An agent-based model of price flexing by chain-store retailers Ondřej Krčál, FEA MU, MUES 2012, 15/11/2012 () 1 / 18 Price flexing Price flexing by chain-store retailers = third-degree price discrimination in which individual stores set their prices according to their local market power. Examples: • UK supermarket sector – Competition Commission (2000) found this practice anti-competitive but offered no remedy • Czech petrol stations – Shell has zero profit margin in some regions and a PM of 4 CZK in other locations (highways) – Office for the Protection of Competition did not find this practice anti-competitive () 2 / 18 Literature review Dobson & Waterson (2005a, 2005b, 2008) • stylized models of a supermarket sector with two separate markets, one monopolistic and one competitive and two retailers • choice of both local and uniform pricing might be rational for some parameters of the model • also the welfare consequences of different combinations of pricing strategies depend on parameter values. Problem of their approach: pricing has no effect on market structure. I propose an agent-based model where pricing strategy affects not only prices but also number and location of stores in the market. () 3 / 18 Model (1/5) Agent-based model implemented in Netlogo 4.1.3. In each run, the model is initialized + it runs for some periods. Initialization: • landscape – a square of 40 × 40 patches • 1,000 consumers who differ only in their locations. Each gets a location with random direction and distance from the center of a settlement. The distance ranges from 0 to h/(πu), where h is the number of inhabitants and u population-density parameter. • 2 chain-stores – chain 1 and 2 opens 10 stores of each with a random location and a price pR/2, where pR is reservation price of consumers. () 4 / 18 () 5 / 18 Model (2/5) Each periods has four phases: 1) opening stores, 2) adjusting prices, 3) shopping, and 4) closing stores. 1) Opening stores – up to v stores for each chain A new store opens only if it increases the profit of the chain – depends on the price the new store charges: • U – the same price as any store in its chain • L – the lowest price charged by an incumbent store of its chain • ˆL – the average price charged by the stores of its chain • LL – the price of the store (of any chain) with the lowest distance () 6 / 18 Model (3/5) 2) Adjusting prices – each store changes its price by > 0 or by 0. The adjustment decision depends on pricing strategy: • uniform pricing (U) – each chain chooses the price that maximizes its profit given the price charged by the other chain. • local pricing (L, ˆL, or LL) – each store chooses the price that maximizes its chain’s profit given the prices charged by all the other stores. () 7 / 18 Model (4/5) 3) Shopping – each consumer chooses the store with the lowest pit + cd2 it, where • pit is the price of the product, • c > 0 is the per-patch transportation cost, • dit is the distance to the store i. In this store, each consumer buys • 1 unit of the product if her reservation price pR is higher than price + transportation cost, • 0 units otherwise. () 8 / 18 Model (5/5) 4) Closing store – depends on profits of stores. Assuming zero marginal cost, the profit of store i in period t is πit = qitpit − F, where • qit are units of product sold, • F is the quasi-fixed cost. In period t, the chain closes store i with a probability −πit F . () 9 / 18 Data (1/2) Generated in Behavior Space in Netlogo for all combinations of the following parameters/settings (1,024 runs): • urban landscape (1 city of h = 400 and 20 villages of h = 30) and rural landscape (30 villages of h = 30) • population-density parameters u = 0.5 and 1 • reservation prices pR = 0.5 and 1 • numbers of new stores v = 2 and 4 • strategy profiles (U, U), (L, L), (ˆL, ˆL) and (LL, LL) • transportation-cost parameters c = 0.01 and 0.02 • price-change parameters = 0.02 and 0.03 • quasi-fixed cost F = 5 • random seeds 1, 2, 3, and 4 () 10 / 18 Data (2/2) Each run of the simulation generates the following variables: • Quantity Q = 1 100 200 t=101 ¯nt, where ¯nt is the number of consumers who bought 1 unit of product (customer) • Price P = 1 100 200 t=101( 1 ¯nt ¯nt j=1 pjt) • Number of stores of chain k Mk = 1 100 200 t=101 mkt • Revenue of chain k Rk = 1 100 200 t=101 mkt l=1 qlktplkt • Distance D = 1 100 200 t=101 ¯nt j=1 d∗ jt • Consumers’ surplus CS = QpR − R − cD2 where R = R1 + R2 • Profit of chain k Πk = Rk − MkF • Total profit Π = Π1 + Π2 = R − MF, where M = M1 + M2 • Welfare W = CS + Π = QpR − cD2 − MF () 11 / 18 Results (1/4) Compare outcomes of 3 three pairs of strategies: • (U, U) to (L, L) • (U, U) to (ˆL, ˆL) • (U, U) to (LL, LL). I run a regressions for each pair of strategies and each variable of the entire dataset (24 regressions in total) - example: STORES NO = 19.307 (0.958) + 507.176 (23.652) TRANSP COST −3.454 (0.473) POP DENSITY + 5.935 (0.473) RES PRICE + 19.293 (23.652) EPSILON +0.325 (0.118) ENTRANTS − 1.336 (0.237) URBAN − 4.523 (0.237) LOCAL T = 512 ¯R2 = 0.677 F(7, 504) = 153.64 ˆσ = 2.676 (standard errors in parentheses) () 12 / 18 Results (2/4) I run the 24 regressions also for each of the 12 partition of the data defined by one value of the following parameters: • TRANSP COST c = 0.01 or 0.02 • POP DENSITY u = 0.5 or 1 • RES PRICE pR = 0.5 or 1 • EPSILON = 0.02 or 0.03 • ENTRANTS v = 2 or 4 • URBAN = 0 or 1 The total number of regressions is therefore 312. The following table presents the parameters and standard errors of LOCAL for the entire dataset and for the partitions restricted to pR = 0.5 and 1. () 13 / 18 () 14 / 18 Results (3/4) Prices for the strategy (LL, LL) for pR = 0.5 (left) and pR = 1: • black crosses = customers with pjt ≤ 0.2 • dark gray crosses = customers with 0.2 < pjt ≤ 0.3 • light gray crosses = customers with pjt > 0.3 • dots = consumers with 0 units of product () 15 / 18 Results (4/4) Change in welfare is ∆W = ∆QpR − c∆D2 − ∆MF, where • ∆QpR = welfare effect of quantity traded, • −c∆D2 = welfare effect of distance to shops, • −∆MF = effect of lower number of shops. () 16 / 18 Conclusion What is the effect of local pricing on market outcomes? The agent-based model with endogenous entry and location of stores shows that local pricing • reduces welfare because the effect of quantity traded and distance to shops outweighs the effect of lower number of shops. • may increase or reduce total profits and consumers’ surplus, depending on the size of the reservation price relative to the equilibrium price. () 17 / 18 Literature • Dobson, P. W., and Waterson, M.: Chain-Store Pricing across Local Markets. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 14 (2005a), 93–119. • Dobson, P. W., and Waterson, M.: Price Flexing and Chain-Store Competition. Proceedings of the 32nd EARIE Annual Conference, (2005b) available at rom/ Session%20VI/VI.J/Dobson.pdf • Dobson, P. W., and Waterson, M.: Chain-Store Competition: Customized vs. Uniform Pricing. (2008) available at Dobson twerp 840.pdf • nekterych-regionech-porusuje-zakon-stezuji-si-pumpari • 105308 eko-doprava fih () 18 / 18