22nd international colloquium on regional sciences JUNE 12—14, 2019 Hotel Akademie, Velké Bílovice, Czech Republic Department of Regional Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, invites you to the International Colloquium on Regional Sciences Registration and papers submission: March 18, 2019 Registration and detailed information www.econ.muni.cz/colloquium Topics The Colloquium represents a platform for meeting of experts on economics and related social sciences, whose common interest is research of European regions issues and above all, the Czech and Slovak ones. Region is perceived as a territorial unit between national state and municipalities, which implies the necessity of specific approaches to dealing with their matters. In this sense the Colloquium is thematically focused on:  issues of regional disparities in the context of regional policy,  design and implementation of public policies in municipalities, cities and regions,  evaluation of economic, innovation and knowledge potential of Czech, Slovak and European regions,  project management targeted at socio-economic development of territory,  spatial aspects of transport, tourism, population, environment and business environment. Preliminary programme  12/06/2019 registration, informal meeting, bowling  13/06/2019 registration, plenary, sections, social evening  14/06/2019 round-table discussion on current issues in research and education in regional sciences Conference proceedings Papers will be published in reviewed conference proceedings with ISBN. It will be submitted for CPCI by Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science (proceedings published from 2010 to 2017 have been included in it, proceedings 2018 are under the evaluation process). Official languages: Czech, Slovak, English Conference fee: 3000 CZK Accommodation: Hotel Akademie, Vila Jarmila