European Research Council and the Czech Republic Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Workshop organized by the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and with the Office of the ERC Vice-President Pavel Exner 14 November 2014, Prague, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Hybernská 3, Prague 1, room H303 8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:15 Welcome address Pavel Exner, ERC Vice-President 9:15-10:00 Social Sciences and Humanities and the ERC Núria Sebastián Gallés, ERC Vice-President, SSH Domain Coordinator 10:00-10:20 ERC grants: The rules, the evaluation procedure and support to the applicants Petra Perutková, NCP, Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break 10:40-12:10 Scientific Presentations - Experience of ERC grant holders Moderator: Mirjam Fried, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University Tomáš Sobotka, Austrian Academy of Science, ERC Grantee – project EURREP (Fertility, reproduction and population change in 21st century Europe) Péter Szabó, The Institute of Botany of the CAS, ERC Grantee – multidisciplinary project LONGWOOD (Longterm woodland dynamics in Central Europe: from estimations to a realistic model) at the interface of Palaeoecology, History and Vegetation ecology 12:10-13:30 PANEL DISCUSSION Striving towards Excellence in Social Sciences and Humanities – Czech views Do we in the field of social sciences and humanities have chance to succeed in the ERC competition? Can excellence be found in the Czech Republic? What were the right conditions to support excellence in social sciences and humanities in the Czech Republic? Should we have a strategy? Moderator: Pavel Exner, ERC Vice-President Panelists (tbc): Mirjam Fried, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University Núria Sebastián Gallés, ERC Vice-President Michal Kejak, CERGE-EI, Economics Institute of the CAS Tomáš Sobotka, Austrian Academy of Sciences Péter Szabó, The Institute of Botany of the CAS The meeting will be held in English.Translations will not be provided. Registration is required via the following link: