Introduction Model Results Conclusions Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Rostislav Stan¥k March 13, 2013 Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Exclusive dealing Exclusive dealing refers to contracts that require to purchase products or services for a period of time exclusively from one retailer. • Exclusive dealing can have anti-competitive eect. It allows dominant rm to deter ecient entry (foreclosure practice). • There can be also eciency gains. • It protects specic investment against opportunistic behaviour (Segal, Whinston 2000). • Stimulate investment into retailers services (Besanko, Perry 1993) The ability of an incumbent to deter entry by writing exclusionary contracts with customers has been subject of contention in the antitrust literature. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Chicago school argument 1 In order to sign an exclusive contract a buyer has to be compensated for the loss it suers. 2 This loss amounts to the dierence between consumer surplus under competitive price and consumer surplus under monopoly price. 3 This equals monopoly prot plus the deadweight loss. Conclusion: The incumbent cannot protably use exclusive contacts to deter entry. Eciency considerations explain the use of exclusive contracts. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Literature review • Segal, Whinston (1996). Entrant needs to supply minimum number of buyers to cover its xed costs. Incumbent can exploit buyers' lack of coordination and deter entry. • Fumagalli, Motta (2004). Exclusive contract do not involve nal consumers but rms. Anticompetitive eect of exclusive contacts depends on the intensity of competition in the downstream market. • Abito, Wright (2008). Exclusive contacts deter entry when markets are more competitive under linear pricing. Exclusive contacts deter entry regardless of the extent of competition under two-part tari. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Abito, Wright (2008) Assumptions: 1 Incumbent proposes exclusive contact to the two retailers. 2 Entrant enjoys lower marginal costs. 3 The manufacturers make oers to available retailers. The contracts are secret and retailers conjectures are symmetric. It excludes commitment problem from their model. 4 Degree of competition between retailers is parameterized. Conclusions 1 Under linear prices exclusive dealing causes foreclosure regardless of entry costs if degree of competition is high. 2 Under two-part tari exclusive dealing causes foreclosure regardless of entry costs and degree of competition. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Commitment problem Manufacturer faces a commitment problem when dealing with retailer. Consider a case of one manufacturer and two retailers. Contracts specifying quantity and price are publicly observed. Manufacturer credibly oers contract (q1, T1) = (q2, T2) = ( qM 2 , pMqM 2 ) Sticking to this contract is not credible if contracts are secret. Manufacturer has an incentive to oer more than qM/2. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Conjecture assumption • Symmetric conjectures. Retailers assume that manufacturer makes the same oer to them. This assumptin solves the commitment problem. It is credible to oer (q1, T1) = (q2, T2) = ( qM 2 , pMqM 2 ) This assumption is not very realistic (Rey, Tirole 2007). • Passive conjectures. Each retailer keeps assuming that the manufacturer oers the equilibrium oer to its rival. This assumption creates commitment problem. • Warry conjectures (Rey, Verge (2004)). Retailer anticipates that manufacturer oers contract that is best for manufacturer. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Model • Consumers • Consumers have quadratic utility function • Demand function Qi = 1−β−pi +βpj 1−β2 • Inverse demand function Pi = 1 − qi − βqj • Firms • Incumbent manufacturer (I) produces a good at a constant marginal cost cI • A potential entrant (E) has lower marginal cost cE < cI. Entrant faces xed cost of entry equal to F > 0 • The good is used by two retailers as input to produce a nal good. The only retailers' cost is the wholesale price wi Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Competition The degree of competition is measured by parameter β ∈ [0, 1). As β → 1, product dierentiation disappears. Cournot competition reects a situation in which the manufacturer produce before the nal consumers formulate their demand. The downstream rms are capacity constrained. Bertrand competition reects a situation in which the manufacturer produce after the nal consumers formulate their demand. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Timing 1 Incumbent oers exclusive contract which involves xed compenstaion x 2 Entrant makes entry decision 3 Manufacturers oer contract specifying wi under linear wholesale contract or (wi, Ti) under two-part tari. 4 Retailers compete for cosumers by setting prices pi or quantities qi Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Passive conjectures Price contracts are secret and retailers have passive conjectures, when receiving out-of-equilibrium oer. Retailers do not revise their beliefs. • Reaction function under Cournot competition Qi(wi) = argmax(Pi(qi, qe j ) − wi)qi • Reaction function under Bertrand competition Pi(wi) = argmax(pi − wi)D(pi, pe j ) Quantity sold by retailer is qi = Di(P1(w1), P2(w2)) Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with linear wholesale prices • Wholesale contract determines linear wholesale price w1 and w2 • Retailers compete by setting quantity q1 and q2 What happens in each of possible subgames following exclusive contracts being signed? Let S denote the number of retailers that sign the contract. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with linear wholesale prices, S=2 • With passive conjectures, each retailer anitcipates that its rival receives the equilibrium oer and puts equilibrium quantity qe j on the market. Its best repsonse function is qi(wi) = 1 − wi − βqe j 2 • Incumbent then chooses wholesale prices w1 and w2 to maximize ΠI = (w1 − cI)q(w1) + (w2 − cI)q(w2) • It holds for the compesation fees that x1 + x2 ≤ ΠI • Πmax = ΠR + ΠI/2 denotes maximum retailer's prot including the compensation fee x under the condition that other retaler obtains the same prot. Πmax S=2 = (1 − c)2(3 − 2β)2 (4 − β)2 Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with linear wholesale prices, S=1 1 Entrant does not enter. The situation is the same as before. Retailer which does not signed an exclusive contract (R2) does not obtain compensation. 2 Entrant enters. • Entrant sell through R2 with wholesale price w2 = cI. w1 is given by maximizing (w1 − cI)q1(w1) • Compensation fee x ≤ ΠI. R1's maximum prot including compesation fee is Πexc S=1 = (1−c)23(2−β)2 (8−β2)2 • R2's prot is Πfree S=1 = (1−c)2(4−β)2 (8−β2)2 . • It holds that Πexc S=1 < Πfree S=1 Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with linear wholesale prices, S=0 • Both retailers buy through E at a common price w1 = w2 = cI. Otherwise I could protably attract retailers. • Both retailers obtain prot ΠS=0 = (2 − β)2(1 − c)2 (4 − β)2 Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with linear wholesale prices Suppose that entrant's xed costs are low enough. F ≤ (cE − cI)(1 − cI)(4 − β)2 (8 − β2) This implies that E enters in case S = 1. exclusive free exclusive Πmax S=2,Πmax S=2 Πexc S=1,Πfree S=1 free Πfree S=1,Πexc S=1 ΠS=0,ΠS=0 Table: Exclusive contract It holds Πfree S=1 > ΠS=0 > Πmax S=2 > Πexc S=1 Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with linear wholesale prices Suppose that entrant's xed costs are high. F > (cE − cI)(1 − cI)(4 − β)2 (8 − β2) This implies that E does not enter in case S = 1. exclusive free exclusive Πret S=2 + x,Πret S=2 + x Πret S=2 + x,Πret S=2 free Πret S=2,Πret S=2 + x ΠS=0,ΠS=0 Table: Exclusive contract For any given x > 0, there is an equilibrium where both retailers sign exclusive contract. There is no entry equilibrium because incumbent can oer contract to retailer such that Πret S=2 + x > ΠS=0. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with two-part tari • Two-part tarrif contract determines linear wholesale price w1 and w2 and xed fee T1 and T2 • Retailers compete by setting quantity q1 and q2 What happens in each of possible subgames following exclusive contracts being signed? Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with two-part tari, S=2 • Passive conjectures leads to best repsonse function qi(wi) = argmax(P(qi, qe j ) − wi)qi • Incumbent then chooses wholesale prices w1 and w2 to maximize ΠI = (w1 − cI)q1(w1) + F1 + (w2 − cI)q@(w2) + F2 where Fi is retailer's prot Fi = (P(qi(wi), qe j ) − wi)qi(wi) • Incumbent chooses w1 = w2 = cI. Incumbent's prot is equal to the sum of Cournot's prots ΠI = 2ΠC(cI, cI) • Compensaiton fees cannot exceed incumbent's prot x1 + x2 ≤ ΠI • Maximum retailer's prot including the compensation fee x is Πmax S=2 = ΠC(cI, cI) Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with two-part tari, S=1 1 Entrant does not enter. The situation is the same as before. Retailer which does not signed an exclusive contract (R2) does not obtain compensation. 2 Entrant enters. • Entrant sell through R2 with wholesale price w2 = cE. • Incumbent is ready to oer contract characterized by wI,2 = cI and T = 0 to R2. Hence, Πfree S=1 = ΠC(cI, cI) • Compensation fee x ≤ ΠI. R1's maximum prot including compesation fee is Πexc S=1 = ΠC(cI, cE) • Entrant obtains prot ΠE S=1 = ΠC(cE, cI) − ΠC(cI, cI) Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with two-part tari, S=0 • Both retailers buy through E at a common price w1 = w2 = cE. • Incumbent is ready to oer contract characterized by wI,i = cI and T = 0. Retailer's prot is therefore ΠS=0 = ΠC(cI, cE). • Entrant's prot is ΠE S=0 = 2(ΠC(cE, cE) − ΠC(cI, cE)). Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with two-part tari - entry Compare entrant's prot ΠE S=1 and ΠE S=0 ΠE S=0 = (2 − β)2(1 − cE)2 (4 − β2) − (2(1 − cI) − β(1 − cE))2 (4 − β2) ΠE S=1 = (2(1 − cE) − β(1 − cI))2 (4 − β2) − (2 − β)2(1 − cI)2 (4 − β2) Because prot function is convex it holds that ΠE S=1 > ΠE S=0 It is impossible to deter entry because of lack of coordination Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Cournot with two-part tari exclusive free exclusive Πmax S=2,Πmax S=2 Πexc S=1,Πfree S=1 free Πfree S=1,Πexc S=1 ΠS=0,ΠS=0 Table: Exclusive contract It holds Πfree S=1 > ΠS=0 > Πmax S=2 > Πexc S=1 Dominant startegy is to be a free buyer Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Conclusions • Linear wholesale prices • There is only entry equilibrium if xed costs are low enough. • There is only exclusion equilibrium if xed costs are high enough. • Entrant's prot is decreasing in β • Two-part tari • If it is protable to enter when S = 0, it is also protable to enter when S = 1 • There is only entry equilibrium. • It is not possible to deter entry by exclusive dealing. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Conclusions • Conclusions are dierent from Abito, Wright (2008) • Two-part tari: Only exclusion equilibria X No exclusion equilibria • Linear prices: Only exclusion equilibria if β < 1/2 X Depends on xed costs • Introducing a commitment problem changes the results substantially. • Incumbent cannot exploit its market power. Compensation fee has to be lower which makes exclusive contract less protable. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem Introduction Model Results Conclusions Conclusions Thank you for your attention. Rostislav Stan¥k Exclusive dealing with commitment problem