www.euchinastf.eu For Further details on how to apply, please visit: www.euchinastf.eu and ec.europa.eu/europeaid/cgi/frame12.pl DownloaD the application form anD senD it back, with all requireD Documents before 20th June or 5th September, 2008 to: Postal address: mrs Cristina QueroL CArCeLLer head of finance, Contracts and Audit Section european union Delegation of the european Commission to China and mongolia no. 15 Dongzhimenwai Street, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District 100600 beijing people's republic of China Address for hand delivery / delivery by private courier service: mrs Cristina QueroL CArCeLLer head of finance, Contracts and Audit Section european union Delegation of the european Commission to China and mongolia 4th floor, Qian Kun mansion, 6, Sanlitun Xi Liu Jie 100027 beijing people's republic of China join the science & technology fellowship programme in china now! are you a young european researcher? The EU is offering you a unique opportunity to establish or deepen a partnership with a Chinese research institution! today, the european union offers you the opportunity to take part in a research mobility programme in china during 24 months! there are only 30 fellowships available on two consecutive pilot projects so don't miss this chance. the experience consists of 6-month chinese language training in beijing followed by an 18-month practical research opportunity in a Chinese host organisation.through its Science & technology fellowship programme China (Stf China) scheme the eu will offer financial support to a small group of carefully selected eminent researchers in their respective areas of scientific competence. applications must be submitted by 20th June or 5th september 2008 join the science & technology fellowship programme in china now! For ThE 1sT inTAkE oF sTF ChinA, sTArTing in DECEmbEr 2008 Apply by 20th June, 2008 For ThE 2nD inTAkE oF sTF ChinA, sTArTing in APril 2009 Apply by 5th September, 2008 building bridges between the eu and china in the rapidly developing science & technology area building bridges between the eu and china in the rapidly developing science & technology area 2 days briefing in brussels prior to the departure 6-month tailor-made Chinese language and research culture training in beijing 18-month practical research period in a Chinese host organisation networking and events for Stf fellows including support to the formation and functioning of an Stf fellow alumni organisation a flat rate monthly living allowance: ca. 1,800 a single flat rate installation allowance: ca. 1,800 the reimbursement of two international travels: twice 1,500 the reimbursement of participation in one international conference: 2,500 Since 2006 China is the second largest investor in research and development worldwide just behind the uS. Conscious that China is becoming one of the most important centres of worldwide scientific developments, the eu is launching a new exciting project to enable european researchers to discover the framework and principles of research in China. This piloT projecT, sTF china, aims aT: promoting the mobility of eu researchers towards the chinese research and development area to successfully develop meaningful and long-lasting contact, creating and sustaining links and research partnerships between eu and chinese research institutions. * A european Sending organisation may be any eu public or private scientific or research & development institution that has either already established or can convincingly demonstrate an interest in establishing scientific co-operation with china. ** Chinese host organisation shall be any chinese national research laboratory or university laboratory. at the moment of applying for the stf china programme, the applicant shall propose a host institution in china in which he/she plans to carry out the practical research and present an invitation letter from them. the Stf ChinA hAS 2 intAKeS of 15 eu reSeArCherS eACh. ThE sElECTED FEllows will bE oFFErED: www.euchinastf.eu ThE sTF ChinA oFFErs: FIELDS OF RESEARCH CONCERNED The STF China Programme iS oPen To all diSCiPlineS ideally, the applicanťs research proposal should concentrate on fields of research where the european union and china carry out or are potentially interested in co-operative scientific research work. the subject of the research project should further the participanťs competence in a certain area and be of strong interest for the eu sending and chinese host institution alike. admiSSion CondiTionS be citizen of one of the 27 eu member states have either a post-graduate university degree (m.a., msc or equivalent) and minimum two years of practical research experience or hold a doctoral degree have prepared a research project that you intend to carry out in china during the practical research period be supported by a sending eu organisation* have identified a chinese host institution for their practical research** ideally be not older than 32 years old note: no specific chinese language skills are required. SeleCTion ProCeSS For the 1st intake: after a pre-selection by the european commission assisted by independent experts, a 30-candidate shortlist will be established. these 30 candidates will be interviewed in brussels by mid-July 2008. at the end of the selection process, 15 candidates will be invited to join the programme. For the 2nd intake: if you miss this first deadline, you can still submit your application for the second and final selection process. the second deadline is 5th september, 2008. JUrY CriTeria after a pre-selection: the applicanťs profile the research proposal (maximum 4 pages) the quality of the chinese host institution chosen For the interview: the candidate's motivation the candidate's suitability for the programme from a european point of view the scientific quality and feasability of the research proposal the candidate's personal and communication skills