Announcement of competition of Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University (IGA MU) IGA MU is funded from the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education within the framework of the implemented project IGA MU reg. No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016943. On 14 September 2020, the Rector of Masaryk University announces a call in the IGA MU university-wide competition for individual student grants in research and development, in the fields of science under the Frascati Manual 2015:1  natural sciences,  medicine and health sciences,  social sciences,  humanities and arts. Basic information Applications for student grants may be submitted only electronically through the PMIS application. Detailed information and competition rules are available here. Expected numbers of student grant projects that can be accepted for funding in the respective fields of science2 Natural sciences 41 Medicine and health sciences 17 Social sciences 27 Humanities and arts 14 1 Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development, OECD, 2015 ( 2 In the case of a higher number of proposals with poor or excellent evaluation, the evaluation panel may increase or decrease the number of student grants in the field concerned. In case the expected number of grants in a certain field has not been awarded, it may increase the number of grants in the field where the number of applications exceeds the number of available grants. RMU Research Office 2/2 Tentative schedule Competition announcement 14 September 2020 Submission period 14 September 2020 – 30 October 2020 Checking formal criteria and review of applications November/December 2020 Evaluation panel session, shortlisting student projects recommended for funding December 2020 Implementation of the student grant project, monthly reports on activities 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021 Final report on activities, evaluation of the project implementation by the evaluation panel January – March 2022 Contact persons Faculty Name E-mail Telephone LF (Faculty of Medicine) Mgr. Dagmar Václavíková 549 49 7614 FF (Faculty of Arts) Jitka Erlebachová 549 49 1521 PrF (Faculty of Law) Mgr. Petr Hudeček 549 49 3854 FSS (Faculty of Social Studies) Jitka Hotárková 777 242 170 PřF (Faculty of Science) Ing. Bc. Martin Hovorka 549 49 1412 FI (Faculty of Informatics) Ada Nazarejová DiS. 549 49 4963 PdF (Faculty of Education) Mgr. Jitka Sedláčková 549 49 6739 FSpS (Faculty of Sports Studies) Mgr. Katarína Šimková Ph.D. 549 49 7226 ESF (Faculty of Economics and Administration) Mgr. Daniela Marcollová 549 49 4730 Mgr. Kateřina Oleksíková Ph.D. 549 49 5885 RMU (Rector’s Office) Ing. Monika Zicháčková 549 49 8179 Karolina Wojnar 549 49 8661 prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D. Rector