Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Eva Výrostová Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice This work was supported by VEGA no. 1/0652/15. XX. MEZINÁRODNÍ KOLOKVIUM O REGIONÁLNÍCH VĚDÁCH 14. - 16. June 2017 Eva Výrostová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Objective Literature review Main objective: identify the areas with most intensive commuting flows to elementary schools in the functional urban region delineated by Bezak (2014), and to identify the factors related to this commuting flow. Why elementary schools: • pupils fulfill the legislative requirement of mandatory schooling • establishment and/or abolition of elementary schools belong to the competencies of municipalities • topic for cooperation between municipalities, improving public services (capacities, transportation,...) Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology i -J r~, tj_ ■ ,. Literature review Results and discussion Functional urban regions: core + network of relationships (Bezák, 2014). Delineation: commuting flows to work (Coombes, 2010; Haiáset ai., 2014; Ručinská and Výrostová, 2016), tO Schools (Hampl, 2005), tO Services (Halas and Zuskáčová, 2013). Education and disparities: Kučerová et al. (2011), Laukoetal. (2011), Butler and Hamnett (2007). Eva Výrostová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Data Methodology Data on the functional urban region of Košice • Functional urban region of Kosice as defined by Bezak (2014a), based on 2001 census, 50 FURs. • 139 municipalities, classification FUR 01-A • core: Kosice, all 22 boroughs • Data on commuting flows to schools from 2011 population and housing census. • Measures of commuting intensity: • fraction of pupil commuters to elementary schools in Kosice to all elementary school commuters from municipality • fraction of commuters to secondary schools to Kosice to all secondary school commuters from municipality Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Data Methodology Econometric model Dependent variable: share of commuting flows of pupils to elementary schools from municipality to Kosice, as a fraction of children between 5 and 16 years of the municipality. Explanatory variables: • duration of travel, average of both directions • work flows of economically active commuters / number of active inhabitants • elementary school dummies: does the municipality has its own elementary school? (either 1-4 or 1-9) Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Estimation procedures Data Methodology Simple OLS Pupils flow KEi = (3q + PidurationKEi + (3% Active f low KEi +f34ELschool(l - 4)i + f35ELschool(l - 9)i + Spatial lag model y* = pWy* + Xf3 + e, e ~ N (0, a*IN) Spatial error model y* = X/3 + u, u = XWu + e, e ~ N (0, Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Commuting flows Regression analysis Discussion Location of elementary schools Map source (c) Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky. Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Commuting flows Regression analysis Discussion Percentage of pupil commuters to elementary schools Map source (c) Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky. Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Commuting flows Regression analysis Discussion Percentage of pupil commuters to secondary schools Legend I I 0.00-0.10 I I 0.10-0.50 I I 0.50-0.80 I I 0.80-0.90 ■ 0.90-1.00 7.5 0 Map source © Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky. Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Regression results Commuting flows Regression analysis Discussion OLS Spatial lag Spatial error Intercept 0.000 -0.022 -0.046 Spatial parameter 0.016 0.064 *** Duration KE 0.000 0.000 0.000 Active flow 0.452 *** 0.462 0.520 *** Elementary school (1 -4) -0.051*" -0.053 *** -0.049 *** Elementary school (1-9) -0.059 *** -0.065 *** -0.063 *** AIC -278.98 -278.28 -283.81 R2 0.472 0.492 0.512 Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Commuting flows Regression analysis Discussion Commuting vs. traveling time Commuters Students Economically active Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Commuting flows Data and methodology Regression analysis Results and discussion Discussion Results on commuting to schools: • Around 40% of the elementary schools pupils commute to he core of Kosice. • Commuting depends on distance and road network. • Positive relationship between commuting of pupils and economically active population. a Commuting not so influenced by travelling time. • Commuting to secondary schools affected by school density Eva Vý roštová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Introduction Data and methodology Results and discussion Commuting flows Regression analysis Discussion Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region Eva Výrostová Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice This work was supported by VEGA no. 1/0652/15. XX. MEZINÁRODNÍ KOLOKVIUM O REGIONÁLNÍCH VĚDÁCH 14. - 16. June 2017 Eva Výrostová Commuting to school within Košice functional urban region