Dr Stanislav Martinát CV (listopad 2022) stanislav.martinat@hutton.ac.uk https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4060-2009 Výzkumné zaměření Mé výzkumné zájmy se ubírají dvěma směry. První směr se zaměřuje na výzkum šíření a využívání technologií obnovitelných zdrojů energie na venkově, sociálně-prostorové, socio-technické, ekonomické a environmentální důsledky výskytu těchto zařízení, jejich udržitelnost a rurální energetický přechod. Můj druhý výzkumný směr spočívá v řešení otázek okolo existence brownfieldů a jejich umístění, jejich sociálních a environmentálních důsledků a jejích vnímání veřejností, ale také možností jejich opětovného využití. Oba mé výzkumné zájmy spojuje snaha o lepší pochopení vztahů mezi člověkem a prostředím z pohledu humánní geografie. Vzdělání 2015 PhD. Humánní Geografie, Komenského univerzita v Bratislavě. 2002 Mgr. Geografie, Masarykova univerzita. Zaměstnání Ve Velké Británii / USA Od července 2021 – James Hutton Institute, Department of Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences (SEGS), Aberdeen, Scotland, Social Scientist in Sustainable Land Management. Leden 2021 – červen 2021: Aston University, Birmingham, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI), Research Fellow in Sustainable Energy. Únor 2018 – srpen 2020: Cardiff University, School of Geography and Planning, Research Fellow funded by MSCA COFUND Fellowship. Leden 2019 – srpen 2020: Sustainability Institute (PLACE), Cardiff University, Research Affiliate. Srpen 2016 - březen 2017: Arizona State University, School of Geography and Planning, Research Fellow funded by Fulbright Fellowship. V České republice Od listopadu 2001: Ústav geoniky Akademie Věd České republiky, Oddělení environmentální geografie (Vedoucí výzkumný pracovník od roku 2017, předchozí pozice: Senior výzkumník, Junior výzkumník, Výzkumný asistent). Od září 2020: Univerzita Palackého, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra geografie (Odborný asistent). Únor 2008 – leden 2016: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně-podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, (Odborný asistent). Ocenění COFUND Fellowship (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, 2018-2020), Cardiff University, School of Geography and Planning, financováno Evropskou komisí prostřednictvím programu Horizont2020. Fulbright Scholarship, Awarded by the Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic (2016-2017), Arizona State University, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. Externí hodnotitel Hodnotitel návrhů výzkumných projektů: Technologická agentura České republiky, National Science Centre (Poland), Vega Grant Agency (Slovakia), Italian Scientific Evaluation (Cineca, Italy), National Research Council of Latvia, Scientific fund of Serbia, National Centre for Scientific and Technical Evaluation (Kazahstan), Research Council of Lithuania, Research Agency of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (NAKI), Estonian Research Council (Estonia). Hodnotitel akademických článků pro následující časopisy: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Renewable Energy, Energy Research and Social Sciences, Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Cities, Sustainability, Energy and Buildings, Landscape and Urban Planning, Biomass and Bioenergy, Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Management, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Habitat International, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, Energy and Environment, European Planning Studies, Resources, The Science of Total Environment, Geografisk Tidsskrift – Danish Journal of Geography, Fennia, European Countryside, Bulletin of Geography, Moravian Geographical Reports, Geographia Technica, Deturope, Geographia Cassoviensis. Recenzent návrhů knižních publikací: Routledge/Earthscan, University of South Bohemia Press. Vybrané granty Hlavní řešitel / spoluřešitel The nature and dynamics of local land use conflicts in a polyrational arena (Czech Science Foundation, 20-11782S, 2020—2022). Anaerobic digestion plants in rural Wales: Social-spatial diffusion of technology, social acceptance and energy transition (COFUND Fellowship, Co-funded by the Welsh Government, Cardiff University and the European Commission, 2018-2020). The Re-use of Energy-industry Brownfields: Analyses, Best Practices and a Research Agenda (the Fulbright Commission, 2016-2017). Brownfields in Urban and Rural Space: Geographic, Economic, Historic and Legal Consequences and its Importance for Regional Development (Silesian University, SGS/2016/13, 2016-2017). Energy Landscapes: Innovation, dynamics and internalisation of research, Operational Programme: Education for Competitiveness, European Social Fund (2011-2014), co-ordinator: Dr. Bohumil Frantal, project manager: Dr. Standa Martinat (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0025), www.engela.eu Agriculture in mountain conditions, its spatio-temporal changes and importance for the development of mountain areas (Grant Agency of AS CR, KJB300860902, 2009-2010). Development of professional skills of geographers of the Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Science (Operational Programme, Education for Competitiveness, European Social Fund, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0234, 2009-2011). Člen řešitelského týmu The Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme (2022– 2027) that is funded by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division (Farmer Intention Survey, Galvanizing Natural Capital, Land Use Transformations). The Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme (2016 – 2021) that is funded by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division (Farmer willingness to participate in payments for Ecosystem Services). Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (TippingPlus), Horizon2020 (Project no. 884565, 2019-2023), https://tipping-plus.eu/ ADAPTation to sustainable energy transition in Europe: environmental, socio-economic and cultural ASpects (ADAPTAS), Government of Spain, Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competition, and the ERDF (Project no. CSO2017-86975-R, 2019-2022), co-ordinator: Professor Marina Frolova (University of Granada, Spain). Integrated Spatial Planning, Land Use and Soil Management Research Action (INSPIRATION), Horizon2020 (2014-2018, no. 681256), co-ordinators: Dr. Detlef Grimski, Dr. Stephan Bartke (German Ministry for Environment, Berlin, Germany), www.inspiration-h2020.eu. Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality (RELY) (Horizon2020, Transport and Urban Development COST Action TU1401, 2014-2018), Project co-ordinator: Professor Michael Roth (HochSchule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt, Nürtinger-Gieslingen), www.cost-rely.eu. Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe (TIMBRE), FP7 EU programme (2011- 2014, no. 265364), co-ordinator: Dr.Stephan Bartke (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ, Leipzig, Germany), www.timbre-project.eu. Socio-spatial consequences of demographic changes in the cities of South-Eastern Europe, Volkswagen Stiftung, (2006-2009), co-ordinator: Dr. Annegret Haase (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ, Leipzig, Germany). Revitalisation of urban brownfields: comparative analyses in the areas of the Eastern Germany and the Czech Republic (AVČR–DAAD-D 10–CZ12/08-09, 2009-2010). Socio-spatial diffusion of renewable energy projects in the Czech Republic (16-04483S, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, 2016-2018, coordinators: Dr. Dan Van der Horst, Dr. Bohumil Frantal), www.energygeographies.eu. New Methods for Improving Brownfields Regeneration to Optimize Decision-Making Processes (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, TD020259, 2014-2015, co-ordinator: Dr Petr Klusacek), www.brownfields.eu. Výuka Environmental Governance (post-graduate module, Palacky University, since 2022) Rural Geography (post-graduate module, Palacky University, 2012-2016, since 2020). Environmental Management (post-graduate module, Cardiff University, spring 2020, guest lecturer to the module taught by Dr Andrew Flynn). Governance of the Eco-City Development Process (post-graduate module, Cardiff University, spring 2020, guest lecturer to the module taught by Dr Andrew Flynn). Post Carbon Worlds: Energy Geographies (undergraduate module, Cardiff University, spring 2020, guest lecturer to the module taught by Dr Oleg Golubchikov). Environmental Governance (post-graduate module, Cardiff University), autumn 2019, guest lecturer to the module taught by Dr Antonion Ioris). Renewable energy development and planning (post-graduate module, Cardiff University), autumn 2019, guest lecturer to the module taught by Professor Richard Cowell). Sustainable Development: Concepts, Challenges and Practices (undergraduate module, Cardiff University, module taught by Dr Andrea Collins). Energy in the Global Arena (post-graduate module, Arizona State University, autumn 2016, guest lecturer to the module taught by Prof. Martin J Pasqualetti). The Thread of Energy (post-graduate module, Arizona State University, spring 2017, guest lecturer to the module taught by Prof. Martin J Pasqualetti). Agricultural Geography (under-graduate module, Palacky University, since 2016-2018). Regional Economics, Regional Policy (under-graduate module), Spatial Economy (post-graduate module, Silesian University, 2009-2016). Supervision of theses: Circa 40 in the last 10 years. Rich experience with organizing excursions and field trips for students (Grand Canyon, Arizona, Carpathian Mts, Alps, Brecon Beacons). Member of PhD Committee – University of Liege (Belgium), Human Geography programme (since 2021). Member of PhD Committee – Jan Evangelista Purkyně University (Czech Republic), Geography of transformations programme (since 2022) Member of the Committee for selection of PhD candidates – Université Gustave Eiffel, Faculty of Social Sciences (France) (2022). Další faktory dokládající excelenci - According to the internal evaluation panel of Cardiff University for REF2021 (Rolling REF2021), four of my papers were evaluated as probably 3-star papers (internationally excellent papers in terms of originality, significance and rigour). - During my career as a researcher I was lucky to have secured more than £600,000 of external funding for my research. - Editorial board member of Moravian Geographical Reports (Czech Academy of Sciences, since 2014), Frontiers in Energy Research. Energy Systems and Policy (since 2018). - Paper listed among excellent results of Palacky University (2018). - The Prize of the Rector of the Silesian University for the best paper (2017). - The Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the popularization of science (2016). - According to study of Lin, Zhu et al. (2019) in journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research I was named among the key and the most productive researchers that are recently dealing with the brownfield issue. - I served as the National Focal Point (CZ) for research in environmental geography and urban planning (2015-2017, Czech Academy of Sciences, within the H2020 funded project Inspiration). - External expert advisor to the Regional Development Agency of the Moravian Silesian Region (CZ). - Member of the programme committee of the international conference on New Trends and Challenges for Energy Geographies (Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, August 2013). - Member of the programme committee of the international conference on Sustainable and Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, 2020). - Invited speaker for the workshop on Renewable energies in the countryside (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, June 2016). - Co-organizer of the session Renewable energy in the crowded world (together with Prof. Martin J Pasqualetti) at the annual conference of Association of American Geographers (New Orleans, LA, USA, April 2018). - Main organizer of the series of ten international workshops with overall title New Rural Spaces (Czech Academy of Sciences, 2010-2011). - I won three travel awards (3 x £2,300) funded by the RELY COST Action (funded by the Horizon2020). The first allowed me to work for a month as visiting scholar at the School of Social Science, University of Lisbon (in June 2016), the second to work for a month at School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, (in July 2017), the third funded my participation at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers (New Orleans, LA, USA, April 2018). Ohlas na akademické články: Počty citací (listopad 2022) Podle databáže Web of Science: 913 (bez autocitací). Podle databáze Scopus: 929 (bez autocitací). Podle databáze Google Scholar: circa 2331. Počet článků na Web of Science – 66 Peer review články v databázi Web of Science (posledních pět let) Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., van der Horst, D., Krejčí, T., Klusáček, Škrabal, J., Dvořák, P. (2022). Preference and Paradox: Local Residents’ perspectives on the Reuse of Post-Agricultural Brownfield Sites. Sociologia Ruralis (accepted). Duží, B., Fanfani, D., & Martinát, S. (2022). Evolving local agrifood initiatives within a territorial agrifood system: the case of Prato Province, Italy. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 1-34. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683565.2022.2138673 Kulla, M., Novotný, L., Pregi, L., Dvořák, P., Martinát, S., Klusáček, P., ... & Frantál, B. (2022). The good, the bad, and the nobody: Exploring diversity of perceptions of anaerobic digestion plants in Central and Eastern Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 89, 102644. Martinát, S., Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Kulla, M., Navrátil, J., Klusáček, P., Dvořák, P., ... & Frantál, B. (2022). Best Practice Forever? Dynamics behind the Perception of Farm-Fed Anaerobic Digestion Plants in Rural Peripheries. Energies, 15(7), 2533. Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Starczewski, T., Rogatka, K., Lewandowska, A., & Martinat, S. (2022). From adoration to damnation? Exploring role of media in shaping low-carbon economy in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-23. Klusáček, P., Martinát, S., Charvátová, K., & Navrátil, J. (2022). Transforming the Use of Agricultural Premises under Urbanization Pressures: A Story from a Second-Tier Post-Socialist City. Land, 11(6), 866. Turečková, K., Martinát, S., Nevima, J., & Varadzin, F. (2022). The Impact of Brownfields on Residential Property Values in Post-Industrial Communities: A Study from the Eastern Part of the Czech Republic. Land, 11(6), 804. Raška, P., Frantál, B., Martinát, S., & Hruška, V. (2022). Exploring local land use conflicts through successive planning decisions: a dynamic approach and theory-driven typology of potentially conflicting planning decisions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-20. Křištofová, K., Lehnert, M., Martinát, S., Tokar, V., & Opravil, Z. (2022). Adaptation to climate change in the eastern regions of the Czech Republic: An analysis of the measures proposed by local governments. Land Use Policy, 114, 105949. Klusáček, P., Charvátová, K., Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., & Martinát, S. (2022). Regeneration of PostAgricultural Brownfield for Social Care Needs in Rural Community: Is There Any Transferable Experience? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 240. Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Klusáček, & Hewitt, R. J. (2021). Conversion of Post-Socialist Agricultural Premises as a Chance for Renewable Energy Production. Photovoltaics or Biogas Plants? Energies, 14(21), 7164 Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Martinát, S., & Van Der Horst, D. (2021). Changes in feedstocks of rural anaerobic digestion plants: External drivers towards a circular bioeconomy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 148, 111344. Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S., Frazier, R. J., Klusáček, P., Pícha, K., ... & Osman, R. (2021). Variation in brownfield reuse of derelict agricultural premises in diverse rural spaces. Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 124-136. Švec, R., Martinát, S., Pícha, K., Klusáček, P., Knotek, J., Schaefer, J. C., ... & Navrátil, J. (2021). What drives visitors to tourist sites to choose “green” accommodation facilities? Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-26. Borseková, K., Vaňová, A., Šúrová, J., Kráľ, P., Turečková, K., Nevima, J., & Martinát, S. (2021). The Nexus between Creative Actors and Regional Development. Land, 10(3), 276. Klusáček, P., Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Golubchikov, O., Pícha, K., Škrabal, J., Osman, R. (2021): Planning for the future of derelict farm premises: From abandonment to regeneration? Land Use Policy, 102: 105248. Stober, D., Suškevičs, M., Eiter, S., Müller, S., Martinát, S., Buchecker, M. (2021): What is the quality of participatory renewable energy planning in Europe? A comparative analysis of innovative practices in 25 projects. Energy Research & Social Science, 71: 101804. Navrátil, J., Klusáček, P., Martinát, S., & Dvořák, P. (2021). Emergence of Centralized (Collective) and Decentralized (Individual) Environmentally Friendly Solutions during the Regeneration of a Residential Building in a Post-Socialist City. Land, 10(5), 524. Krejčí, T., Navrátil, J., Martinát, S., Frazier, R. J., Klusáček, P., Pícha, K., ... & Osman, R. (2021). Spatial Unevenness of Formation, Remediation and Persistence of Post-Agricultural Brownfields. Land, 10(3), 325. Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Kola-Bezka, M., Lewandowska, A., & Martinát, S. (2021). Local Communities’ Energy Literacy as a Way to Rural Resilience—An Insight from Inner Peripheries. Energies, 14(9), 2575. Navrátil, J., Krejčí, T., Martinát, S., Pícha, K., Klusáček, P., Škrabal, J., Osman, R. (2020): Abandonment or Regeneration and Re-Use? Factors Affecting the Usage of Farm Premises in Different Social Spaces of the Rural. Sustainability, 12: 9124. Klusáček, P., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., Kunc, J., Hercik, J., Havlíček, M., Skokanová, H. (2020): Return of the Local Democracy to the Territory of the Military Training Areas (Case Study the Czech Republic). Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 53(2): 191–213. Martinat, S., Navratil, J., Cowell, R. (2020). Who actually lives in the proximity of AD plants in Wales? Biomass Bioenergy, 143, 105799. Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Martinat, S., & Cowell, R. (2019). Community tensions, participation, and local development: Factors affecting the spatial embeddedness of anaerobic digestion in Poland and the Czech Republic. Energy Research & Social Science, 55, 134-145. Navratil, J., Picha, K., Buchecker, M., Martinat, S., Svec, R., Brezinova, M., & Knotek, J. (2019). Visitors’ preferences of renewable energy options in “green” hotels. Renewable Energy, 138, 1065- 1077. Suskevics, M., Eiter, S., Martinat, S., Stober, D., Vollmer, E., de Boer, C. L., & Buchecker, M. (2019). Regional variation in public acceptance of wind energy development in Europe: What are the roles of planning procedures and participation? Land use policy, 81, 311-323. Klusáček, P., Martinát, S., Krejčí, T., & Bartke, S. (2019). Re-development of a former military training area—The case of Brdy told from a local actors’ perspective. Land Use Policy, 82, 147-157. Martinat, S., Navrátil, J., Hollander, J. B., Trojan, J., Klapka, P., Klusacek, P., & Kalok, D. (2018). Rereuse of regenerated brownfields: Lessons from an Eastern European post-industrial city. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 536-545. Frantal, B., Van der Horst, D., Martinat, S., Schmitz, S., Teschner, N., Silva, L., Golobic, M., & Roth, M. (2018). Spatial targeting, synergies and scale: Exploring the criteria of smart practices for siting renewable energy projects. Energy Policy, 120, 85-93. Navratil, J., Picha, K., Martinat, S., Nathanail, P. C., Tureckova, K., & Holesinska, A. (2018). Resident’s preferences for urban brownfield revitalization: Insights from two Czech cities. Land use policy, 76, 224-234. Turečková, K., Nevima, J., Škrabal, J., & Martinát, S. (2018). Uncovering patterns of location of brownfields to facilitate their regeneration: Some remarks from the Czech Republic. Sustainability, 10(6), 1984. Limasset, E., Pizzol, L., Merly, C., Gatchett, A. M., Le Guern, C., Martinát, S., ... & Bartke, S. (2018). Points of attention in designing tools for regional brownfield prioritization. Science of The Total Environment, 622, 997-1008. Klusáček, P., Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Malý, J., Kunc, J., Dvořák, P., Martinat, S. & Skokanová, H. (2018). Good governance as a strategic choice in brownfield regeneration: Regional dynamics from the Czech Republic. Land use policy, 73, 29-39. Tóth, A., Duží, B., Vávra, J., Supuka, J., Bihuňová, M., Halajová, D., Martinat, S. & Nováková, E. (2018). Changing Patterns of Allotment Gardening in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Nature and Culture, 13(1), 161-188. Navratil, J., Krejci, T., Martinat, S., Pasqualetti, M. J., Klusacek, P., Frantal, B., & Tochackova, K. (2018). Brownfields do not “only live twice”: The possibilities for heritage preservation and the enlargement of leisure time activities in Brno, the Czech Republic. Cities, 74, 52-63. Martinat, S., Navratil, J., Trojan, J., Frantal, B., Klusacek, P., Pasqualetti, M. J. (2017). Interpreting regional and local diversities of the social acceptance of agricultural AD plants in the rural space of the Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic). Rendiconti Lincei - Scienze Fisiche E Naturali, 28(3), 535- 548. Dvorak, P., Martinat, S., Van der Horst, D., Frantal, B., Tureckova, K. (2017). Renewable energy investment and job creation; a cross-sectoral assessment for the Czech Republic with reference to EU benchmarks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 360-368. Alexandrescu, F., Klusáček, P., Bartke, S., Osman, R., Frantál, B., Martinát, S., ... & Critto, A. (2017). Actor networks and the construction of applicable knowledge: the case of the Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 19(5), 1323-1334.