Join Becomes for a special course induction! Our team will introduce you to Becomes course, how you’ll learn within our program and the main teaching tools and rules we use. The course induction provides you with specific details about Becomes study path requirements, important dates, book lists, unit advices, practicum schedules and regulations and is also a unique opportunity to meet Becomes’ team and founders. To learn more about our University Program click on the link below and download the Becomes University Course Program! If you want to attend please send a confirmation e-mail to B E C O M E S U N I V E R S I T Y P R O G R A M M E E T - U P Masaryk University / Faculty of Economics ACADEMIC CLUB +420 777 817 965 Tu e s d ay 2 9 t h S e p t e m b e r - f r o m 2 : 3 0 PM t i l l A p e r i t i v o t i m e ! w w w . b e - c o m e s . c o m / b e c o m e s u n i v e r s i t y p r o g r a m