TOURISM INDUSTRY REGIONAL ASPECTS prof.PhDr.Karel Lacina, DrSc. Vysoká škola finanční a správní STRUCTURE OF LECTURE 1. ROLE OF REGIONS IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS 2. PRINCIPAL TOURISM ACTIVITIES IN REGIONS 3. MAIN ORIENTATION OF REGIONAL TOURISM STRATEGIES 4. ROLE OF INVESTMENTS INTO TOURISM ACTIVITIES 5. WEAKNESS OF VILLAGES REGIONS 6. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF VILLAGES TOURISM 7. MAIN FORMS OF VILLAGES TOURISM 1. ROLE OF REGIONS IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS The role of regions in the economic and social affairs including the tourism industry is increasing in Europe and Northern American countries mainly during the last fifty years. The indicated trend is connected in the European continent - among others - with the administration reforms, first of all with the decentralization, deconcentration and subsidiarity principles implementation. One of its results became the creation of regional state administration and the local government that did not exist de facto before the beginning of reform activities in many European countries. This trend was partly reflected in the sphere of tourism activities.The tourism industry contributes now more or less effectively to the economic and social development of the whole regions predominantly thanks to the generation of money from products and services purchase to tourists and to the creation of new labour places. The regional dimension of tourism activities is underlined by the fact that they are developing in concrete regions, microregions and in the territory of municipalites. Those territories, of course, differ what concerns their attractivities. Everybody knows that there are regions suitable for tourism and other which are visited by tourists only in a relatively limited moments. Pardubice region in Eastern Bohemia, for example, could be mentioned as an example of the second group of regions. Nevertheless, tourism activities represent in such a way important challenges from the point of view of their economic and social development especially for regions with prevailing agrarian economy. Different forms of tourism are developed in agrarian regions based mainly on the villages tourism activities. The experience of countries with rich traditions of tourism industry confirms the fact that tourism activities are successfully developed predominantly in territories where elected representatives closely cooperate with the Small and Medium-sized Enterprices owners and managers. Taking this fact into account strategies worked out for tourism can be formulated nowadays as the component parts of their broadely outlined strategies in the majority of regions. 2. PRINCIPAL TOURISM ACTIVITIES IN REGIONS The mentioned activities in regions are concentrated predominantly to: 1. Investments into the construction of accomodation facilities,the purchase of modern transport means and in the construction of highways and other roads communications. 2. The strengthening of cooperation among entrepreneurs, local government and the public administration authorities and offices based on the principle of partnership and networking represented by the destination management. This orientation is positively reflected - among others - in the creation of specific tourism industry strategies in the tourism destinations. 3. The new labour places creation in the tourism industry facilities. 4. The improvement of cultural monuments protection situated in regions and simultaneously of the educational level of the local inhabitants increasing. The effectiveness of indicated strategies and their contribution to the regional development was confirmed first of all in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. 3.MAIN ORIENTATION OF REGIONAL TOURISM STRATEGIES Regional tourism strategies are oriented predominantly to: 1. The improvement of the tourism industry infrastructure: with the emphasis on the accomodation and gastronomy facilities, camps and the information charts construction, the cultural, entertainment and sport infrastructure, bikeroutes and water activities spaces, cars and buses parking areas, technical information systems as well as ski routes quality improvement. 2. Regional tourism industry organization structure building and its quality improvement with the principal orientation to the regional and local tourism organizations network stabilization and the regional information centers activities development. 3. Efforts aimed at the tourism destinations image increasing: The orientation to the long-term marketing activities improvement aimed at the regions effective propagation seems to be the way of the mentioned goal implementation. The similar significance has the education and training of the tourism industry facilities staff. 4. The support of cultural and natural inheritance regeneration. 4. ROLE OF INVESTMENTS INTO TOURISM ACTIVITIES The investments into tourism industry represent the significant contribution to the economic and social development especially in the agricultural regions. That is why the European Union and its individual member states support different projects contributing, among other, to the diminishing of disparities among more and less developed regions.The mentioned orientation: a) allows to accumulate money in regions that have in general a lower economic potential; b) it represents one of the way leading not only to the economic but also to the social stabilization of those areas. The EU strategy utilizing financial means from the structural and national funds to investments takes into account - among others - the real fact that the European village regions are in a relatively complicated stage of their development for the longer time. There are two urgent problems which have to be solved in the those regions. The first one is connected with the restriction of agricultural production area in localities where it represented relatively recently the main or extremely significant sphere of economic activities. The second problem - connected immediately with the first one - is the fact that the number of people living in the villages is somewhere (from different reasons) dramatically reducing. 5.WEAKNESS OF MOST VILLAGES REGIONS The weakness of the most villages regions is represented generally by: - their unsufficient infrastructure; - the low level of capital; - the complicated access of entrepreneurs to credits; - the relatively long geographic distance of classical agricultural areas from main regional economic centres; - the relatively high costs of transport connected with the purchase and sale of products. Speaking more concretely this indicated unpleasant situation of villages regions was caused predominantly by the following facts: a) there are often limited transportation connection possibilities complicating the everyday transport of people from small villages to larger centres offering labour possibilities. The mentioned situation is criticized for a long time especially by the young people moving more and more often to towns; b) lower quality of roads maintenance is also complicating the situation; c) there is a limited number of créches, nursery and the elementary and secondary schools; d) the medical care quality is often limited there in the comparison with towns; e) only limited number of services is offered to citizens in smaller municipalities; f) the village areas are able to create limited number of labour places for their inhabitants. These and other problems are motivating inhabitants of villages to their migration to towns with much higher quality conditions of the everyday life. The fact that limited number of inhabitants lives predominantly in the mountain areas is negatively reflected also in the worse quality of soil cultivation. The space for eco-agrotourism is offered by the growing number of bio farms that do not use fertilizers in their plants growing. The cows, sheeps, goats and horses are breeded in the traditional natural way here. The mentioned style of agricultural production is considered to be very attractive by the ecoagrotourism participants. 7. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF VILLAGES TOURISM The attractiveness of the indicated characteristic features of the village tourism are caused by: - its more sensitive relationship to the nature; - limited (therefore more intimate) accomodation capacities; - offer of pleasant environment of farms and small boarding houses; - more better approach of services producers to visitors individual needssatisfaction; - additional services provision (for example for horse riding,hunting, fishing); - the posibility of local traditions, handicrafts, ways of soil cultivation recognition. In other words tourism activities in villages areas: - provide the possibility of recreation in the healthy and nontraditional environment; - assure additional incomes for farmers and the assistance to villages stabilization in such a way; - enable the folk architecture conservation together with folk traditions preservation; - stimulate global villages development and protect the traditions of villages style of life. The modern forms of tourism activities agrotourism, ecotourism and eco-agrotourism offer new labour places for the local population. They represent the realistic contribution to the regions development because more and more tourists visiting village areas estimate predominantly: - the local healthy environment; - the natural and historical monuments situated here. Their number is increasing relatively quickly. It is possible to come to the conclusion that the agrotourism, ecotourism and eco-agrotourism represent the successful economic and social orientation mainly in municipalities where the principle Public-Private-Partnership is developed. The local entrepreneurs are building new accomodation and catering capacities and the local government is helping them by the construction of technical infrastructure and information centres as well as by the activation of the cross border cooperation implemented predominantly in the territory of the so called euroregions. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION