No. 2/2015 5 Editorial Dear readers, It is a pleasure and honour for me to write the editorial for the journal Financial Assets and Investing. I have been a regular reader of the journal since its first issue was published in 2010. I can see that the journal has gone through remarkable changes. I was quite surprised that the current issue includes two scientific articles; however after I found out that many of the submitted ones were rejected in the review process, I had to appreciate that the journal still follows its policy and publishes only good-quality articles. The first article, Application of GARCH-Copula Model in Portfolio Optimization, written by Aleš Kresta, contributes to the literature and research on the portfolio optimization problem. It examines the applicability of the GARCHcopula model, which assumes an investor who maximizes Sharpe ratio while the future time series is simulated by means of the GARCH-copula model and by means of the bootstrapping technique. The second contribution, Cross Sectional Analysis of Short Sale Determinants on U.S. Blue Chips, was written by Dagmar Linnertová. The study is based on the previous research in which the short sale determinants are represented by market specific variables and fundamental-to-price ratios and correspond with hypotheses that explain investor's motivation to go short. The presented article investigates the short sale determinants on the U. S. blue chips. Even though there are only a few contributions in this issue, I believe that you will find them interesting and that they will contribute to the extension of your knowledge. I also would like to encourage the potential authors to submit their papers from all areas of finance. Eva Horvátová