12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 1/28 Expenditure systems in the COICOPclassification framework Author: Dalibor Moravanský Masaryk University Brno Faculty of Economics and Administration Department of Economics Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno E-mail: dalibor@econ.muni.cz 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 2/28 Overview 1. Motivation 2. Properties of main economic functional types: direct and indirect utility functions, expenditure function, Marshallian and Hicksian demands 4. Review of the classical demand/expenditure systems Linear ES, direct/indirect ADDILOG, Rotterdam, S-branch (SO,S1) 5. Some recently developed advanced expenditure systems Quadratic ES, AIDS, Translog, GEF, QUAIDS, Full Laurent model 6. Econometric and dynamic specifications for some ES 7. The current COICOP classification of goods and services 8. Estimation of the Rotterdam and AIDS expenditure systems 9. Some interesting conclusions from the demand analysis 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 3/28 Introduction The main objectives followed by the author were : To bring a short review of classical and modern demand/expenditure systems, which may be effectively employed for research investigations in the consumer demand context. To summarize the properties adopted for the most important economic functional types (direct and indirect utility function, expenditure function, and Marshallian and Hicskian demand functions) if they may be considered as ,,appropriate" from the theoretical point of view. To mention possible (but sometimes even serious) problems with the econometric estimation of the parameters of one/another expenditure system (including eventual the identification problem). To mention some typical situations, in which just chosen expenditure system can be more effectively used than another. To carry out calculations of parameters (and accompanying statistical characteristics) of several expenditure systems ( these, which do not require to employ the nonlinear regression methods ). To explore, whether current CIOCOP consumption structure already enables to perform reliable econometric demand analysis relative to the data on prices and consumptions in the Czechia. To bring some suggestions, which might be useful for the on-coming analysis in the future, if they would be based on the similar principles (the COICOP data samples and the demand system econometric analysis) 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 4/28 Notation commonly used in the demand analysis context Direct utility function ...................................... Indirect utility function ..................................... Expenditure function .................................... Marshallian demand functions ........................... Hicksian demand functions ................................ where is the utility level, price vector , consumer's income the demanded commodity vector, expenditure share of i-th commodity )x,...,x,x(u n21 )p,...,p,p,u( n21 )p,...,p,p,M( n21 )p,...,p,p,M(g n21 )p,...,p,p,u(h n21 M)p,...,p,p(p n21=u )x,...,x,x(x n21= M xp w ii i = 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 5/28 Properties of the (direct) utility function ( Direct ) utility function of n commodities (U1) is real-valued and finite function defined for all . non-negativity for all and (U2s) strong monotonicity is increasing in each commodity for all and / or (U2w) weak monotonicity is non-decreasing in any for all (U3) continuity is continuous in each commodity (U4) quasi-concavity is quasi-concave in all commodities. It means that the following inequality holds for all : (U5) determinateness is determined up to increasing continuous transformation . Then, the and represent the same preference ordering. )x,...,x,x(u n21 )x(u )x(u )x(u )x(u 0=)0,...,0,0(u )z(u).1()x(u.)z)1(x(u -+-+ 0)x,...,x,x(u n21 0x,...,0x,0x n21 )1,0(,0z,0x )x(u )x,...,x,x(x n21= xxi xxi )x,.,x,..,x,x(u)x,.,x,..,x,x(u n * k21nk21 { }n,...,2,1k;xx * kk < )x,.,x,..,x,x(u)x,.,x,..,x,x(u n * k21nk21 < { }n,...,2,1k;xx * kk < )x(u ))x(u()x(u (..) 0x,...,0x,0x n21 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 6/28 Properties of the indirect utility function Indirect utility function defined as (W1) is real-valued, finite function, defined for all positive prices and non-negative income non-negativity for all positive prices and . (W2) monotonicity is increasing in M for any price vector. Further, is non-decreasing in each for any consumer's income (W3) continuity is continuous in p in for any price vector and is continuous in M for any fixed level of income/total expenditures M . (W4) homogeneity is homogeneous of the degree 0 (simultaneously) in prices and income It means that the following inequality holds for any : (W5) concavity is concave function in prices at any income level It means that for any price vectors and every income level holds. (W6) The Marshallian demand functions are generated by the Roy/Villé's identity: )p,...,p,p,M( n21 0 M )p,...,p,p(p n21= ( )pM, ( )pM, ( )pM, )p,M()p,M( = n,...,2,1i,pi = ( )pM, )p,M().1()p,M(.)p)1(p,M( *00*0 -+-+ ( ) ( )[ ]Mpx;xuMaxpM, == ( ) 00,p = ( )pM, 0)p,M( M( )pM, { }n,...,2,1i;pi ( ))p,...,p,pp n21= )1,0(,0p,0p * >> 0 > 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 7/28 Properties of the expenditure function Expenditure function defined as (V1) is real-valued, finite function, defined for all positive prices and non-negative utility level non-negativity for all positive prices and . (V2) monotonicity is increasing in for all price vector . is non-decreasing v and increasing at least in one price for any utility level . (V3) continuity is continuous in for any price vector . Similarly, is continuous in each at any utility level. (V4) homogeneity is linearly homogeneous in p pro for any utility level. It means that the following inequality holds for any : (V5) concavity is concave in prices at any utility level. It means that for any price vector and every utility level holds (W6) The Hicksian demand functions are generated by the Shepharďs lemma: M )p,...,p,p(p n21= )p,...,p,p,u( n21 ( ) ( )[ ]00 uxupx;Minp,uE = ( )p,uE 0 ( )p,uE 0 ( )p,uE 0 ( )p,uE 0 ( )p,uE 0 ( ) 0p,uE 0 )p,u(E).()p,u(E.)p)(p,u(E ** 000 11 -+-+ ( )p,uE 0 )p,u(E.)p,u(E 00 = )p,...,p,p(p n21= 0p,...,0p,0p n21 >>> 0u0 > 0 u 0 u 0;0p >> )1,0(,0p,0p * >> { }n,...,2,1i;pi 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 8/28 Properties of the Marshallian demand functions (D1M) Each is real-valued, finite and non-negative function with (D2M) monotonicity is non-increasing in price of the every commodity and is non-decreasing in income . (D3M) continuity is continuous in M as well as is continuous in , too. (D4M) homogeneity Marshallian demand functions are homogeneous of degree 0 simultaneously in price s and income. So, the following inequality holds: (D5HM) additivity Complete system of the Marshallian demand functions is additive and summable. It means that (D6M) symmetry ,,Cross" derivatives of the Marshallian demands (according to individual prices) are symmetric, i.e for all (D7M) The [n;n] matrix consisting of the elements is negatively semidefinite, so the for each vector not identically zero, the quadratic form defined by the matrix fulfills the condition As a result of this, )p,M(gx i M i = )p,M(gx i M i = )p,M(gx i M i = )p,M(gx i M i = 0)p,0(gi = )p,M(g)p,M(g ii = ( ) = = n 1i ii Mp,Mgp ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) M p,Mg .x p p,Mg M p,Mg .x p p,Mg j i i ji j j i + = + ( ) ( ) 0 M p,Mg .x p p,Mgn 1i ji n 1j i j j i + = = ( ) ( ) M p,Mg .x p p,Mg s i j j i ij + = S .n,...,,i,0iis 21= ( )n....,,, 21= S )p,...,p,p(p n21= { }n21ji p,...,p,pp,p 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 9/28Properties of the Hicksian demand functions (D1M) Each is real-valued, finite and non-negative function with (D2M) monotonicity is non-increasing in price of the every commodity and is non-decreasing in any utility level . (D3M) continuity is continuous in as well as is continuous in , too. (D4M) homogeneity Marshallian demand functions are homogeneous of degree 0 in prices. Thus, the following inequality holds: for , (D5HM) additivity Complete system of the Hicksian demand functions is additive and summable. It means that . (D6M) symmetry ,,Cross" derivatives of the Hicksian demands (according to individual prices) are symmetric, i.e for all (D7M) The matrix consisting of the elements is negatively semidefinite, so the for each vector not identically zero, the quadratic form defined by the matrix fulfills the condition As a result of this, .n,...,,i,0iis 21= ( )n....,,, 21= )p,...,p,p(p n21= { }n21ji p,...,p,pp,p ( ) ( ) i i j i p p,uh p p,uh = ( ) 0 1 1 = = n i ji n j j i p p,uh ( ) = = n i ii Mp,uhp 1 ( ) jp p,uih ijs * = ( )p,uhx i H i = ( ) 00 =p,hi ( )p,uhx i H i = ( )p,uhx i H i = ( )p,uhx i H i = ( ) ( )pu,hpu,h ii = * S * S u ( )n....,,,ipi 21= ip [ ]nn× u ),( + 0 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 10/28 Roy' s Identity , Shepharď s lemma, C,E agregation conditions * Roy's identity Derivatives of the budget restriction yield * Engel aggregation condition * Cournot aggregation condition * Homogeneity of the degree 0 implies * Shepharďs lemma * Symmetry of the Hicksian demands ( ) 1 M pM,g p n 1k k k = = ( ) ( ) 0 1 =+ = p,Mg p p,Mg kp i n k i k ( ) ( ) 0 M p,Mg M p pM,g p k n 1k k k k = + = ( ) ( ) M p,M p p,M )p,M(x i i - = ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) j 0 k jk 0 kj 0 k 0 j p p,ux pp p,uE pp p,uE p p,ux = = = ( ) i 0 i p p,uE x = ( ) ( )( ) ( )p,Mgp,p,Mhpu,hx iiii === = = n i ii Mxp 1 ( )pM, 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 11/28 Classical expenditure systems Linear expenditure system ­ LES [ Stone Richard 1954, Geary R.Conrad 1949/50 ] * Direct utility function * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions * Basic characteristics suitable for commodities the demand for which displays proportionality to the income. The coefficients express the "threshold level"for the utility contribution of i-th commodity. += == n k k n k kk k p.up)p,u( 1 0 1 ---- ---- ==== ==== ==== n 1k k0 n 1k kk kp pM )p,M( (((( )))) ----==== ==== n 1i kk0 kx.)x(u kkkk x,, > 00 i n k kk i i ii pM p )x(g -+= =1 i n k k i i ii k p.u p )x(h += =1 0 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 12/28 Classical expenditure systems Addilog demand system [ Houthakker Hendrik 1960 ] * Direct utility function * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics Suitable for strictly separable utility preferences, not mixing impacts of individual goods. No commodity is essential. A comment: preferences corresponding to the direct and indirect Addilog are not the same. kn k kk x)x(u = =1 k n 1k k k p M )p,M( = = = = -- n k k kk i i ii k ii p M . pM xp 1 1 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 13/28 Classical expenditure systems S-branch expenditure system [ Brown Murray, Heien Dale 1972 ] * Direct utility function * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics suitable for commodity systems containing complements and displaying positive elasticities of any order (S-branch is a generalization of LES) n sj sj sj S r n rj rjrjs si si n si si S s sn s s s s rss p . )pMw. p .)p,...,p,M( 1 1 1 11 - = = = - += = - = - - - - s r n rj rjj s r r r s s si si sisi r rs s pM.R.R. p x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( ) / n s / sjsj n sj sjsn s s s x)x,...,x,x(u 1 1 21 -= = sj n sj sj sj s p. p R s s = 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 14/28 Classical expenditure systems S0-branch expenditure system [ Brown Murray, Heien Dale 1972 ] * Direct utility function * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics suitable for commodity systems containing only substitutes but displaying positive elasticities of any order between goods (S0-branch is a special case of S-branch, but is a generalization of LES). Specification of SO-branch utility function is a Sató's generalization of the ACMS-function. 1 ii n 1i in21 )x()x,...,x,x(u -= = - += = - = n j jj n j j j j i i ii pM.p p . p x 1 1 1 n j j j n i n j jj i i n p pM. p )p,...,p,p,M( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 - = = = = + + = == - - = + n j jj n j j jn i i i p p . p .u)p,u(E 11 1 1 1 1 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 15/28 Classical expenditure systems S1-branch expenditure system [ Brown Murray, Heien Dale 1972 ] * Direct utility function * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics suitable for commodity systems containing complements and displaying positiive elasticities of any order among commodity groups. (S1-branch is a generalization of LES and SO-branch and is a special case of the S-branch). Specification of S1-branch utility function is a Uzawa's generalization of the ACMS-function. s s s s w S s sjsj n sj sjn )x()x,...,x,x(u -= = 1 21 s s s s s s s s s r w S s n sj sj sj n sk sk sk S r n rk rkrks n ) p .( p p.Mw )p,...,p,p,M( - = = - = 1 1 11 21 - += = - S r n rj rjrjs n sj sj sj si si sisi rs ss p.Mw. p . p x 1 1 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 16/28 Classical expenditure systems Rotterdam expenditure system [ Theil Henri, Barten Anton 1964,1965 ] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function unknown/unspecified * Expenditure function unknown/unspecified * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions * Basic characteristics Suitable for commodity bundles with mutually different behavior. The impacts of income and prices influences are strictly separated. The demand for each commodity is written as a differential function of income and individual prices. += = n 1k kik * iii plogdcMlogdbxlogdw dM dx pewb i iiii == M s ppewc ik ki * ikiik == ( ) ++= = n 1k kikiii plogeMlogexlog = = n 1k e k e ii iki pMbx 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 17/28 Advanced (flexible) expenditure systems TRANSLOG expenditure system [Christensen Laurits, Jorgenson Dale,W.,Lau Lawrence 1973] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics suitable for commodity systems exhibiting interactions among (transformed) normalized prices. Its usefulness is limited onto demand structures with a moderate number of commodities (max. 5-8) + += = == n i jn i i ij n i i i M p log. M p log M p log)p,M(log 1 11 0 + + == = = = = n i n i n j j .iji n j j .iji iiM i M p log M p log M xp w 1 1 1 1 jiij n j ij n i ij n i n j ij n i i ;;;; ==== = === == 0001 111 11 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 18/28Advanced expenditure systems Quadratic expenditure system QES [Howe Howard,Pollak Robert,Wales Terence 1979] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions hardly expressible * Basic characteristics suitable for commodities with (nearly) quadratic relation demand to income (,,moderate" luxuries) )p()p(.u )p( )p()p,u( + -= 2 )p( )p( )p(M )p( )p,M( - - -= ( ) ( ) )p()p(M. )p( )p( )p(M.)p(. )p( )p( )p( )p( 1 )p,M(x i i2i i2i +-+- -= 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 19/28 Advanced expenditure systems Almost ideal demand system ­ AIDS [ Deaton Angus, Muellbauer John 1980 ] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions * Basic characteristics suitable for systems with log-linear demand specification and TRANSLOG index price function. Demands are decomposed into "neat "price influences and (by the suitable price index) deflated consumer's income +++= = = == n k n k n k kjk n j kjkk k p..uplogplog*.plog)p,u(Elog 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 - = = n i k k p. PlogMlog )p,M( 1 0 ++== == n i ki n i jijiii H i k p...uplog)p,u(xpw 1 0 1 ++= = = = n k n k jk n j kjkk plogplog*.plogPlog 1 1 1 0 2 1 ++== = P M log.plog)p,M(xpw i n i jijiii M i 1 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 20/28 Advanced recently developed expenditure systems General exponential form - GEF [ Cooper Russel J., McLaren Keith R. 1996 ] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics P M . P. M )p,M( - = 2 1 1 R R ) R .(EP.R.EP M xp )p,M(w i iM ii i 1 1 21 - + - + == 1P. M R = i i pln Pln EP = 1 1 i i pln Pln EP = 2 2 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 21/28 Advanced recently developed expenditure systems Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System ­ QUAIDS [Banks J., Blundell R.,Lewbel A.1997] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics suitable as an extension of the previous AIDS model, when demands are extended about the quadratic terms comprised (by the income) relative prices. The former AIDS is a special case of QUAIDS. Three price index functions (twice Cobb-Douglas and the TRANSLOG) are used )p(b )p(a M log . )p(a M logplogw 2 ii n 1s sisii + ++= = ( ) ( ) ( ) ++= = == n j n k kjjk n i ii plog.plog.plog.)p(a 1 11 0 ( ) ( )= = n j jj plog)p(blog 1 ( ) ( )= = n j jj plog)p(log 1 = = = = = ===== n j j k k jk k j jk n i i n i i ,,,,, 11111 00011 ( ) 1- - = )p( )p(a M log pb )p,M(log 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 22/28 Advanced recently developed expenditure systems Full Laurent Model [ Barnett W.A., Lee Y.W. and Wolfe M.D. 1985,1987 ] * Direct utility function unknown/unspecified * Indirect utility function * Expenditure function inexpressible in a closed form * Marshallian demand functions * Hicksian demand functions inexpressible in a closed form * Basic characteristics Suitable for the models extending the classical GL (Generalized Leontieff) flexible form. Interactions among normalized prices influencing demands for individual commodities are included. Not appropriate for large commodity structures. -+ -+= = == n 1j n 1k kj jk kj jk n 1i i i i i0 n21 M p . M p p M . p M M p p M .2 p M ,..., p M , p M ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )[ ] ++ + +++ = = = -- = = n 1j n 1k 22/1 kjjk 2/1 kjjk n 1j 2/13 jj 2/1 jj n 1j i jij 2/1 j 2/3 i ij 2/1 i i 2/3 i i i M.ppppMpM.p p p . M pp M.p p M. )p,M(x 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 23/28 Dynamic and stochastic specifications for the Rotterdam expenditure system [ Theil Henri, Barten Anton 1964,1965, Parks 1969 ] The econometric estimation of the Rotterdam model requires the transformation of the differential scheme into difference equations (usually of the first order) generating the model.The discrete analog of the basic scheme is (*) where , is the average value share in two successive periods ,and is the value weighted average of the logarithmic differences of the quantity demanded. It is a volume index of the change in total consumption and can be interpreted as a measure of the change in real income. The estimation techniques should take account of the covariance singularity as well as the parameter restriction implied by the homogeneity, adding-up, and symmetry conditions. It can be shown that the restrictions imply that for each t, one of the equations is redundant: adding the first equations (*) gives Upon clearing terms and multiplying by -1, this expression becomes the n-th equation (*) []. Considering this system with the n-th equation deleted, we can impose the homogeneity restriction by deflating prices by the n-th price. Equations (*) then become A comment: The unconstrained price coefficients, however, do not satisfy the symmetry condition Elimination of the redundancy (the choice of equation to eliminate is arbitrary) reduces the system to be estimated by one equation and also avoids the covariance singularity in the reduced system. ( ) +-+=- = -- n 1k tik,1ttkiktii,1ti,tti )plogp(log*xxlogxlog*w +--+--=- = -- n 1i nii,1ti,t * tink,1ttini * ti * t )xlogx(logw).1()plogp(logwx +--+--=- = -- n 1i nii,1ti,t * tink,1ttini * ti * t )xlogx(logw).1()plogp(logwx n,...,2,1i;T,...,2t == ( )i,1ti,t * ti ww.5,0w -+= tititii,t M/xpw = = = n 1t ti * ti * t xwx 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 24/28 Dynamic and stochastic specifications for the Almost ideal demand system ­ AIDS [ Deaton Angus, Muellbauer John 1980 ] The suitable form for econometric estimation of AIDS is the modified version When inserting TRANSLOG price index, we get the dynamized specification for the sample of the length t = 1,2,...,T . This non-linear system may be estimated by maximum likelihood or another method with and without restrictions Since the data are summed up by construction, the following adding-up conditions are not testable: Estimation via the maximum likelihood method entails a problem of the identification of parameter . (it can be interpreted as the outlay required for the minimal standard of living when prices are unities). In many cases, it is possible to exploit the collinearity of the prices to yield a simpler estimation technique. If P were known, the model would be linear in the parameters , and and estimation can be done by OLS which, in this case and given normally distributed errors, is equivalent to ML estimation for the system as a whole. If prices are closely collinear, it may be adequate to approximate P as proportional to Stone's index If , then the AIDS model can be estimated as ++= = P M log.plogw i n 1j jijii n,...,2,1i = = = n 1k jk ,0 n,...,1k,j, kjjk == = = n 1k k 1 == = n 1k jk n,...,2,1j,0 = kk * plog.wPlog * P.P = = n 1k k 0 0 ( ) ti n 1j * t t itjijiiti P M logploglogw + ++-= = ( ) ti n 1j n 1k tktjjk n 1j tijti n 1j tjij0iiti plog.plog.plogMlogplogw + --++-= = === 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 25/28 The estimation results of the Rotterdam system [ Czech COICOP prices and consumptions quarterly data 1Q2000-4Q2006 ] 1,2711,4951,019- 3,5080,483-0,947-1,160- 2,0522,367-0,434t-statisticsgoods and services 0,5510,14644,144-31,13444,497-14,140-25,007-94,65521,675-4,900parametersMiscellaneous12 1,532-0,372-1,2653,435-0,3931,432-0,1632,307- 3,0031,057t-statistics 0,578-0,020-29,31615,688-19,01510,760-1,840-55,707-14,3486,781parametersRestaurants and hotels11 1,573- 2,310-1,407-1,726-0,451-0,366-0,6790,4700,2491,848t-statistics 0,553-0,035-9,383-2,357-6,396-0,841-2,2513,3350,3513,211parametersEducation10 2,0681,1560,1021,230-1,8310,0371,7340,112- 2,4060,714t-statistics 0,5730,0662,5966,419-99,2340,32421,9753,028-12,9454,737parametersRecreation and culture9 1,886-1,520-0,550- 5,829- 6,218- 6,4761,823-0,4003,3103,577t-statisticsTelecommunications 0,556-0,024-3,833-8,321-92,230-15,5486,318-2,9694,8746,496parametersPostal services and8 1,0172,6040,5113,804-0,3601,966-0,4981,082-1,790-1,948t-statistics 0,5160,40034,87753,234-52,30646,275-16,92978,650-25,833-34,680parametersTransport7 1,861-1,193-0,076-1,522-0,985-1,0251,4760,6193,8041,541t-statistics 0,471-0,019-0,552-2,261-15,195-2,5615,3234,7785,8272,911parametersHealth6 1,8047,4081,084- 4,8632,096-0,601-1,513- 2,488-0,626- 5,640t-statisticsequip. & maintenance 0,8990,26717,351-15,94571,415-3,316-12,047-42,394-2,118-23,524parametersFurnishings, household5 1,8010,575-0,1092,6850,8111,522- 3,282-0,160-0,5841,628t-statisticsand other fuels 0,6140,064-5,39827,18285,32625,909-80,675-8,406-6,09920,965parametersHousing,water,electricity4 1,7683,3481,307-3,4441,259-1,7872,008-1,7601,439- 2,557t-statistics 0,8540,23140,116-21,65782,278-18,90030,658-57,5019,330-20,455parametersClothing and footwear3 1,3930,948-1,635-0,8400,427-0,7291,9570,989-0,705-0,054t-statisticstobbaco, drugs 0,5850,019-14,502-1,5268,052-2,2288,6359,337-1,320-0,126parametersAlcoholic beverages,2 1,293-1,094- 2,280-0,384-0,266-0,9402,7832,1700,6413,765t-statisticsBeverages 0,440-0,114-105,416-3,634-26,206-14,97564,002106,7966,26145,363parametersFood and non-alcoholic1 R/DWSUMWdLQd1LP11d1LP7d1LP5d1LP4d1LP3d1LP2d1LP1const.c.value=2,0930Rotterdam modelTab2 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 26/28 The estimation results of the AIDS demand system [ Czech COICOP prices and consumptions quarterly data 1Q2000-4Q2006 ] 1,8900,5432,219- 3,1930,4931,7310,388- 2,937-0,2250,326t-statisticsgoods and services 0,7184,905190,723-86,52289,33254,69420,685-307,593-5,587237,439parametersMiscellaneous12 2,061- 4,821-0,6792,5480,939-1,533-1,9771,666-0,756-0,937t-statistics 0,579-27,655-37,08043,847108,032-30,755-66,956110,847-11,925-433,450parametersRestaurants and hotels11 2,641- 6,165-1,025-1,1580,9210,296- 2,7160,531-1,4320,664t-statistics 0,771-9,541-15,087-5,37828,5821,602-24,8209,522-6,09082,846parametersEducation10 2,4311,137-1,3921,622-0,437-0,2190,8052,598-1,811-0,629t-statistics 0,4577,112-82,85530,438-54,788-4,80229,747188,465-31,143-317,300parametersRecreation and culture9 1,952-0,6291,221-2,3231,400-0,771-2,409-0,461-0,510-0,381t-statisticstelecommunications 0,918-1,45326,830-16,10264,847-6,228-32,859-12,343-3,241-70,930parametersPostal services and8 2,150-0,804-2,2092,954-1,304-1,483-0,0503,0860,5500,443t-statistics 0,607-11,199-292,671123,401-364,121-72,232-4,080498,32321,043497,747parametersTransport7 2,335- 2,4900,388-2,021-0,4891,2200,013-0,8610,8381,013t-statistics 0,700-6,90810,250-16,823-27,20311,8410,216-27,7046,393226,645parametersHealth6 2,1688,5571,408-1,497-0,0281,3922,038- 2,541-1,0310,194t-statisticsequip. & maintenance 0,80837,36258,504-19,610-2,41921,25852,550-128,691-12,37468,361parametersFurnishings, household5 2,072-10,5952,8382,0563,3891,132- 4,499- 3,477-0,833-1,510t-statisticsand other fuels 0,930-70,962180,86041,301455,03226,518-177,948-270,087-15,335-815,686parametersHousing,water,electricity4 2,1669,1980,795- 2,158-0,7831,0063,226-1,3161,217-0,057t-statistics 0,85180,31266,046-56,542-137,02530,728166,332-133,28429,214-39,940parametersClothing and footwear3 2,7045,1870,017-0,102-0,5520,4762,176-0,166- 2,0240,193t-statisticstobbaco, drugs 0,8206,3210,196-0,372-13,4722,03015,656-2,344-6,78018,990parametersAlcoholic beverages,2 2,096-1,321- 2,424-1,195-1,406-0,7400,8401,9285,0191,245t-statisticsBeverages 0,937-5,825-101,713-15,812-124,313-11,41721,87498,62860,849442,919parametersFood and non-alcoholic1 R/DWln(M/P)ln(p11)ln(p7)ln(p5)ln(p4)ln(p3)ln(p2)ln(p1)const.c.value=2,0930AIDS modelTab1 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 27/28 The COICOP clasification of commodities in the basket The commodity basket composed for ČR by the Czech statistical office consists since 1999 of 790 (775) commodities structured into 12 divisions (oddílů), 47 groups (skupin) and 117 (105) cathegories (tříd) The 12 groups represents: number weights 1993 weights 1999 weights 2006 790 1000,00 1000,00 1000,00 1. Food and non-alcoholic beverages 163 260,62 197,57 162,63 2. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco ,drugs 16 66,47 79,24 81,72 3. Clothing and footwear 80 91,89 56,93 52,43 4. Housing, water, electricity and other fuels 58 141,42 236,40 248,29 5. Furnishings, household equipment and 96 75,39 67,92 58,05 routine maintenance of the house 6. Health 39 9,55 14,35 17,86 7. Transport 96 100,81 101,41 114,10 8. Postal services and telecommunications 21 8,89 22,54 38,73 9. Recreation and culture 113 99,58 95,53 98,66 10. Education 11 6,16 4,50 6,18 11. Restaurants and hotels 47 55,06 74,15 58,39 12. Miscellaneous goods and services 50 84,16 49,46 62,96 COICOP: abbrev. from Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 28/28 Conclusions I factual consequences The AIDS model gives moderately good results.The explained variabilities of dependent variables measured by the R2 vary between 0,46 and 0,94 (groups 9 and 1,4, resp.). The DW coefficient suggests none or slightly negative residual autocorrelations, partly due to apparent seasonality in consumptions in some commodity groups. The number of significant variables have moved between 2 - 4 (with an exception of 4th group, in which 6 variables were significant). The price of the 4th group has no apparent effect on the consumptions, at all. Prices of the 2nd divisions influence the relative expenditures within several commodity groups: On the one hand, expenditures on this division, are not, perhaps surprisingly, influenced by the appropriate price development. This fact means that consumption of tobacco and alcoholic drinks is intact by its own price. On the other hand, increased money spent here are lacking for expenditures on dispensable goods (divisions 3,5,9,11), maintaining the consumption of the necessities (food, expenditures on housing) relatively intact. Deflated income has none or only a small apparent effect on some necessities such as food, transport, posts and telecommunications, but this is not true for other commodity groups, in which dispensable goods or services have occurred (clothing and footwear, furnishings). In some commodity groups (housing, water and fuel, health, education), this term has, perhaps strikingly, a negative sign, but this is explainable by the fact that prices (aggregated in .....) rose very steeply in these commodity groups. The Rotterdam model exhibits poorer results than the AIDS model, as can be seen from the R2 value for, with only two exceptions, this coefficient lies below 0,62. Only in groups 3 and 5, the fit is quite satisfactory. As to t-statistics, the modeling of at least four demand relations (with none or only one significant variable) can hardly be considered as successful. The effects of the most differenced prices onto dependent variables are quite irregular and less persuasive than in the AIDS model. The own-price elasticities are seldom significant, while some cross-price ones exhibit hardly expectably, despite very high t-values (particularly in the regressions for furnishings etc. and postal services). The most influential price variable is the differenced price of transport having an effect on seven demand variables but in some cases the appropriate regression coefficients have no expectable signs (considering the type of goods that can be regarded as substitutes to it) 12.11.2008 Výdajové systémy - prezent. MUES 29/28 Conclusions II ­ methodological comments The Czech COICOP classification maintained in a quarterly time series enables since 2000 (or some years before) to lead the econometric analysis of the expenditure/demand systems. The annual data are too short for such purpose. The monthly data (albeit available and sufficiently large) are worse to use due to considerable substitution effects in population behavior. Some sample data on expenditures and prices exhibit a remarkable seasonality. The seasonal adjustment of the data would bring the clearer view on the behavior of consumers. Expenditure systems such as LES, Rotterdam, Addilog and AIDS can be employed almost readily under the current state of the data samples. For implementation of (globally) flexible functional forms (TRANSLOG, Generalized Leontief, Minflex Laurent, GEF etc.), exhibiting many parameters there is not, at present, hope for rational ( if the whole COICOP structure is to be captured ). Only a part of expenditure schemes can be estimated by the means of standard econometric tools: The LES, Rotterdam (and with little additional supplement also AIDS) models can be estimated by the means of the linear regression analysis for they form a ,,classical" SUR model structure. A little more troublesome is, e.g., SO-branch model. The quantitative analysis of the most of recently developed expenditure systems can be performed only with the help of advanced estimation techniques requiring, as a rule, a numerical iterative methods (FIML or some other method of nonlinear econometric analysis). Moreover, the up to now analyses have confined themselves usually only to 3-6 commodity groups, so the their settings into COICOP commodity classification is (as far as the author became acquainted) an open question.