Why some restaurants charge couvert? Evidence from Czech restaurants Michal Kvasniˇcka Zuzana Kalm´arov´a MUES, April 23, 2014 1 / 28 Content • goal of the research • literature review • description of the data • results of survey • stylized facts • theoretical model • econometric model • conclusion and discussion 2 / 28 What couvert is Couvert is a fixed fee charged by some restaurants in addition to the food price when a customers orders a main dish. Also known as • couvert (France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, English countries) • pane e coperto (Italy) • cubierto (Spanish speaking countries) • table charge, cover charge (English speaking countries) 3 / 28 Goal of the research Goal of the research: find out why some restaurants charge it while others do not. Hypotheses (non-exclusive): • a cost-based practice: a lump-sum payment for the place setting, bread, sauces, etc. • a monopolistic practice: two-part tariff • a way to select customers when the physical capacity of the restaurant is lower than optimal 4 / 28 Previous literature Unknown. Only entries in Wikipedia and tourists’ guides. Closest are papers on restaurants rationing by Becker (1991), Ungern-Sternberg (1991), and Bose (1996). Literature on two-part tariff, originating from Oi (1971). 5 / 28 Data Data gathered in 2011 in Brno restaurants. A restaurant defined as an enterprise whose major business is to serve hot food to customers which are provided with seats and are attended by waiters. Restaurant selection: 1 restaurants listed on e-restaurace.cz (1 140) 2 sub-sample of 284 restaurants that • had their web sites • had menu available on their web sites • were listed in at least three other registers 3 stratified sample of 70 restaurants (15 with couvert, 55 without) 4 final sample of 66 restaurants (4 refused to cooperate) 5 sample of 64 restaurants for econometrics (2 leverage points) 6 / 28 Data (cont.) Survey and hard data gathering. Hard data: • couvert in CZK • restaurant’s average price in CZK • extra payment for additional bread or sauce in CZK • pizzeria (dummy) • foreigners (dummy) • capacity (number of seats inside) • customers (number served daily) • reservations (share of days when reservation needed) 7 / 28 Results of the survey (1) Restaurants’ definition of couvert: • fee for extra bread, sauces, dressings, and table setting • extra lump-sum fee for food Why they charge couvert: • to cover the cost of extra bread, sauces, etc. • it is a usual practice; should be charged 8 / 28 Results of the survey (2) What restaurants provide in exchange for couvert: • ketchup (90 % agreed) • bread (82 %) • dressing (80 %) • serviettes (78 %) • table setting (71 %) • mustard (50 %) Other motives to charge it: • customers order more food if charged couvert (43 %) • it is usual practice in the Czech republic (36 %) • it discourages undesirable customers (13 %) 9 / 28 Results of the survey (3) Couvert is charged for “every” main dish with exception of lunch specials. Lunch specials are exempt because • less service is provided, extra bread etc. is charged separately • highly elastic demand • other restaurant do not charge for lunch specials Many exceptions: • when food shared by the customers • when the food is local cheap food • when the customers are perceived not to be willing to pay it (for soup, salad; constitutional court judges) 10 / 28 Results of the survey (4) How long restaurants charge couvert: • since their inception (most of them) • started two or three years after their inception (2) Few restaurants stopped charging couvert because their owners felt guilty and for other uncertain reasons. Restaurants that do not charge couvert say: • all costs are covered by the price of the food • they charge extra fee for an extra portion of bread etc. • customers do not understand what couvert is and get angry when charged it 11 / 28 Data on couvert: frequency selection sample charging couvert 59 21 % 25 38 % total 284 66 Restaurants often hide couvert both on their web sites and in their menus. 12 / 28 Data on couvert: size size of couvert frequency 0 5 10 15 20 25 010203040 Revenue from couvert can finance one waiter in a median restaurant. 13 / 28 Data on couvert: variables all w. couvert w./o. couvert mean st. dev. mean st. dev. mean st. dev. price 170.59 53.38 189.16 53.23 159.27 50.83 sauce 8.94 10.27 6.69 11.07 10.31 9.63 bread 4.35 6.10 3.76 5.67 4.71 6.39 pizzeria 0.17 0.38 0.24 0.44 0.12 0.33 capacity 87.27 59.22 93.00 79.14 83.78 43.68 customers 151.97 110.08 164.00 119.05 144.63 105.07 foreigners 0.21 0.41 0.20 0.41 0.22 0.42 reservations 0.31 0.31 0.41 0.32 0.25 0.29 Restaurant charging couvert are more expensive, charge less / less often for extra bread and sauces, their customers more often need reservations, and are more often pizzerias. 14 / 28 Data on couvert: correlations -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 couvert price sauce pastry pizzeria capacity customers foreigners waiters reservations k1 k2 couvert price sauce pastry pizzeria capacity customers foreigners waiters reservations k1 k2 15 / 28 Model: setup Chamberlin’s monopolistic industry. Total cost: C = cQ + rN Individual inverse demand: p = θ − bq, θ ∼ U(0, ¯θ] Assumptions: • b > 0 same for all customers in all restaurants • c = a(¯θ) : 0 < a(¯θ) < ¯θ, 0 < da(¯θ)/d ¯θ < 1 • r ≥ 0 same for each restaurant of a particular type, independent from ¯θ; may be lowered if its part is charged separately Restaurant’s profit: π(x, p, A) = ¯θ x [(p − c)(θ − p)/b + (A − r)]dθ (1) 16 / 28 Model: Oi’s algorithm π(x, p, A) = ¯θ x [(p − c)(θ − p)/b + (A − r)]dθ (1) Optimization with unconstrained capacity is solved in three steps: 1 calculate optimal A for given p and x 2 plug the optimal A into (1) and calculate optimal p for a given x 3 plug the optimal A and p into (1), calculate optimal x, and then calculate uncodintional optimal A and p Constrained optimization is solved in two steps (x = ¯θ − k is fixed): 1 calculate optimal A for given p and x 2 plug the optimal A into (1) and calculate unconditional optimal p and A 17 / 28 Model: optimal two-part tariff with sufficient capacity Set A and p to maximize (1) s.t. CS(x) ≥ 0. Proposition 1: The optimal two-part tariff has the following properties: 1 A ≥ r and rises with r if it is optimal for the restaurant to operate; A > 0 if r = 0, A > r if the restaurant operates with a positive profit. 2 dA∗ /d ¯θ > 0, dp∗ /d ¯θ > 0 3 A∗ = f (p∗ , r) where df (p∗ , r)/dp∗ > 0 4 A∗ decreases for any given p∗ when r decreases 18 / 28 Model: optimal two-part tariff with insufficient capacity Set A and p to maximize (1) s.t. x = ¯θ − k where k < N∗ = ¯θ − x∗ . Proposition 2: The optimal two-part tariff with insufficient capacity has the following properties: 1 A and p are independent from r 2 dA /d ¯θ > 0, dp /d ¯θ > 0 3 A = g(p , r) where dg(p , r)/dp > 0 4 A decreases for any given p when k increases 19 / 28 Model: cost-based couvert Set p to maximize (1) s.t. A◦ = r and CS(x) ≥ 0 (sub-optimal two-part tariff). Proposition 3: The optimal two-part tariff with insufficient capacity has the following properties: 1 there is no relationship between A◦ and p◦ 2 A◦ decreases for any given p◦ when r decreases 20 / 28 Identification strategy Testable hypotheses: 1 cost-based couvert: decreases when the restaurant charges for any place-setting item (which lowers r); does not depend on the restaurant’s price or its capacity; is higher for the types of restaurants which have higher r 2 monopolistic couvert not used to select customers: decreases when the restaurants charges for any place-setting items; increases in the restaurant’s price; does not depend on the capacity; can be higher for types of restaurants with higher r 3 monopolistic couvert that is used to select customers: increases in the restaurant’s price and its utilization rate (decreases in its physical capacity); does not change when the restaurants charges for any place-setting items and should be the same for all types of restaurants (i.e. independent from r) 21 / 28 Identification strategy (cont.) Hypotheses: • H1 = cost-based couvert • H2 = monopolistic two-part tariff but not selection tool • H3 = monopolistic two-part tariff used as selection tool Couvert • decreases with decrease in r (pizzeria, bread, sauces) ⇒ H1 or H2, not H3 • rises with increase in price ⇒ H2 or H3, not H1 • depends on restaurant’s capacity ⇒ H3, not H1 or H2 22 / 28 Identification strategy: econometric models Three possible ways to check the theory: • whether couvert is charged or not • LPM • probit • the size of the couvert • tobit The models are not that different: • the latent variable is the same • the models’ parameters in roughly fixed ratios 23 / 28 Identification strategy: the latent variable Latent index ≡ the optimal value of couvert − a cost of charging it. binary couvert = 1, if the latent index > 0, 0, if the latent index ≤ 0. size of couvert = the latent index, if the latent index > 0, 0, if the latent index ≤ 0. (This part is missing in the theoretical model. How should I incorporate it into the model?) 24 / 28 Identification strategy: definition of the capacity Two empirical definitions of the capacity: 1 capacity = (1 − reservations) 2 capacity = (1 − reservations) × number of seats The difference in r tested • type of the restaurant: pizzeria dummy • lowered when extra charge for extra bread (not for sauces—it was never statistically significant and deteriorated the fit; perhaps because of its high correlation with bread) • no test whether the impact of bread depends on the capacity (never statistically significant; perhaps too few observations to fit interactions) 25 / 28 Econometric model: estimates LPM1 LPM2 probit1 probit2 tobit1 tobit2 price 0.005∗∗∗ 0.007∗∗∗ 0.014∗∗∗ 0.030∗∗∗ 0.151∗∗∗ 0.279∗∗∗ (0.001) (0.002) (0.005) (0.008) (0.049) (0.070) bread −0.016∗ −0.021∗∗ −0.047 −0.076∗∗ −0.423 −0.638∗∗ (0.010) (0.009) (0.030) (0.033) (0.318) (0.308) free cap. −0.003∗ −0.003∗∗ −0.010∗ −0.012∗∗ −0.097∗ −0.107∗∗ (0.001) (0.001) (0.005) (0.006) (0.055) (0.051) foreign. −0.346∗∗ −1.650∗∗ −14.246∗∗ (0.151) (0.666) (6.009) pizzeria 0.340∗∗ 1.323∗∗ 12.245∗∗∗ (0.145) (0.528) (4.578) const. −0.139 −0.517∗ −1.967∗∗ −4.343∗∗∗ −20.363∗∗ −39.617∗∗∗ (0.259) (0.271) (0.878) (1.254) (9.185) (11.732) 26 / 28 Econometric model: relative importance of the hypotheses Estimated by hierarchical partitioning on binary models: model price pastry free capacity foreigners pizzeria LPM2 53.33 8.94 15.22 8.29 14.22 probit2 45.96 10.62 17.30 11.38 14.73 Grouping: • monopolistic: price, free capacity • cost-based: bread, pizzeria • uncertain: foreigners model monopolistic cost-based uncertain LPM2 68.56 23.16 8.29 probit2 63.26 25.36 11.38 27 / 28 Conclusion and discussion Restaurants explain couvert as a cost-based practice. Our econometric study provides an evidence that it is a monopolistic two-part tariff and a selection mechanism too (perhaps more efficient than queuing by Bose, 1996). Other possible explanation: couvert is a hidden fee, i.e. “robbing” (but less often charged to tourists). 28 / 28