r ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz 4 v •s* E^Ä VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BANSKÁ .jMjgf TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA MULTICRITERIA ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EU COHESION Eva Poledníková Department of European Integration Faculty of Economics, VŠB-TU Ostrava XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče r ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz 4 E^Ä VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BANSKÁ .jMjgf TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA jCONTENT • MOTIVATION AND AIM OF PAPER • EVALUATION OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN THE EU • METHODOLOGY OF PAPER • EMPIRICAL RESULTS • CONCLUSION • REFERENCES XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče 2 r ekp j—, ■ t ' i i ' Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Ekonomické vzdelaní _ . . . . .„. „„ __. _ . . . , . Sokolská trida 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 na dobre adrese ,t ^ u u w v, «w www www.ekf.vsb.cz jmn. VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BANSKÁ ThSLljRdF TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA V J | MOTIVATION AND AIM OF PAPER • The economic, social and territorial disparities in the level of regional performance are a major obstacle to the balanced and harmonious development of the regions, but also of each country as well as a whole EU. • Quantification of regional disparities falls into important spheres of a regional policy at state and European level. • The paper solves the problem of an alternative approach to quantitative evaluation of the regional development. • This research topic is supported by the Student Grant Competition of the Faculty of Economics, VSB-TU Ostrava, project number SP2014/126 and by the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme, project number CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0296. • The aim of the paper is to evaluate and compare the development of regional disparities in Visegrad Four countries over the period 2001-2011 by utilizing the selected multicriteria decision-making methods. XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče 3 r ekp j—, ■ t ' i i ' Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Ekonomické vzdelaní _ . . . . .„. „„ __. _ . . . , . Sokolská trida 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 na dobre adrese ,t ^ u u w v, «w www www.ekf.vsb.cz 4 Z~M> VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BANSKÁ .jMjgf TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA J j EVALUATION OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN THE EU • The attitude of the researches to the measurement and evaluation of regional disparities is not uniformed. • Most existing approaches use several disparities indicators that are processed by different less or more sophisticated mathematical and statistical methods. • Alternative and not broadly extended approach to regional disparities evaluation represents multicriteria decision-making methods (e.g. AHP, TOPSIS, VIKOR). XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče 4 ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VSB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BAŇ SKÁ TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OST HAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA T METHODOLOGY OF PAPER Stage 1 Define the model Stage 2 AHP Stage 3 TOPSIS • Select the appropriate MCDM methods to evaluate disparities betwee NUTS 2 regions in V4 - AHP (Analytic Hiearchic Process) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to an Ideal Solution). •Define the model of research problem by AHP hierarchic structure (define the indicators). Establish the pairwise comparison matrices Perform the consistency test. Compute the weights of criteria Start TOPSIS procedure using the weights calculated by AHP method. • Determine a relative closeness to the ideal solution c,. • Rank the regions according to distances to ideal solution. • Perform a sensitivity analysis to study the impact of the weights of criteria equal to one on the c,and regions'ranking. ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VSB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BAŇ SKÁ TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OST HAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA METHODOLOGY OF PAPER Figure 1 Hiearchic structure of evaluation system goat subcriteria criteria Level of regional development Economic Social disparities disparities • GDP • ER • Dl • UER • GERD • TE Territorial disparities DM DR alternatives 8 NUTS 2 regions in the Czech Republic 7 NUTS 2 regions in Hungary 16 NUTS 2 regions in Poland 4 NUTS 2 regions in Slovakia GDP per capita (GDP); Disposable income of households (Dl); Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD); Employment rate (ER); Unemployment rate (UER); Persons aged 30-34 with tertiary education attainment (TE); Density of motorway (DM); Density of railway (HB) VW11 ....... ' x ' XVII. Mezinárodni kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče r ekp ,—, ■ i ' i ~ i ' Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Ekonomické vzdelaní _ . . . . .„. „„ __. _ . . . , . Sokolská trida 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 na dobre adrese ,t ^ u u w v, «w www www.ekf.vsb.cz 4 E^Ä VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BANSKÁ .jMjgf TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA | METHODOLOGY OF PAPER • To determine the final weights of criteria, pairwise comparison in the context of AHP is applied to calculate weights of subcriteria with respect to the goal. After that criteria are pairwise compared against the subcriteria importance. • The comparisons are taken from Saaty's fundamental scale (1,3,5,7,9) which indicates how many times more important one element is over another element with respect to property to which they are compared to. • Elements are scored according to author's subjective preferences. Table 1 Saaty's fundamental scale Intensity of importance Definition 1 equal importance 3 moderate importance 5 strong importance 7 very strong importance 9 extreme importance XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VSB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BAŇ SKÁ TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OST HAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA T METHODOLOGY OF PAPER TOPSIS method is based on the choosing of the best alternative nearest to the ideal solution (with the shortest Euclidean distance) and farthest from the negative ideal solution. Firstly, we convert all the criteria so that all of them were either minimization or maximization. Second step is to calculate the normalized decision matrix r — 5> i=i Third step is to calculate weighted normalized decision matrix. XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče 8 r ekp ,—, ■ i ' i ~ i ' Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Ekonomické vzdelaní _ . . . . .„. „„ __. _ . . . , . Sokolská trida 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 na dobre adrese ,t ^ u u w v, «w www www.ekf.vsb.cz jmn. VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BAŇSKA ThSLljRdF TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA METHODOLOGY OF PAPER • Fourth step includes the determination of the positive ideal solution (H-) and the negative ideal solution (D-). • F/ft/7 step includes the separation from the ideal (d,+) and the negative ideal solutions (d,) between alternatives is calculated. c d* • /.erst step includes the calculation of the relative closeness Cjto the ideal solution and rank the alternatives in descending order. XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče 9 r ekp ,—, ■ i ' i i ' Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Ekonomické vzdelaní _ . . . . .„. „„ __. _ . . . , . Sokolská trida 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 na dobre adrese ,t ^ u v, «w www www.ekf.vsb.cz imu VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BAŇSKA ThSLljRdF TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA v J EMPIRICAL RESULTS • Indicators GDP per capita, disposable income and unemployment rate have the highest importance in evaluation of regional disparities and the level of region's development. Table 2 Weights of criteria Sub criteria Weight Criteria Weight Final weight Ecomic 0,730644671 GDP 0,6370 0,4654 DI 0,2583 0,1887 GERD 0,1047 0,0765 Social 0,188394097 ER 0,2790 0,0526 U ER 0,6491 0,1223 TE 0,0719 0,0136 Territorial 0,080961232 DM 0,7500 0,0607 DR 0,2500 0,0202 Source: author calculation, 2014 XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče "Weight of criteria tv ^calculated by AHP v*—1 Year 2001 2011 2001 2011 Code Region ti Rank Rank Rank Rank CZ01 Prali a 0.853 1 0.805 2 0 6750 1 0.6304 1 CZ02 Střední Cechy 0 399 4 0.292 6 0.4973 3 0.3205 6 CZ03 Jihozápad 0.321 7 0.268 7 0.2582 9 0.2767 8 CZ04 Severozáp ad 0.243 12 0.189 18 0.2278 11 0.2206 16 CZ05 Severovýchod 0 307 S 0.242 11 0.2637 8 0.2734 9 CZ06 Jihovýchod 0.325 6 0.294 5 0.3406 5 0.3412 5 CZ07 Střední Morava 0.252 10 0.229 15 0.2243 12 0.2415 13 CZ08 Moravskoslezsko 0 219 13 0.246 8 0 2016 15 0.2579 11 HU10 X o z é p - Tví a gyar ors zág 0 508 3 0.485 3 0.4276 4 0.4238 4 HU21 íCozép-Dunántúl 0 251 1 1 0.184 19 0.2879 7 0.2428 12 HU22 Ť-íyugat - Dun áiitúl 0.277 9 0.231 14 0.2542 10 0.23 51 14 HU23 Dél-Duiiátitúl 0.167 15 0.104 30 0 1991 17 0.1847 25 HU31 Eszak-Magyarország 0 149 19 0.053 35 0.1847 18 0.1181 33 HU32 Észak-Alrold 0 153 18 0.086 33 0.2007 16 0.1586 31 HU33 Dél-Alfbld 0.185 14 0.124 27 0.2209 13 0.1991 21 PL 11 Lódzkie 0 103 25 0.182 20 0 1338 28 0.2007 20 PL12 Mazowieckie 0 361 5 0.450 4 0 2899 6 0.3035 7 PL21 Malopol^kie 0.137 21 0.168 21 0 2089 14 0.2270 15 PL22 Slaskie 0 159 16 0.23S 12 0.1773 20 0.2714 10 PL31 Lubelskie 0 100 26 0.114 29 0 1808 19 0.1912 23 PL32 Podkarpac kie 0 078 31 0.100 31 0.1331 29 0.1816 26 PL33 Swietokrzyskie 0 071 33 0.099 32 0 1456 25 0.1696 29 PL 3 1 Podlaskie 0 095 29 0.126 26 0 1498 24 0.1874 24 PL41 Wielkopolskie 0.155 17 0.221 16 0.1241 30 0.2073 19 PL 12 Zacho dni op omorskie 0.114 24 0.135 25 0 0859 34 0.1548 32 PL43 Lubuskie 0 078 30 0.146 22 0 1005 32 0.1742 28 PL51 Doltio š laskie 0.137 22 0.242 10 0.1736 22 0.2127 1S PL52 Opolskie 0.077 32 0.141 23 0.1540 23 0.1929 22 PL61 "Kuj awsko-Pomorskie 0 099 27 0.244 9 0 1349 27 0.4719 3 PL62 Warmihsko-Mazurskie 0.044 35 0.123 28 0.0983 33 0.1690 30 PL63 Potnorskie 0 131 23 0.196 17 0.1349 26 0.2165 17 SK01 Bratislavský kraj 0 699 2 0.867 1 0.5994 2 0.5231 2 SK02 Západně Slovensko 0.148 20 0.236 13 0.1767 21 0.1748 27 SK03 Středné Slovensko 0 098 28 0.141 24 0 1048 31 0.1133 34 SK04 Východně Slovensko 0 060 34 0.085 34 0 0766 35 0.1001 35 r ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VŠB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz 4 E^Ä VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA BANSKÁ .jMjgf TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA OSTHAVA EKONOMICKÁ FAKULTA j CONCLUSION • Applying AHP and TOPSIS method, the regions were ranked based on distances (disparity) to ideal solution. • Comparison of the region's ranking indicates the trends in the level of regional development in V4 in year 2001 and 2011. • Although some positive changes in disparities trend are observed during the examined period (especially in Poland), the regional disparities have still persisted between dominant regions with capital cities and more distant regions on the one hand and between Czech regions and Hungarian, Polish and Slovak regions on the other hand. • The advantage of TOPSIS and AHP methods is that they are simple, easy to use and understand. The sensitivity analysis shows that the importance of criteria influences the final ranking of regions. XVII. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách 18.-20.6.2014 Hustopeče 13 ekp Ekonomické vzdělání na dobré adrese Ekonomická fakulta VSB-TU Ostrava Sokolská třída 33, 701 21 Ostrava 1 www.ekf.vsb.cz iiEl=S°sTBAvA MAIN REFERENCES EUROSTAT. Regional Statistics [online]. 2014 [cit. 2014-03-14]. Available at: . DAI, X., ZHANG, J. The TOPSIS Analysis on Regional Disparity of Economic Development in Zhejiang Province. Canadian Social Science. 2011, 7(5), pp. 135-139. ISSN 1712-8056. HORKÁ, L. Faktory socioekonomické vyspělosti regionů: Alternativní přístup k hodnocení regionů. In Klímová, V., Zítek, V. (eds.) 16th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences. Conference Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University, 2013. pp. 51-59. ISBN 978-80-210-6257-3. KUTSCHERAUER, A. et al. Regional disparities. Disparities in the Regional Development, their Concept, Identification and Assessment. 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