Centre for Analysis of Regional Systems cenars.upol.cz Inner structure of functional regions: relationships between proto-centres Martin Tomáš Pavel Klapka Marián Halás Martin Erlebach Concept of a Functional Region Based on the heterogeneity of geographic space (horizontal flows of people, goods, energy, information…) A functional region should aim to maximize: 1) internal cohesiveness 2) external separation Correctly delineated functional regions can serve as a powerful planning tool: - assessment of regional disparities - labour market policies - distribution of subsidies - public transport planning, etc… Inner Structure of a Functional Region: basic theory J. Von Thünen, W. Christaller, A. Lösch, W. Isard: - conceptualised simple inner structure of a functional region (centre-hinterland-periphery) P. Haggett: - identifies a crucial role of direction, orientation, pattern of interaction flows as well as an existence of several centres at different hierarchical levels Based on these inner characterics, various types of functional regions can be identified: functional urban regions daily urban systems travel-to-work areas local labour market areas Centres of a Functional Region The centre is the key trait in the inner structure of a functional region Existence of at least 1 centre (instances of a region with no core are possible but very scarce) Existence of several cores implies four types of relationships based on incident interaction: 1) indifference 2) cooperation 3) complementarity 4) competition Centres of a Functional Region: method Data basis: daily travel-to-work flows (2001 census) Output: 160 functional regions delineated using the CURDS measure Same source provided also so called „proto-centres“ as a result of the first step of the multi-stage regionalisation algorithm Definition of Proto-centres In order to qualify as a proto-centre, a BSU has to fulfil two limiting conditions: 1) the labour function of a proto-centre 2) residence-based self-containment of a municipality Definition of Proto-centres Both conditions are very modest – the municipalities that fulfil them cannot be denoted as centres but rather proto-centres 667 proto-centres have met both restricting conditions The analysis comprises all municipalities fulfilling these conditions for two reasons: 1) this set has been tested in the first step of the regionalisation algorithm 2) larger number of proto-centres enables us to capture better the inner structure of a region according to distribution and intensity of commuting flows Hierarchy of Proto-centres Hierarchy of proto-centres has been determined by the number of jobs which is the sum of all in-commuting flows into municipality i plus employed residents in i. Four hierarchical levels have been identified Fig. 1: Hierarchy of proto-centres according to the number of jobs Source: own calculationSource: own calculationSource: own calculation Source: own calculation Relationships between Proto-centres To assess relationships between proto-centres of functional regions several steps have been taken: 1) the CURDS measure has been calculated for all pairs within each functional region 2) maximum and minimum values for the CURDS measure have identified the strongest and the weakest flow 3) a filter has been used to rule out flows not meeting the relevance criterion - statistical evaluation of the set of the CURDS measure - the critical threshold has been set to 0.1 - the number of flows was reduced from 1,942 to 1,132 flows In order to compare individual intensities, the flows have been relativized according to the strongest flows recorded in the Czech Republic (which was considered as 100 %) Fig. 2: Flow intensities between proto-centres in functional regions Source: own calculation Relationships between Proto-centres: evaluation Final identification of the relationship type between proto-centres has been based on: 1) the values of the CURDS measure between a pair of proto-centres 2) their hierarchical level The CURDS measure has been decomposed into two parts, one for direction ij, and one for the opposite direction ji: Variables X and Y provide relativized data for both directions of interactions between two proto-centres and are used to sort the relationships into types Relationships between Proto-centres: evaluation If both values of variables X, Y are lower than 0.1 it means that the relationship between two proto-centres is indifferent The cooperation is determined on symmetric relationship between proto- centres In order to identify this relationship values X and Y have to be numerically close: - as an absolute comparison is not possible, the numerical distance between proto-centres has been expressed by an average proportional deviation from mean values of X and Y: where P is the average deviation of X value from mean values for X and Y Relationships between Proto-centres: evaluation The cooperative relationship is determined by the level of 0.25 In the next step the hierarchical relationship between two proto-centres has been assessed and cooperative relationships between proto-centres of the same and different levels identified The same has been done for complementary relationships Fig. 3: Typology of relationships between proto-centres in functional regions Source: own calculation Relationships between Proto-centres: results The strongest relativized interaction between proto-centres was recorded for the pair Ústí nad Labem and Trmice The weakest interaction was recorded for the pair Dobříš and Říčany Limiting values, as have been discussed above, have produced out of 1,942 pairs: - 1,018 cases of indifference - 220 cases of cooperation - 704 cases of complementarity Out of 220 cooperative relationships 172 (78 %) occurred at the same hierarchical level and 48 (22 %) at different hierarchical levels. The cooperation is more frequent if the hierarchical level of proto-centres is equal Relationships between Proto-centres: results Out of 704 complementary relationship 356 (51 %) occurred at the same hierarchical level and 348 (49 %) at different hierarchical levels The former case regarded particularly the relationships between protocentres at lower hierarchical levels Centre for Analysis of Regional Systems cenars.upol.cz Thanks for your attention