Description: IDC_English_Blue APPLICATION FOR MASARYK DISTINGUISHED CHAIR PROGRAM Call 2014 Deadline: 15 October 2014 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION Title First name Family name Date of birth Country of citizenship Private address Telephone E-mail 2. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Home institution in the Czech Republic Mailing address Current academic/professional position and starting date in that position Major academic discipline Other specialization(s) Foreign language competence Most significant professional accomplishments Include items such as significant teaching and research awards, papers delivered at conferences etc. Lecturing activity Summarize your teaching experience and pedagogical approach, indicate your participation in teaching/curriculum projects etc. Research activity Summarize your research background and publication activity, indicate your research grants etc. Professional trips abroad of over 3 months during the past 10 years Include the country, purpose and length of your stay 3. PROJECT DETAILS Project title Key words List 5 keywords that best describe your proposed research activity Proposed length of stay (Min. Length = 2 weeks, max. Length = 3 months) Proposed dates of stay 1^st choice: 2^nd choice: Time flexibility Please state how flexible you are concerning dates of your stay Lecturing activity at IDC Are you interested in giving lectures during your stay at IDC? Please specify the relevant subject areas. Project description Provide a detailed outline of the research project. Define measurable goals and outputs of your project. Min. 4000 and max. 8000 characters. 4. PROJECT IMPACT Describe the expected impact of the proposed project on your professional competences, including teaching/research activities and benefits for your home and host institution. 5. ACADEMIC TUTOR IN ISRAEL Title First name Family name Instituiton Position Telephone E-mail 6. ATTACHMENTS All applicants are required to submit: a) Curriculum vitae b) Confirmation – either a letter or e-mail from the academic tutor agreeing to support planned academic activity in Israel c) Selected bibliography d) Course outlines or syllabi (in a single combined document, only for projects including lecturing activity – by email only) e) References All attachments must be provided in English. 7. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, certify that the information contained in this Application Form is correct to the best of my knowledge. Place: Date: Name: Signature: