The Institute of International Relations (IIR) in Prague cordially invites you to the conference: ,,Visegrad Group and the Czech EU-Presidency" June 5 ­ 6th , 2008 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Loretánské náměstí 5, Praha 1 Opening speech: Alexander Vondra, Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs, Czech Rep. Kristóf Forrai, Executive Director of the International Visegrad Fund Working language: English The conference is supported by the International Visegrad Fund Programme: Thursday, June 5th , 2008 12:30 - Registration 13:00­13:30 - Conference Opening Alexandr Vondra, Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs, Czech Republic Kristóf Forrai, Director of the International Visegrad Fund 13:30­15.15 - Panel I. French, Slovenian, Swedish and Czech Presidency Programs: Team Presidency and Differing Priorities Chair: Petr Drulák (Director of the Institute of International Relations, Prague) 13:30­13:45: Slovenia H. E. Franc But (Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic) 13:45­14:00: France H. E. Charles Fries (Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic) 14:00­14:30: Czech Republic Marek Mora (Deputy Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs) 14:30­14:45: Sweden H. E. Catherine von Heidenstam (Ambassador of Sweden to the Czech Republic) 14:45­15:25: Discussion 15:25­15:45 - Coffee Break 15:45­17:45 - Panel II: Regional Cooperation and the EU Presidency: Experiences, Potential and Limitations Chair: Martin Dangerfield (Jean Monnet Chair in the European Integration of Central and East Europe) 15:45­16:05: H. E. Gregor Woschnagg (Former Austrian Ambassador to the EU) 16:05­16:25: Zlatko Sabic (President of the CEEISA, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Ljublana) Slovenia's Presidency: Preliminary Analysis 16:25 ­16:45: An Schrijvers (Ghent University) Closer Cooperation within the European Union: Experiences from the Benelux. 16:45­17:05: Mats Braun (Institute of International Relations, Prague) Regional cooperation and EU presidency ­ the case of the Nordic countries 17:05­17:45: Discussion 18:00­21:00 - Glass of wine (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Introduction: Jan Kohout (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic) 19:00­21:00 - Round Table (Venue: Music Lounge, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, special invitations only) Friday, June 6th , 2008 9:00­11:00 - Panel III: Czech EU-Presidency Priorities from the Perspective of Visegrad Countries Chair: Jiří Schneider (Programme Director of the Prague Security Studies Institute, Prague) 9:00­9:20: Jan Karlas, Michal Kořan, Elsa Tulmets (Institute of International Relations, Prague) Czech EU Presidency in the Light of the Visegrad Cooperation: Potentials and Limits 9:20­9:40: András Rácz (Hungarian Institute of International Affairs) Priorities of the Czech EU Presidency from the Hungarian Perspective 9:40­10:00: Leszek Jesień (Polish Institute of International Affairs) Priorities of the Czech EU Presidency from the Polish Perspective 10:00­10:20: Tomáš Strážay (Slovak Foreign Policy Association) What Contribution of the V4 to the EÚs Foreign Policy? Tasks for the Czech Presidency 10:20­11:00: Discussion 11:00­11:30 - Coffee Break 11:30­13:30 ­ Expert Roundtable: Visegrad Cooperation during the Czech EU- Presidency Chair: Michal Kořan (Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Prague) 11:30­12:30: Czech Republic Jiří Čistecký (Czech Coordinator of the Visegrad Group, MFA) Hungary László Máthé (Hungarian Coordinator of the Visegrad Group, MFA) Poland Leszek Hensel (Polish Coordinator of the Visegrad Group, MFA) Slovakia František Dlhopolček (Slovak Coordinator of the Visegrad Group, MFA) 12:30­13:30: Discussion 13:30 - Closing of the Conference