Introduction Data and methodology Results Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia for 2007-2013 Eva Výrostová Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice This work was supported by the project VEGA no. 1/0652/15. XIX. MEZINÁRODNÍ KOLOKVIUM O REGIONÁLNÍCH VĚDÁCH 15.-17. června 2016 Eva Výrostová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Objectives Motivation Main objective: Analyse the distribution of EU cohesion policy funding for 2007-2013 across Slovak NUTS 3 level regions. Partial objectives: O Analyse the amounts obtained from EU funds, including co-financing from the Slovak state budget, as well as the spatial allocation of operational programmes. O Analyse the volume of submitted projects and their success rate on a regional level. O Find out, whether the distribution of funds for regional projects is proportional to the economic and social level of NUTS 3 regions in Slovakia. Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Objectives Motivation Motivatiot i EU funds present and important factor of regional development in SR. • The share of investments from SF and CF plus national co-financing were at 85% of the overall public investments between 2011 - 2013. (The Government Office of the Slovak Republic, 2015). The aim of EU funds is to reduce the regional disparities. • In Slovakia, despite of cohesion policy funding, regional disparities have increased.(Matiovic and Matiovicova, 2011). • Lowering of the disparities was most successful in the area of environmental infrastructure. Disparities got worse in the area Of human resources (The Government Office of the Slovak Republic, 2015). Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Objectives Motivation Motivatiot i Relationship between the spatial distribution of regional income and EU regional development funds 9 positive relationship (e.g. Dall'erba, 2005; Bodenstein and Kemmerling, 2012). • official allocation criteria are not sufficient determinants for explaining the final distribution of structural funds (e.g. Bouvet a Dall'erba, 2010; Bodenstein and Kemmerling, 2012). • the allocation process depends on political situation within a COUntry and region (e.g., Bouvet a Dall'erba, 2010; Bodenstein and Kemmerling, 2012), bottom-up capacity to attract and use the funds (Dall'erba, 2005; Camaioni et ai, 2013) 9 differences between localization of the applicants and the place of realization (Hajeketai., 2012). Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Data Methodology Data sources • web pages of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, the Government office of the Slovak Republic • Eurostat and the Statistical office of SR a period 2007-2015, data available as of 7.2.2016 Object of research * EU funds for regional projects within policy objectives 1 "Convergence" and 2 "Regional competitiveness and employment" * NUTS 3 level - the area of 8 self-governing regions in Slovakia Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Data Methodology Methodology • comparisons, ranking • regression analysis/correlation between EU expenditures per capita and social-economic level of regions at the beginning of programming period • social-economic level of regions: • regional GDP per capita in PPS • scoring evaluation by the Government Office of the SR (2015) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , cll ..^ , . , . , , r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Analysis of absorption of EU cohesion policy funds by NUTS 3 regions in Slovakia o EU commitment for SR 2007-2013: 11.48 billion EUR (excluding objective 3) • should have been co-financed by the state budget: 1.96 billion EUR • 11 operational programmes within NSRF • absorption rate: 90.57 % (31.1.2016), 94.24 % (30.4.2016) • 71 % of the expenditures have been spent on regional projects Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , cll ..^ , . , . , , r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Tab. 1 Implementation of structural funds and Cohesion fund in Slovakia according to operational programmes_ Operational programmes Fund Reported expenditures (reduced by discrepancies) in mil. EUR Number of calls Reported expenditures as % of commitments Share of regional projects at reported expenditures not reduced by discrepancies OP Transport ERDF/CF 3 167.0 - 100.22% 82% OP Environment ERDF/CF 1 491.9 61 81.97% 91% Regional OP ERDF 1 405.4 44 90.41% 89% OP Research and Development ERDF 1 094.5 53 90.50% 76% OP Employment and Social Inclusion ESF 889.6 189 94.51% 13% OP Competitiveness and Economic Growth ERDF 763.6 43 78.86% 78% OP Information Society ERDF 730.1 77 86.54% 16% OP Education ESF 468.6 82 86.35% 38% OP Healthcare ERDF 213.1 17 85.23% 100% OP Bratislava Region ERDF 92.6 24 97.23% 100% OP Technical Assistance ERDF 83.3 - 85.37% 0% Slovak republic 10 399.6 590 90.57% 71% Source: own calculations and data from Čerpanie ŠF a KF k 31.1.2016, Prehľad výziev k 31.12.2015 and Zoznam prijímateľov k 31.01.2016 a prehľad pomoci podľa VUC k 07.02.2016 za PO 2007-2013 Eva Výrostová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Fig. 1: Funding from structural funds and CF in Slovakia spent on regional projects by NUTS 3 regions for operational programmes in EUR 900 000 000.00 800 000 000.00 700 000 000.00 600 000 000.00 500 000 000.00 400 000 000.00 300 000 000.00 200 000 000.00 100 000 000.00 «et* I Bratislava I Trnava I Trenčín I Nitra I Žilina I Banská Bystrica I Prešov I Košice Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , cll ..^ , . , . , , r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Fig. 2: Funding from SF and CF in Slovakia spent on regional projects by NUTS 3 regions for selected largest OP in millions of EUR Bratislava region Trnava region Trenčín region Nitra region Žilina region Banská Bystrica region Prešov region Košice region Source: own calculation based on the data from the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (2016) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , cll ..^ , . , . , , r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Fig. 3: Allocation of structural funds and Cohesion fund including co-financing from the state budget by Slovak regions as of 7.2.2016 (regional projects) in millions of EUR 2 500 I 2 000 ■ incurred expenditures in millions of EUR ■ contracted expenditures in millions of EUR Source: author, based on the data from the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (2016) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , cll ..^ , . , . , , r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Tab. 2 Number of submitted proposals and contracted regional projects per regions NUTS 3 regions Regions Number of Rank Number of Rank Success Number of codes submitted projects (A) contracted projects (B) rate in project acceptance in %(B/A) contracted projects per 1000 inhabitants Bratislava region BSK 1 958 8 1154 5 58.9% 1.85 Trnava region TTSK 2011 7 738 8 36.7% 1.32 Trenčín region TSK 2 026 6 759 7 37.5% 1.28 Nitra region NSK 2 525 5 997 6 39.5% 1.46 Zilina region ZSK 3 033 4 1201 4 39.6% 1.74 Banská Bystrica r. BBSK 3 405 2 1357 2 39.9% 2.07 Prešov region PSK 4 563 1 1916 1 42.0% 2.92 Košice region KSK 3 146 3 1276 3 40.6% 1.60 Slovak Republic SR 22 667 - 9 398 - 41.5% 1.79 Note: This table and the following figures do not include projects within OP Technical assistance, national projects and projects realized within "European territorial cooperation". Source: own calculation based on the data from the Government Office of the Slovak Republic (2015b) and Statistical office of the Slovak Republic (2016) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , ^ .-.. ,. , . . . . . r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Correlation between EU funds + co-financing expenditures per capita and social-economic level of NUTS 3 regions 2 500 Jf £ 2 000 -I - '& 1 500 + ^ I r i ooo gl 500 -1 -5RÉ-TSK ZSK -PSK- (8 0 bbSK ♦ BSK -0.4491X + 1763.2 KSK R2 = 0.0008 TTSK X NSK 30 80 130 180 GDP per capita in PPS in % of the EU average (2007) Source: own, based on the data from the Government Office of SR (2015a), (2016), Statistical office of SR (2016) and Eurostat (2015) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level CS Co -Ä B. - ° w © 73 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 0 * TSK ZSK PSK • BBSK ♦ BSK KSK v = 0.006X + 1722.3 R2 = 7E-05 TTSK X NSK 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 Socioeconomic level (points) in 2007 Source: own, based on the data from the Government Office of SR (2015a), (2016), Statistical office of SR (2016) and Eurostat (2015) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia Introduction Data and methodology Results Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results • expenditures in OP on regional projects differ. Reasons: setting of the cohesion policy implementation in Slovakia, political factors, different needs of individual regions, different absorption capacity ... • NSRF - no explicit objectives on the reduction of regional disparities • funding does not follow the socio-economic level of NUTS 3 regions • higher EU fund spending does not guarantee an improvement in the situation of a region (Prešov, Trenčín) • no regional convergence during the programming period, but without EU funds the regional disparities might be more significant (kpmg, 2014) Eva Vý roštová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia I i j i Analysis of absorption of EU funds by NUTS 3 Data and methodology n , . , ^ .-.. ,. , . . . . . r-, ,/ Correlation between EU expenditures and social-economic level Results Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia for 2007-2013 Eva Výrostová Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice This work was supported by the project VEGA no. 1/0652/15. XIX. MEZINÁRODNÍ KOLOKVIUM O REGIONÁLNÍCH VĚDÁCH 15.-17. června 2016 Eva Výrostová Spatial allocation of EU cohesion policy funding in Slovakia