Výuka ekonomického jazyka na vysokých školách (Exploring Language for Specific Purposes in Business and Economics at Tertiary Level). 2019. Vybrané aspekty výuky ekonomického jazyka na Ekonomicko-správní fakultě MU v Brně ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie, Jiřina HRBÁČKOVÁ and Petra SOJKOVÁ. Vybrané aspekty výuky ekonomického jazyka na Ekonomicko-správní fakultě MU v Brně. 1st ed. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2018. p. 63-70. ISBN 978- 80-244-5325-5. JUDr. Milana Hrušáková, Ph.D., LL.M. Občanský zákoník II Rodinné právo § 655-975: Komentář. 2. vyd. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2020 HRUŠÁKOVÁ, Milana. Občanský zákoník II Rodinné právo § 655-975: Komentář. 2. vyd. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2020. 2nd ed. Praha: C.H. Beck, 2020. ISBN 978-80-7400-503-9. 73 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR prof. JUDr. Jan Hurdík, DrSc. Responsible Society and Private Law HURDÍK, Jan. Responsible Society and Private Law. The Lawyer Quarterly. Praha: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, v.v.i., 2021, vol. 11, No 3, p. 459-478. ISSN 1805-8396. Contract Law in the Czech Republic HURDÍK, Jan and Josef FIALA. Contract Law in the Czech Republic. 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International B.V.„ 2020. 156 pp. International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Supplement 120. ISBN 978-94- 035-2093-3. Tort Law in the Czech Republic DOBEŠOVÁ, Lenka and Jan HURDÍK. Tort Law in the Czech Republic. druhé. Alphen aan den Rijn The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, BV, 2020. 158 pp. Supplement 120. ISBN 978-94-035-2620-1. Mezi občanským a soukromým právem. Systematické pojetí výuky na Katedře občanského práva Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity HURDÍK, Jan. Mezi občanským a soukromým právem. Systematické pojetí výuky na Katedře občanského práva Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity (Between Civil and Private Law. Systemic Conception of Teaching at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University). Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019, vol. 27, zvláštní číslo, p. 43-57. ISSN 1210-9126. doi:10.5817/CPVP2019-S-3. The right to be forgotten in the Czech Republic HURDÍK, Jan. The right to be forgotten in the Czech Republic. The Lawyer Quarterly. Praha: Ústav státu a práva Akademie věd České republiky, 2018, vol. 8, No 4, p. 423-433. ISSN 1805-8396. Ing. Bc. Jana Hvozdenská, Ph.D. Profitability of agricultural entities in countries of Visegrad group HVOZDENSKÁ, Jana. Profitability of agricultural entities in countries of Visegrad group. In European Financial Systems 2019. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference. Brno: Masaryk University, 2019. p. 172-177. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. The yield curve as a predictor of economic activity - the case of Germany, Great Britain and France HVOZDENSKÁ, Jana. The yield curve as a predictor of economic activity - the case of Germany, Great Britain and France. In European Financial Systems 2019. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference. Brno: Masaryk University, 2019. p. 178-183. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. Convergence of the Government Bond Yields in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania HVOZDENSKÁ, Jana. Convergence of the Government Bond Yields in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In Nešleha Josef, Hampl Filip, Svoboda Miroslav. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific conference European Financial Systems 2018. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2018. p. 196-201. ISBN 978-80-210-8980-8. Bc. Mgr. Petra Chládková Jugendsprachen im Fremdsprachenunterricht CHLÁDKOVÁ, Petra. Jugendsprachen im Fremdsprachenunterricht (Youth Languages in Foreign Language Teaching). In Věra Janíková, Světlana Hanušová. Research in Foreign Language Pedagogy. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. p. 167-181. ISBN 978-80-210-9217-4. Ing. Petra Chovancová, Ph.D. Productivity Convergence in the European Union – The Role of Labour Market Institutions CHOVANCOVÁ, Petra. Productivity Convergence in the European Union – The Role of Labour Market Institutions. Ekonomický časopis. Bratislava: Ekonomický ústav SAV a Prognostický ústav CSPV SAV, 2021, vol. 69, No 9, p. 928- 953. ISSN 0013-3035. doi:10.31577/ekoncas.2021.09.03. Labour market institutions in the European Union and their impact on total factor productivity growth (forthco- ming) CHOVANCOVÁ, Petra. Labour market institutions in the European Union and their impact on total factor productivity growth (forthcoming). Ekonomická revue - Central European Review of Economic Issues. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2020. ISSN 1212-3951. The Long-Run Impact of Minimum Wages on Total Factor Productivity in the European Union CHOVANCOVÁ, Petra. The Long-Run Impact of Minimum Wages on Total Factor Productivity in the European Union. In Staníčková, M.; Melecký, L.; Doleželová, P.; Powadová, T. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on European Integration 2020. 1st edition. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of European Integration, 2020. p. 313-321, 956 pp. ISBN 978-80-248-4455-8. doi:10.31490/9788024844565. Total Factor Productivity in the EU - Direct and Indirect Impact of Labor Market Institutions CHOVANCOVÁ, Petra. Total Factor Productivity in the EU - Direct and Indirect Impact of Labor Market Institutions. In Jedlička, P et al. Proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec Economic Days 2020. Hradec Králové: University of Hradec Kralove, 2020. p. 265-274. ISBN 978-80-7435-776-3. doi:10.36689/uhk/hed/2020-01-030. Unemployment Benefits in the EU - Obstacle or Booster of Total Factor Productivity? CHOVANCOVÁ, Petra. Unemployment Benefits in the EU - Obstacle or Booster of Total Factor Productivity? In Kratochvilova, H. et al. Proceedings of IAC 2020 in Vienna. Prague: Czech Institute of Academic Education z.s., 2020. p. 52-65. ISBN 978-80-88203-17-9. 74 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Mgr. Bc. Martin Chvátal, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. doc. Ing. Robert Jahoda, Ph.D. The low demand for public administration programs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: What may be behind it? JAHODA, Robert, Ivan MALÝ, Juraj NEMEC and David ŠPAČEK. The low demand for public administration programs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: What may be behind it? Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences. ROMANIA: BABES-BOLYAI UNIV, 2022, vol. 2022, Special Issue, p. 99-117. ISSN 1842-2845. doi:10.24193/tras.SI2022.7. Public Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Epidemic – The Case of Family Policy in the Czech Republic JAHODA, Robert, Ivan MALÝ and David ŠPAČEK. Public Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Epidemic – The Case of Family Policy in the Czech Republic. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. 2021, vol. 29, No 1, p. 1-11. ISSN 1804-8048. doi:10.46585/sp29011247. ESPN Thematic Report: Contribution to the 2021 Pension Adequacy Report [Czech Republic] (European Social Policy Network) JAHODA, Robert. ESPN Thematic Report: Contribution to the 2021 Pension Adequacy Report [Czech Republic] (European Social Policy Network). Brussels: European Commission, 2020. 14 pp. ESPN Thematic Report on Financing social protection – [Czech Republic] JAHODA, Robert, Ivan MALÝ and Tomáš SIROVÁTKA. ESPN Thematic Report on Financing social protection – [Czech Republic]. European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 2019. National strategies to fight homelessness and housing exclusion [Czech Republic] (ESPN) SIROVÁTKA, Tomáš, Robert JAHODA and Ivan MALÝ. National strategies to fight homelessness and housing exclusion [Czech Republic] (ESPN). Brussels: European Commission, 2019. 31 pp. JUDr. Michal Janovec, Ph.D. Integration of financial Market supervision JANOVEC, Michal. Integration of financial Market supervision. Gyór: Universitas-Gyor Nonprofit Ltd, 2020. 257 pp. ISBN 978-615-5776-49-6. Zrušení a zánik obchodní korporace s likvidací POKORNÁ, Jarmila, Ivan FUČÍK, Michal JANOVEC, Jitka PEŠIČKOVÁ and Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ. Zrušení a zánik obchodní korporace s likvidací (Terminating of a business corporation with liquidation). 1st ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. 272 pp. ISBN 978-80-7598-815-7. Dohled nad finančním trhem a jeho integrace JANOVEC, Michal. Dohled nad finančním trhem a jeho integrace (Supervision of the Financial Market and it’s own integration). Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. 174 pp. ISBN 978-80-7552-877-3. Integrated Supervision of the Financial Market without the UK? JANOVEC, Michal. Integrated Supervision of the Financial Market without the UK? International Journal of Financial Studies. 2018, vol. 6, No 1, p. 1-17. ISSN 2227-7072. doi:10.3390/ijfs6010020. Ing. Jan Jonáš, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. JUDr. Jana Jurníková, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Veronika Kajurová, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. prof. JUDr. Věra Kalvodová, Dr. Trestné činy proti svobodě, právům na ochranu osobnosti, soukromí a listovního tajemství KALVODOVÁ, Věra and Filip ŠČERBA. Trestné činy proti svobodě, právům na ochranu osobnosti, soukromí a listovního tajemství (Criminal Acts against Freedom and the Rights to the Protection of Personality, Privacy and Confidentiality of Correspondence). In Ščerba Filip a kol. Trestní zákoník. Komentář. 1st ed. Praha: C. B. Beck, 2020. p. 1399-1513. Beckova edice komentované zákony, svazek 1. ISBN 978-80-7400-807-8. Filozofie trestání deset let po přijetí trestního zákoníku KALVODOVÁ, Věra. Filozofie trestání deset let po přijetí trestního zákoníku (Philosophy of Punishment Ten Years after the Adoption of the Penal Code). In Jiří Jelínek a kol. Deset let od přijetí českého trestního zákoníku. Praha: Leges, s r.o., 2019. p. 165-176. 343 Trestní právo kolektivní monografie. ISBN 978-80-7502-354-4. K vybraným otázkám podmíněného propuštění z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody KALVODOVÁ, Věra. K vybraným otázkám podmíněného propuštění z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody (Selected Issues of the Parole). Státní zastupitelství. 2019, vol. 17, No 1, p. 27-31. ISSN 1214-3758. Zásada přiměřenosti trestu ve světle nálezu Ústavního soudu č. II 2027/17 KALVODOVÁ, Věra. Zásada přiměřenosti trestu ve světle nálezu Ústavního soudu č. II 2027/17 (Principle of Adequacy of Punishment from the View of the Constitutional Court‘s Decision No. II 2027/17). Trestní právo. Wolters Kluwer ČR, a s., 2018, vol. 22, No 2, p. 2-7. ISSN 1211-2860. 75 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Michaela Kecskésová No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Lukáš Kokrda Optimization of reliable beam-column construction and its statistical verification KOKRDA, Lukáš and P HRABEC. Optimization of reliable beam-column construction and its statistical verification. 2018. JUDr. Jana Komendová, Ph.D. Bialistockie Studia Prawnicze Zezsyt 2 KOMENDOVÁ, Jana and Aneta GIEDREWICZ-NIEVIŇSKA. Bialistockie Studia Prawnicze Zezsyt 2 (Bialistock Legal Studies vol. 2). 1st ed. Byalistock: Taemida 2, 2021. ISSN 1689-7404. The Notion of “Worker”for the Purpose of EU Social Policy and its Interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Union KOMENDOVÁ, Jana and Jan HORECKÝ. The Notion of “Worker”for the Purpose of EU Social Policy and its Interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Bialystok Legal Studies. Bialystok: Temida 2, 2021, vol. 26, No 2, p. 51-60. ISSN 1689-7404. Plnění pracovních úkolů a přímá souvislost s nimi pro účely náhrady škody v pracovním právu z pohledu soudní praxe KOMENDOVÁ, Jana. Plnění pracovních úkolů a přímá souvislost s nimi pro účely náhrady škody v pracovním právu z pohledu soudní praxe (Performance of Working Tasks and Activities in Direct Connection with Performance of Working Tasks for the purpose of Compensation for Damages in Labour Law according to Case-law). Bulletin advokacie. Praha: Česká advokátní komora, 2020, Neuveden, No 9, p. 31-35. ISSN 1210-6348. Czech Republic SELUCKÁ, Markéta, Martina GROCHOVÁ and Jana KOMENDOVÁ. Czech Republic. In Marie Mercat-Bruns, David B. Oppenheimer, Cady Sartorius. Comparative Perspectives on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination Law. Challenges and Innovative Tools. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. p. 153- 173. Ius Comparatum- Global Studies in Comparative Law. ISBN 978-3-319-90067-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90068- 1_9. Právo sociálního zabezpečení České republiky a Evropské unie GREGOROVÁ, Zdeňka, Milan GALVAS, Jana KOMENDOVÁ, Jaroslav STRÁNSKÝ and Jitka ČERNÁ. Právo sociálního zabezpečení České republiky a Evropské unie. 1.vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 278 pp. Učebnice č.538. ISBN 978-80-210-8842-9. Mgr. Markéta Kovaříková No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. prof. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D. On the Family and Family Law in the Czech Republic KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. On the Family and Family Law in the Czech Republic. In Tímea Barzó - Barnabás Lenkovics. Family Protection from a Legal Perspective. Analysis on Certain Central European Countries. 1st ed. Budapest Miskolc: Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law - Central European Academic Publishing (CEA), 2021. p. 77-109. Studies of Central European Professors´ Network. ISBN 978-615-6356-10-9. doi:10.54237/profnet.2021.tbblfl_3. The Civil Status of Trans Persons in the Czech Republic KRÁLÍČKOVÁ, Zdeňka. The Civil Status of Trans Persons in the Czech Republic. In I. C. Jaramillo, L. Carlson. Trans Rights and Wrongs. A Comparative Study of Legal Reform Concerning Trans Persons. 1st ed. Švýcarsko: Springer, Cham, 2021. p. 77-96. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law. ISBN 978-3-030-68493-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-68494-5_5. doc. JUDr. Filip Křepelka, Ph.D. Public health, public interest, and the Covid-19 Pandemic KŘEPELKA, Filip. Public health, public interest, and the Covid-19 Pandemic. In Potács Michael, Tichý Luboš (eds.). Public Interest in Law. 1st ed. Cambridge-Antwerp-Chicago: Intersentia, 2021. p. 347-366. ISBN 978-1-78068-970-8. Transformations of Directives into Regulations: Towards a More Uniform Administrative Law? KŘEPELKA, Filip. Transformations of Directives into Regulations: Towards a More Uniform Administrative Law? European Public Law. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law INT, 2021, vol. 27, No 4, p. 781-805. ISSN 1354-3725. Czech Report on Genetic Testing for Employment and Insurance KŘEPELKA, Filip. Czech Report on Genetic Testing for Employment and Insurance. In Lara Khoury, Adelle Blackett, Lukas Vanhonaeker (eds.). Genetic Testing and the Governance of Risk in the Contemporary Economy. Comparative Reflections in the Insurance and Employment Law Contexts. 1st ed. Cham: Springer, 2020. p. 153-177. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law Volume 34. ISBN 978-3-030-43698-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-43699-5_6. Lip Service or Genuine Consideration of the Pan-European General Principles of Good Administration in Czechia? KŘEPELKA, Filip. Lip Service or Genuine Consideration of the Pan-European General Principles of Good Administration in Czechia? In Stelkens, Ulrich, Andrijauskaite, Agne (eds.). Good Administration and the Council of Europe. Law, Principles, and Effectiveness. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. p. 602-620. ISBN 978-0-19-886153-9. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198861539.003.0024. 76 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Zuzana Křížová, Ph.D. Finanční účetnictví 2. Sbírka příkladů VODÁKOVÁ, Jana, Eva HÝBLOVÁ, Zuzana KŘÍŽOVÁ, Petr VALOUCH and Filip HAMPL. Finanční účetnictví 2. Sbírka příkladů (Financial Accounting 2. Collection of Examples). 1. dotisk 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. 157 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9644-8. Finanční účetnictví 1. Sbírka příkladů VODÁKOVÁ, Jana, Eva HÝBLOVÁ, Zuzana KŘÍŽOVÁ, Petr VALOUCH and Filip HAMPL. Finanční účetnictví 1. Sbírka příkladů (Financial accounting 1. Collection of examples). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. 164 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9915-9. Finanční účetnictví 1. Sbírka příkladů VODÁKOVÁ, Jana, Eva HÝBLOVÁ, Zuzana KŘÍŽOVÁ, Petr VALOUCH and Filip HAMPL. Finanční účetnictví 1. Sbírka příkladů (Financial accounting 1. Collection of examples). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. 165 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9915-9. doc. JUDr. Josef Kuchta, CSc. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. prof. Ing. Martin Kvizda, Ph.D. Railways in Prague - Tying and Cutting the Gordian Knot KVIZDA, Martin. Railways in Prague - Tying and Cutting the Gordian Knot. In Ralf Roth, Paul Van Heesvelde. The City and the Railway in the World from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2022. p. 186-200. Modern History and Economy 1740-1945. ISBN 978-1-4724-4961-0. doi:10.4324/9781003204749. Regulatory challenges of open-access passenger competition in the Czech Republic TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Martin KVIZDA, Monika JANDOVÁ and Václav REDERER. Regulatory challenges of open-access passenger competition in the Czech Republic. In Matthias Finger and Juan Montero. Handbook on Railway Regulation. Concepts and Practice. 1st ed. UK: Edwrad Elgar Publishing, 2020. p. 105-119. Handbook Series. ISBN 978- 1-78990-177-1. Open access passenger rail competition in Slovakia – Experience from the Bratislava – Košice line. KVIZDA, Martin and Jakub SOLNIČKA. Open access passenger rail competition in Slovakia – Experience from the Bratislava – Košice line. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management. Elsevier, 2019, vol. 12, neuvedeno, p. 1-12. ISSN 2210-9706. doi:10.1016/j.jrtpm.2019.100143. Znalecký posudek ve věci 21Cm 14/2014 – Vymezení relevantního trhu a stanovení tržních podílů soutěžitelů na trase Praha – Ostrava. KVIZDA, Martin, Jakub SOLNIČKA and Ondřej ŠPETÍK. Znalecký posudek ve věci 21Cm 14/2014 – Vymezení relevantního trhu a stanovení tržních podílů soutěžitelů na trase Praha – Ostrava. (Expert opinion in case 21Cm 14/2014 - Definition of relevant market and determination of market shares of competitors on the route Prague Ostrava.). Brno,: objednatel: Městský soud v Praze, 2019. 108 pp. Železnice a evropská dopravní politika - ideje, strategie, nástroje a jejich aplikace. KVIZDA, Martin, Tomáš PALETA, Daniel SEIDENGLANZ, Zdeněk TOMEŠ, Hana FITZOVÁ, Simona SURMAŘOVÁ and Vojtěch SURMAŘ. Železnice a evropská dopravní politika - ideje, strategie, nástroje a jejich aplikace. (Railways and European Transport Policy - Ideas, strategies, tools and their applications.). 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita - MuniPress, 2018. 165 pp. Železniční reformy, sv. 6. ISBN 978-80-210-9099-6. doi:10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9100- 2018. JUDr. Ing. Petr Machálek, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. JUDr. Bc. Radovan Malachta Analýza přístupu Francie k polygamnímu manželství jako islámskému institutu rodinného práva MALACHTA, Radovan. Analýza přístupu Francie k polygamnímu manželství jako islámskému institutu rodinného práva (Analysis of the French Approach to Polygamous Marriage as an Islamic Family Law Institute). Pravník. Praha: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, 2022, vol. 161, No 10, p. 1007-1026. ISSN 0231-6625. Kolize letadel a provozů – kolize právních řádů MALACHTA, Radovan. Kolize letadel a provozů – kolize právních řádů. Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi. Masarykova univerzita, 2022, XXX, No 1, p. 175-189. ISSN 1210-9126. doi:10.5817/CPVP2022-1-7. Sources of Transnational Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration MALACHTA, Radovan. Sources of Transnational Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration. In Malachta, Radovan; Patrik, Provazník (eds.). Cofola International 2021: International and National Arbitration – Challenges and Trends of the Present and Future. COFOLA International 2021. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2021. p. 300-325. ISBN 978-80-210-8638-8. doi:10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-8639-2021-11. Mutual Trust between the Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom after Brexit: Over- view MALACHTA, Radovan. Mutual Trust between the Member States of the European Union and the United Kingdom after Brexit: Overview. In Valdhans, Jiří (eds.). Brexit and its Consequences. COFOLA International 2020. Brno: Masaryk University, 2020. p. 39-65. ISBN 978-80-210-9800-8. doi:10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P210-9801-2020-2. 77 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Mutual Trust as a Way to an Unconditional Automatic Recognition of Foreign Judgments MALACHTA, Radovan. Mutual Trust as a Way to an Unconditional Automatic Recognition of Foreign Judgments. In ROZEHNALOVÁ, Naděžda (ed.). UNIVERSAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL - Ways of the Development of Private International Law in 21st Century. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019. p. 211-241. ISBN 978-80-210-9496-3. Mgr. Lukáš Másilko Universal Design of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education in Universities MÁSILKO, Lukáš. Universal Design of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education in Universities. In Petz, Andrea; Hoogerwerf, Evert-Jan; Mavrou, Katerina. ICCHP-AAATE 2022 Open Access Compendium ”Assistive Technology, Accessibility and (e)Inclusion” Part I. Linz, Austria: Association ICCHP, 2022. p. 294-303. ISBN 978-3-9504997-8-0. doi:10.35011/icchp-aaate22-p1-38. Distanční výuka vysokoškolské matematiky badatelsky? MÁSILKO, Lukáš and Terézia ČERNÁ. Distanční výuka vysokoškolské matematiky badatelsky? (The Inquiry-based Distance Teaching of University Mathematics). South Bohemia Mathematical Letters. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, 2021, vol. 29, p. 47-57. ISSN 2336-2081. Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning. The Platinum Project JAWORSKI, Barbara, Josef REBENDA, Reinhard HOCHMUTH, Michele ARTIGUE, Inés GOMÉZ-CHACÓN, Sarah KHELLAF, Jana PETERS, Johanna RUGE, Lukáš MÁSILKO, Clare TROTT, Yuriy ROGOVCHENKO, André HECK, Svitlana ROGOVCHENKO, Nataša BROUWER, Mariia ASTAFIEVA, Paul HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, Oksana LYTVYN, Nataliia MORZE, Zuzana PÁTÍKOVÁ, Paola IANNONE, Maria KRÁLOVÁ, Marthe SCHUT, Markéta MATULOVÁ, Antonio DÍAZ-CANO, Juan-Antonio INFANTE, Adrián RIESCO, Gabriela REBENDOVÁ, Eva SEDLÁKOVÁ, Hanna DEMCHENKO, Mariia BOIKO, Oksana HLUSHAK and Stephanie THOMAS. Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning. The Platinum Project. Brno: MUNIPRESS, 2021. 370 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9982-1. doi:10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9983-2021. Studenti se specifickými nároky ve výuce BARNOVÁ, Eva, Lukáš MÁSILKO, Iva OULEHLOVÁ, Ilja RAJDOVÁ and Miroslav ZÍTKO. Studenti se specifickými nároky ve výuce (Students with Special Needs in Classes). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020. Elportál. ISSN 1802-128X. Ing. Mgr. Markéta Matulová, Ph.D. Comparison of urban public transport systems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Factors underpinning efficiency FITZOVÁ, Hana and Markéta MATULOVÁ. Comparison of urban public transport systems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Factors underpinning efficiency. Research in Transportation Economics. UK: Elsevier, 2020, vol. 81, SI, p. 1-9. ISSN 0739-8859. doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100824. Determinants of urban public transport efficiency: case study of the Czech Republic FITZOVÁ, Hana, Markéta MATULOVÁ and Zdeněk TOMEŠ. Determinants of urban public transport efficiency: case study of the Czech Republic. European Transport Research Review. London: SPRINGEROPEN, 2018, vol. 10, No 42, p. 1-11. ISSN 1867-0717. doi:10.1186/s12544-018-0311-y. Alternative non-profit funding methods: crowdfunding in the Czech Republic and Slovakia MURRAY SVIDROŇOVÁ, Mária, Gabriela VACEKOVÁ, Michal PLAČEK, Markéta MATULOVÁ, Lucia HRŮZOVÁ and Lenka HARRINGOVÁ. Alternative non-profit funding methods: crowdfunding in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Applied Economics Letters. Abingdon (England): ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2021, vol. 28, No 9, p. 748-754. ISSN 1350-4851. doi:10.1080/13504851.2020.1776828. Transformation of urban public transport financing and its effect on operators’ efficiency: evidence from the Czech Republic MATULOVÁ, Markéta and Hana FITZOVÁ. Transformation of urban public transport financing and its effect on operators’ efficiency: evidence from the Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Operations Research. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018, vol. 26, No 4, p. 967-983. ISSN 1435-246X. doi:10.1007/s10100-018-0565-4. Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning. The Platinum Project JAWORSKI, Barbara, Josef REBENDA, Reinhard HOCHMUTH, Michele ARTIGUE, Inés GOMÉZ-CHACÓN, Sarah KHELLAF, Jana PETERS, Johanna RUGE, Lukáš MÁSILKO, Clare TROTT, Yuriy ROGOVCHENKO, André HECK, Svitlana ROGOVCHENKO, Nataša BROUWER, Mariia ASTAFIEVA, Paul HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, Oksana LYTVYN, Nataliia MORZE, Zuzana PÁTÍKOVÁ, Paola IANNONE, Maria KRÁLOVÁ, Marthe SCHUT, Markéta MATULOVÁ, Antonio DÍAZ-CANO, Juan-Antonio INFANTE, Adrián RIESCO, Gabriela REBENDOVÁ, Eva SEDLÁKOVÁ, Hanna DEMCHENKO, Mariia BOIKO, Oksana HLUSHAK and Stephanie THOMAS. Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning. The Platinum Project. Brno: MUNIPRESS, 2021. 370 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9982-1. doi:10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9983-2021. Ing. Michala Moravcová, Ph.D. Kočenda, E., & Moravcová, M. (2019). Exchange rate comovements, hedging and volatility spillovers on new EU forex markets. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 58, 42-64. Kočenda, E., & Moravcová, M. (2018). Intraday effect of news on emerging European forex markets: An event study analysis. Economic Systems, 42(4), 597-615. Moravcová, M. (2018). The Impact of German Macroeconomic News on Emerging European Forex Markets. Prague Economic Papers, 27(5), 505-521. 78 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Ing. Jakub Moučka No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Mgr. Jan Neckář, Ph.D. Expropriation from the wider perspective in the Czech Republic RADVAN, Michal and Jan NECKÁŘ. Expropriation from the wider perspective in the Czech Republic. In Frances Plimmer, William McCluskey. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Issues in Expropriation. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2018. p. 71-81. Routledge Handbook. ISBN 978-1-317-60827-1. PhDr. Jaroslav Nekuda Uplatnění absolventů Masarykovy univerzity 2015 – 2016 v praxi GUZI, Martin and Jaroslav NEKUDA. Uplatnění absolventů Masarykovy univerzity 2015 – 2016 v praxi. Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 75 pp. Ing. Josef Nešleha The Financial Literacy among Czech Adults in the Czech Republic NEŠLEHA, Josef. The Financial Literacy among Czech Adults in the Czech Republic. In Iveta Palečková. Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference. Karviná: School of Business Administration, 2020. p. 35-41. ISBN 978- 80-7510-443-4. Impact of Indebtedness on the Company Performance: Comparison of Merged and Non-Merged Companies VALOUCH, Petr and Josef NEŠLEHA. Impact of Indebtedness on the Company Performance: Comparison of Merged and Non-Merged Companies. In Josef Nešleha, Lukáš Marek, Miroslav Svoboda, Zuzana Rakovská (eds.). Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2019. Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University Press, 2019. p. 610-615. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. The Financial Education among Pupils in the South Moravian Region NEŠLEHA, Josef and Lenka JANOŠOVÁ. The Financial Education among Pupils in the South Moravian Region. In Nešleha, Marek, Svoboda, Rakovská. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2019. Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University Press, 2019. p. 409-417. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. Impact of Mergers on the Company Performance VALOUCH, Petr and Josef NEŠLEHA. Impact of Mergers on the Company Performance. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2018. Brno: ESF MU, 2018. p. 788-793. ISBN 978- 80-210-8980-8. VALOUCH, Petr and Josef NEŠLEHA. Impact of Indebtedness on the Company Performance: Comparison of Merged and Non-Merged Companies. In Nešleha, Marek, Svoboda, Rakovská. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2019. Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University Press, 2019. p. 610-615, 6 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9337-9. NEŠLEHA, Josef and Lenka JANOŠOVÁ. The Financial Education among Pupils in the South Moravian Region. In Nešleha, Marek, Svoboda, Rakovská. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2019. Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University Press, 2019. p. 409-417, 9 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9337-9. NEŠLEHA, Josef. The Financial Literacy among Czech Adults in the Czech Republic (v tisku). In 2020 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Karviná, 2020. VALOUCH, Petr and Josef NEŠLEHA. Impact of Mergers on the Company Performance. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2018. Brno: ESF MU, 2018. p. 788-793, 6 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8980-8. NEŠLEHA, Josef and Karel URBANOVSKÝ. Study of Financial Literacy in the Field of Insurance Products. In Jan Krajíček, Josef Nešleha, Karel Urbanovský. European Financial Systems 2016. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. p. 490-495, 6 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8308-0. Mgr. Markéta Oplatková Plocková No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Gabriela Oškrdalová, Ph.D. Internet shopping in the Czech Republic with the focus on the types of bought goods and services by con- sumers OŠKRDALOVÁ, Gabriela. Internet shopping in the Czech Republic with the focus on the types of bought goods and services by consumers. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference European Financial Systems 2018. Brno: ESF MU, 2018. p. 487-494. ISBN 978-80-210-8980-8. Ing. Tomáš Paleta, Ph.D. The effectiveness of EC policies to move freight from road to rail: Evidence from CEE grain markets PITTMAN, Russell, Monika JANDOVÁ, Marcin KRÓL, Larysa NEKRASENKO and Tomáš PALETA. The effectiveness of EC policies to move freight from road to rail: Evidence from CEE grain markets. RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER, 2020, vol. 37, No 37, p. 1-15. ISSN 2210- 5395. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2020.100482. Research of the Passenger’s Preferences and Requirements for the Travel Companion Application 79 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR DOLINAYOVA, Anna, Jaroslav MASEK, Martin KENDRA, Juraj ČAMAJ, Delphine GRANDSART, Evelien MARLIER, Paola COLZANI, Marika ARENA, Jonathan PARAGREEN, Piraba NAVARATNAM, Martin BRENNAN and Tomáš PALETA. Research of the Passenger’s Preferences and Requirements for the Travel Companion Application. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2018, vol. 2018, neuveden, p. 1-12. ISSN 0197-6729. doi:10.1155/2018/8092147. Impact of on-track competition on public finances – The case of the Czech Republic JANDOVÁ, Monika and Tomáš PALETA. Impact of on-track competition on public finances – The case of the Czech Republic. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management. 2019, vol. 12, No 12, p. 1-13. ISSN 2210-9706. doi:10.1016/j.jrtpm.2019.100145. Research of Passenger’s Demand for Travel Companion as the Part of Sustainable Transport Solutions MAŠEK, Jaroslav, J ČAMAJ, D GRANDSART, E MARLIER, J PARAGREEN and Tomáš PALETA. Research of Passenger’s Demand for Travel Companion as the Part of Sustainable Transport Solutions. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology, 2018. p. 623-639. ISSN 2351-7034. Ing. Vilém Pařil, Ph.D. Assessment of the burden on population due to transport-related air pollution: The Czech core motorway network PAŘIL, Vilém and Dominika TÓTHOVÁ. Assessment of the burden on population due to transport-related air pollution: The Czech core motorway network. Journal of Cleaner Production. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020, vol. 275, n/a, p. 123111-123124. ISSN 0959-6526. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123111. Competition in long distance transport: Impacts on prices, frequencies, and demand in the Czech Republic FITZOVÁ, Hana, Richard KALIŠ, Vilém PAŘIL and Marek KASA. Competition in long distance transport: Impacts on prices, frequencies, and demand in the Czech Republic. Research in Transportation Business & Management. AMSTERDAM (NETHERLANDS): Elsevier, 2021, vol. 41, December, p. 1-13. ISSN 2210-5395. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2021.100655. Fare Discounts and Free Fares in Long-distance Public Transport in Central Europe TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Hana FITZOVÁ, Vilém PAŘIL, Václav REDERER, Zuzana KORDOVÁ and Marek KASA. Fare Discounts and Free Fares in Long-distance Public Transport in Central Europe. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Emsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, vol. 10, No 1, p. 507-517. ISSN 2213-624X. doi:10.1016/j.cstp.2022.01.011. Passenger Air Traffic in Central Europe PAŘIL, Vilém, Zdeněk TOMEŠ, Karolína URBANOVSKÁ and Marcel HORŇÁK. Passenger Air Traffic in Central Europe. Journal of Transport Geography. Oxford: ELSEVIER LTD, 2022, vol. 102, June, p. 1-3. ISSN 0966-6923. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103372. The Cost of Suburbanisation: Spending on Environmental Protection PAŘIL, Vilém, Barbora ONDRŮŠKOVÁ, Aneta KRAJÍČKOVÁ and Petra ZELENÁKOVÁ. The Cost of Suburbanisation: Spending on Environmental Protection. European Planning Studies. ABINGDON (ENGLAND): ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2022, vol. 2022, 30:10, p. 1-21. ISSN 0965-4313. doi:10.1080/09654313.2021.2002270. Mgr. Dita Phillips No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Ing. Mgr. Blanka Pojslová, Ph.D. The effect of two feedback strategies on EFL writing quality from the perspective of syntactic complexity POJSLOVÁ, Blanka. The effect of two feedback strategies on EFL writing quality from the perspective of syntactic complexity. CASALC Review. Brno: Česká a slovenská asociace učitelů jazykových center na vysokých školách, 2021, vol. 11, No 1, p. 69-92. ISSN 1804-9435. doi:10.5817/CASALC2021-1-7. Evaluating the effect of feedback on EFL writing quality and lexical sophistication POJSLOVÁ, Blanka. Evaluating the effect of feedback on EFL writing quality and lexical sophistication (Evaluationg the effect of feedback on EFL writing quality and lexical sophistication). In CERCLES2020 Language Centres at a Crossrads:Open Directions for New Generations of Learners. 2020. The Effect of Different Feedback Strategies on Syntactic Development in EASP Writing POJSLOVÁ, Blanka. The Effect of Different Feedback Strategies on Syntactic Development in EASP Writing. In The Eighth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English. 2019. The Effect of e-Feedback on Syntactic Development in EASP Student Writing POJSLOVÁ, Blanka. The Effect of e-Feedback on Syntactic Development in EASP Student Writing. In EUROCALL 2019 - CALL and Complexity. 2019. Mgr. Jiří Poláček, Ph.D. E-learning : učení (se) s digitálními technologiemi ZOUNEK, Jiří, Libor JUHAŇÁK, Hana STAUDKOVÁ and Jiří POLÁČEK. E-learning : učení (se) s digitálními technologiemi (E-learning : Teaching/Learnig Using Digital Technologies). 2nd ed. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2021. 330 pp. ISBN 978-80-7676-175-9. Příležitosti a bariéry online výuky na ESF MU v době „ koronaviru“ POLÁČEK, Jiří and Jaroslav NEKUDA. Příležitosti a bariéry online výuky na ESF MU v době „ koronaviru“(Opportunities and barriers of online teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Administration MU during the “coronavirus”pandemic). Aula: časopis pro vysokoškolskou a vědní politiku. Praha: Centrum pro studium vysokého školství v.v.i., 2021, XXVIII, 1 – 2, p. 75 - 93. ISSN 2533-4433. 80 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR Digital competences in computer-supported collaborative learning POLÁČEK, Jiří. Digital competences in computer-supported collaborative learning. In Cyberspace 2018, 30. listopadu – 1. prosince 2018, Brno. 2018. JUDr. Lukáš Potěšil, Ph.D. A Right to Have One’s Case Heard within a Reasonable Time before the Czech and the Polish Supreme Administrative Courts – Standards, the Reality and Proposals for the Future POTĚŠIL, Lukáš and Wojciech PIĄTEK. A Right to Have One’s Case Heard within a Reasonable Time before the Czech and the Polish Supreme Administrative Courts – Standards, the Reality and Proposals for the Future. Utrecht Law Review. Utrecht, 2021, vol. 17, No 1, p. 20-32. ISSN 1871-515X. doi:10.36633/ulr.586. Restriction of access to the Supreme Administrative Court to reduce its burden (via expanding the institution of inadmissibility of a cassation complaint in the Czech Republic) POTĚŠIL, Lukáš. Restriction of access to the Supreme Administrative Court to reduce its burden (via expanding the institution of inadmissibility of a cassation complaint in the Czech Republic). Institutiones Administrationis - Journal of Administrative Sciences. Györ: Széchenyi István University, 2021, vol. 1, No 1, p. 74 - 81. ISSN 2786-1929. Simplification of Administrative Procedure on the Example of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary (V4 Countries) POTĚŠIL, Lukáš, Krisztina ROZSNYAI, Jan OLSZANOWSKI and Matej HORVAT. Simplification of Administrative Procedure on the Example of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary (V4 Countries). Administrative Sciences. 2021, vol. 11, No 1, p. 1-13. ISSN 2076-3387. doi:10.3390/admsci11010009. Effectiveness of Judicial Protection against Administrative Silence in the Czech Republic SKULOVÁ, Soňa, Lukáš POTĚŠIL, David HEJČ and Radislav BRAŽINA. Effectiveness of Judicial Protection against Administrative Silence in the Czech Republic. Central European Public Administration Review. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, 2019, vol. 17, No 1, p. 43-68. ISSN 2591-2240. doi:10.17573/cepar.2019.1.03. JUDr. Jan Provazník, Ph.D. No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Mgr. Bc. Eva Punčochářová Language testing in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic 2020 HRBÁČKOVÁ, Jiřina, Eva PUNČOCHÁŘOVÁ and Eva LUKÁČOVÁ. Language testing in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic 2020. CASALC Review. 2020, vol. 2020, Vo 10 no 1, p. 186-189. ISSN 1804-9435. n/a Mgr. Erika Putnová No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. doc. JUDr. Ing. Michal Radvan, Ph.D. Constitutional Aspects of Local Taxes in the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic ROMÁNOVÁ, Anna, Michal RADVAN and Johan SCHWEIGL. Constitutional Aspects of Local Taxes in the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic. Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government. Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor, 2019, vol. 17, No 3, p. 591-616. ISSN 1581-5374. doi:10.4335/17.3.591-616(2019). Real Property Taxes and Property Markets in CEE Countries and Central Asia RADVAN, Michal, Riël FRANZSEN, William J. MCCLUSKEY and Franzes PLIMMER. Real Property Taxes and Property Markets in CEE Countries and Central Asia. 1st ed. Maribor: Lex Localis - Institute for Local Self-Government Maribor, 2021. 1141 pp. Monographies. ISBN 978-961-7124-04-0. doi:10.4335/2021.6. Taxation in Democratic Czechoslovakia and the Independent Czech Republic RADVAN, Michal. Taxation in Democratic Czechoslovakia and the Independent Czech Republic. Intertax. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer law International, 2021, vol. 49, 8-9, p. 725-728. ISSN 0165-2826. Czech Tax Law RADVAN, Michal. Czech Tax Law. 4th ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2020. 114 pp. Textbook, no. 550. ISBN 978-80- 210-9673-8. Municipal charges on communal waste: do they compete with the immovable property tax? RADVAN, Michal. Municipal charges on communal waste: do they compete with the immovable property tax? Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019, vol. 24, No 2, p. 148-165. ISSN 1366-4387. doi:10.1108/JFMPC-02-2018-0007. Ing. Mgr. Vlastimil Reichel, Ph.D. Modelling Frequency of Visits to the Shopping Centres as a Part of Consumer´s Preferences: Case Study from the Czech Republic KUNC, Josef, Vlastimil REICHEL and Markéta NOVOTNÁ. Modelling Frequency of Visits to the Shopping Centres as a Part of Consumer´s Preferences: Case Study from the Czech Republic. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2020, vol. 48, No 9, p. 985-1002. ISSN 0959-0552. doi:10.1108/IJRDM- 04-2019-0130. Macroeconomic forecasting in the euro area using predictive combinations of DSGE models 81 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR ČAPEK, Jan, Jesús CRESPO CUARESMA, Niko HAUZENBERGER and Vlastimil REICHEL. Macroeconomic forecasting in the euro area using predictive combinations of DSGE models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER, 2022. ISSN 0169-2070. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2022.09.002. The border effect in European air transport TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Vlastimil REICHEL and Štěpán VESELÝ. The border effect in European air transport. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. JAFFALAAN (NETHERLANDS): Technische Universiteit Delft, 2022, vol. 22, No 2, p. 224-233. ISSN 1567-7141. doi:10.18757/ejtir.2022.22.2.5773. Loan to value ratio and monetary transmission mechanism REICHEL, Vlastimil, Daniel NĚMEC and Jakub CHALMOVIANSKÝ. Loan to value ratio and monetary transmission mechanism. DANUBE: Law, Economics and Social Issues Review. 2019, vol. 10, No 4, p. 383-399. ISSN 1804-6746. doi:10.2478/danb-2019-0020. Determinants of real estate prices in the statutory city of Brno REICHEL, Vlastimil and Petr ZIMČÍK. Determinants of real estate prices in the statutory city of Brno. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 2018, vol. 66, No 4, p. 991-999. ISSN 1211-8516. Mgr. Iveta Rohová No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. prof. JUDr. Kateřina Ronovská, Ph.D. Private foundations in the Czech Republic: 10 years on the road RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina and Vlastimil PIHERA. Private foundations in the Czech Republic: 10 years on the road. Trust & Trustees. Oxford: Oxford Academic, 2022, vol. 28, No 6, p. 528-534. ISSN 1363-1780. doi:10.1093/tandt/ttac058. Under construction: Trusts, trust-like structures, foundations and beneficial owners registries in the European Union-The Czech perspective RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina and Vlastimil PIHERA. Under construction: Trusts, trust-like structures, foundations and beneficial owners registries in the European Union-The Czech perspective. Trusts & Trustees. Oxford University Press, 2021, vol. 27, No 6, p. 487-493. ISSN 1363-1780. doi:10.1093/tandt/ttab044. Foreign trusts in the Czech Republic: mostly recognized and (sometimes) registered RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina and Vlastimil PIHERA. Foreign trusts in the Czech Republic: mostly recognized and (sometimes) registered. Trusts & Trustees. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, vol. 26, No 6, p. 527-533. ISSN 1363-1780. doi:10.1093/tandt/ttaa041. IEL Property and Trust Law - Czech Republic RONOVSKÁ, Kateřina, Eva DOBROVOLNÁ, Bohumil HAVEL and Vlastimil PIHERA. IEL Property and Trust Law Czech Republic. 1st ed. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2020. 190 pp. International Encyclopaedia of Laws series. ISBN 978-90-411-0759-6. Ing. Mgr. Radek Ruban, Ph.D. § 127 [Jednání jménem právnické osoby před jejím vznikem] RUBAN, Radek. § 127 [Jednání jménem právnické osoby před jejím vznikem] (§ 127 [Acts in the Name of a Legal Person Prior to its Incorporation]). In Lavický, P. a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 1-302 : komentář. 2nd ed. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2022. p. 475-496. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. § 258 - § 261, § 620 II3 [Neplatnost rozhodnutí orgánu spolku - Vědomost právnické osoby] RUBAN, Radek. § 258 - § 261, § 620 II3 [Neplatnost rozhodnutí orgánu spolku - Vědomost právnické osoby] (§ 258 § 261, § 620 II3 [Invalidity of a Decision of an Association’s Body - Knowledge of a Legal Person]). In Lavický, P. a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 1-302 : komentář. 2. vyd. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2022. p. 949-982, 2019-20, 36 pp. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. § 486 - § 488 [Opatrovnictví právnické osoby] RUBAN, Radek and Gabriela BREJCHOVÁ. § 486 - § 488 [Opatrovnictví právnické osoby] (§ 486 - § 488 [Guardianship of a Legal Person]). In Lavický, Petr a kol. Občanský zákoník I : Obecná část § 303-654 : komentář. 2nd ed. Praha: Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2022. p. 1466-1490. Velké komentáře, 2 svazky. ISBN 978-80-7400-852-8. Následky jednání zástupce, jehož zájmy jsou v rozporu se zájmy zastoupeného RUBAN, Radek and Zdeněk HOUDEK. Následky jednání zástupce, jehož zájmy jsou v rozporu se zájmy zastoupeného (Consequences of a Conflict of Interests between an Agent and the Represented Person). In Kotásek, J., Špačková, M. Pocta prof. Josefu Bejčkovi k 70. narozeninám. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. p. 343-373. Spisy Právnické fakulty, Masarykovy univerzity, edice Scientia 726. ISBN 978-80-280-0093-6. Společnost s ručením omezeným bez společníků RUBAN, Radek. Společnost s ručením omezeným bez společníků (Limited Liability Company without Shareholders). In Ronovská, Kateřina, Havel, Bohumil, Lavický, Petr a kol. Pocta prof. Janu Hurdíkovi k 70. narozeninám: Základní otázky života, práva a vůbec...! 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. p. 441-472. Spisy Právnické fakulty, Masarykovy univerzity, edice Scientia 711. ISBN 978-80-210-9937-1. 82 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR doc. JUDr. David Sehnálek, Ph.D. The European Perspective on the Notion of Precedent – are EU and Czech Court Decisions Source of Law? SEHNÁLEK, David. The European Perspective on the Notion of Precedent – are EU and Czech Court Decisions Source of Law? European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2020, vol. 7, No 1, p. 125-153. ISSN 1805-8809. Specifika výkladu práva Evropské unie a jeho vnitrostátní důsledky SEHNÁLEK, David. Specifika výkladu práva Evropské unie a jeho vnitrostátní důsledky (Specifics of the Interpretation of EU Law and its National Implications). 1st ed. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2019. 208 pp. Právní instituty. ISBN 978-80-7400- 741-5. Nekalosoutěžní reklama a nekalé obchodní praktiky SEHNÁLEK, David and Dana ONDREJOVÁ. Nekalosoutěžní reklama a nekalé obchodní praktiky. Leges, 2018. 296 pp. ISBN 978-80-7502-239-4. prof. JUDr. Markéta Selucká, Ph.D. Komentář k ust. § 72 SELUCKÁ, Markéta. Komentář k ust. § 72 (Commentary on art. 72). In Zdvihal, Z., Svěráková, J., Med, J., Osadská, J. a kol. Energetický zákon. Komentář. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2020. p. 1394-1406. Komentované zákony. ISBN 978-80- 7400-769-9. Zákon o realitním zprostředkování. Komentář. SELUCKÁ, Markéta, Martin LOSENICKÝ, Ludvík MATOUŠEK and Jana MLÝNKOVÁ. Zákon o realitním zprostředkování. Komentář. (Real Estate Mediation Act. Commentary.). 2020th ed. Praha: Leges, 2020. 137 pp. 1. vydání. ISBN 978-80-7502-454-1. Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Czech Law Report SELUCKÁ, Markéta, Iva ŠŤAVÍKOVÁ ŘEZNÍČKOVÁ and Pavel LOUTOCKÝ. Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Czech Law Report. In Gert Straetmans. Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, 2019. p. 339-364. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law book series (GSCL, volume 33). ISBN 978-3-030-18053-9. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-18054-6_9. Czech Republic SELUCKÁ, Markéta, Martina GROCHOVÁ and Jana KOMENDOVÁ. Czech Republic. In Marie Mercat-Bruns, David B. Oppenheimer, Cady Sartorius. Comparative Perspectives on the Enforcement and Effectiveness of Antidiscrimination Law. Challenges and Innovative Tools. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. p. 153- 173. Ius Comparatum- Global Studies in Comparative Law. ISBN 978-3-319-90067-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-90068- 1_9. Prof. Dr. Martin Schauer No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. JUDr. Johan Schweigl, Ph.D. Challenges of the Implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Czech Legislation RADVAN, Michal, Petr MRKÝVKA and Johan SCHWEIGL. Challenges of the Implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Czech Legislation. Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government. Maribor: Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor, 2018, vol. 16, No 4, p. 895-906. ISSN 1581-5374. doi:10.4335/16.4.895-906. Constitutional Aspects of Local Taxes in the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic ROMÁNOVÁ, Anna, Michal RADVAN and Johan SCHWEIGL. Constitutional Aspects of Local Taxes in the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic. Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government. Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor, 2019, vol. 17, No 3, p. 591-616. ISSN 1581-5374. doi:10.4335/17.3.591-616(2019). Extraterritorial Effects of EU Financial Markets Laws SCHWEIGL, Johan. Extraterritorial Effects of EU Financial Markets Laws. In Nuno Cunha Rodrigues. Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law: The Application of EU Economic Law Outside the Territory of the EU. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021. p. 251-267. European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World – Svazek 4. ISBN 978-3-030- 82290-3. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-82291-0_12. Ekonomické základy práva BLAŽEK, Jiří, Michal JANOVEC, Ivana PAŘÍZKOVÁ, Johan SCHWEIGL and Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ. Ekonomické základy práva (Economic fundamentals of law). 1 vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a.s., 2020. 188 pp. ISBN 978-80-7598-699- 3. JUDr. Michal Smejkal, Ph.D. Důsledky nařízení karantény v pracovněprávních vztazích a v právních vztazích sociálního zabezpečení KOMENDOVÁ, Jana, Michal SMEJKAL and Jan HORECKÝ. Důsledky nařízení karantény v pracovněprávních vztazích a v právních vztazích sociálního zabezpečení (Consequences of quarantine regulations in labour legak relations and in social security legal relations). Právní rozhledy. Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2021, vol. 29, No 10, p. 357-364. ISSN 1210-6410. Odvolání ředitele veřejné školy se zaměřením na uplynutí období 6 let na pracovním místě ředitele školy 83 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR SMEJKAL, Michal and Jan HORECKÝ. Odvolání ředitele veřejné školy se zaměřením na uplynutí období 6 let na pracovním místě ředitele školy (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). Právní rozhledy. Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2021, vol. 29, No 22, p. 788-793. ISSN 1210-6410. The importance of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the process of shaping working conditions HORECKÝ, Jan and Michal SMEJKAL. The importance of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the process of shaping working conditions. Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences. Belgrade: UDEKOM Balkan, 2021, vol. 4, No 1, p. 54-63. ISSN 2620-164X. Ošetřovné jako dávka nemocenského pojištění se zaměřením na podmínku společné domácnosti SMEJKAL, Michal and Jakub HALÍŘ. Ošetřovné jako dávka nemocenského pojištění se zaměřením na podmínku společné domácnosti (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). Právní rozhledy. Nakladatelství C. H. Beck, s. r. o., 2020, vol. 28, No 21, p. 750-754. ISSN 1210-6410. Závislá práce a výkon umělecké činnosti HORECKÝ, Jan, Michal BLAŽEK, Jakub HALÍŘ, Vojtěch KADLUBIEC, Michal SMEJKAL, Roman ZAPLETAL and Tereza ANTLOVÁ. Závislá práce a výkon umělecké činnosti (Dependent work and artistic activities). 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020. 177 pp. Edice Scientia 704. ISBN 978-80-210-9806-0. Mgr. Petra Sojková Vybrané aspekty výuky ekonomického jazyka na Ekonomicko-správní fakultě MU v Brně ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie, Jiřina HRBÁČKOVÁ and Petra SOJKOVÁ. Vybrané aspekty výuky ekonomického jazyka na Ekonomicko-správní fakultě MU v Brně. 1st ed. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2018. p. 63-70. ISBN 978- 80-244-5325-5. Ing. Martina Sponerová, Ph.D. Factors Affecting Bankruptcy Depending on the Size of the Company SPONEROVÁ, Martina, Miroslav SVOBODA and Miroslav SPONER. Factors Affecting Bankruptcy Depending on the Size of the Company. In Bem A., Daszynska-Zygadlo K., Hajdíková T., Jáki E., Ryszawska B. Sustainable Finance in the Green Economy. Cham, Německo: Springer, 2022. p. 225-236. ICFS 2019. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. ISBN 978-3-030-81663-6. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-81663-6_17. Bankruptcy Modelling: Factors Influencing Models Predictability SPONEROVÁ, Martina. Bankruptcy Modelling: Factors Influencing Models Predictability. In Braje I.N., Jaković B., Hodak D.F.,. Proceedings of FEB Zagreb 12th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business. Vol.3 No.1. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, 2021. p. 743 - 753. ISSN 2671-132X. doi:10.22598/odyssey/2021.3. Factors Affecting Bankruptcy Depending on the Size of the Company SPONEROVÁ, Martina, Miroslav SVOBODA and Miroslav SPONER. Factors Affecting Bankruptcy Depending on the Size of the Company. In Erika Jáki, Associate Professor at Corvinus University of Budapest. Book of Abstracts. Wroclaw: Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019. p. 48-101. ISBN 978-963-503-826-8. Prediction of Bankruptcy in a Different Period of Economic Development SPONEROVÁ, Martina, Miroslav SVOBODA and Miroslav SPONER. Prediction of Bankruptcy in a Different Period of Economic Development. In Nešleha Josef, Marek Lukáš, Svoboda Miroslav, Rakovská Zuzana. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific conference European Financial Systems 2019. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2019. p. 554-559. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. Comparative Analysis of Credit Risk Models in Relation to SME Segment PLÍHAL, Tomáš, Martina SPONEROVÁ and Miroslav SPONER. Comparative Analysis of Credit Risk Models in Relation to SME Segment. Financial Assets and Investing. Brno: ESF, Masaryk University, 2018, neuveden, 1/2018, p. 35-50, 72 pp. ISSN 1804-5081. Mgr. Petra Stejskalová Jazykový tandem na LF MU REŠKOVÁ, Ivana and Petra WACHSMUTHOVÁ. Jazykový tandem na LF MU (Language Tandem at Faculty of Medicine in Brno). In Týden CJV. 2018. Mgr. Ing. Ondřej Špetík, Ph.D. Factors Influencing the Number of Bidders in Rail Transport Tenders in the Czech Republic ŠPETÍK, Ondřej and Markéta PÁLENÍKOVÁ. Factors Influencing the Number of Bidders in Rail Transport Tenders in the Czech Republic. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS AND POLICY. Bath (England): University of Bath, 2022, vol. 56, No 3, p. 323-339. ISSN 0022-5258. Impact of various methods for choosing a railway undertaking: Case evidence from the Czech Republic ŠPETÍK, Ondřej. Impact of various methods for choosing a railway undertaking: Case evidence from the Czech Republic. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, vol. 10, No 1, p. 616-624. ISSN 2213-624X. doi:10.1016/j.cstp.2022.01.022. Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in the Rail Transport in the Czech Republic and a Comparison with the Other Members of the Visegrad Group PÁLENÍKOVÁ, Markéta, Ondřej ŠPETÍK, Robert PÁLENÍK, Michal ADAMÍK and Jan ILÍK. Implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in the Rail Transport in the Czech Republic and a Comparison with the Other Members of 84 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR the Visegrad Group. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. WARSAW (POLAND): SCIENDO, 2022, vol. 15, No 1, p. 167-199. ISSN 1337-9038. doi:10.2478/nispa-2022-0008. Znalecký posudek ve věci 3 Cm 11/2018 – Srovnání nákupu elektrické energie prostřednictvím otevřeného zadávacího řízení a přes komoditní burzu KVIZDA, Martin, Ondřej ŠPETÍK, Jakub CHINI and Jan MÁLEK. Znalecký posudek ve věci 3 Cm 11/2018 – Srovnání nákupu elektrické energie prostřednictvím otevřeného zadávacího řízení a přes komoditní burzu (Expert opinion in case 3 Cm 11/2018 - Comparison of Purchasing Electricity through an Open Tender Procedure and through a Commodity Exchange). objednatel: Městský soud v Praze, 2022. 36 pp. Competitive Tendering on Railway Services in the Czech Republic ŠPETÍK, Ondřej. Competitive Tendering on Railway Services in the Czech Republic. In ETC Conference Papers 2019. 2019. doc. Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. Do environmental and ethical aspects of interfunctional coordination lead to smaller business performance? TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Eva and Lucie KAŇOVSKÁ. Do environmental and ethical aspects of interfunctional coordination lead to smaller business performance? Technological and Economic Development of Economy. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, 2019, vol. 25, No 6, p. 1282-1292. ISSN 2029-4913. doi:10.3846/tede.2019.11245. Identification of Interfunctional Coordination Items Important for Business Performance of SMEs HÜBNEROVÁ, Zuzana, Eva TOMÁŠKOVÁ and Josef BEDNÁŘ. Identification of Interfunctional Coordination Items Important for Business Performance of SMEs. Acta Unive. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2020, vol. 68, No 1, p. 169-179. ISSN 1211-8516. doi:10.11118/actaun202068010169. Expertise, Leadership Style and Communication in Interfunctional Coordination TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Eva. Expertise, Leadership Style and Communication in Interfunctional Coordination. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences Onlinefirst Current Archives About Search Search. Budapest: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2018, vol. 2, No 26, p. 103-111. ISSN 1416-3837. doi:10.3311/PPso.11692. Tržní orientace - známá neznámá TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Eva. Tržní orientace - známá neznámá (Market Orientation - Known Unknown). Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2018. 158 pp. Ekonomika a management. ISBN 978-80-7204-986-8. prof. Ing. Zdeněk Tomeš, Ph.D. Open access passenger rail services in Central Europe TOMEŠ, Zdeněk and Monika JANDOVÁ. Open access passenger rail services in Central Europe. Research in Transportation Economics. 2018, vol. 46, December, p. 74-81. ISSN 0739-8859. doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2018.10.002. Fare Discounts and Free Fares in Long-distance Public Transport in Central Europe TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Hana FITZOVÁ, Vilém PAŘIL, Václav REDERER, Zuzana KORDOVÁ and Marek KASA. Fare Discounts and Free Fares in Long-distance Public Transport in Central Europe. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Emsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, vol. 10, No 1, p. 507-517. ISSN 2213-624X. doi:10.1016/j.cstp.2022.01.011. Passenger Air Traffic in Central Europe PAŘIL, Vilém, Zdeněk TOMEŠ, Karolína URBANOVSKÁ and Marcel HORŇÁK. Passenger Air Traffic in Central Europe. Journal of Transport Geography. Oxford: ELSEVIER LTD, 2022, vol. 102, June, p. 1-3. ISSN 0966-6923. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103372. The border effect in European air transport TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Vlastimil REICHEL and Štěpán VESELÝ. The border effect in European air transport. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. JAFFALAAN (NETHERLANDS): Technische Universiteit Delft, 2022, vol. 22, No 2, p. 224-233. ISSN 1567-7141. doi:10.18757/ejtir.2022.22.2.5773. Regulatory challenges of open-access passenger competition in the Czech Republic TOMEŠ, Zdeněk, Martin KVIZDA, Monika JANDOVÁ and Václav REDERER. Regulatory challenges of open-access passenger competition in the Czech Republic. In Matthias Finger and Juan Montero. Handbook on Railway Regulation. Concepts and Practice. 1st ed. UK: Edwrad Elgar Publishing, 2020. p. 105-119. Handbook Series. ISBN 978- 1-78990-177-1. Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Tóthová, Ph.D. DEAFinitely English. Online materials for teachers of English as a Foreign Language for Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Jitka, Lenka TÓTHOVÁ, Nicola NUNN and JunHui YANG. DEAFinitely English. Online materials for teachers of English as a Foreign Language for Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. 153 pp. ISBN 978-80-280-0141-4. Teaching English to DHH in Inclusive Secondary School Classroom : Teacher Experience TÓTHOVÁ, Lenka and Jitka SEDLÁČKOVÁ. Teaching English to DHH in Inclusive Secondary School Classroom : Teacher Experience. In ESSE Conference, 29 August-2 Septemberm 2022, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. 2022. Fostering autonomy in learners with special needs : a specialized e-learning course 85 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR TÓTHOVÁ, Lenka and Jitka SEDLÁČKOVÁ. Fostering autonomy in learners with special needs : a specialized elearning course. Language Learning in Higher Education; Journal of the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education (CercleS). De Gruyter, 2021, vol. 11, No 2, p. 471-487. ISSN 2191-611X. doi:10.1515/cercles- 2021-2022. Ve zdech labyrintu : Metapoetické reflexe Miguela Torgy TÓTHOVÁ, Lenka. Ve zdech labyrintu : Metapoetické reflexe Miguela Torgy (Inside the labyrinth : Miguel Torga’s metalyrical reflections.). In „ Rozmanitost jazyků, kultur a pohledů“Česká romanistika v evropském kontextu - XIX. mezinárodní setkání romanistů (Olomouc, 23.-24.11.2018). 2018. prof. JUDr. Vladimír Týč, CSc. Právo Evropské unie TOMÁŠEK, Michal, Vladimír TÝČ, Jiří MALENOVSKÝ, Irena PELIKÁNOVÁ, David PETRLÍK, Filip KŘEPELKA, Lenka PÍTROVÁ, Václav ŠMEJKAL, David SEHNÁLEK, Aneta VONDRÁČKOVÁ, Magdalena SVOBODOVÁ, Martin SMOLEK, Jan EXNER and Naděžda ROZEHNALOVÁ. Právo Evropské unie (Law of the European Union). 3. aktualizované vydání. Praha: Leges, 2021. 512 pp. Student. ISBN 978-80-7502-491-6. European patent with unitary effect: A remarkable cohabitation of Union law and international law TÝČ, Vladimír. European patent with unitary effect: A remarkable cohabitation of Union law and international law. In David Petrlík, Michal Bobek, Jan M. Passer, Antoine Masson. Evolution des rapports entre les ordres juridiques de l Union européenne, international et nationaux. Brusel, Belgie: Bruylant, 2020. p. 785-799. Strada Lex, 1: verze. ISBN 978-2-8027-6686-5. Enhanced Cooperation and International Treaties Between Member states as Possible Means for Overcoming the Increased Heterogenity of the European Union TÝČ, Vladimír. Enhanced Cooperation and International Treaties Between Member states as Possible Means for Overcoming the Increased Heterogenity of the European Union. In Naděžda Šišková (ed.). The European Union Whats is Next? A Legal Analysis and the Political Visions on the Future of the Union. 1st ed. Köln: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. p. 211-221. ISBN 978-3-452-29186-8. RESPECT FOR NATIONAL IDENTITY AND THE LOYALITY PRINCIPLE IN EU LAW. REMARKS CONCERNING THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNION TÝČ, Vladimír. RESPECT FOR NATIONAL IDENTITY AND THE LOYALITY PRINCIPLE IN EU LAW. REMARKS CONCERNING THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNION. In Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Bratislavské právnické fórum 2018, sekcia 13. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2018. p. 64 - 72. ISBN 978-80-7160-483-9. Mgr. Ladislav Václavík, Ph.D. French comparative online course from the English background ČERVENKOVÁ, Marie and Ladislav VÁCLAVÍK. French comparative online course from the English background. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2021. Elportál. ISSN 1802-128X. In quest of similarity: Raising cross-linguistic awareness among Erasmus students learning French VÁCLAVÍK, Ladislav. In quest of similarity: Raising cross-linguistic awareness among Erasmus students learning French. In the 5th International Conference Contemporary Challenges in LSP Teaching. 2021. Learning French through English: students’beliefs and motivations and the role of English as language medium VÁCLAVÍK, Ladislav. Learning French through English: students’beliefs and motivations and the role of English as language medium. CASALC Review. Česká a slovenská asociace učitelů jazykových center na vysokých školách, 2020, vol. 10, No 2, p. 25-40. ISSN 1804-9435. doi:10.5817/CASALC2020-2-3. Promoting Learner Autonomy in Classes of Business English using Quizlet VÁCLAVÍK, Ladislav. Promoting Learner Autonomy in Classes of Business English using Quizlet. In Kateřina Sedláčková, Barbora Chovancová and Štěpánka Bilová. The Teacher´s Role in Developing Learner Autonomy. 1st ed. Hongkong: Candlin & Mynard ePublishing Limited, 2020. p. 122-131. Autonomous Language Learning Series. ISBN 978- 1-6592-7135-5. The role of Quizlet in learning business vocabulary VÁCLAVÍK, Ladislav. The role of Quizlet in learning business vocabulary. CASALC Review. Česká a slovenská asociace učitelů jazykových center na vysokých školách, 2020, vol. 10, No 1, p. 69-88. ISSN 1804-9435. doi:10.5817/CASALC2020- 1-6. Ing. Petr Valouch, Ph.D. Risk Management in Coal-Mines – Methodical Proposal for Polish and Czech Hard Coal Mining Industry TWOREK, Piotr, Seweryn TCHÓRZEWSKI and Petr VALOUCH. Risk Management in Coal-Mines – Methodical Proposal for Polish and Czech Hard Coal Mining Industry. Acta montanistica Slovaca. Košice: Technická univerzita [Košice], 2018, vol. 23, No 1, p. 72-80. ISSN 1335-1788. Mergers of Trading Companies and Causes of Their failure SEDLÁČEK, Jaroslav and Petr VALOUCH. Mergers of Trading Companies and Causes of Their failure. Engineering Economics. Technologija, 2018, vol. 29, No 4, p. 397-404. ISSN 1392-2785. doi:10.5755/ Analýza fungování vnitřních kontrolních systémů orgánů veřejné správy 86 MU Details of the Degree Programme ESF:B-FIPR HRŮZA, Filip, Petr VALOUCH, Eduard BAKOŠ, Jana VODÁKOVÁ, Markéta PÁLENÍKOVÁ, Petra DVOŘÁKOVÁ and Kateřina ŠŤASTNÁ. Analýza fungování vnitřních kontrolních systémů orgánů veřejné správy (Analysis of the functioning of internal controls of public administration systems). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. 124 pp. Comparative Analysis of Germany, France and Italy and recommendations for the Czech Republic PADOVANI, Emanuele, Filip HRŮZA, Andrea GARLATTI, Léonard GOURBIER, Silvia IACUZZI, Sarah MÜLLER, Iris SALITERER, Kateřina ŠŤASTNÁ and Petr VALOUCH. Comparative Analysis of Germany, France and Italy and recommendations for the Czech Republic. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. 263 pp. Softwarová aplikace pro bankrotní modely HLADKÁ, Marie, Daniel NĚMEC, Jakub PEJCAL, Petr VALOUCH, Vladimír HYÁNEK and Dominik DVOŘÁK. Softwarová aplikace pro bankrotní modely (Software application for bankruptcy models). 2020. doc. Ing. Eva Vávrová, Ph.D. Evolution of a Commercial Insurance Company in Trans-Epochal Developments: The Evidence of Czech Insurance Market VÁVROVÁ, Eva and Lenka PŘEČKOVÁ. Evolution of a Commercial Insurance Company in Trans-Epochal Developments: The Evidence of Czech Insurance Market. In History of Insurance in a Global Perspective. 2022. Milníky vývoje českého pojistného trhu NEČAS, Svatopluk and Eva VÁVROVÁ. Milníky vývoje českého pojistného trhu (The Milestones of the Development of the Czech Insurance Market). Pojistné rozpravy : pojistně teoretický bulletin. Česká asociace pojišťoven, 2020, No 37, p. 6-18. ISSN 2571-1059. Technical Provisions As One of the Risk Management Modes of Commercial Insurance Companies Operating on the Czech Insurance Market VÁVROVÁ, Eva and Lenka PŘEČKOVÁ. Technical Provisions As One of the Risk Management Modes of Commercial Insurance Companies Operating on the Czech Insurance Market. In Josef Nešleha Filip Hampl Miroslav Svoboda. European Financial Systems 2018. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference, Brno: Masaryk University, 2018. ISBN 978-80-210-8980-8. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. p. 794-802. ISBN 978-80-210- 8980-8. prof. JUDr. PhDr. Miloš Večeřa, CSc. Mediation in the Perspective of Law and Social Change VEČEŘA, Miloš and Martina URBANOVÁ. Mediation in the Perspective of Law and Social Change. In Lenka Holá, Martina Urbanová, Miloš Večeřa, David Fiedor, Jan Holas. Mediation in the Reflection of Law and Society: European Perspectives. 1st ed. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2022. p. 1-48, 49 pp. Global Trends in Dispute Resolution Series. ISBN 978-94-035-4214-0. Pojem a vývoj rétoriky VEČEŘA, Miloš. Pojem a vývoj rétoriky (The Concept and Development of Rhetoric). In Rétorika nejen pro právníky. 1st ed. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2020. p. 9-29, 128-140, 265-288, 58 pp. Kolektivní monografie. ISBN 978-80-7380-809-9. Etika vědecké práce VEČEŘA, Miloš. Etika vědecké práce (Ethics of scientific work). In Tomáš Sobek. Právní etika. 1st ed. Praha: Leges, 2019. p. 353-372. Edice Teoretik, 534. publikace. ISBN 978-80-7502-333-9. František Weyr a brněnská normativní škola VEČEŘA, Miloš. František Weyr a brněnská normativní škola (František Weyr and Brno normative school). Právník. Praha: AV ČR, Ústav státu a práva, 2019, vol. 158, No 1, p. 107-118. ISSN 0231-6625. Spravedlnost soudcovského rozhodování VEČEŘA, Miloš. Spravedlnost soudcovského rozhodování (Justice of Judicial Decisions-making). In Gábriš,Tomáš. Sudcovské rozhodovanie: Záruky a prekážky spravodlivého procesu. 1st ed. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. p. 78- 94. ISBN 978-80-8168-916-1. Mgr. Daniela Veškrnová Role a využití didaktického překladu ve výuce. Přehledová studie. VEŠKRNOVÁ, Daniela. Role a využití didaktického překladu ve výuce. Přehledová studie. (The role of pedagogical translation in teaching. Survey). In Učení a vyučování cizím jazykům ve výzkumu. 2020. Mgr. Filip Vlček, MJur No publishing activity in the last five years; alternatively, the publications have not been selected in MU IS. Mgr. Silvie Zlatošová, Ph.D. A Non-asymptotic Automobile Bonus-malus System with Varying Transition Rules ZLATOŠOVÁ, Silvie. A Non-asymptotic Automobile Bonus-malus System with Varying Transition Rules. In Josef Nešleha Lukáš Marek Miroslav Svoboda Zuzana Rakovská. EUROPEAN FINANCIAL SYSTEMS 2019. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019. p. 650-655. ISBN 978-80-210-9338-6. 87