Becomes S.r.o Celakovskèho sady 1580/4 110 00 Praha 1 Reg n. CZ 24172804 +39 339 2282171 | | BeCollege This project has been designed by Becomes in cooperation with Masaryk University in order to recruit motivated, smart and qualified candidates to complete its team. The ultimate aim is offering to deserving students an incredible opportunity of professional perspectives and knowledge growth, while helping Becomes during its demanding recruiting process. Becomes in fact considers its employees as a crucial asset, and that’s why the collaboration between Masaryk University and Becomes has started! Let’s see closely how this project works step by step: 1. APPLYING TO BECOMES CAREER PATH Students should decide to undertake Becomes courses and career future possibilities through classical University bureaucracy. Motivated impossibilities to participate at one step of the path do not preclude the eventual employment opportunity. Path choice and internship configuration (duration, scope, etc…) may be customized from time to time in order to fit with each applying student personal academic calendar 2. ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE Masaryk University will arrange an Italian language course appropriately designed to teach to Becomes’ future possible employees basic language skills, together with Italian accounting peculiar terminology 3. SPECIFIC ACCOUNTING COURSE This course will actually be added to the student university academic career (answering to all requirements needed, including academic credits and a final test) specifically focusing on Italian accounting and taxes rules and principles, taught in English 4. INTERNSHIP AT BECOMES BRNO DIVISION/ITALIAN BECOMES AFFILATES After step 1, 2 and 3, deserving students could be eligible for one of two different experiences: – doing an Internship at Becomes Brno operation offices, gaining academic credits – funded by the Erasmus Program or directly by Masaryk University, moving to Italy for a work-stay at one of Becomes subsidiaries or affiliates These internships, beyond granting curriculum improvements, achievements and academic credit points, could represent a unique occasion to build strong future career opportunities. In particular, both experiences are structured as formative periods that will ensure a plus for students applying to be hired by Becomes 5. FINAL TEST to track improvements and updated skills referring to Italian language and accounting and tax principles primarily 6. ROLE AS ACCOUNTANT AT BECOMES Motivated and deserving students after going through step 1 to 5 are able to be hired finally as Junior Accountants at Becomes in a long term perspective. Best regards, Andrea Bruschi