XVIII. MEZINÁRODNÍ KOLOKVIUM O REGIONÁLNÍCH VĚDÁCH Co-creation in housing services: Kojatice case in Slovakia Prof. Ing. Juraj Nemec , CSc. – Ing. Mária Svidroňová, PhD. 19.6.2015, Hustopeče  What is an innovation in public sector?  public value in terms of increasing the efficiency, quality and transparency of public services  consistency between the character of the innovation and the environment where innovation takes place  innovation process in public sector requires legitimacy, political sustainability , strengthening democratic values ​​and respect the needs of citizens  innovation aims to “shape” the public service following the needs of its consumers – citizens, thus we can speak of so called co-creation Introduction  Co-initiation, in which citizens act as initiators,  Co-design, in which citizens are invited to co-design, and  Co-implementation, in which citizens are invited to implement public services Co-creation Goal:  to analyse a new approach to the provision of public services in the form of co-creation of public value by citizens and identify the outcomes of co-creation processes in the housing services in the case of the municipality of Kojatice Methodology:  part of LIPSE (Learning from Innovation in Public Sector Environments) research project  extensive document analysis of relevant policy documents, databases and websites and more than ten expert interviews -> list of 10 case studies (5 examples in the welfare sector and 5 in environment) Goal and methodology Case Goal of co-creation initiative Main actors/stakeholders 1. Conciliation councils Help citizen to solve any kind of conflicts, especially ethnical conflicts Citizens, NGO PDCS, C.S.Mott Foundation, municipalities in given areas 2. Social housing Kojatice Provide social housing for Roma with certain guarantee of its maintenance thanks to Roma co-financing and co- building University students, Roma citizens, local self-government and its mayor, NGO ETP Slovakia 3. Godmothers Provide material and non-material support to young mothers in social need for their inclusion into the society NGO “Sanca pre nechcenych”, SPP Foundation, VUB Foundation, Orange foundation, municipalities that decided to support the project 4. Electronic Guard Improve life of elderly citizen with disabilities by telecare and related assistive technologies Involved local governments, private IT company YMS, private telecommunication company Orange 5. Relax path Martin Improved life for elderly by building barrier free public relaxation infrastructure – nature path Municipality of Martin, several citizen initiatives (Joga v dennom živote, DIAMART – club of people with diabetes and a Club of pensioners Martin) 6. “Green Patrol” in Bratislava Increased citizen participation and responsibility for clean green areas, better quality of environment in the city Citizen initiative “Green Patrol”, municipality Bratislava and its local parts, inhabitants of Bratislava 7. Interactive portal “Green Patrol” Improve and maintain the quality of environment in the city, improve collaboration between citizen, participating organizations and city Citizen initiative “Green Patrol”, municipality Bratislava, citizens on social network 8. Trash out Improve physical environment and collaboration of all sectors Involved local governments, environmental NGOs (Greenpeace, Let’s do it, Enviweb cz, Emerald Planet, Priatelia zeme, Greenoffice sk), waste management companies, Ministry of environment of the Slovak Republic and Environmental fund of the Slovak Republic 9. City in mobile Facilitate citizen participation and improve physical environment Private company Datalan, a.s, municipalities in Bratislava self-governing region and thein inhabitants 10. PrieStory Realization of low cost investment projects of physical infrastructure executed by volunteers living in the area, improve collaboration between sectors Ekopolis Foundation, citizens, participating municipalities, CSOB bank, local companies (as sponsors providing additional funding)  Respondents:  Initiator 1 – student of architecture  Initiator 2 – volunteer in NGO (People in Need)  Mayor of Kojatice municipality  Project manager of NGO (ETP)  Roma inhabitant 1  Roma inhabitant 2  Roma inhabitant 3  Roma inhabitant 4  Non-Roma inhabitant 1  Non-Roma inhabitant 2 Kojatice case: social housing Findings 1. Quantity of output Between 2005 and 2014, 7 houses were built 2. Quality of output The quality of the housing has increased 3. Formal effectiveness Housing services were provided and citizen needs were better addressed 4. Efficiency Housing was provided in the least expensive way in term of public finances (financing from Roma ) 5. Customer satisfaction By involving the citizens as co-designers, their needs were taken into consideration (planning with architects) 6. Accountability A co-created initiative clarified who is accountable for what part of the service. 7. Equity Co-creation led to a more equal distribution of public services. 8. Responsiveness Social housing able to meet citizen needs and criteria better. 9. Fairness Co-creation led to a more fair distribution of public services. 10. Trust Trust in the public institutions was increased. 11. Public Participation Public participation was increased. Findings – before the project Findings – works on the project Findings – after the project  the role of local self-government in co-creation in Slovakia is rather limited; service delivery innovations are predominantly initiated by third-party organizations or citizens themselves  positive outcomes of Kojatice case:  improved standard and style of living of Roma citizens: learning of active participation, developing manual skills by building of their houses and basic education in financial literacy,  housing with lower costs and minimal burden to the public budget,  improved public space,  improved image of the municipality and improved social relations in the municipality  new forms of co-operation between different NGOs and other stakeholders (social capital)  twofold impact of this project on social relations within the municipality:  Roma population (satisfaction, increased trust to the mayor)  Non-Roma population (improved public space = better standard of life for whole village, shift of view on Roma citizens as „lazy“, BUT complaints on helping only to one group of citizens) Conclusions Thank you for your attention prof. Ing. Juraj Nemec, CSc. - Juraj.Nemec@econ.muni.cz Ing. Mária Svidroňová, PhD. - maria.svidronova@umb.sk For more information visit www.lipse.org This paper is a part of research supported by the LIPSE project. LIPSE, or ‘Learning from Innovation in Public Sector Environments’, is a research project studying the drivers and barriers to successful social innovations in the public sector. The research is co-financed at the local level by the APVV project DO7RP-0010-12.