GANTT ECON MU - Action plan 2023-2026 C&C Proposed Actions C&C Q2 23 Q3 23 Q4 23 Q1 24 Q2 24 Q3 24 Q4 24 Q1 25 Q2 25 Q3 25 Q4 25 Q1 26 Q2 26 Responsible Unit I 1. "Raising awareness about the content of the Code of Ethics, basic processes and research documents" I Personnel Office in cooperation with CERPEK I 2. Improving the dissemination and commercialisation of research results I "Vice dean for Research Vice dean for External Relations " "I, III" 3. Increasing the number of women in decision-making bodies and leading positions of the faculty and support of the gender-fair environment "I, III" "Dean Personell Office" "II, III" 4. Creation and implementation of a faculty Post/Role System "II, III" Personnel Office "II, III" 5. Strengthening the position of Postdocs "II, III" Personell Office "I, III," 6. Improvement of the faculty internal communication "I, III," Internal Communication "III, IV" 7. Repetition of employee (satisfaction) survey at the end of the revised Action plan implementation phase "III, IV" HR Award team "I, III" 8. Improvement of communication and services provided in English "I, III" "Personell Office Internal Communication" "III, IV" 9. Reduction of pedagogical and administrative burden "III, IV" "Bursar Vice dean for Full time Studies" "I, II, III" 10. Strengthening and increasing the number of mobility (outcoming / incoming "I, II, III" Vice dean for Research "I, III, IV" 11. Improvement of the leadership and supervision of young researchers "I, III, IV" Vice dean for Research "I, III, IV" 12. Improvement of training and development process at the faculty level "I, III, IV" Personell Office "III, IV" 13. Introduction of the faculty Career Code including the system of job position "III, IV" Personell Office "III, IV" 14. "Redefine the job description of the academic position of ""lecturer"" and raise awareness of its importance in ensuring quality teaching" "III, IV" "Dean Personell Office" "III, IV" 15. Establish a system for identifying and training of potential successors to heads of departments "III, IV" "Dean Personell Office" "I, III" 16. "Promoting work-life balance, equal opportunities" "I, III" "Personell Office Bursar" "I, III" 17. Revision of internal guidelines "I, III" "Personell Office Dean" III 18. Create and implement the faculty system of posts and jobs (workplace systemization) III Personnel Office "II, III, IV" 19. To set up conditions and a system for financing long-term trips/mobilities of academic staff "II, III, IV" "Dean Bursar " "I, III, IV" 20. "Meeting and networking of academic and non-academic staff of the faculty, integration of foreign employees" "I, III, IV" "Daen Internal Communication" "I, III, IV" 21. Maintaining the position of HR Award Manager to coordinate the activities of the action plan and the implementation of HRS4R "I, III, IV" Dean C&C - Charta a kodex pro výzkumné pracovníky