Review of Economic Perspectives journal committed to economic and socio-political issues Czech title: Národohospodářský obzor ISSN 1213-2446 (Print), ISSN 1804-1663 (Online) Document updated on 2015-09-08 Review of Economic Perspectives Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University Lipová 41a 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Phone: (+420) 549 494 534 E-mail: Author Information PDF Table of Content About REP Abstracted/Indexed in Instruction for authors General Information Issue Schedule and Call for Papers Manuscript Requirements Submission Peer Review Process Download About REP Review of Economic Perspectives - Národohospodářský obzor (in Czech) is a scientific quarterly focused on issues in economic policy, economics and econometrics that have practical relevance for economic policy of Central and Eastern European countries. The articles are published in English, and both in print and online versions. The published articles are freely accessible at these websites and also at our partner publisher De Gruyter. The journal has been published by the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic since 2001. It has continued the tradition of Obzor národohospodářský, a Czech economic journal, first issue of which was published in 1895. Review of Economic Perspective is an open access journal, which means that all its contents are freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking for a prior permission from the publisher or the author. Any commercial use of the articles is prohibited. Abstracted/Indexed in Review of Economic Perspectives is indexed in Scopus, ERIH+ EconLit, EBSCOhost, RePEC/EconPapers and other databases, for a full list visit Abstracting & Indexing at journals websites. Review of Economic Perspectives Author Information PDF Document updated on 2015-09-08 Instruction for authors General Instruction, Issue Schedule and Call for Papers, Manuscript Requirements, Submission, Peer Review Process, Download You can download Author Information PDF General Information Review of Economic Perspectives - Národohospodářský obzor (in Czech) is a scientific quarterly focused on issues in economic policy, economics and econometrics that have practical relevance for economic policy of Central and Eastern European countries. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts devoted to theoretical and empirical research as well as policy analysis. The journal is also devoted to publishing of extensive research results, such as parts of Ph.D. theses, with a recommended manuscript extent of 20–30 standard pages (40.000–60.000 characters). The articles are published in English, and both in print and online versions. The published articles are freely accessible at these websites and also at our partner publisher De Gruyter, which increases its availability for authors and readers alike. All submissions are refereed by two referees in a double-blind peer review process. We endeavor to offer authors a constructive and fast review process. Review of Economic Perspectives is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. The articles are licences under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND). Issue Schedule and Call for Papers The Review of Economic Perspectives is permanently open for articles across all the research domains covered by the journal. The issues are published according to the following schedule. We usually provide to the authors the formal notification of (conditional) acceptance or rejection within 2–3 months after the manuscript submission. Issue Date of Issue 4/2015 December 30, 2015 1/2016 March 31, 2016 2/2016 June 30, 2016 3/2016 September 30, 2016 The date of issue is valid for an online version. The print version is usually available about five days later. Authors are provided a free author’s issue. Review of Economic Perspectives Author Information PDF Document updated on 2015-09-08 Manuscript Requirements For editorial, publishing and quotation purposes it is important that authors write and prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the instructions and specifications listed below. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission and to check the manuscript for conformance before submitting it for publication. The author’s manuscript should meet these requirements: Manuscript contains original work – which has neither been published by the authors or anyone else in any other medium, nor is it under consideration for publication in any other medium. Manuscript is focused on the core aims and the scope of the journal – Review of Economic Perspectives is a scientific journal publishing fundamental research results from all areas related to economic policy. Manuscript contains all essential features of a complete scientific paper – the text should contain an introduction with definition of the problem under solution, an overview of relevant literature and applied methods, analysis of the problem, discussion of results and a conclusion with a clear formulation of the results. All sources have to be continually quoted in the text and properly mentioned in the list of references. Direct quotations have to be clearly marked in the text. Each manuscript has to contain an abstract with key words (at most 300 words), JEL classification. By submission the contact to author with his/her full name, institution (not obligatory) and contact address, including email should be send in a separate document. Manuscript is written in English and clearly structured – should be clearly and grammatically written, in an easily readable style. The submission is not conditioned by the format in accord with the journal’s style guide. However the structure of the text, tables, graphs and other parts, should be clearly structured. Please note that after accepting the manuscript we provide language editing. Submission Submission of the manuscript is free of charge and should be formated in the electronic MS Word (.doc). The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Since 2015 the REP changed its submission and editorial procedure. It is managed through an online publishing and management system (OJS). Authors are encouraged to register and submit their manuscripts via the journal’s submission websites, The submission is completed upon receipt of a confirmation e-mail. All communication concerning submission and review process will proceed with this system. Any pre-submission queries should be sent to the editors at In the interest of anonymous reviewing, the author's name, contact information, biographical information, and any acknowledgments should not be included anywhere in the main manuscript document. Such information and other personal and manuscript details should be send in a separate document. Review of Economic Perspectives Author Information PDF Document updated on 2015-09-08 REP preliminarily assesses all papers. A paper will be rejected at this first stage if it does not comply with the above requirements, is evidently of insufficient academic quality or interest, or lies outside the scope of the journal. If a paper passes this preliminarily assessment, then it will be sent out to referees. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that the work will not be submitted simultaneously to any other journal. Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, a license to publish (the copyright, see below) shall be granted to the publisher. If the article is accepted, the author will be asked to comply with the format and style of REP, as exhibited in the style guide (in MS Word .doc or .docx). Copyright statement The articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivs license as currently displayed on, which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for noncommercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited. REP is non-profit making open access journal and will not charge for access neither to seek primarily to re-publish contributions in any other format (translations, anthologies, and the like) without the explicit consent of the authors. Publishing an article leaves the copyright with the author. The editors and inquiries concerning further non-commercial use of material published in REP beyond the normal academic usage should therefore be addressed to the authors themselves. However the REP reserves the right for a potential commercial use and so the authors will have to give the journal owner a license for commercial use. Commercial use is rare in Open Access, because the journal article is available online to everybody, but it may occur. In order to avoid confusion, REP requests that the license for commercial use is exclusive and the commercial rights will be protected by REP. These conditions are contained in the license to publish, that the authors of accepted manuscripts are required to sign. Peer Review Process Submitted manuscripts are briefly assessed by the journal editors who check whether the submission satisfies the requirements stated above. Prior to its publishing, each confirmed manuscript than goes through a double-blind refereeing process. The review is made anonymously by two referees constituting of members of the Editorial Board and Editors, or by its appointed expert. The referees usually have three weeks to assess the manuscript, and the reviews are usually elaborated in five to six weeks after the manuscript submission. The editorial board of the journal does not purvey names of the authors of the reviewed essays to the reviewers, and the review form is sent to the authors without the name of the reviewer. The editorial board neither purveys the names of the referees to other persons. Review of Economic Perspectives Author Information PDF Document updated on 2015-09-08 The reviewers examine whether the submitted manuscript contains all essential features of a complete scientific paper, especially its originality, scientific contribution, aim, result, adequacy of the method, logical consistency, up-to datedness of the data, sources and references. You can see the review form for referees here. The editors decide on the basis of the reviews whether to accept the essay as it is, to accept it with a minor revision, to accept conditionally with a major revision, or to reject the manuscript. The appointed editor communicates the final decision, and informs the authors about further processing. The manuscripts accepted with the requirement of minor revision should be corrected by the author(s). The correction should take into account the remarks or suggestions of the reviewer. It is not allowed to make more extensive changes influencing the extent or contents of the article. The electronic copy of the corrected manuscript has to be sent to the Editor office at in accordance with the instruction of appointed editor, but usually not later than two weeks after receiving the review. Authors are required to also enclose a separate sheet concerning their responses on remarks and suggestions of referees and implemented changes. Conditionally accepted manuscripts with the requirement of major revision, should be corrected by the author(s) in such a way that they should take into account the remarks or suggestions of the reviewer. When re-submitted, authors are also required to enclose with the revised manuscripts a separate sheet including their responses on remarks and suggestions of referees, and implemented changes. These responses are usually sent to the former reviewer to assess the revised version. You are hereby kindly asked to prepare these responses and changes carefully. It makes the review process faster and facilitates improvement of the manuscript. The accepted articles are further processed to language editing. The author(s) should incorporate language editing and send the finished article to the Editorial office according to the instruction of appointed editor, usually not later than two weeks after receiving it. Download You can download the information for author in pdf and also see journal’s forms for authors and reviewers. Author Information PDF, Style Guide, Review Form for Referees, License to Publish.