Rules for traveling according to the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education Expenditure related to travel allowances must correspond to the usual prices in the place and time of the project implementation. When traveling abroad, it is necessary to do the market research before choosing a plane ticket and accommodation: at least three different offers must be included in the market research With travel allowances, it is possible in relation to the project implementation to rank among eligible expenditure: 1) travel expenses – expenses related to business trip transport (expenditure for public transport tickets in 2nd class[1], seat reservations, couches or beds, air tickets in economy class[2], tickets for public city transport[3], expenses related to the use of a motor vehicle in justified cases (i.e. non-existent connection, large volume of material is transported, etc.); 2) accommodation/dormitory – expenditure for accommodation/dormitory must correspond to the usual prices and the time; 3) meal compensation – pertain to respective employees depending on the time of duration of the working/business trip. The amount of the meal compensation, on the basis of the Labour Code and according to respective MLSA regulations, is determined by the employer for the employee after termination of the business trip within the settlement. The Labour Code (or the internal directive of the organisation) also states the rate for reducing the meal compensation for freely provided meals; 4) necessary side expenditure – expenditure related to the subject of the business trip, for example, parking fees, fees related to business trips, conference fees, fees for the use of telephone, highway fees, etc. These expenses can only be paid on the basis of proven payments by accounting documents.This item in the budget also includes expenditure related to the participation of professional employees in the project on foreign training or conferences. Specific rules for foreign business trips Expenditure related to business trips of professional employees of the beneficiary and employees of partners during foreign business trips are eligible and the employer also means the subject who concluded with the beneficiary or the partner the agreement to perform work or work activity if it is stated in this agreement that this subject will conduct business trips. The purpose of the business trip must be in accordance with the specific activity and objectives of the project. Outside of the EU, it is only possible to consider eligible trips by experts and professional employees participating in the implementation of the substantive activities of the project with active participation in the organized event with a direct relation to the activities implemented within the project. Active participation means e.g. a presentation at a conference, seminar, and workshop. During the settlement and documentation of foreign business trips, the procedure according to the Regulation of the Ministry of Finances on the basic rates for meal compensation in a foreign currency valid for the stated year is applied. Accommodation in a hotel abroad is ensured at the prices usual for the time and place, as a rule in the*** category. The expenditure up to EUR 100 per person/night (in case of another currency, the amount corresponding to the equivalent of EUR 100) may be usually considered the eligible amount. When exceeding this amount, the documentation for these services is required; this survey is mainly requested for higher category hotels (more than ***) as the document for evaluation of eligibility. At least three different offers must be included in the market research. In the case of foreign trips, the employer may provide the employee with an allowance in accordance with the rules for the provision of travel benefits during foreign trips on the basis of the Labour Code, as amended. Documenting eligibility: · settlement of business trip; · report on the course of the foreign business trip; · documents regarding payment; ________________________________ [1] The 1st class ticket is eligible only up to the price of the 2nd class ticket. [2] In case of travelling by plane, the ticket in economy class and charges related directly (e.g. airport fee) are the eligible expenditure while flying at a distance greater than 500 km. For these purposes, the distance is considered the shortest distance by road between the starting point of the trip and the destination of the business trip according to a publicly accessible route planner. If the distance is shorter, spending on the ticket may be considered wasteful - in these cases, it is recommended that the beneficiary received prior to incurring such expenditure an approval of the MA. If the granting authority rejects the purchase of flight ticket, only the expenditure corresponding to the price of the ticket for economy class of the train of higher quality (SuperCity, EuroCity, InterCity, Express, etc.) can be paid from the project. [3] When buying time coupons, it must be demonstrated that the purchase of the coupon is within the project cheaper than the payment of individual tickets.